A Wonderful Move

Story by seikiru on SoFurry

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This is a fictional story about how me and my mate met, enjoy.

Maybe it wasn't the right time for Yuki to decide to move. All he knew was that there was a pull that he couldn't ignore. It called to him, like a mother calls her child to come home. He sighed and looked in the mirror of his new bathroom.

His dark brown hair was a mess, the move was rough. He also hated that he had to go to school. Sure in his old town he went to school, but he was finished there. Though this town didn't believe him and to school he was going. The school uniform was behind him on a hook, just tempting him to put it on. It was lucky for him that he found out from a few other kids, that most people don't wear the uniform. So instead he threw on a grey short-sleeved t-shirt, a small jacket vest, which he zipped up to cover the shirt, except for the sleeves. He looked down, his cargo pants were black, and he finished off the combo with grey shoes. On his hands he wore a pair of fingerless gloves, with a small white skull on them. Yuki though not emo, or dark he just figured that his brown fur stood out more with the black outfit, he didn't know why he just felt better in black.

His left hand held a comb and running it through his dark born hair. His ears twitched lightly and he smiled. His green eyes sparkled as he set the comb down and left his bathroom. Opening the door he covered his eyes, the sun was bright.

He left his house at a run, he didn't have any supplies and he really didn't care, he could pass the tests when it came to them, and the principle said that homework was optional. Rolling his eyes he stopped in front of a Cherry Tree in the school's main yard. He knew he was early and just as expected from Yuki he wanted to be early. Leaning against the tree he waited for the first sign of people.

It was an hour later when the first person showed up. Yuki smirked and watched as more and more people started entering through the front gate. Little groups were forming and Yuki shook his head, he had no idea that this many groups could be formed, most groups contained about four people here, where at his old school groups consisted of twenty to even thirty people.

No more then eighteen minuets till the bell, the last student arrived; she was wearing a small skirt that was red, and a white shirt. She seemed afraid and was rushing. Though her face was what caught Yuki's attention. Her eyes though fearful were blue and filled with care, her hair black and ears always twitching as is she was radar looking for something. He didn't understand why she looked fearful and scared, while giving off a peaceful aura. He hoped that she might be in his class, so he could find out.

Standing up to go ask her where his class was he gasped as she was suddenly pushed to the ground. He gasped and stopped in his track, as he saw the groups gathering around the groups. He heard girls sneering and laughing at her, the guys kicking dirt at her, and calling her names. "Murderer!" they all called.

Yuki was getting mad, he may have had no idea what happened to the poor girl but he knew that nobody deserved what she was getting. Just as the group started dispersing, done with the little nobody that they were picking on, Yuki moved forward.

Though he stopped as one guy stayed his little group around him, they were laughing. The guy that seemed to be the leader was looking at the girl on the ground with hate, "So where is your little brother today? Oh yeah, that's right he's dead." He kicked the girl, and from were Yuki was standing it looked like it hurt.

The girl was crying as the guy laughed. Yuki was pissed; no one deserved to get kicked, mostly over the death of a brother. Just as his foot leaned back to kick the girl again, Yuki sprang into action.

His fist met the guy's face a second later, and sent him flying, a few feet skidding along the ground. Yuki stood his ground, his fists raised in a fighting stance. "Don't you dare touch her, or you'll have to deal with me."

The guy stood up, his face where the fist landed. His eyes were filled with hate and anger. He dashed forward, fist raised. He quickly threw it forward. Yuki took hold of the fists and threw it down, using the guy's momentum to toss him on the ground behind him. "You won't win this fight run!"

To bad the guy didn't listen to him, standing up he rushed Yuki again. Yuki spun around and tripped the guy, grabbing hold of his belt and throwing him. The guy skidded against the ground, stopping a few feet away. Standing up he cursed, his nose was broken, and bleeding. "I'll get you, just wait, I don't forget a face." He stormed off his little group following.

Yuki looked at the ground where the girl was, and sighed. She was gone, must have ran as soon as the fight started. Good for her, he didn't want her to see him fight. He turned around dusted off his pants, though he had no idea why. He walked towards his class.

The day ended just as fast as it started, and Yuki was bored. The girl he "saved" wasn't there, at least not in his class anyways. Leaving the school he ran towards his house, though it wasn't to long before he stopped at the house next to his.

At two stories in height, though to Yuki it looked three with an attic, and lightly rustic, to one side he could see a massive garden full of flowers, of all different colors. To the left a thick forest, that just screamed explore me, Yuki almost accepted that call, except that he had to return home.

With a small sigh he walked into his run of the mill average house and closed the door.

Leena Zenyo a cat in all of her entirety, except that she was alone. Leena's parents were abusive always harming her and her two brothers; Grady and Yuuki. One day though Grady snapped and killed both of her parents. Yuuki tried to stop him, though ended up managing to get himself killed. Leena was there the whole time, unable to do anything but watch as her parents and brother Yuuki fall dead. Grady unable to stand his sisters look, killed himself. Leena didn't know what to do; she dropped to the ground and cried, until her neighbor came to check on them. To this day she is still afraid of losing people, though nobody cares, all people teasing, and hating her, they claim that she killed her parents.

She was currently in her garden, the one place she felt like she could think and be alone, though she knew she was always alone. She has been since the day that her family left her.

Though at one point she knew that she wasn't alone, Renzo Uzeki a manic in most people's minds. He "loved" her; at least she thought he did. She on the other hand, practically hated him; he was extremely insane, clingy, and protective of certain people. Obsessed with poisons, he always had them on him, and he took out people using them.

He killed anyone who was to close to her, and when she "vanished" he followed. She was sent into a new world, that was connected to hers some how, that question was never answered.

There she fell in love. Though that love stopped Renzo, and ended up killing him, he betrayed her love. Just as she was leaving she held out her hand. Instead of taking it he laughed and turned away.

He left her crying and hurt, she locked away the part of her heart that could love. She cried for two days though, and though she was soon over it. Her mind was always locked away from people, she didn't care anymore, and she just wanted to die. Dyeing to her would have been better then living through what she went through again.

Though that changed today, that small part of her that knew someone was there to help her shined more. The guy was amazing, and the fact that someone would save her from the bully amazed, if not shocked her. She knew that running as soon as the fight started was wrong, but she couldn't help herself, she didn't want to have to watch the guy who was trying to help her lose.

Though that was behind her now, all she knew was that there was a new neighbor moving in, and being the good person that she was wanted to go great him kindly, and hope that he wouldn't hate her.

Taking a basket full of fruit, grown in her garden in hand and walked next door, her mind hopeful that this new person wasn't going to be mean. She walked up to the door and taking a deep breath she knocked on the door.

Yuki looked up from his dinner as he heard the knock at his door. HE was in the middle of cooking and couldn't take a minuet to go answer the door, "It's open, I'm in the kitchen first door on the right!" he yelled, his mind telling him that he should have just went to answer the door.

He heard the door opening and small light foot steps walking inside. The door closed and the foot steps became louder. The steps stopped in front of the door by his guess and he heard a small sound, like wood hitting wood, "No, it couldn't be."

Yuki turned around and stared in shock, his eyes must have been tricking him. His gloves were on the table, so when he rubbed his eyes, he felt his fur and shook his head, "Heya." He spoke as if nothing happened between them today, even though nothing really did, all he did save her. "What brings you here?"

He returned to his cooking as he waited for her answer, though instead of getting something he figured he would get, he got what he wasn't prepared for, "How dare you stick up for me!"

Leena stared at the guy in front of her, she didn't know why she yelled at him, for something that, something that should have been given a thank you for. "I didn't need your help! You don't even know me, and yet you stuck up for me, why!?!" her face was red and her fists were clinched together, ready to hit him.

She heard him sigh and turn off the stove, he turned around and smiled, which broke her. He didn't have to say anything; she was on the ground crying. "Why, why protect a bastard like me? I'm worthless, useless, and ugly. I have been ridiculed all my life, for something I didn't do, why?" Looking up at the guy, who was now bending down in front of her, his hand resting on her chin, she cried harder, not sure why though.

Yuki was confused, he had no I idea why this girl was crying, or why his hand was on her chin, pulling her eyes up to look at him. "Listen, I saved you from that bastard, because no one deserves to be bullied." His smile was warm, and his heart slowed a bit as Leena smiled. "Now come on, join me for dinner and we can talk.

He held out a hand, and pulled her to her feet and led her to the table. Pulling out a chair he smiled. After she sat down Yuki walked over to the basket of fruits and picked them up. Taking out the ones that were damaged in the fall, he placed the rest of them in a glass bowl. "Thanks for the fruits by the way."

Carrying two plates, the bowl of fruits, and the necessary utensils to the table, Yuki returned to the dish in the oven and on the stove top. He soon returned to the table with a pan full of eggs, bacon, ham, and toast. "Hope you don't mind the abundance of food, I eat a lot."

Smiling he set the food on the table and served himself, and started eating, in between bites he managed to speak, "So what happened to you, that that guy had to start kicking to you, and everyone around you to call you names?"

Leena looked at the food in front of her and gingerly reached towards a piece of toast, she wasn't hungry but didn't wan tot seem rude. After she finished she started her tale, "It all started a few years ago. My family included me, my two brothers Grady and Yuuki, and my parents. Both of my parents were abusive, they yelled, beat, and tortured us. We tried escaping their wrath, but it never worked, we were always stopped, and nobody believed us. Though one day, Grady the quiet one, snapped, he pulled a knife and took the life of my dad, Yuuki ran up to stop him from killing our mother but all that managed to happen was the death of Yuuki, and of my mother. I was there the whole time, unable to do anything, tears were running down my eyes, and I just looked on in shock. Grady when he saw me took his own life, unable to stand looking at me after what he did. I stayed in that room crying, until a few hours later, when a neighbor came in to check on us. They found the bodies and the knife in Grady's hands, but they didn't believe that I didn't do it. Since then I've been living alone, ridiculed by everyone."

Her eyes were tearing up again unable to look at Yuki she stared at the ground. "I don't understand why they pick on you, for something that sad." His voice filled hers, and made her smile inside, though outside it was still a sad, confused expression. "No one deserves that, from what you've been through I'm surprised you haven't moved away, or worse just ended it."

Leena looked at him at those words and sniffled, "I can't move, I may live in a big house, but I don't have the fortune my parents left me, until I'm out of school, and I don't ever plan on ending my life, because if I do people win, and I can't live with that." Her voice was determined strong and full of hope, "Though sometimes I wish things were different."

Yuki looked at the girl and thought for a second, his mind snapped back to the newspapers, the articles, and gasped, "What about that Renzo Uzeki person, that I've seen you with in the papers, he seemed to not tease you. Though before you answer your story did spread all the way to my old town, though I had no idea it was this bad."

His plate was empty and seeing how the girl in front of him wasn't going to eat he stood up, "Tell me while I'm cleaning up."

Leena nodded and turned around to watch her new neighbor clean, he was nimble and quick, though efficient. "Renzo Uzeki or Renzo the Manic as some call him. He did "love" me, but it was a weird version of it. He was a clingy bastard, and his use of poisons rivaled no one. He was a bit possessive; I don't know how many times he marked my neck, with his symbol, only to return when it was fading. I thought at one point that I was rid of him when I was magically transported to a new world."

Leena took a deep breath then continued, "That world was wonderful, and the minuet I arrived I was met by an Echidna, named Knuckles. I feel in love with him, and by accident broke something of his, known as the master emerald. We went on a journey all across his world trying to find the missing pieces and about half way through our journey we met Renzo. He got pissed at Knuckles and after I yelled at him to run, he marked me. Knuckles though wouldn't have it and when he returned a few days later to re-mark, he was left with a surprise of his own, knuckles marked me. After Renzo chased Knuckles to a lake, he was soon surprised when Knuckles attacked him. Ultimately Knuckles lost, but Renzo unable to stand that I was happy with someone that wasn't him, ended his own life using the poison that he cherished."

Leena gripped the table and after another breath continued, "After words we continued our journey. We slowly fell in love with each other, and no sooner did we make the love true." She blushed, "Though he betrayed that love, when I was being sent back here, I held out my hand, we knew that if he took it he would be transported back here, but instead he walked away, leaving me alone again."

She looked up expecting to still see Yuki's back, but instead she saw his face, it was sadden, his eyes told her what he wanted to say, that nobody deserved that and that Knuckles was a jack ass. She sighed lightly, "I've been alone since, and I have locked that small part of me away that can believe in people."

Yuki looked at the girl sitting at his table, her eyes filled with tears and he smiled, walking over he held out a hand which she took, when he helped her up he pulled her into a hug. Letting her go he explained the hug, "Everyone needs a hug sometimes, hugs help the small things that we try to hide diminish. My life may have just been a normal one, but I know that the little thing that you locked away can be unlocked, and I plan to do it. In fact seeing as school isn't open tomorrow I'm taking you out to town, no ifs, ands, or buts about it."

He smiled and pushed her towards the door, "Now go get ready, I'll be over, I'm guessing it's the big house next door, by ten." He opened the door and smiled, "See you then."

Before Leena could answer he smiled and closed the door. She looked like she was going to pass out. Shaking her head she walked back to her house, she really didn't want to go to town, or hell even be with anyone, but that guy, whoever he was made her feel different, his light touch scorched her skin, and that hug, gently pulled at the lock over her heart. Opening the door to her house she walked in to sleep, so she'd be awake for the next day.


Yuki was awake at dawn, the time was only six but he couldn't sleep. His dreams were filled with the young cat that he promised to take to town. He didn't even remember her name, that papers were never to open about giving her name, only that of Renzo, which he was kind of glad was dead, that guy creped him out.

He sighed and stood up, and got ready. When nine thirty rolled around he was ready to go. Though he waited till ten, didn't want to be early. As ten rolled around though he slipped on a new pair of gloves, the skull was still there, but instead of the cloth sewn into the fabric, the skulls were made of metal, he figured that having them made of metal was cooler then cloth. Walking out the door he stated heading to pick up his date.

Leena was up at eight, rushing to get ready, even though she had two hours. Her hair was comb, and clothes ironed. She had no idea why she was putting this much of an effort into a day on the town. Maybe it was because her new neighbor made her feel different, and accepted her.

As ten showed itself on her clock, her rooms were filled with the sound of her door bell. Running to the door she straightened out her outfit and opened the door. "Morning." Her voice spoke, trying to sound excited, though she was scared.

"Morning! You ready to go?" Yuki's voice was happy, excited, and full of wonder. His outfit was like the one he was in yesterday, except all black, on grey. Her outfit was a simple pair of jeans, and a white shirt, trying not to stand out to much. She nodded and they left.

Yuki brought them everywhere he has never been and when they sat down for lunch at a local burger joint he was excited as ever. Leena was having fun, and the more they talked about random things the closer she got to him, she tried to stop it, but she couldn't this guy had more of an effect on her then Knuckles ever did, and she didn't even know his name. "So what about you... You know my past, I want to know yours"

Yuki smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "My life isn't as exciting as yours but here goes nothing. My name is Yuki Suto; I was born an only child of two of the richest people in my town. My life has been nothing but education this, education that. I finished school in my town two years before most. I spent most of my free time, studying martial arts, so I could protect myself. I was tiered of it all, and convinced my parents that moving here, and by myself would be better for my education. Low and behold, I'm here, and going to school again."

His life was nothing special, but he hated it, he didn't ask for the knowledge or even the skills of fighting, he just wanted to be like everyone else, and with this girl he felt more normal, because he knew she would accept him no matter what. "By the way I never caught your name."

"My name is Leena Zenyo." She smiled, Yuki did have a normal life as far as she was concerned, and that lock on her heart was slowly falling off, and she was sure that he could be trusted and wouldn't hurt her.

They finished eating and left the restaurant, Yuki paid for everything, including the small bag of clothes in Leena's hands. He was the perfect person in her eyes at that moment, and what happened next, made her pissed as all hell.

"Hey, bitch!" A guy's voice rang out. Leena and Yuki were currently in a small park, and turning around Yuki cursed.

"What do you want Jack Ass." He yelled pushing Leena back.

"I want you dead, for beating me in that fight, and when I'm done with you I'm going to go ahead and take care of that little bitch behind you."

"For starters her name isn't bitch, it's Leena. Second what makes you think that you can beat me?"

The guy smirked and pulled out a pocket knife, "I'm not called Gavin the Knife for nothing."

Leena's eyes were open with shock, there was no way that Yuki could stop Gavin, she and everyone else knew that when it came to weapons there was no one better, though it surprised her, when Yuki sidestepped the knife.

Yuki spun around and jumped back from the knife, he was trained in hand to hand, though his teacher surprised him with some knife fights every few days or so. He hoped he knew what he was doing, and as Gavin ran forward again, knife raised.

Yuki jumped back, but was tripped over something and fell, the crowd gasped out as Gavin brought his knife down ready to cut open Yuki's stomach. Though threw fast thinking, Yuki stopped the knife. "How the hell?!?"

Upon looking at the knife Yuki sighed as the metal of his skull gloves stopped the knife. Taking advantage of the situation he kicked out his leg and knocked the knife out of Gavin's hand it spinning to land with the point in the ground. Spinning around her pushed a leg through Gavin's legs and tripped him forcing him to the ground.

Jumping into the air, Yuki landed on the knife and jammed it in the ground, and moved at an angle to break the blade. "Your knife is broken, go home." Yuki spoke, his voice proud with winning the fight. "Oh, and if you ever call Leena a bitch again, I'll be sure to hurt you more then I did today." Walking over to Leena he took her hand and walked off, the crowd murmuring behind them.

Leena's mind was racing, by now that lock was gone, and Yuki was filling that place in her heart, she knew that she loved him, and as far as she was concerned she owed him plenty, mostly for saving her life and defending her.

They walked to her house and Yuki was invited for dinner. Walking inside Leena took the bag of clothes that he bought her to room. She sighed and looked at her mirror; she straightened her hair, and walked back into the kitchen where Yuki was cooking.

Half an hour later found them both, with full stomachs watching a movie. Both of there faces were red, as they were really close to each other. They both knew that they liked the other, but neither of them were willing to do anything.

The movie quickly flashed to a creepy looking spider and Leena screamed, her embarrassment covered her face as she hid inside of Yuki's chest. "I'm sorry." She spoke, then jumped again as lightening struck outside and the power went off, rain lightly hitting the windows. Leena looked around, and slowly stood up, "I'll go get a candle." She knew her house better then he did and finding the candle was easy. When she returned with the lighted candle, Yuki was gone. "Yuki!" she called, setting the candle down on the table.

Yuki smirked, he didn't know why he wanted to scare Leena, but he had to. "Boo!" he spoke jumping out from a corner and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her a bit. Leena screamed and turned around her hand meeting Yuki's face and slapping him hard.

Yuki stumbled back into the couch and rubbed his face, it stung. "That hurt." He complained.

Leena smiled, "Well you shouldn't of scared me." Leaning over so Yuki could see her she smiled, "If I kissed it would it make it better." Her voice was sing-songish like a mother's would be.

Yuki nodded, Leena blushed and lightly pressed her lips to his cheek. Her blush became redder and more noticeable under her fur when he dragged her lips to his, for a kiss. His lips were warm, and when they parted, she wasted no time, delving her tongue inside. Their tongues met and lightly danced before they pulled away, a light blush visible under both of theirs fur.

"That was amazing." Her voice was light and her smile filled with happiness, as Yuki smiled.

"I bet I can make it even better." He smiled and patted the spot next to him. She sat down, and he leaned over, placing his lips back over hers. His hands lightly started roaming her sides, slowly moving up and down, trying to relax her. His lips parted again, and he wormed his tongue to explore her mouth, making sure to encircle every fang, and not leave an inch unexplored. His hands found the bottom of her shirt and started slowly lifting it up. "Raise your hands." Leena obeyed and soon her shirt was off, and tossed lightly into the corner.

Yuki smiled, his sheath tightening against his waistband. Wrapping his arms around Leena he brought her in for a hug and planted his lips back on hers for another deep kiss. His hands lightly moved around to Leena's front and lightly massaged the small lumps under her fur that were her breasts. He lightly tweaked her right nipple, which was slowly starting to tighten.

Leena had no idea why she was letting Yuki do this, it took Knuckles months to convince her to let him do this, yet for Yuki it took him no more then one kiss. She felt wonderful, and when Yuki planted his lips over the taught peak, she couldn't help but moan. Against her better judgment, she pushed him away.

Yuki's face was full of sadness; he didn't mean to go this far, though his face lit up when Leena stood up and lightly un-buttoned her jeans, letting them fall, the thin piece of cloth covering the area that craved, Yuki's touch wet with excitement. She sat back down on the couch and watched as Yuki removed his own clothes, keeping his jeans on, not listening to the bulge that was apparent.

Yuki leaned over Leena's body, "You look beautiful under me." He smiled and placed his lips on hers. She moaned into the kiss, and when his fingers ran over her cleft she arched her back.

When he moved the cloth aside, and plunged a finger inside of her, the scream she produced could be heard around the house. Her body was burning for him, and at the addition of his second finger, she bite down on his neck.

His own moan could be heard, as her fangs broke skin. He started lightly thrusting his fingers, moving his face to nuzzle into her neck, and lightly bite down. His bite was softer, more caring, and as he pulled away he kissed the spot.

Trailing kisses down her chest and to her waist he smiled, and lightly tore her undergarments away. He took her area into his mouth. Arching her back she moaned, as his tongue gently flicked over her clit. Moaning at the taste of her, he sped up his tongue, moving it inside her folds to explore the inside of her.

When Leena cam, she screamed out his name, Knuckles had nothing on this kid on the ground in front of her. His tongue was swift, powerful, and when she came again, it was maddening.

Yuki moved away from her snatch and opened the button of his shorts, his member already twitching, just glad to be free of confinement. He smiled and planted a kiss onto Leena's lips, and thrust his fingers back inside of her. He moved them faster then normal, and when he brushed over he g-spot she moaned loudly biting down on Yuki's tongue. Removing his fingers, much to Leena's whimpering, he thrust his man-hood into her.

Leena screamed out Yuki's name, and wrapped her legs around him as he thrust inside of her. His moans were just as loud as hers, and when he planted his lips on hers he tasted heaven.

His thrusts became faster and harder as he neared the climax that he so wanted, and when she cam again, he joined her in bliss. He laid his body down on the couch, moving her to where she was on top.

Leena's breath of short, she was out of it, and wanted nothing more then to lay with Yuki for the rest of her life. She loved the boy under her, even though she just met him, and honestly she didn't care. She wrapped her arms around him and was lulled to sleep.

Yuki's mind was the same, he loved the girl on top of him, and even though he was glad that he unlocked the part of her heart that was thought of never being undone, and that she unlocked the part of him that dared to be held.

With one last kiss he drifted asleep, his dreams filled with the girl that was resting on top of him, and the life he hopped that he would have with her.


please don't use these characters

Leena is (c) my mate

and Yuki (c) me