Family Tradition

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Grandfather, Father, Son, and Dog!

My son leaned forward over the footstool, thighs splayed apart. His grey furred balls drooped between those soft thighs. He was a handsome snow leopard, like his father. His pink hole flexed and contracted in anticipation.

"Dad, I'm ready," he called. We had been practicing like this for some time now. The men in this family all grew up following our tradition. A few fingers and long, lazy rim jobs while growing up was followed by learning to suck cock. Then, boys learned not just to suck cock, but to worship it. They learned how to give their bodies to pleasure a cock. They learned eye contact, avoiding teeth, using both hands. Sam was a natural.

But there was another secret in our family. I'm sure plenty of normal folks would already be appalled to hear about adult loads being blown on a cocklet too small to properly cum, but there was a secret even deeper. The men in our family loved and worshiped all cocks. All.

Abel rattled on his leash, tied to a hook in the corner. He didn't like being left out of the fun, though we all had no doubts that the beast would take Sam in a heartbeat the moment he was let loose. He had been waiting for this just as much as we were. The Doberman's red cock drooped from his sheath, dribbling cum into puddles that he quickly lapped up. Sam had spent many nights curled up with the dog, nursing on that massive red rocket, but it would take proper training before he could finally take it in his hole.

"Well, son, let's see how well you've been training my grandson," my own father rumbled, stepping closer. We traveled out to the family cabin for this. He would tell stories about how his grandfather built it himself, mating with the wolf pack that lived in the hills, being accepted as one of their own. While I don't know if that much is true, the old floorboards were covered in claw marks and scratches, attesting to a long history of feral dogs and men who passed through this place. My father was an imposing figure. Even though we had grown to the same height, I still felt as if he loomed over me when he spoke. His spotted fur was shaggy and wild, purposefully unkempt. He pulled his cap down between his twitching ears and folded his arms across his broad chest, dressed now in only a pair of boots and a well-worn jock. I pressed my face to the bulge, breathing it in. My body shivered as he stripped me down. My cock was aching hard, precum building up and dribbling out, falling to the floor with a wet splat. Abel rattled more, whining, wanting to lick up the precum wasted.

His took a heavy black dog collar and affixed it around my throat. He guided me to my knees, hands stroking through the monochrome fur. He rumbled lowly, "You'll need to mount your son, boy. You think you can do that? Think you can be a good dog before the real dog takes his turn?"

I gave a low woof, against my nature as a cat. My body shivered, letting his words sink into my head. I needed to be the dog. I needed to prepare my son. Whatever twisted god blessed our family with this love of cocks and cum would not pleased if my son failed to take his first knot.

"Daaaaaddy," Sam whined, spreading his cheeks apart with his hands. I did my best to mimic the dog, rushing over on all fours before leaping atop the boy. I pressed my weight down onto his back, growling in his ear. The boy hiked back, just like we practiced. I so badly wanted to reached down and aim my cock, but this had to be genuine if he wanted the full effect. I pumped my hips, watching my fat barbed meat sliding around the pre-lubed boybutt. His cheeks hugged around the shaft, milking my steadily dribbling cock. I snarled, letting that primal lust overtake me.

I landed on target at last and pressed forward hard. The boy only offered a little whine as his ass was spread wide by daddycock.

My father stepped up and hooked a leash to my collar, handing the lead to my son. "Fuck me, Daddy, come on, fuck me!" I pumped hard and fast, losing the civil part of my mind. I wanted to fuck, I wanted to breed, I wanted to mate with my pup, my son. I crammed the massive cock inside him, feeling him shudder as his guts shifted around. He laid his head down, drooling happily as I pounded away at him. The soft fur was damp with sweat, thick tail twisting and swaying. I felt myself shudder as I slammed in to the hilt, boiling cum gushing inside his hole. I fell forward, pressing all my weight down on the tiny creature in my arms, feeling his hole quickly filling to capacity with the cum that made him.

I stayed still, wanting to simulate that tie, wanting to simulate the knotting he'd soon receive. My father stroked himself through the dirty jock. Precum soaked through the fabric. His thick, dirty fingertips circled in the spots before raising them to his grandson's lips, letting the boy sample it. Sammy made a face but offered no objection. While I made the boy lick my pits and hole plenty, my father's musk was not something for beginners.

"Dog, you stay there inside him. Don't think I won't swat your ass in front of your son if you fall out," he grunted. I kept myself deep inside my boy. Had this been any other cheap whore, that might have been a problem. There were nights growing up that my father and I would tear up something submissive we picked up from a bar and I'd fight to stay hard after blowing my load.

But not here. Not burrowed inside my son. My cock throbbed excitement just thinking about this union, this taboo, thinking about sitting in the stands during little league practice, looking around at all the dads who would never know the pleasure of fucking their son.

My father pulled the jock to the side, not bothering to fully remove it. His own cock drooped under its massive girth. Again, maybe it was just in my head after years of learning to submit to that cock, but I swear it never stopped growing all my life. He positioned himself in front of my boy. Sammy reached up with both hands to carefully grasp. The pungent smell of MAN filled the room. Precum dribbled out like a facet, coating my boy's hands as he stroked the massive cock. Those puffy pink cocksucker lips opened up wide as he took the head in his mouth. He bobbed his head quickly, tongue lashing around. My father rumbled in approval. "Dog, you've raised your pup right!" he groaned in approval, watching his grandson lunge forward. The throat gagged in protest before he pressed forward another few inches, nose burrowed in the thick thatch of fur over the base of his cock. He pulled back with a gasp, saliva coating the entire shaft. My father rumbled happily in approval, slicking his shaft with his calloused hand.

He put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me out. Sammy let out a yelp of surprise, cum running down the puffy hole and over the soft fur of his taint. My father lead me by the leash back over to Abel, tying me up to the same post. The dog immediately dropped down to start licking up the cum from my cock. I groaned noisily as the eager tongue lashed over my sensitive cock. I gave his sheath an appreciative squeeze, letting the tip of his cock poke free. The dog spurted a few volleys of cum into my hand, which I quickly raised to my mouth, taking in the wonderful flavor of dog cum. My father moved towards my son as I sat there with the dog, watching in excitement. He leaned down and rolled that fat tongue along the boy hole to collect the lost cum. "Grandpa, that tickles," Sammy giggled, hiking his butt up to meet my lecherous father. I love fucking my son, but there is something even more wonderfully perverse about watching my son about to be fucked by a cock 6 times his age. The boy was about to be filled with the wisdom of over half a century, 11 presidencies. I had watched my father fuck man, beast, and boy, but the way he fucked Sammy was special. He seized the fur atop the boy's head with the fingers with of one hand and placed the other firmly on the slim hip. He yanked hard on both, slamming the boy back onto his cock. He didn't bother with the canine role-play. The boy had proven that he can handle it. This was purely for my dad.

He sat back, carrying the boy with him. He landed on his ass with a thud, keeping the fidgeting boy there in his lap. "Come on, boy, don't you love sitting in Grandpa's lap?" he growled, reaching down to give Sammy's stiff cock a tug. The boy planted both hands on his grandfather's thighs and began to bounce, bucking himself on the thick cock. He panted for breath, grinning in excitement.

"I love it, grandpa! I love my family!" he squealed. My grandfather sat down, watching the slutty boy get to work, taking the cock down to the balls before shooting back up. Sammy clenched his hole on the ascent, dragging the cockflesh up and down with him. My father was in hog heaven as he fishhooked a finger into the boy's mouth. Sammy's eyes went half-lidded as he began to bob his head, sucking on the finger as if it were a cock. He couldn't help himself; it was the impulse as soon as something entered his mouth.

My father took the young cock in his fingers and began to stroke it quickly. Sammy lost his balance, impaling himself fully on the cock. He kicked his feet as my father's strong forearm wrapped around his midsection to keep him steady. "Don't make me cum, don't make me cum!" he begged, body shaking. My father tugged and tugged and tugged before suddenly letting go and pulling the boy off. Sammy fell in a crumbled heap, panting for breath. His cock bounced and twitched, on the verge. Sammy's eyes wrenched shut, trying to come down from the narrow escape.

My father stood, cock swaying in front of him. He stood before me and sank the cock back into my mouth. I nursed eagerly, tasting my boy's hole still fresh on him with a distant hint of my own cum. He unhooked the leash and then removed the collar. He pulled his cock from my mouth and guided me back to my feet.

It was time.

I unhooked Abel's leash. I had been expecting the dog to race toward the boy the moment he was free, but instead, he prowled around the perimeter of the room. Sammy quickly lowered his shoulders and head in submission. He rolled over and exposed that soft tummy and still hard boy cock. Abel approached his mate, steps quickening.

Sammy narrowly jumped forward to place himself over the stool. Abel landed atop him hard, claws scraping down the boy's back. I felt my own scars burn as Sammy let out a stifled whine. I had wanted to at least give him a blanket or a sweatshirt, but my father insisted that it was an important part of the tradition. I stood over my son together with my father as his arm wrapped around my shoulder, looking down with pride.

Abel bucked and bucked, cock poking in and out of his sheath, looking for his target. Sammy moved together with the dog, trying to meet his angle and movement. Those blue eyes shot open, and I knew it was happening. He fell still and silent as Abel picked up speed. He was in. My son was being mated with his dog. Reality crashed back over him like a wave as Sammy's silence was broken by a harsh cry. The boy slammed his hips back, wanting to keep his furry lover deep inside him. The dog panted, tongue lolled from the corner of his mouth. Sammy arched his back as far as he could, extending his tongue, kissing the dog with long licks.

Abel's hips went still as his knot began to swell. Sammy's body quivered. My father and I both moved in front of him as the boy reached up both shaking hands to grip each cock. He stroked them, far more clumsy that usual. "Sammy, how do you feel?" my father rumbled, watching the hand tugging his cock faster.

"Amazing," he gasped breathlessly. "I love it, Grandpa! I can feel him filling me! I can feel his heartbeat!" The boy gave a feverish pant as the dog gave a tug, carefully turning around to keep his ass panted to the boy, knot burrowed deep between those cheeks. Sammy stroked faster, eyes bright as he looked up at us. His mouth opened and tongue lolled, as if all the canine DNA swimming inside him was turning my boy into a dog himself. He lolled his tongue more, stroking both cocks. My father let out a wild howl as thick roped of cum splattered across the boy's face. Sammy didn't bother to close his eyes, letting it dribble down his forehead and nose, licking up what he could. He turned that flushed face up towards me as his grandfather's cock continued to spurt rope after rope across his cheek. The image was too much. I let out a howl myself and shot my load directly into that mouth. I sank the cumming head between those lips, watching his cheek puff up in a struggle to swallow it all down.

Abel raised his head to howl with us, tail wagging faster, getting riled up from all the excitement. Before we could step in to calm him down, he lunged forward. Sammy screamed around my cock, reverberating around me as cum sputtered around the corner of his mouth. The fat knot popped free of his hole, sending a gush of mixed species cum from the boy's abused hole.

Sammy fell forward as I pulled out my cock. Abel turned and began to immediately lick at his lover's hole. I fell back too, resting my head against my son, fingers stroking along his neck in encouragement. My father sat down, stroking the dog's ears with pride.

Sammy licked his lips. And again. And again, struggling to clear up enough cum from his mouth to properly speak. He looked up at me, working up and exhausted grin. "I love my family."

We Are Zoophiles

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