In the Grip of the Daedroth

They were the same, then, both driven to the edge of their needs by the power of the daedroth and the corruptive musk in the air.

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Somewhere between worlds

Jibbed the elf, coaxing the daedroth into further rage. "now, why don't we fix that, eh!?" the man finished.

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Through Blood and Through Fire, Chapter 3

"thirty seconds," he said, for zudarra's benefit, and then the daedroth charged him.

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War on Tamriel: Oblivion, Chapter 3

I survived, but not until that daedroth found me. if the captain sent you then you... must close this gate... i overheard some daedra talking about something called a sigil stone in the tower up north... damn... i... i...

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War on Tamriel: Oblivion, Chapter 7

Not even daedroths could break the spear lines as they were easily skewered by the line of spears. the troops below equipped their bows and began shooting at the advancing daedra above and at the flanks.

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The Mage's Initiation

When j'zargo went for his initiation he had to blow a daedroth. he failed his test when it tried to eat him." "is that why you have all those summoning spell tomes?" nasien asked curiously, raising an eyebrow as he looked up at the khajiit.

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Secrets of Tel Bryn 2

If there is a next time, i may just conjure a daedroth to have their way with you. are we in an understanding?"

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Love in the Time of Chorrol 7 - The Hanged Man

The next wave of enemies came, a vile mixture of hulking reptilian daedroth, spider daedra, a few atronachs and dinosaur-like clannfears.

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ShadowScale: A love story

His house is locked tighter than a daedroths' jaws. with 5 fighters' guild thugs rotating shifts every day, so attacking his home is asking for a bloodbath, and honestly i'm not a fan of unnecessary deaths.

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Light's Vengeance

Finally, i heard it around the corner, but when i rounded it i found myself face-to-snout with a daedroth, who, almost as if mocking me, repeated the very sound i'd been following. at that point, everything went dark.

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The daedroth fell back, snarling, and before it could regain its feet, martin himself rushed forward to drive his sword through its chest.

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Love in the Time of Chorrol 1 - Temperance

...perhaps a daedroth?" "nope, velociraptor sir." "i never heard of such a you are not daedric?" "nope, never heard of 'em."

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