Entry 10

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#10 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary,

I can't wait for tomorrow, Aaron and I get to hang out all day down at the creek rafting. Today wasn't too exciting though, aside from a few of the jocks at school pestering me, calling me a girl. I'm used to it so it really doesn't bother me all that much though, they can stare or joke about my pussy all they want, I just laugh at it because really? It sort of makes them gay. I mean, a lot of the guys in the locker rooms still stare at me when I'm getting undressed, I even noticed one fiddling with his sheath one time but when it all comes down to it, they're just staring at another boy.

This is why I like my friends though, they understand that fact, we even joke about everyone else just not getting it sometimes at lunch, which is sort of how I started getting picked on today. Some dumb jock overheard me talking about how I'm still technically a guy and started calling me a tomboy, trying to tease me by saying I'm just some little girl who wants to be one of the big boys, so I played along a bit, pouted for him to stroke his ego a little so he'd leave me and my friends the fuck alone. Works every time.

On a bit of a side note, I think my brother might be getting a little jealous of Aaron, I really hope not since we never really talked about what happened afterwards.. I mean, it's not like I'm in a relationship with my twin, that would just be weird, wouldn't it? Oh well, I'll try and talk to him a bit, maybe call Aaron, see if it's okay to bring him along tomorrow, I mean the raft can technically seat four adults and from what Aaron says, it's pretty steady in the water too.