Sylvester's Family Tales 13

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#12 of Sylvester's Family Tales

Sylvester gets to know his TA better.

Sylvester rummaged through his room, tossing aside clothes and school supplies, looking for anything that could pass as a costume. His roommate's words echoed through his head: "Halloween is pretty big in this school, you need a costume." Sylvester cursed the cat for not telling him sooner when he found it at the bottom of a drawer, his sex tape mask could pass as a costume. What was the harm in wearing it at school for a day? Sylvester donned the mask and quickly went off to class.

He saw a number of costumes on his way to class, and when he got to class his dragon teacher was dressed as a knight. He guessed it was dragon humor. The teacher, a TA named Mr. Night (oh, it was a double joke,) stopped what he was doing and stared at Sylvester for a good five minutes when he walked in. The cat had always had a crush on his TA, so he took the chance to talk to his teacher.

"Like my costume? I'm Zorro after he lost in strip poker." Said Sylvester, smiling.

"Y-yes, it's nice. I swear I've seen you somewhere before, though." Replied Mr. Night uneasily.

Sylvester took a chance. A shot in the dark. "Maybe on xtube, Mr. Night?" Giggled the cat.

Mr. Night froze. He turned bright red and the crotch of his armor shifted ever so slightly. He quickly mumbled something about having to get class started and asked Sylvester to take his seat. Sylvester folded his ears and walked back to his seat. However, before the cat got too far he heard the dragon mutter: "I'll see you after class, Sylvester."

Sylvester took his seat to prevent his arriving class members from seeing his bulged pants, and spent the rest of the class daydreaming about his TA. He couldn't have been more than four or five years older than the cat. He was strong, really typical of a dragon. Sylvester couldn't wait to see his slit, the cat had never handled one before. He was sure he was endowed. Once Mr. Night dismissed the class Sylvester stayed in his seat, watching his TA wave goodbye to his students. Then, they were alone.

Sylvester got out of his seat, his pants still bulging with an erection. Mr. Night saw it and turned red again, the blushing contrasting his emerald green scales. The dragon did his best and managed not to bulge his suit of armor. The cat walked over to his teacher's desk and sat on it. "So, you've seen my videos on xtube I take it?"

Mr. Night couldn't look at the cat. "Yes... is that really you and your brother?" Asked the dragon, his hands over the crotch of his armor.

Sylvester giggled. "Yeah, we've been sleeping together for awhile, Mr. Night."

"Call me Grey, Sylvester." Said Grey Night, still not looking at the cat.

"Would you like to see my dorm room, Grey? My roommate is going to be out helping set up a party and not back until midnight." Assured Sylvester.

Grey gasped, choking on nothing and blushing more. "...Sure."

The two quickly walked from the academic buildings to Sylvester's dorm, the dragon too shy to say anything. Sylvester wondered if the dragon was a virgin since he was so nervous. Once they got to his door Sylvester checked to see if his room was empty, once he knew it was he welcomed his TA to his room. The cat put one of his roommate's purple hats on the door knob and gently shut the door. Grey started the arduous task of taking off his armor while Sylvester stripped off quickly.

Once the dragon was naked Sylvester saw it, the slit that contained his junk. Sylvester walked over to Grey and knelt down, getting a closer look at the opening hiding his cock and balls. The cat sniffed it, getting a subtle hint of musk before getting close enough to lick, as he was about to, the cat looked up at the blushing dragon. "If I lick it will your cock and balls come out?" Asked the cat.

"I... I don't know." Blushed the dragon

Sylvester looked up at his TA, doing his best to not looking judgmental. "Are you a virgin, Grey?" Asked Sylvester.

Grey nodded and covered his face in his hands.

"Well, only one way to find out." Mumbled the cat before giving Grey's slit a lick. The dragon meeped, and Sylvester knew he was on the right track, so he lapped at the dragon's slit like he was eating out his dad's rump. Before long the tip of Grey's cock poked out. Sylvester quickly licked at it, and as more emerged bobbed at it. Once there was enough to touch Sylvester's throat Grey grunted and thrusted forward against the cat, the rest of his cock rushed out, into Sylvester's throat and he felt the dragon's balls flop out to rest against his chin. Sylvester did his best to take all of the dragon's cock and service his balls with his paws, but he was reaching his limit.

Sylvester pulled off Grey's cock, a string of pre connected Sylvester's maw and the dragon's cock. The cat looked up at his lover and tried his best to be calming. "Well, Mr. Night, are you ready to lose your virginity?" Asked the cat, earnestly.

Grey nodded before getting on the bed, lying on his back. Sylvester went to his drawer and got a bottle of lube, and quickly lubed up the dragon's cock and himself. Teasing his hole with the dragon's tip, the cat slowly sat on Grey's cock, letting his tailhole gently clench and ease on the challenging dick Mr. Night was presenting for him. The dragon whimpered as Sylvester finally bottomed out, the cat breathing in deeply.

Sylvester looked his TA in the eyes, the dragon winced from the pleasure, but met his gaze. The cat looked at his lover and nodded, when Grey nodded back Sylvester started moving up and down the dragon's cock. The cat's dick dripped pre all over Grey's scales, and after awhile of Sylvester's shifting, Grey had enough. The dragon grabbed Sylvester's hips and started thrusting. The cat moaned as his TA fucked him. Not much longer after Grey took charge the cat couldn't take anymore and clenched on the dragon's cock while shooting cum on Mr. Night's chest. The dragon couldn't take the stimulation and shot off heavily into his lover's rump.

After a few minutes of orgasm, Sylvester slowly crawled off Grey's dick, resting next to the dragon. Breathing gently, the cat fell asleep cuddling Grey. The dragon looked at the cat who had just taken his virginity and smiled. Once he was sure Sylvester was fast asleep he got out of bed and got dressed. Leaving a note for his lover the dragon departed.

A few hours later Sylvester woke up, realizing Grey had left he quickly spotted the note. It read: "We should keep discretion, but I'd love to do this again, maybe you being the top next time. I'll see you in class." Sylvester smiled to himself and got a towel, he had to shower before the party tonight and he needed to clean up badly.

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