7th December

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#7 of Christmas at Snow Valley

And the 7th. I need to write today to be able to upload tomorrow. Btw. I am feeling a slightly bit better and tomorrow I have to head back to work.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involves anthro animals (canine and feline) in a pure fantasy environment. It may contain at some point nudity and sexual contact involving adults and cubs.

If you are offended bei either of these topics please stop reading. Please only read if you hit legal age for your country (generally 18).

The story is an ongoing story planned with 25 short chapters. It is my Christmas special and I plan to upload one chapter each day. Some chapters may be a bit longer but most of them will be short.

Most chapters will just be story progression and not R rated. So please do not expect this to have action all the time. I hope you will enjoy this small story.

7th December

Vince woke up with a wet feeling at his stomach. He could feel his hard member and his knot being sandwiched between his belly and the fur of someone else. "Good Morning big boy." Stacy's soft voice greeted him and the body that snuggled up to him moved. Vince remembered what happened the last evening and shot his eyes open. Stacy just rolled around and sat up at the edge of the bed. She turned her head towards him.

"I will take a shower and then prepare breakfast. The girls will surely be here in an hour or so. They stayed the night with the Purringtons." Stacy got up and bent down to pick up some clothes that fell on the floor. Vince directly looked at her slimy pussy that was slick from her own juices and the sperm he pushed into her the last day. His member pulsed and his instinct made him sneak up on her from behind.

"Vince, not now." She moaned in protest when he jumped on her back and pushed his hard and slick member into her passage. He crouched on the bed and pushed into her from behind while she still stood there bent forward. "Just once more." He moaned and already pushed hard. A few pushes later his knot slipped into her snatch and she moaned loud when he humped her fast a few more time. He came to a halt and felt his semen spurting inside the female below him again. He felt his slimy fur on his stomach smearing the mix of juices around her tail-hole and tail base. "You are wonderful Stacy." He moaned and licked her ear. "I woke a sleeping lion there." Stacy chuckled and moaned from the feeling of him spraying his spunk into her. She pushed him back and lay in front of him on the bed to wait for him to shrink enough to pull out.

"Do you have anything to be washed Vince?" she asked when they finally parted and she started to remove the dirty bed sheets. "All in my bag." He just answered and recovered from his morning action while his still slimy member slowly retracted. "You should also take a shower." Stacy commanded while she walked out with the bed sheets. He heard her walking into the room of the kids and then further to the bathroom. Vince recovered for a few more minutes before following her. She already stood in the showers and washed her fur clean of the sticky mess he made. Without a question he stepped into the shower with her, his shyness totally gone around Stacy now. He saw her pussy dripping his semen onto the shower floor and this sight made his member creep out again.

"That is enough now." Stacy said with a stern face by seeing his member. "Yesterday was my last day of heat so no more games like that today, okay? We need to get you ready to return home anyway." Vince remembered that he should go back to his uncle by tomorrow but he did not really want to. He had so much fun and with the discovery from yesterday this was a complete new adventure for him now. Stacy finished washing herself and stepped out of the shower.

"Make sure to clean up good. I will prepare breakfast." She called back to him before drying off and leaving the bathroom. Vince started to masturbate with the vision of Stacy in his mind. The warm water ran down his coat while he pumped up and down his member. His knot formed and he bucked into his hand until he spurted a few ropes of semen against the shower wall. He dropped to his knees and rode out his orgasm while the water continued to stream over him. After a long time he finally grabbed the soap and started to clean the fur on his whole body. It took a long time for him but he finally stepped out of the shower and dried himself up.

When he came down the stairs he could hear Stacy talking on the phone. "Yes, I understand... ... no problem... ...he is very well behaved... ...Christmas?... ...no problem for me... ...my best wishes to your husband... ...I will get him on... Vince?" She looked up the stairs into his eyes when he just left the last stair. She looked a bit surprised and Vince noticed he did not put on any clothes. Stacy got over her surprise very quick.

"Your aunt wants to speak to you Vince." She said and handed him the phone. "I will be in the kitchen to finish preparing the breakfast." And with this she left for the kitchen. Vince could smell roasted bacon.

"Hello? Aunt Milly?" - "Hello dear. I am sorry to tell you but I can't come and get you." - "Why is that? Is everything okay?" - "No worry dear. Your uncle just caught a terrible flue and they said he should not meet with anyone right now to not get others ill as well." - "Sounds terrible. Is he alright?" - "Yes dear, don't worry. It takes more to knock down your uncle." Vince was a bit worried about his uncle Jaimy. "So I can't come to you?" he asked. "No dear this would be bad. You will get the flue as well if you do. Also I do not feel good as well, might already have caught it from him. So driving this long distance is out of question." Vince did not respond. "Don't worry dear. Mrs. Softpaw told me that you can stay with them until Christmas and her father can bring you back to your parents afterwards. I hope this is okay with you." She sounded a bit worried to force him to stay with strangers. Little did she know that in secret this was the best outcome for Vince. He gulped still not believing his luck. He knew what Stacy said a short while ago but maybe she would let him experience this wonderful feeling again. And even if not he had a lot of fun with the kids at the other days so he was sure he would not get bored. "It is okay aunt Milly. They are very nice." - "Good to hear, leave your parents to me. I will explain to them. You just enjoy your holiday and sorry for the trouble." - "Love you aunt Milly. And say hi to uncle Jaimy. I hope you both will soon get well." He heard her put a kiss on the speaker of the phone and then the line disconnected.

"All fine Vince?" Stacy asked when he got into the kitchen. "All fine. Is it okay with you when I stay till Christmas?" - "Naturally, don't worry about it." Vince smiled at her. "You should get dressed soon." Tracy said and pointed at his naked body. "Well, I only have the dirty clothes in my bag and you wanted to wash them, right?" Stacy chuckled. "Well then I would say you have a breakfast and spend the day in bed. It is best for you to stay in the warm for the day anyway, right? Tomorrow you can play with the other kids again."

Vince was in his bed again when Tracy and Lilly came home. They visited him and asked how he was feeling and stayed a while for a chat until their mother sent them out to play. Vince looked up to Stacy. "Can we... do it again?" he asked with a bit of hope. "I got you hungry for it, right? But sorry to tell you no. I told you that my heat is over, right? Right now I need a break, okay?" Vince sighed disappointed. His member was hard against the blanket. Stacy stayed however with him for a while and read a story to him. Normally he would feel far too old for that already but he liked being around Stacy and in secret he caressed his member while listening to her voice.

At this evening he could not sneak in with Stacy because the girls were sleeping in the room again. He hid his erection under the blanket and thought of their mother until his fantasy turned into a dream and he drifted off to sleep.