The Fox and the Lion

Story by Shishi Hikari on SoFurry

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"Bullshit!" his father yelled, "you did it CARELESSLY!"

"It was just a glass!" Karrari bellowed back defensively.

"You're always doing stuff like this, when will you change?" his older brother added with a sneer.

"Fuck off!" Karrari retorted, and proceeded to leave.

"WAIT a GODDAMN minute!"

The young lion cringed and turned back slowly.

There was his old man, shirtless, his disguisting, fat, old, flabby torso sticking out. Karrari couldn't believe he was related to THAT nasty dirt bag.

"Where are you going?" the old lion asked dangerously.

"To school." Karrari answered slowly.

"BULLSHIT!" his father yelled, spit flying from his contorted muzzle. "I know you're just a dumb fuck, you can't fool me! Why can't you be like your older brother?!"

As he said that, Ethan posed himself for them, as if he was chiseled perfection from Michelangelo. How sickening.

"Fuck that!" Karrari spat back, his mane standing on end, "if you think that Ethan is perfect, think again! You are ALL FULL OF SHIT!"

The old lion looded taken aback, then his face hardend, his old yellow teeth grinding together.

"HOW DARE YOU, the PIECE of SHIT you are, say anything against him, my SON!" he bellowed at the younger lion. The fat lion ran up and reared back to punch him. Karrari ducked in time, his father's clenched paw going straight into the wall where his head had been a moment ago.

The youngest lion made hast, quickly dodging Ethan, who attempted to also deal him a blow, and jumped out the open window. He yelled in his teenage lion voice, falling all of 50 feet to the ground below. The air ruffled his red and blonde streaked mane and roared in his ears.

He landed with a crash in a hedge on ground level. The lion picked himself up quickly and ran for it.

Karrari hadn't made it out of the yard before his ears picked up a noise so terrifying his blood ran cold. He whipped his head back to see his father cocking a gun at the third story window he had leapt from.

The young lion yelped as a shot bairly missed him, the bullet embedded in the trunk of a tree he was hiding behind.

Karrari ran with all of his might as his enraged father shot, on after another, at him. Bullets whizzed past, bairly missing him every time.

As he reached the outside perimeter of the long yard, just when he thought he had made it out, he made one last effort to jump behind a clump of trees. As he soared through the air, he heard one last gunshot. Karrari cast his eyes up in that one terrified moment, looking up at the house. The bullet found it's mark right in his leg.

He crashed into the ground with a cry, landing sprawled in the dirt, his left leg covered in blood. Karrari's breath came in ragged pants. He closed his eyes tight, a tear pushing out.

He only layed there for a moment longer before pushing himself up on his two front paws. The lion groaned, his body racked by pain. He limped away, since the shooting stopped, he broke cover momentarily to get on the sidewalk and get behind a fence, blocking him from view of the third story window...

* * *

An hour and a half, several falls to the hard cement, and at least a pint of blood on the ground later, Karrari's will to keep walking, to survive, was the only thing holding him over. He panted, groaned, and dragged his injured leg on. His whole body hurt, so bad. Tears ran down his angular muzzle, over the previous tear stains. His vision also seemed to be failing him. Everything blurred and blended, in and out. Karrari collapsed on the cement again. His face was pressed to the floor of his hell, his tears fell onto the sidewalk. He couldn't move, it hurt to bad. His head hurt, his leg hurt, everything hurt. Everything bled together, completely eclipsing the day, and he slipped away...

* * *

Josh stepped on the gas, pedal to floor, his corvette's engine roaring. He shifted gears going down a steep hill while punching the "bass boost" button on his cd player booming Infinity On High.

The fox let himself slide into the quick beat, his paw thumping the steering wheel in time with the music.

Josh stayed in this blissful mindset awhile, the landscape changing from trees and hills to a colorless suburban area, then his mind drifted... He couldn't forget...stop thinking about...

He was 12 years old, being beaten brutally by his crazy father. His mother screamed in the background as blood ran across the floor...

He was 15, waking in the hospital after attempting to kill himself. He was groggy, no wonder. A whole bottle of sleeping pills? How cliche! That's how everyone does it.His pain flooded back, and so did his tears. He fell back into a twisted nightmare in his hospital bed...

He was 16, standing over his father's carcass, it's eyes rolled up in the back of its head, its tongue grotesquely hanging out lopsided. The yound fox felt no sympathy for this selfish asshole. That wasn't his father, at least, not as far as he was concerned...

Only a half of a year later, he was hired by a pimp as one of his "workerbees." On his first job he...

He was driving on the sidewalk, the corvette bouncing ridiculously about on the bumpy surface, about to hit a fence. The fox turned the wheel sharply to the left and slammed on the brakes. Josh bairly avoided the limp figure lying on the sidewalk covered in blood. He got out of the car...

* * *

Karrari had heard the screech of tires, it was the one noise he could identify waking him. There was a shadowy figure standing over him.

"Jesus Christ! Are you okay?!" the shadowy figure asked frantically.

Karrari moaned and looked up. Everything was too bright, but his vision was coming back. He could dimly tell it was a fox kneeling next to him.

"Who...Who" the dazed lion asked blurrily.

"I'm Josh, are you okay?"

"Ugh, I guess so." his vision clicked in clearly then. Karrari looked up at the fox. His heart skipped a beat.

Josh, as the fox called himself, was stunning. His fur was a bright red orange color, with a few black and dark red streaks going down from the top of his head and down to the end of his long, beautiful tail and on his arms. Josh's icy blue eyes gently gazed into Karrari's gold ones.

Karrari quickly composed himself. He tried to stand up, but a searing pain shot up his leg. With a cry, he fell back down. The lion landed into the fox's outstretched arms.

"Whoa! Careful! I'll help you."

The fox picked him up from the ground and started to walk. Karrari looked back at the sidewalk from the safety of Josh's arms. Tire tracks were burned into the cement only right next to where he was laying. He gulped and looked away. The young lion gazed back up at the handsome fox. His vision blurred. Right before he passed out once again, Josh looked down into his eyes.

"My name is...Karrari." and everything went black.

* * *

When Karrari awoke, he was lying on a sofa, staring up at the cieling. He didn't move.

He thought about the dashing fox who had picked him up off the street, so kindly. Something about the way he moved, something in his piercing eyes...And his beautiful body. What would it feel like to run his paws up and down the gorgeous guy?! And his mouth looked so...kissable...

He blinked, then blushed.

"Stop it." the lion told himself.


Sudden movement from behind the couch startled the lion. He jerked and flew off the couch and into the floor, right on his injured leg.

"OW! FUCK!" Karrari yelled as a searing pain lanced through his leg.

"Jesus, I'm sorry! Are you alright?! How's your leg?" And the fox was right there, knealing next to him, so close.

That was when Karrari noticed he only had boxers on. He blushed as the fox noticed his tented front.

The lion quickly picked himself up and attempted to cover up his obvious erection.

"Yes, yes, I'm, I'M-" Karrari slipped on the waxed wooden floor, but he didn't hit the ground. The lion looked up from Josh's muscular arms, again, and into the ice blue eyes of the handsome fox.

They stayed there, eyes meshed together through space, staring into windows to their lonely souls set free by the light in their eyes...

Josh blinked, and gave a genuine smile.

"Let me get you some,..well, do you like tea or coffee?"

"Coffee." the lion answered, not really caring. He would prefer a cup of the fox's semen in reality, but coffee would work.

Josh stood, still holding Karrari, and walked throught the daylit living room to the kichen, which was equally dazzling. The fox lowered him onto a wooden chair and proceeded to make the coffee.

The rich aroma permeated the air, and it began to brew. The beautiful fox sat back down at the table next to Karrari. He rested a paw on the lion's leg, and gave a gently squeeze.

Karrari looked up from the paw to Josh's eyes. There was something there.




The lion blinked and it was gone. The fox was gazing out a window. The light caught all of the rings in his ear, making a rainbow of reflections. Josh was beautiful.

The fox turned his head back to Karrari, with a puzzled look.

"So," Josh asked slowly,"can I ask you something?"

Karrari hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"How did you end up like that, you know, with a bullet stuck in your leg? Who shot you?"

The lion's expression darkened."My father."

The fox's expression hardened."Why would he do something like that?"

Grimly, Karrari related the story, from his mother's departure, to his father's alcohol-induced rage. He told of how he had ran, and was shot, and of how long he drug on, till he colapsed. After he finished, silence reigned for a moment.

The lion looked down at the floor, focusing on his toes.

Josh spoke up.

"You have overcome a great deal. You are very strong."

Karrari looked up from the floor, locking eyes with Josh.



*beat of silence*

"I don't even know you,but-" as he said this he leaned up until their noses were touching.

"-I think I like you."

The lion's jaw dropped. His golden eyes sparkled. The fox pushed his tongue through Karrari's parted mouth, and they began to kiss.

Karrari slid a paw onto Josh's muscular chest, teasing a hard nipple through his thin, red t-shirt.

They broke apart. Karrari smiled at Josh.

"Thank you."

And they proceeded with the tongue mashing...

* * *

Later on, after dark, when the full moon and stars hung in the heavens, Karrari sat outside on the back porch, savoring the breezy night air. The lion sat with his leg stretched in front of him, so as not to injure it further. He had been watching the occasional group of clouds blow across the black sky, but now his thoughts were taking over. The lion thought of his father, who could eternally burn in hell for all he cared. And then he thought of his mother so far away... Japan.

"Business trip?!" Karrari had inquired.

"Yes," she replied, "I'll only be gone a couple of weeks."

The lion sighed. Disaster had come not even a week after her departure...but Josh. Josh had saved him. He would've died, passed out on the sidewalk had it not been for the beautiful fox...

He sighed with the wind. Josh was mysterious. He hadn't said much about himself after making out, the fox kinda left him there. Josh had looked thoughtful as he had left, but also a deep pain resided. Karrari could see that, and when he did, he just wanted to comfort him, slide his arms around those muscular shoulders...

"Hey." a soft voice behind his chair greated him, like music to his ears.

Karrari turned in his wooden seat to look at Josh.


They looked into each other's eyes for a long moment before Josh walked over and took a seat.

"Want a drink?" the fox asked.

"Huh?" he didn't even notice the bottle or wine glasses in his paws when he had approached.


As Josh poured the red wine, he began to speak.

"You must think I'm bad, for leaving you. I'm's just that.." He stiffened, a tear drop formed at the corner of his eye. Silence passed over.

"Yes?" Karrari prompted

After a moment,"I'm confused...yet..happy. I don't know how to say it."

"Then don't." Karrari replied,"it doesn't even matter."

Josh smiled a bit, shifting in his chair to face Karrari.

"No, I guess not...maybe."

Silence took over again as Josh finished pouring the wine, then handed a glass to Karrari.


"No problem."

The lion finished his glass in a few mouthfulls, and sat quietly waiting on Josh to finish his.

As Josh drank, Karrari looked down at the fox's footpaws. He felt himself go hard just looking at them, they were so humpable.



He didn't really know how to ask, except the obvious way.

"Can with your footpaws?"

Josh looked a little shocked, but his expression smoothed over fast to a grin.

"Be my guest!"

Karrari didn't bother to cover up his hard on as he got up from his seat. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his toned torso sporting the lightest hint of dark red fur extending down the center of his abs and down into his boxers...Josh watched in delight as Karrari removed his jeans, leaving him in only his boxers. He knelt on the ground, carefully so he didn't hurt his leg, and the lion gingerly picked up a paw from the floor. The fox's breathing quickened.

The lion took a toe into his maw and began to suck on it. Josh just sat and watched, panting.

Karrari proceeded to all of the other toes, taking them into his mouth, running his tongue over the pad and over the tip.

The tipsy lion grabbed the other paw, holding them both. He felt it was time.

"Can I have another glass of wine really quick?" Karrari asked with a silly grin.

"Of course, if you continue when we are finished!" Josh began pouring the wine back into their glasses.



Karrari dumped the whole glass down his throat at once, Josh finished only moments later. The lion smiled up at the fox, feeling warm inside. He was so charming in a way he couldn't put a paw on...

Karrari stood, momentarily, to slip out of his boxers, revealing his hard on. Josh stopped and stared openly at Karrari's penis, who blushed.

"It's not much," he said,"but it's something."

The interested and slightly drunk fox reached out to touch the lion cock, captivated by it's short length. It was very thick, much thicker than any other dick he had ever had the oppurtunity to play with. He couldn't even get his paw all the way around it. How beautiful.

Josh let go and smiled at the still blushing lion.

"I love it!" he consoled him.

Karrari nervously smiled. "Thank you."

He knelt down, again focusing on the footpaws, feeling his girth expand even more from looking at the beautiful paws.

He leaned in, over on of them, and began to hump it, rubbing his large balls over the curves and joints of Josh's toes. Pleasure surged through his loins.

Josh began panting agian, watching that adorable, stubby cock rub all over his paws.

The fox unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his thighs, along with his tight thong. His long fox meat flew out and slapped his abs, fully erect. He began to stroke himself, watching Karrari's big, sweaty nuts slide on and off his paw.

Karrari humped passionatly on the fox's rather large footpaws. His knot had already formed, but he wasn't ready yout, there was something he wanted to try.

He coninued to hump slowly, while picking Josh's other paw up. He set it down on top of his thick cock, and began to fuck the foxy paws.

"Dick sandwich!" the hormone ridden lion thought mischeviously while fucking the fox's paws.

Karrari roared as he orgasmed, sperm exploded out his cock, spraying all over the footpaws and onto the wooden deck.

Karrari took a breather, then licked and suck all of his seed off of Josh's paws. The fox was still stroking himself.

The lion licked the last bit off of a paw, then stood up next to Josh, his sausage dick almost touching the fox's cheek.

"I can help you with that." the lions said with a grin, gesturing to the fox's delicious hard on.

Josh looked up and nodded excitedly.

Karrari the took the cock, all of it, into his maw at once, deep throating it, but only for a second. He stopped and pulled off.


The fox tilted his head inquisitively.

"Take me."

Josh's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

Karrari's only answer was to turn his round ass to Josh and whimper. He wanted so bad to feel that cock ram up his ass and bang his prostate...


"We don't need it." the lion replied, still exposing his dark red pucker to the fox. Karrari spit in his paw, then rubbed it onto his anus, sticking a digit in...Then another...

Josh moaned, just looking at Karrari's exposed ass and kiwi sized testicles swinging between his thighs. The lion was looking back at Josh with want in his eyes...

The fox leaned up, and sniffed the lion's musky scent, which elicited a full body shiver starting from his ears going all the way to the tip of his white tipped tail.

Josh let instinct take over, standing up behind the lion, his cock poking the feline's asshole. He pressed the tip of his pointed penis into Karrari. The lion gasped and moaned pleasurably as the fox purposefully made his cock jump inside of the feline's ass, smacking his prostate lightly.

Josh, now fully hilted inside of Karrari, began to form a rhythm.

Karrari leaned back into the fox as he pumped in and out of his ass. He enjoyed every moment of this, the feeling of Josh's hot penis filling him, the slight buzz of alcohol, and the sound of Josh's grunts, sighs, and moans as he rocked in and out. It made the lion's short cock jump every time the fox thrusted in, slapping his happy trail, leaving a rope of precum hanging in his fur.

Josh's thrusting increased in speed and ferocity as he neared his climax. He reached around to Karrari's cock and started pumping it, fast and rough, but it was amazing to the lion, even thought that one paw didn't fully grasp his enormous girth.


"Yeah?" he answered in one short breath as the fox thrusted in.

"I'm-a-bout-to-cum. Would-you-c-cum-with-me?" He asked in short breathes, light filling his deep eyes.

The lion grunted an, "Of course!" as the fox's needy thrusting left him at the bursting point.

"Al-right. *gasp* Now!"

They both let loose, thick white cum filled Karrari's ass and the lion's cum went all over them both, getting stuck in their fur and on Josh's paws.

They fell on to each other, panting, exhausted but happy. Karrari kissed Josh, passionately sinking his tongue into his mouth, exploring everything there was to feel, and tasting HIM...Josh. The beautiful fox returned his kiss, joining the lonely souls set free by the light in their eyes...