12th December

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#12 of Christmas at Snow Valley

And the next chapter.

No worries, it will most likely only take a few chapters before naughty action will hapen again.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involves anthro animals (canine and feline) in a pure fantasy environment. It may contain at some point nudity and sexual contact involving adults and cubs.

If you are offended bei either of these topics please stop reading. Please only read if you hit legal age for your country (generally 18).

The story is an ongoing story planned with 25 short chapters. It is my Christmas special and I plan to upload one chapter each day. Some chapters may be a bit longer but most of them will be short.

Most chapters will just be story progression and not R rated. So please do not expect this to have action all the time. I hope you will enjoy this small story.

12th December

It was a morning like every day. The girls were awake long before Vince and woke him up by jumping on his bed. Vince grabbed his blanket because he felt again that he got a morning wood. Half an hour later he sat next to them at the table and had his breakfast and another half hour later they were outside and ran towards the Purringtons to greet them.

"It did snow a lot tonight." Miles noticed and looked at the thick layer of soft snow over their castle. "Lilly and Alia are the lightest. You will clean the snow from the castle while Vince and Tracy will continue to dig the inside." Vince looked around and found Mia missing. "Where is Mia?" he asked and Miles rolled his eyes. "She is in a bad mood and decided to stay home today." He just answered. "Forget her. We will manage this even without her." Vince was a bit surprised. He did not yet see Mia in a bad mood and had the impression that she was as excited about the castle as they were but he decided to not dig further into this topic.

"Do you think we will finish it today?" he asked Miles and the other boy laughed. "I don't think so but we should get pretty far. We are very fast." Vince turned to Tracy. "Well, looks like we have to work twice as hard today with Mia missing." He mentioned and Tracy smiled at him. "Bring it on." She said brave and formed fists with her hands in a boxer pose. All kids laughed and forgot the moods of Mia and that she would not join them.

"We should first dig upwards before we dig further inside." Instructed Miles. "You will else be trapped if it caves in." - "Did this happen to you before?" Vince asked interested. They all still stood in front of the castle. "Well, yes but I was lucky that it was only a meter of snow. We were building just an igloo with my father and I dig a bit too fast forward and the snow was not hard enough." - "Well, let's hope we did a better job this time." Vince chuckled and looked at the size of the castle. It had a diameter of at least five meter and was over one and a half meter high. The towers were only a bit higher than the roof of the castle.

"Don't stand around but start to work. "Lilly scolded the boys and Tracy. Alia and her were already crawling over the big hill and pushed the new snow down which created piles of snow next to the building. "If you need help just shout." Said Miles and he started to use the shovel to move the snow piles away.

Vince and Tracy crawled into the castle and started to dig around them. They had low cavern of a 2 meter diameter dug out yesterday but it was only high enough to crawl still. They used their paws to scoop the snow over their heads and the push it outside. Miles made sure to free the entrance from the snow with his shovel. Now and then they heard him shouting something to the girls over them. The snow walls were too thick still to hear them move. The only noises of the girls they could hear were giggles now and then.

After a few hours they managed to dig out enough up to be able to sit comfortably in the middle. They sat back to back and worked on their side not noticing that all the snow they pulled down was piling up in the cave now. Soon they were surrounded by a wall of snow.

"We need to bring some out I think." Said Tracy. There was only a small gap between the wall they build and the roof that was now a good hand over their heads. "I can't push it out. Can you help me?" she asked and Vince saw her pushing against the wall that they built towards the entrance. He knew it was still a meter to the opening but it seemed that the snow started to stick together strongly with the cold temperature. "I will help you, wait." He replied and tried to move around but there was not enough space for them to turn with the inner walls being so tight. "Crouch down. I will posh from the top and you the bottom okay?" Vince commanded and Tracy crouched on all fours while Vince managed to step over her on all fours.

Her tail brushed softly over his belly and then between his legs and Vince stopped in his tracks for a short while. His member twitched and started to crawl out of his sheath and pictures of how he jumped on the backs of Stacy crossed his mind. He felt his member bulge out his pants and push against the hind of Tracy. It was too tight in here to avoid the body contact. He hurried up and pushed against the wall until it broke down and he tumbled all over Tracy pushing the bulge of his half erect member into her back. "Ouch..." - "Sorry, are you okay?" - "Yea, but you are heavy." He crawled forward while his tail softly brushed over her back and head. "We should get the snow out first I guess." He mentioned and started to push an arm full of snow to the entrance.

"Miles, we need your help. We have too much snow inside and it got frozen. Can you give us one of the shovels?" Vince took the shovel Miles handed in and put it to the side to let Tracy out. After she exited he started to use the shovel to dig into the wall they created in their laziness and pushed it to the entrance. Miles and Tracy, who also got herself a shovel now, quickly moved the snow along to make space for the rest.

"This works better than hands now." Vince mentioned and when he got all the snow they dug up before out he started to dig into the walls to the side and upwards. "Be careful to not dig too hard or far." Miles warned him and Vince went carefully with each scoop. Stacy came and told them to get to lunch. She had agreed with Sarah to cook for all the kids today because Sarah was caring for Mia. The kids did not talk much during lunch but ate with big appetite before the stormed outside to continue their work.

"Tracy can you scoop the walls and I shovel it to the entrance for Miles to bring it away?" Vince asked. They tried it that way and noticed that this was much faster. Tracy worked very careful and precise but had a good pace. Now and then Lilly and Alia crawled into the cave and helped to push out the snow. Vince and Miles made sure that the smaller girls stayed near the entrance in case a cave in would happen.

"It is getting too dark." Tracy said. With the only light coming from the entrance it was very dark in the cave anyway but Vince noticed that the light from outside was very low. "Let's stop for today. I bet we will soon have dinner. I am starving." Tracy groaned. "I do not complain." Answered Vince and they crawled out of the castle. It was nice to stretch their back and legs. They observed the castle from the outside. It already looked good in shape. Lilly and Alia had continued to shape the towers like they were made out of stones and they already looked very well. "Tomorrow we will try to get to the towers and dig a door from the inside to enter them." Said Miles. Vince yawned. He just noticed how tired and exhausted he was. "Yea... tomorrow..." he yawned again and turned to the house of Stacy and the girls. "See you tomorrow Miles, see you tomorrow Alia." He gaped and together with Tracy and Lilly he made his way home.

The dinner took longer because all of them were too tired to eat and they took longer for each bite. Stacy gave the girls good night kisses and when she said good night to Vince he just pressed his lips on hers in a kiss and then lay down to sleep. He could hear the chuckle of Stacy and the steady breath of the girls who seemed to already sleep or being close to it. Then the dream land also caught him and guided him through the night.