Doggiehug - Part 2: Bump in the Night

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#2 of Doggiehugs

This is a continuation of a story about two young siblings, discovering their sexuality with a little help from their pet dog. If you haven't read "Doggiehug" yet, you should better start there!

ATTENTION! This story contains explicit adult material, so if you're under 18 years of age, you shouldn't be allowed to read this. If you're still here, this story contains underage characters, so it might be not legal for you to read it, either. Characters and events in this story are completely fictional and not meant to represent any actual or lifelike scenario. It is not advised to try any of this at home! I hope this was all that needed to be said, so if you're still around, please enjoy your read.

The house was silent except for his breathing and his pet dog sleeping next to him on his bed. His room was dark, only illuminated by a few stray street lights outside his window, just enough to make out the black-and-white markings on the husky's fur.

But Toby couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about a few days ago, when Amy showed him what a "Doggiehug" was. The border collie boy and his younger sister had only meant to play, but their games had gone a little overboard.

Almost without his doing his hand moved downwards along his body, tugging on his pajamas where his growing erection began to form a tent in the fabric. A shiver ran down his spine when he began to sheepishly stroke the shaft, coaxing it from its sheath. He pictured his little sister, with her big eyes and her wagging tail, and then Dash, their pet husky, mounting her from behind. He groaned when he imagined her eyes rolling back and her tongue lolling out, her fingers digging into the carpet and her body shivering in pleasure.

His fantasy was sharply interrupted. The husky to his side yawned and stretched, pushing his paws against his body, poking his member with hard claws.

"Ouch! Dash, careful!"

Toby cringed and stopped immediately, shuffling away from his pet. The husky only looked at him with innocent eyes and licked his nose.

"You're a boy, too, Dash", Toby accused him. "You should know how that hurts!"

He poked the dog's sheath pointedly with a finger, but he only earned another paw slap for that. Playfully he continued to poke along the belly, wrestling with the paws whenever Dash retaliated, until he finally pulled him close into a friendly hug.

"You're a goof, Dash."

The answer was another yawn, before the husky let his head lazily drop onto the boy's chest.

"Yeah ... you are."

Toby stroked his fur and watched his calm breathing, while his thoughts returned to what the dog had done with his sister.

"You really liked giving Amy a Doggiehug, didn't you?"

He didn't expect an answer from the dog, but he paused nonetheless, as if Dash could really understand him.

"I bet it felt really good. At least it makes me feel good, when I ... uhm, you know. When I touch myself."

He blushed under his fur and stopped stroking. The look Dash gave him in response seemed to embarrass him even more.

"I know! But what you did was even worse, wasn't it?"

Returning the stare didn't really work against a well practiced hangdog look, so he decided to appease the husky by caressing his neck and belly. With a satisfied groan the dog went back to dozing.

"Do you do that, too?" Toby asked softly. "I mean, touch yourself? You don't have hands ... but you always lick yourself. That felt good, too, when you licked me. But I never saw you ... uhm ... cream before."

Curiously his hands began to wander farther south, between the dog's hind legs to find his sheath. Dash didn't really seem to mind, but his body reacted in his own way, his member jumping to attention within its furry hiding place.

"Maybe I can make you cream like I do ... after all, you're a boy like me, aren't you?"

Toby hesitated for a moment, biting his tongue, but then he began to feel around the husky's sheath. His fingertips could make out the hardening outline of the member inside, even the small bulge at the base that he had seen swell up to a knot before. With careful motions he began to rub and press, until he could feel the whole length of hot, naked flesh unveiled against his palm.

"You're big, Dash", he whispered with a touch of envy. "Just wait until I'm older, maybe I'll get bigger than you ..."

The dog perked his ears and smacked his lips, before rolling onto his back and spreading his legs. He was presenting himself to his young master and the way his tongue slipped out of his muzzle showed quite clearly how much he enjoyed the attention.

Toby grinned. "You really like that, don't you, boy?" With newfound courage he wrapped his fingers around the husky's member and began pumping up and down in earnest. He felt it swell even bigger, twitching against his touch. The more he rubbed and stroked, the more his dog began to pant, his tongue lolling out and his hips bucking eagerly. Toby could feel his excitement growing, his strokes becoming increasingly faster. Dash was a boy like him, and if he could make him finish like this ...

The door creaked.

His hand froze instantly, his heart sinking into his stomach. He didn't hear any footsteps, but his door was opening! If someone found him like this, he'd be done for! How could he explain what he was doing to the dog?

Dash whined from the sudden lack of stimulation and began humping his hand, but the door opened relentlessly. Acting on instinct he pulled his hand back and threw his blanket over the two of them, pretending to be asleep. Unfortunately Dash didn't approve of that plan and began to turn around and free himself from the cover.

"Toby? Are you asleep?"

The voice was soft and timid. Amy, his little sister, was standing on his doorstep, her ears drooped down, only clad in her nightgown.

"Yeah, I'm asleep", he answered with a growl, but when he heard his sister's tone, his worry outweighed his pride. "What's wrong, Amy?"

"I couldn't sleep. I had a nightmare", she told him. Then she added with puppy eyes: "Can I stay the night with you?"

He looked at her and sighed. "Why don't you stay with Mom and Dad?"

"But I wanna stay with you", she insisted. "And you have Dash, too."

Their dog managed to unwind himself from the covers and rose from the bed, only to hop down and trot over to the little girl, greeting her with affectionate licks. She smiled and crouched down, rubbing his neck fur in response. She cringed and giggled when his tongue found her face, but she didn't shy away.

"You want me over, too, Dash, right? You ... eep!"

She squeaked in surprise when his affection tipped her over. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of what was dangling between his legs and her mouth hung agape for a moment.

"Dash! Why is your willy all big and pokey!"

"Uh-oh", Toby gulped and quickly called out to his dog. "Dash! Come here!"

The husky took his time, but finally he followed the hand that was patting the bed and returned to the boy's side, still shuffling uneasily with his member trapped against the sheets.

"What did you do to Dash?"

"I didn't do anything", he promised. "He's just ... uhm, excited."


"Yeah. Like when he was giving you a doggiehug. Remember?"

"Oh!" her ears perked up. She climbed to her feet and slowly came over to the side of the bed to carress him behind his ears. "Do you wanna give me a doggiehug again, Dash?"

"No!" Toby interjected. Her hand pulled back in surprise.

"I mean, not now", he quickly added and lowered his voice. "We don't want to wake anybody, alright?"

Amy hesitated for a moment, but then she shook her head.

"Right", he smiled. "I was just, uhm ... trying to make Dash feel good. You know, he likes being rubbed. Especially there."

She giggled, but grimaced. "It looks gross!"

"It doesn't!" Toby exclaimed, but reconsidered. "Well yeah, it does a little."

"Doesn't it hurt? It looks really swollen ..." Her voice was full of pity when their dog let out another low whine and rolled around uneasily.

"Only if you touch it too hard", Toby told his sister. "Or if you leave it like this for too long."

The boy hesitated, but then he added slowly: "You want to help Dash?"

She nodded silently, but eagerly.

"Come here", he beckoned her onto the bed and pulled his dog a little closer, rolling him on his back again. The husky spread his hind legs like before, letting out an expectant mewling when the little border collie girl climbed into bed next to him. The three had to squeeze together on the bed made for only one person, but feeling each other's fur and body heat just added to the growing excitement.

"Now carefully", Toby guided his sister's hand to the dog cock sticking out between the two. She seemed relucant to touch it at first, but he didn't have to do much to encourage her. Curiously she began to feel along the shaft and the bulbuous swelling forming at its base.

When Dash gave off a needy whimper, she pulled back, but Toby eased her down. "No! It's okay. You didn't hurt him."

"It feels weird", she told him, ogling the member again and poking at it with her fingertips. "It's really hard and hot and slimy ..." She giggled when the dog twitched with his hind paws at her touch, his member pulsating under her fingers.

Toby grinned shyly. "Yeah. But it feels good for Dash. See ..."

He gently put his hand on his sister's and closed their fingers around the doggy shaft. He felt hot like he had caught a fever, showing his little sister how to handle a male's most private parts, but he gulped hard and continued to stroke the shaft, hesitantly at first but getting bolder by the minute when he saw the look of fascination on Amy's face.

"You like that, Dash?" she giggled, watching their dog with a grin, yelping in surprise when he suddenly bucked his hips against their hands.

"Yeah, he likes it!" Toby explained her hastily. "That means he wants us to go faster."

"Faster?" Amy asked. "You like it faster, Dash?"

He was surprised to see that she even went to work more determined than he had been. Her fingers squeezed inquiringly, her paw pads cushioning the throbbing shaft and brushing all over it in swift motions. She handled him like a toy, shaking and pumping, their dog's tongue lolling out and panting heavily. He had trouble to keep up with her, but when he did, the husky rewarded their efforts.


Hot jets of sticky fluid came pumping through the engorged member, staining the dog's fur and trickling over the sibling's fingers. Amy pulled back, shaking her hand in disgust.

"Eew! You're leaking, Dash!"

Before Toby could explain any more, she wrinkled her nose and sniffed, the look on her face turning to curiosity.

"It's just like your cream, Toby, right?"

"Yeah, right", he laughed softly. "That means he liked it. We did a really good job."

The husky rolled to his side, still panting heavily, and began to clean himself up, licking his belly and his glistening member, as well as the boy's hand with broad strokes of his tongue. Before he could destroy all evidence of what they had done, Amy took a quick lick from her own hand, cringing from the taste.

"It tastes even funnier than your cream!" she told her brother, offering her hand to him.

Toby hesitated, but after a moment of consideration he moved forward, brushing his tongue over his sister's fur. The creamy fluid he caught had a warm, wet, slimy feel in his mouth, but a strong taste, musky and salty and with a tinge of bitterness. He shuddered as he swallowed, but he did so nonetheless. That made him wonder. Did he himself taste similarly? Did his sister have a taste down there? And would it be different if he licked it right from the source ...?

Before his thoughts could take him anywhere, they were interrupted by his sister sticking her legs under his blanket and snuggling close to his chest, hugging their dog between them. Dash rose to his feet and shifted, pushing himself into a more comfortable position curled atop their legs.

"What are you doing?"

"Stay the night with you", she answered innocently.

"Did I allow you?" he wanted to know, but she was already prepared.

"You told me to come into your bed."

"Yeah I did, but ... ah, what the heck. You can stay."

He put his arm around her in a brotherly embrace and pulled her closer, so she could fit under his blanket and snuggle her head right under his chin. However, his body suddenly went stiff when he felt her brush against the bulge in his pajamas.

"You're excited too", she giggled softly, rubbing her leg against his groin.

The boy cringed. "Yeah", he managed to press between his clenched teeth, "Ah ... I-I am ..."

She paused for a moment, but then she shifted again, reaching down with her hand to feel for his member. "Should I help you, too?" she asked a little dreamily.

"N-No! It's ... it's okay ..." He gulped hard.

"But you said", she insisted, interrupted by a little yawn, "you said you shouldn't leave it like this ..."

"I-It's okay", he repeated, "I'll ... I'll take care of it. It'll go away on its own."

He ran his hand through her hair and scratched behind her ear to calm her. He knew she wouldn't last long when he hit the right spot, and it already showed when she closed her eyes and dropped her groping.

"Mmmh", she sighed, "okay ..."

He dared to breathe with relief as he felt his sister doze off, cuddling against him. On the other hand, having her lithe body pressed against his own, his erection embarrassingly eminent between the two of them, did nothing to soothe himself. Seeing her mounted by their pet and having her touch the dog's privates was one thing, even in his fantasies. But when she went for his own ... it felt different.

"Sleep tight, Amy", he whispered and concentrated on carressing her and scratching through her fur to distract himself from his insistent member.

"Mhm", came her answer sleepily. She sighed with pleasure when his fingers ran slowly down her spine, rubbing her muscles through the thin fabric of her nightgown, until they reached her tail sticking out under her clothing, lazily wagging to and fro.

"You like that?" he smiled and circled the base with one finger. He knew she was ticklish, so he was careful. She giggled softly, but didn't rouse. "Mmhmm ..."

He slipped his fingers under the waistband of her panties to get around her tail, but he stopped there immediately. What was he doing? His erection certainly didn't go down from touching his sister so intimately. But she didn't seem to care, in fact she rather liked it. He hesitated for a moment, listening to her calm breathing, feeling the warmth of her body, before he slowly continued.

His fingers followed the outline of her thighs, gliding along the edges of her panties and back over her petite cheeks towards her tail. She shivered and giggled from his soft touch, and he did too, although for a completely different reason. As she didn't tell him to stop, his fingers inched forward, feeling the crevice between her legs through the fabric of her panties and rubbing as gently as they could.

"You like that, too?" he asked, voice toned down to a nervous whisper.

"Mmmmh ..." Her answer was a silent sigh of pleasure, as if she had already fallen asleep and dreamt of something delicious. Her cool nose rubbed against Toby's neck and her tongue lapped out, licking his fur lovingly.

He held his breath with a heavy gulp. He didn't even know if his sister understood, but feeling her affection made his heart swell in his chest like it was going to explode, not to mention the bulge in his pajamas. His hand pulled back to calm down, it was shivering from excitement, but finally he took his courage in both hands and went on.

This time his fingers snaked their way between their bodies, pulling her nightgown out of the way and slipping under the waistband of her panties. He traced the gentle curve below her belly button, as it narrowed down between her thighs. Her fur was getting shorter and softer, her body increasingly warmer, until his fingertips hit smooth, silky skin. He felt his sister shudder against him at the touch and stopped, but she only let out a pleading little whine.

"It's okay", he whispered breathlessly into her ear. "Everything's alright, Amy ..."

His fingers moved slowly, carefully, as if he was walking a minefield. She felt so delicate, so soft and warm, and slightly wet at his touch. He had barely seen her most private part before, and never up close, let alone touched it. But now he was, and it felt like exploring a whole new world, that was somehow alien and oddly familiar at the same time. And each step he took was met by Amy with a shiver, a sigh, or a little whimper.

Delicate lips stretched under his fingertips as he roamed curiosly, gently stroking back and forth to trace their outline. He could feel them yield a little, his finger pads embraced by the tender folds as he slightly increased the pressure. With each stroke they sank in further, gliding along and between the velvety lips to reach wetter, hotter territories. Until they hit a little nub.


Toby instantly froze when his sister cringed, the girl sharply aroused by the little button he pressed. But it wasn't only for her surprise that he stopped, but for her hand clenching down on his member, gripping him hard when she searched for support. He bit his tongue and held his breath, silently counting to ten, before he eased her claws off his genitals. His other hand was still buried in her panties, and he didn't dare move an inch until he finally freed himself.

"Dash ..." Amy whined meekly as her grip was loosened, pawing at her brother's chest.

"Sshh, it's okay", Toby whispered. "He's right here."

"... so warm ... i-in me ..."

Her weak voice was broken by small shivers, her thighs clamped together, squeezing Toby's hand a little deeper against her passage. The boy gulped again. She thought Dash was doing this to her ...

"He ... he really loves you. He wants to hug you and make you feel good."

"Mmh ..."

When his fingers began to move again, she shuddered and pressed herself closer to his chest. He could feel her hot, excited breathing, her claws digging into his fur, every tremor his touch caused her. Grinding against her little pleasure button he sank in deeper, one inch, two, until finally his whole finger was inside her, buried to the palm. He never knew there was so much to go!

"Aah!" she gasped at his intrusion. "T-Toby ..."

"I'm here, Amy, I'm here. Everything's alright."

"... feels so ... mmmh ..."

His heart was pounding in his ears, his head was swimming with conflicting emotions. But he didn't stop. He couldn't stop. Dash had filled her before, and he could only try to keep up, stroking her wet, velvety walls. It wasn't about exploration anymore. He wanted to please her, to make her feel good, so he gave her his all.

"Aaangh ...!"

With a high pitched moan she clenched her thighs together. Her whole body stiffened and spasmed, as her inner walls came down on his digit in a drawn out climax. He didn't even know what to do at first, he just noticed the change in her reaction. Overstimulated she whimpered and whined at each little movement inside her, so he slowed down and held her tight, finally freeing his finger from her pussy and only carressing her gently. It was a bit sticky from her bodily fluids, but nothing compared to what he usually had to deal with.

"... daaash ..." the little girl sighed and let out a long, deep breath of relief.

Toby smiled and planted a small kiss on her nose. "It's alright, Amy."

"Toby ..." She giggled softly and licked her nose, snuggling closer and burying her nose under his chin. He had to shift a little so she didn't push against his lower body. He felt like if she touched his member again, even by accident, he would explode right there and then.

"Hold me ..."

"I'm here, Amy. I'll hold you."

As hot as his loins where burning, he didn't want to spoil it. Amy was still his little sister, she was something special. She trusted him and he was here to protect her, not to take advantage of her. But maybe, if she really liked it ... he could make her feel good again.

"Love you ..."

He smiled, the guilt washed away by a fuzzy, warm feeling that filled his chest.

"Love you too, sis."

She didn't reply anymore, she just lay there against him, her heart beating calmly in his embrace. Dash shifted, stretching his haunches to better fit against the siblings' legs.

"Sleep tight, Amy. And sweet dreams."