In the Grip of the Daedroth

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little commission of incest, corruption, and Argonian goodness, commissioned by FA: TravisBuchanan . Enjoy.

In the Grip of the Daedroth For TravisBuchanan By Draconicon

Tugedeek groaned as he pulled himself up from the stony floor, the air cool around him and leaving him remarkably chilled in a way that he hadn't felt for some time. Not since he left Black Marsh, in fact, and during the winter at that.

The Argonian shook his head, rubbing his forehead.

"Sakedeek...Sakedeek, where are you?"

"Over...over here, father."

The voice of his son drew him across the room, and he fumbled through the darkness until he felt another scaly hand. He squeezed it, and let out a soft sigh.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah...Do you know what's going on?"

"Not yet."

The older Argonian thought back to his last memories. Despite his headache, he couldn't recall what might have caused it. The pair of them had just sat down for dinner, he remembered that much. A few fried fishes and some vegetables that they'd been lucky to procure from the local merchants. Not many had been willing to sell to his kind, particularly with the winter catch so small compared to normal.

Then there'd been a knock at the door. He'd gone to answer it...and there'd been a hint of smoke, and then...

Tugedeek sat up straight as the memory of their 'guest' came crashing down on him.

"We're caught..."

"By what?"

"By me."

The new voice drew both their attention to the far side of the room. It flared with light, revealing a great reptilian form. Tugedeek shuddered at the sight of a great wide maw, filled with sharp teeth and powerful jaws. It stood head and shoulders above him, and the great muscles that stood out in the arms and tail told him that it would be better not to fight. Far better, in fact, to just sit down and keep quiet.

He grabbed hold of his son, keeping the smaller Argonian from charging ahead.

"What do you want?"


The creature chuckled deep in its throat, shaking its head.

"No...It's not what I want. It's what you want. Or will, very soon."

"What are you talking about?"

"Look down, oh fatherly one."

Reluctantly, he did so, and blinked as a pair of realizations hit him at the same time.

The first was that he was completely naked, a fact that he hadn't realized until now. It completely explained the cold, though, and he blushed as he tried to cover himself with his tail. It was barely sufficient to slide over his crotch, but at least it kept him from being shown off to his son.

The other thing was a strange ring, slid down over his big toe. The golden band seemed to emit a small red light from it, but the disturbing thing was how it changed his scales. Normally, he was black and green in color, but some of his scales - mostly around the ring, but spreading down along the sole of his foot in a set of strange red lines - had turned crimson. He shook his head.

"What is that? What...what's it doing?"

"It is my 'gift' for your hospitality, Tugedeek, father of Sakedeek. A gift, to show my appreciation for all that you and your son have done for me."

"What we've - we've done nothing! Get out!"

He felt his son shivering at his side, and he prayed to the nine that it was merely a shiver of cold. The daedroth, on the other hand, chuckled, getting to its feet once more. It was even taller now than before, and Tugedeek wondered how it kept from scraping its head on the roof.

"I shall leave. But you will call me back soon, I have little doubt. And until then, I doubt either of you will depart."

The large reptilian daedroth chuckled as it walked out of the room, leaving the pair of them alone. Tugedeek immediately ran for the door, but it shut before he could reach it. A sudden burst of red light filled the gaps between it and the frame, and he realized that it was enchanted. Locked, too, if he was any judge.

After finding himself correct, the Argonian slumped back against it and went to the floor. The cool air kept the floor at a near-freezing temperature, and he shuddered as he came down on it.

The silence stretched out as he tried to consider what had happened between opening the door and waking up again. He remembered the face - and more frighteningly, the mouth - of that creature, but then there'd been a flash of red and...nothing. It couldn't have been too long since the demonic thing entered and when he woke up, but what if...

What you and your son have done for me...

"What did he mean?"


"Husk, Sakedeek. I'm thinking."

"But father...what's...what's that smell?"

"Smell? What are you -"

He paused, tilting his head back at the strange scent on the edge of his senses. Yes, there was something new, something different. What might it be? He took a few sharp breaths through his nose.

Immediately he groaned, rubbing his face and shaking his head. The bitterness and saltiness of male musk, combined with a slight element of sweat, hit him with all the force of a Companion charging into a monster. It was pungent and just enough to leave him light headed, and he clasped a hand over his face to try and filter some of it out.

"One of us...must need to bathe."

"Is...father, I..."

Something was wrong. Sakedeek was never this stilted in his speech. He looked across the room at his son, and immediately went redder in the face.

Sakedeek's body was as nude as his was, and his son was embarrassingly aroused. Tugedeek looked away at once, but it was too late. The image of his son's cock was firmly implanted in his mind, and no matter how he tried to picture something else, it kept coming in.

"Cover yourself, son."

" smells so good..."

That wasn't right. He pushed himself back against the door, banging his fist on it. As he did, he caught sight of his son slowly walking towards him. The Argonian shook his head in mixed worry and fear, and slammed his body against the door, even getting to his feet and trying to break it down.

Nothing worked. The daedric magic was too strong, even for him. He backed up, charging forward against it, and all he accomplished was hurting his shoulder, leaving him groaning and squeezing the damaged limb. Nevertheless, he took a few steps back, intent on trying to get out. The smell was only getting stronger, and he could feel it starting to slip into his head, a strange burning sense of demon power and corruption. He lined himself up -


  • and immediately slipped up as Sakedeek grabbed him by the ankle. Falling on his face, the Argonian groaned in pain. He rolled over, only to see that his son was still holding him by the ankle and -

"What are you doing?!"

"It good..."

He blushed, shaking his head and tugging on his leg. It didn't stop his son from leaning in even closer, and the feeling of hot breath blowing over his sole didn't do much for his resistance to the smell, either. Tugedeek could feel a different sort of heat pressing in on him, and only the taboo of Sakedeek being his son kept him from giving in right away.

He managed to wrench his leg free, but he knew that it wouldn't keep him safe for long. Even as he squirmed back, his son followed him on all fours, sniffing the air like a dog, almost bestial in his new obsession. Tugedeek held out his hand, trying to keep his boy back.

"Sakedeek, Sakedeek, calm down! It's the daedroth. This isn't you. This isn't right!"

"It's so good...please. Let me have it..."

"You can't. We have to get out. You'll be fine when we get out."

"But it's good...Please, please, father, let me have it. I'll do anything you want."

"I want -"

His son was too quick. Despite his deceptive crawl, Sakedeek obviously hadn't forgotten when to move quickly. A scaly hand darted between his legs, and Tugedeek's eyes went wide at the squeeze to his shaft. It jumped to erection embarrassingly quickly, and he couldn't help but thrust forward once, sliding his shaft against that grip.

Catching himself before he could do it again, he shoved his son away. The loss of sensation to his shaft almost left him whimpering, but he collected himself. Getting to his feet, he went to the opposite side of the room, trying to keep some space between him and his son.

It wasn't fair, he thought. It wasn't fair that he had to try and hold this back. Not when he'd been alone for this long, not when he hadn't had a chance to ease his own 'needs' for almost a week. Even now, looking at his son, Tugedeek's cock throbbed and begged for more. It wanted to be touched, even if he thought it was wrong.

And Sakedeek seemed to know it. The older Argonian could see the red glow in his son's eyes, could see the red scales starting to spread further along his boy's body. The corruption was settling in, and settling in deep.

Maybe...maybe it wouldn't hurt...

He pinched himself, trying to cut off the thought, but it persisted in its own insidious way, strengthening with every subtle throb of his cock. The scent of musk was getting stronger as well, emanating from his feet and the toe ring upon them. A quick glance down confirmed that his feet had turned entirely red scaled, and it was spreading up his legs.

Another small sniff nearly made him lose his mind, and he slumped back against the wall. It was a near-fatal mistake, as his son lunged across the room, moving like a sabre-tooth cat on the hunt.

Tugedeek gasped for breath as his son's mouth wrapped around his cock, sucking him down to the root in a single motion. The Argonian hunched forward on instinct, his hands finding his son's horns and dragging him up. He thought that he still had a handle on it, thought he still had some self control.

Then he yanked his son down again, and he groaned in pure bliss as his cock disappeared into that snout. The warmth, the wet, the sheer eagerness of that tongue against his cock, left him seeing stars. He slid down the wall, keeping a grip on his boy's head the whole way down, not letting him slide back.

There were no complaints from below, no sudden struggles. In fact, the harder he held Sakedeek's head, the more his boy sucked, and the more he gripped at his old man's legs. The older Argonian panted, his head rolling back and his eyes sliding back in their socks as he submitted to the pleasure.

Huffing and puffing, he realized that he was sucking in the musky air too late. His mind swam away, taken down by the corruptive power of the musky scent, and Tugedeek barely cared. The pleasure was too strong, too good. If he was going to be attacked, stuck in a room with someone that so obviously wanted to give him this 'service', who was he to complain? Even if it was his son.

There was a flicker of awareness, but it was suppressed with another breath. Especially if it was his son. After so many years of caring for him, he was owed this. He was owed this service, this submission.

As his ass touched the floor again, Tugedeek got a firmer grip on his boy's horns and started dragging them up and down his cock, pulling his boy up and down. There was no resistance, no struggles, and the father groaned every time that he hilted his cock in that eager snout. Scaly lips pressed against the base of his cock, chin against his balls, and then that tongue...

Oh, that tongue was good. He panted and gasped as his eager son flicked it one way and then another, always keeping it in motion on the underside of his cock. It was like a writhing snake, the forked tips of the other Argonian's tongue constantly in search for a new sensitive spot, a new place to tease. His shaft oozed and dripped, and he realized that he wanted to see just how hard he was. Tugedeek couldn't remember being this hard for years, and wanted to see just how big he was.

Yanking his boy off, he looked down, and stared in amazement and lust at just how he had changed.

Prior to today, his cock had been normal, for an Argonian. A good handful, perhaps seven inches long on a good day, and a mottled green and black like the rest of him. Now...

Now it had turned crimson red from the middle down to the base, and the red was pushing itself further and further towards the tip. Each little bit of ground it gained on his body was met with a shiver of pleasure, making his cock bounce and throb like someone had wrapped a string around it and pulled it about like a puppet. The head was slick and wet, and every time it jerked, a pearl of pre slid out, standing out in stark relief against the darkened head.

His boy kept stroking him, and with every stroke, the red advanced that little bit further. It had to be more than five inches up, now, which meant...

"I'm...I'm growing?"

"It must be the gift, father...He said it was a gift."

Once more, the thought of the daedroth nearly shocked him out of his trance, but the pleasure was too strong. His thoughts turned to rationalizations immediately, telling him that a host needed a gift, that this was the payment he was due. After all, what male wouldn't like a bigger cock? What father didn't need something large to deal with a submissive son?

For that was what Sakedeek was, he realized. All his memories of their time, all his recollections of their lives, came rushing at him. Some part of him realized that they were warped, changed, but at the same time he didn't care.

The dutiful boy became something of a slutty, obedient kid. The eagerness for learning became a need to take orders. And all of that added up to one thing for Tugedeek.

"You need...need a master..."

"Yes, father."

For a moment, he considered himself that master. After all, he'd raised the boy, he'd taught him all he knew. His cock could do the rest, and make him into the proper servant that he should be.

But as the crimson wave reached the tip of his cock, that thought faded. It didn't feel right, after all. He had to train himself more to be worth being a master, and he wasn't there yet. No, rather, he was a...a placeholder. A teacher.

But if that was the case, who was -

The door clicked, and slowly opened. Both father and son turned their heads towards the daedroth again, looking over his crocodilian body, looking further and further down towards his crotch as both of them felt a new need.

It wasn't hard to find the massive manhood down there. It stood out against the scales, pushed forward by fist sized balls, and more than big enough to make the both of them shudder in need. For the first time, Tugedeek considered how something would feel under his tail, and he could see that his son was already raising his.

The daedroth chuckled.

"I see that my gift has been appreciated properly. Tugedeek, father of Sakedeek, do you have anything to say to me?"

"Thank you, Master Daedra, for the gift you've given me and my family. The thanks I owe you in return are...are too great to be described."

"Ah, then perhaps you will be willing to give me something in return?"

"Anything, great Master. What do you require?"

Still chuckling, the daedroth walked into the room. Wherever he stepped, the floor briefly erupted in red light, and the stones seemed to melt slightly. He eventually sat down by the fireplace, starting a blaze with a snap of his scaly fingers.

"You will have me here as a guest, and keep me comfortable with whatever I deem necessary for my time here."

Both of the Argonians nodded, Sakedeek still stroking him. The red scales continued to grow, nearly having overwhelmed the both of them completely.

"You will give me food, drink, and whatever pleasures that I ask for. After all, the pair of you owe me greatly."

"Yes, we do."

"We owe you everything, great Master."

"Very good."

The daedroth snapped his fingers again, pointing down at the ground before him. Father and son immediately moved, crawling across the floor. The red slipped up their neck and was sliding down their snouts as they came to a halt between the daedroth's legs, their heads mere inches from his crotch and his hardening cock.

Their master smiled down at them, and Tugedeek smiled back. He wasn't sure why. There was some...some slight buzzing in the back of his mind, but it was no more worthy of attention than the slight scratch of a flea on one's body. He shook his head, trying to dismiss it as the daedroth lowered its hands to their heads.

"Take in my scent, and seal your fates."

Driven down partially by his hands, the two Argonians pressed their nostrils to that great scaly sac, and breathed in as one.

In that breath, the buzzing faded away, and the crimson scales covered them both from head to toe. They were the same, then, both driven to the edge of their needs by the power of the daedroth and the corruptive musk in the air. Together, they went over the edge, splatters of lizard seed hitting the ground at the same time and leaving a small puddle.

Their master laughed above their heads, but Tugedeek didn't care. The powerful musk overwhelmed his mind, leaving nothing behind but a lustful need, a two-fold one that he had never considered before.

On the one hand, he had his son, a needful slut that desperately craved being used. He could have those pleasures any time that he wished, either by the use of his boy's mouth - and a talented one it was - or by the use of his hole. Tugedeek had heard many stories of how good another male was for that, but he'd never tried it before. Now...well, it seemed that he'd have many chances to make a comparison.

On the other hand, he had a hunger of his own, a building need that increased with every successive breath of the master's scent. His own hole began to twitch under his tail, and he swore that he felt what the females did, a heat that craved to be quenched. His eyes flicked up, looking at the hardening shaft above the master's sac, and he considered how that might feel, stretching him out.

However, his son must have reached the conclusion first. Before Tugedeek could make a move, his boy slid forward, dragging himself into the daedroth's lap. The father leaned back, panting and looking through glazed eyes as his son gripped the corrupt, powerful master's cock, aiming it under his tail. Their master smiled.

"You wish to be first, boy?"

"I do, great master. I need it."

"Your father needs relief as well."

"He can use my mouth, and you my hole."

"A fine boy you've raised, Tugedeek. He'll serve well."

"Thank you, great Master. I've..."

He groaned, interrupted as his son took his cock into his mouth again.

"What...what was I saying?"

"You were about to thank me, once more, for all that I've given you."

"Yes, great Master. Thank you for giving us our true place."

"And may you never forget it."

Tugedeek swore that he never would, but as his cock was sucked, his thoughts faded to the point where nothing mattered but that warm, eager mouth around his shaft. He slumped back, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he rested his hand between his son's horns, and just let the scent of sex and demonic power fill the air.

All rules of the divines and the marsh faded away. They didn't matter, not out here where nothing was good for his kind. All that mattered here were the pleasures that one could snatch. And with the presence of this powerful guest, their new master, those pleasures would be plentiful from here on.

And perhaps, just perhaps, they might help their master spread his teachings to the rest of the city, and everyone else would see the benefits of it as well.

The End