Breeders; Part One

Story by Soren on SoFurry

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#1 of Breeders (Sigmund's Story)

A spin-off of Soren's Early Years; this short series follows Sigmund Sigurd, and his life being obsessed with breeding. This series will involve rape, incest, and pregnancy.

Breeders; Part One

Note: this is a short series following Sigmund Sigurd (from Soren's Early Years). I just felt like I needed to bring more of his life to life. Besides, breeding is becoming a current fetish for me, so now is the time to write about it!

"Son. Come here, son." a regal, well-groomed red Wulf beckoned. His grey pup wandered over, reluctantly leaving behind his toys. He sat next to his father on the stone wall.

"One day, this place will be yours. The whole village, and everyone in it. It will be a big responsibility, but you have Sigurd blood in your veins."

"I know, Dad. You tell me every day."

"This is important, Sigmund. You must carry on my legacy. Promise me you will never let us die."

"I promise, Dad." Sigmund Sigurd said. At the time, all the grey Wulf pup cared about was getting back to his toys, but his father's words would lodge themselves into his mind, only becoming real when puberty upset the pup's world.

Kiska was beautiful. She stood almost a full head taller than Sigmund, and her red fur shimmered in the sun like the grass fields on a warm spring day. She never used any perfumes, but she had a scent that drove the boy wild.

Norlund Sigurd was getting too old and decrepit to even get so much as a half-mast erection. The old Wulf was too broken down to get out of bed, even knowing he had several new Wulf and wolfdog bitches nearing their first heat. It was depressing. His only hope was his son, Sigmund, who was fresh into puberty, and already showing interest in a beautiful red bitch sired by Norlund himself.

Kiska was Sigmund's twin sister, them sharing both father and mother. They looked nothing alike, but shared a birthday; Sigmund had been firstborn, but their mother died giving birth to Kiska, automatically putting the red Wulf into position to inherit her duties. Norlund tried to hold out until she was of age to bear pups, but his body failed him at every attempt.

"Look at her hips. Those are perfect child-bearing hips. She has full breasts, and a flawless appearance. Kiska will make a wonderful breeder. I need you to take over for me now. I want you to start with her." Norlund leaned back against his pillows, closing his eyes and sighing. Sigmund glanced over at Kiska, who was standing at the foot of the bed, hands folded in front of her, sadly looking down at her father. She met Sigmund's eyes.

"Should" Kiska whispered. Norlund cracked an eye open, found Sigmund's gaze, and slowly nodded.

"Yes." Sigmund said. He was almost shaky. Kiska would be his first sexual encounter with another body, not his hand. And with his father watching...

Kiska slid quietly away from the bed, slipping easily out of her one-piece dress, and walking over to the antique chair in the corner. She bent over, grabbing a hold of the chair's arms, and spreading her legs slightly. Her tail swished to the side, exposing her hot ass.

"Ungh..." Sigmund dropped his pants, nearly tripping over them as he stumbled towards his sister. His cock sprung around in front of him with each step. He reached towards Kiska's hips, when his father cleared his throat.

Norlund was wide awake and sitting up. He motioned in a circle. Kiska obediently spun the chair to the side, so her father could see all of them. The old Wulf smiled, and relaxed back into his pillows.

Kiska held herself stiffly in place, posing how she was told to. Sigmund gingerly touched her hip, sliding his hand into her soft fur. He used his other hand to guide his dick to her entrance. The sheer heat coming from her sex was almost enough to coax his seed out, but he pressed his tip up against her pussy lips before he could think too hard on it. She twitched as he pushed, widening her pussy around the first part of his rigid dick.

The young male Wulf moaned. He managed to hold back until he firmly seated his knot against Kiska's warm body. She held perfectly still as he pulled back slightly, and slid back in. Kiska rocked back into her brother as he steadily pumped her. He felt his balls tighten, and quickly rammed his swollen knot into her, causing her to shriek. He bottomed out just as his orgasm took hold. He dug his claws into her, sloppily jerking his cum inside her.

With a moan, Sigmund collapsed over Kiska's back. She tried to hold him up, but they collapsed to the floor in an awkward heap. Sigmund remained locked inside her.

Norlund grinned. His first time was awkward as well.

"Again tomorrow. You both need some practice. Remember, now you must do your duty as the last Sigurd male, so no more spilling your seed."

Sigmund's knot finally softened enough for Kiska to crawl away. She picked her dress off the floor, and the grey Wulf instantly felt a sadness at seeing her cover her sensuous body. He felt ashamed at his performance whenever she cast a disappointed look his direction. After she sulked out of the room, the elderly Wulf called his son over.

"You are the alpha of this clan now. You make the rules. Son, I'm leaving this all to you now, just like we talked about when you were little. Don't let us die." Norlund sank weakly down into the bed with a sigh.

Sigmund stood next to the bed, head hung low, as his father exhaled his final breath.

The village was comprised of a handful of small homes, all built in timber frame style, all simple. Each one consisted of simple furniture, usually multiple bunk beds, a dining table, and a simple kitchen. A stone fireplace was the only creative touch left by the builder (Norlund), with any other decorations being the choice of the occupants. And those occupants were always female.

Four of the small cabins were "of-age" bitches, two cabins were pups, and the last cabin belonged to Norlund. Norlund bred his bitches one cabin at a time, usually all the cabin occupants on the same day, and spaced the cabins a month apart. The puppy cabins were tended by the oldest bitches, who were just past breeding age, but young enough to chase the younglings.

Two more cabins had been completed just before Norlund ended up bedridden. They remained empty, and Norlund had instructed Sigmund that he was to "fill" those cabins with his own females.

In due time....

Not all the puppies born from Sigurd seed were female. Male offspring was inevitable, and mostly unwanted. Norlund carefully watched the birthings, making sure none of his bitches tried to play mother and hide any offending males from him. He never killed any of them, just "relocated" them. He never told anyone where they got put, and his bitches were too afraid of him to ask. He was usually mild-mannered, but he had an explosive temper simmering just below the surface.

One day, one of his newest bitches, a sleek, sexy, white and brown Wulf, denied his advances. He was so committed to creation, to the act of breeding, and to the continuation of his bloodline, he lost his head;

Her name was Auren. She had been an omega in a neighboring pack, where she had grown up eavesdropping on the alphas discussing a pack of "inbreds", led by a "non-alpha alpha". The young omega was strangely fascinated by the lewd stories and rumors, even thinking about them while touching herself. She slowly grew more and more obsessed with the idea of breeding, until one day, she ran away from her pack.

After two days of running, the young white Wulf arrived at a small village. The females she first met were friendly, helpful, and sweet. They welcomed her in, setting her up in one of the cabins with two other females. She was well-fed, dressed in the finest cloth, and treated like royalty. After a week, she met the "non-alpha alpha".

Norlund entered the cabin smoothly, running his eyes across the room until they rested on the new meat, Auren. He smiled, turning on his charm.

"Hello, young lass." Norlund spoke with a calm, collected voice. Auren felt at ease immediately. She instantly felt she could trust this mature Wulf, and felt a tingle dance around her pussy. He was attractive in a rugged way, strong, confident, charming, and mature enough to be 'good'... Auren crossed her legs in an attempt to stifle the tingle.

"Hi..." Auren smiled bashfully, pinning her hands under her crossed legs, and peeking up at the red Wulf sideways. Norlund grinned, his cock starting to poke out of his sheath, but still hidden by his pressed and pleated pants.

The two bitches who shared their cabin with the newcomer each had half-smiles, their general expressions unreadable. They busied themselves doing menial tasks around the cabin, as far from Auren's bunk as possible, but still watching the pair on the sly.

Norlund paced over to the white and brown omega, settling down on the bunk mattress next to her. He leaned close to her, gently resting his hand on the shoulder opposite.

"You did not find us by chance, did you sweetie?" Norlund gently placed his palm against her neck, using his thumb to stroke her jawline.

"No sir." she whispered. She tensed her legs. Her fur was already matted between her legs from her virgin lust.

"So you know who I am; who we are? And what we believe?" Norlund held her neck with one hand, slipping his other hand onto her leg. He kept turned towards her in such a way that his pleats half-hid his growing erection.

"Yes..." she sighed, gazing up directly into his eyes for the first time. She slowly uncrossed her legs, allowing his hand access.

In a sudden, surprising motion, Norlund had the young bitch on her back, his hand slid up her inner thigh. She gasped when he found her wet sex, and cupped his hand over it snugly.

"Mmmm so are recently of-age?"

"I bled for the first time last half moon." She said, laying perfectly still so as not to destroy this moment.

"Very good." Norlund left her side, disappearing over the edge of the bed. Just as she went to prop herself up to find the Wulf, a cold nose pressed up between her legs. She gasped and collapsed back down on the bed. He licked at her, delighting in her squirms and whimpers. He ventured into her tight hole with his tongue, relishing the warm juices of the virgin youth. He played her for a minute, then pulled back.

Auren sighed, then looked up to see Norlund had undressed. He wasn't chiseled, but muscular and solid as a Wulf living off the land should be. His red fur was clean and smooth...exotic in these parts, seeing as most Wulfs and wolfdogs were black, brown, grey, or a mix thereof. His tight ballsack was shielded by a velvety sheath, from which stemmed a long, solid cock. His knot was starting to swell already. Auren couldn't take her eyes off his dick. She had never seen one like this; she had peeked through the wall of her alpha's hut when they were breeding, and the alpha male was thicker than Norlund, but not as long.

"It's made for breeding. Longer to ensure my seed reaches where it needs to go." Norlund grinned. He approached Auren, using his claws to remove her clothing. She sighed as he pressed down onto her, wrapping her into a snug embrace. He pressed his cock up against her body.

Auren rubbed against him. Norlund lined his cock up with her tight pussy, working her pussy lips with the tip. She tried to push down on him, and he slid gently inside her, working his hips to stretch her around him. He found her taught hymen, pushing against it gently, causing her to whimper. He gave a swift shove, breaking her in. The young Wulf whimpered as Norlund pumped into her, his claws grabbing at her soft fur, his muzzle buried in her neck.

The mature Wulf worked her hard, thrusting faster, until finally stretching her around his knot. He sunk in with a soft pop, and resumed fucking her in short thrusts. Auren felt a flood of furious felt so good to be taken. Even better by a Wulf more than twice her senior. She wrapped her legs around Norlund's waist, crossing her ankles, and digging her sharp little claws into his back.

The elder Wulf felt his ballsack tighten; he could no longer pull back; and with a low, guttural moan, he released his sticky seed straight up inside his new bitch. He spasmed, filling her full up into her fertile, fresh, belly. Auren could feel his hot spooge racing up into her, and that combined with his growls of pleasure, threw the young she-wolf into a violent orgasm; her left leg shook uncontrollably, her back arching up like a bridge. She cried out, a half-howl moan terminating in a long sigh.

Auren was exhausted. Norlund looked down at his newly-bred bitch, her mouth wide open for maximum air intake, her eyes full of lusty afterglow. He panted lazily, mildly amused when a drop of his saliva dripped onto her face.

After several minutes, Norlund's impressive knot receded, and he pulled his softening cock from her, dripping with her juices and his white lifegiver.

The male stood, and turned around to see his other two bitches naked, standing next to each other, waiting obediently for their turn.

Auren was mildly irritated. Norlund bred her, then disappeared for several weeks. She was heavily pregnant, her belly so swollen she spent most of her time in bed.

"I'm guessing twin Wulfs." chattered Asa, one of Auren's cabin mates.

"No. It's her first litter, and those are normally wolfdogs." replied Sephora, the other cabin mate.

"Seems awfully defined..." Asa ran her hand over Auren's belly, "Feels like a larger body...maybe two. Twin Wulfs."

The two argued for a while, until they too had to rest their backs from supporting their bellies.

"How much longer until this is out of me?" Auren whimpered.

"Any day now." Sephora replied, gently rubbing her swollen tummy.

The cabin door swept open, startling the three bitches. Norlund stood in the doorway.

"Norlund!" Auren yelped excitedly, actually hopping to her feet. She swayed, and steadied herself on the bunkbed post.

"Easy, girl. You are awfully big." he walked to her, placing his hands on her belly.

"You haven't been around to watch me grow." Auren pouted.

"I have duties. You aren't my only bitch, sweetie." Norlund lifted her muzzle to his, placing a gentle kiss on her nose. "I am in need of a release, though. And I do not spill my seed."

Auren backed away. "You left me alone for weeks, and now you want to make love to me? No."

"First, I breed. I don't make love. Second, you have no place to tell me what to do. I care for you, feed you, clothe you, give you pups. I expect no less than your complete submission."

Auren looked stunned. She shied away from him as he grabbed her arms, pushing her back onto the bed.

"No!" she yelped, and tried to push him back. Asa and Sephora cast nervous glances at each other, and quietly slipped outside. They knew of Norlund's temper, and his passion for breeding, so a bitch telling him no....well, that wouldn't end well.

Norlund slammed her down, careful to avoid hitting the incubating pups. He snarled at her, while using his legs to split hers, and seeking out her puckered hole with his erect member. He was successful in keeping her somewhat still enough to find her entrance. He slammed his whole cock up inside her, eliciting a screech from her. The knot rubbed with every deep penetrating stroke, forcing her tender vagina to stretch with each stroke. Auren whimpered, tears streaming down her face, as Norlund brutalized her. Her daydreams, her fantasies, all crashed down around her like icicles from a roof on a warm day.

The mature Wulf bit down around her neck, tight enough for her to yelp, but not enough to kill. He continued deep thrusts, pulling almost completely out, then slamming into her, his growing knot making her cry out, flinch, and sob with every forceful split. Then, it grew too much, and Norlund locked into her. He growled as he beat her pussy, ramming her without mercy, until his seed filled her yet again.

Auren laid out weak, quiet sobs racking her trim body, mentally pleading for the knot to dissipate so he would leave her alone.

Suddenly, she bolted upright, clutching her gut, letting loose another yowl. Norlund was still locked inside her, and could feel her dilating. He had literally fucked her into labor.

Norlund held her tight, and forced his knot out of her. She whined in pain as she clutched her belly again.

"Asa! Sephora! Time to deliver!" Norlund lifted her up, and placed her on the floor. She howled as another cramp racked her body. The cabin mates exploded through the door, and were whirling round the cabin grabbing blankets, stoking up the fire to warm some water, and prepping themselves to assist Norlund.

"Don't touch me!" Auren screamed when Norlund tried to prop her legs up.

"Knock it off, bitch." Norlund snarled, swatting at her muzzle. His hand lightly made contact with her nose, eliciting a whimper. She'd never been hit before. The sting in her nose was nothing compared to the mental anguish she put herself through.

"Leave me alone!" Auren whined between sobs, trying to swat him away. Norlund's patience was thin ice on a hot day. He cracked.

With an animalistic snarl, Norlund cocked back and nailed her upside the head, rendering her unconscious. He growled again, and set to massaging her pussy open. One of the pups was already working its way down, and when Norlund slipped a couple fingers in, he could feel the pup's ear. He forced his hand inside, stretching her tight pussy almost to the point of tearing. In an easy, practiced motion, Norlund coaxed the pup out. A small grey-furred Wulf pup greeted him with cries of discomfort, its tiny muzzle opening and closing with each sad howl. He handed the tiny male pup to Asa, who cradled him in a soft blanket, carefully wiping the birth off him.

As Norlund was about to slip his hand in for the next pup, Auren woke. She was all claws and teeth, lunging at the elder male. He grabbed her by the throat, holding her head back, while trying to subdue the waving claws. He took a few claws to the chest and face, before he pushed forward, shoving the fiesty Wulf to the floor. He pinned her down by her neck, making her gasp like a fish out of water. She grabbed his neck-pinning arm, digging her claws in deep enough to draw blood.

The old male forced his free hand up into her abused snatch, searching out the other pups. She whimpered, but eventually just laid still, as Norlund found the (last) pup. The little red Wulf pup was an homage to the sire. Norlund welled up with pride seeing the wet little ball of fire. The tiny female whimpered, but remained relatively quiet.

Asa and Sephora took the twins over to the warm water, and began gently cleansing them. They made little squeaks and chirps, and occasionally mock howls as the bitches tended them.

Norlund turned his attention to Auren, who remained motionless on the floor. Her legs spreadeagled awkwardly, her crotch saturated with blood and birthing fluid, her head tossed aside as if in extreme deep sleep. He poked at her face with a bloody hand. No response. He bent down over her, resting his head on her chest. No heartbeat. No breathing. He had strangled his newest bitch; this perfect little breeder hadn't survived her first birth. He was mildly upset at the loss, but more angry that he killed off a stellar breeder. Her body was made for breeding, just like his cock was, and now she was dead. Son of a bitch.

He sensed Asa and Sephora watching his back.

"She died from complications." Norlund said flatly. The she-wolves looked at each other, each knowing the true cause of her untimely demise. They said nothing, just solemnly nodded in quiet agreeance, and kept busy with the newborns.

Norlund lifted her limp carcass, and took her outside. He headed straight into the thickest part of the forest, where a small cemetary without headstones lay. He dropped her lifeless body to the ground on one of the more recent graves, where the dirt was still fluffed and dark.

Once a new, shallow grave had been dug, the old Wulf returned to Auren. He crouched down next to her, caressing her muzzle with a dirty paw. He pressed his thumb into her limp muzzle, playing at the damp tongue. Something poked his belly...he was hard and ready. With a carcass though?

A quick glance confirmed no onlookers, and Norlund positioned Auren flat on her back, legs wide open. He stared down at her wrecked pussy. Wasn't the most attractive thing, kinda looking like a ham had exploded in the oven. His cock didn't seem to care, so he crawled down to her, guiding his dick to the mess. He sank himself in, rocking in and out. The juices kept him well lubricated as he fucked with more gusto, trying to keep the thought of her dead corpse out of his mind despite the obvious temperature difference. After several moments, he started to get frustrated. He couldn't get off.

Norlund pulled out. He couldn't cum into a corpse. It was no different to him than simply spraying his seed on the ground. His cock was built for impregnation, and you needed a live bitch to impregnate.

In sheer frustration, Norland opened her mouth, and crammed his cock into her throat. He didn't like her teeth touching his balls, but he enjoyed the feeling of her throat. No gag reflex, no whimpering, no squirming. Fuck it.

Norland rammed down into her maw, stabbing the tonsils with his dick, holding her lifeless head steady with his filthy hands. He ravaged her mouth, digging at her skull with bloody claws. He felt a familiar twinge in his sack, but at the prospect of sowing his oats, his release was blocked. Still a dead body.

"Damn it!" Norlund growled, throwing her head to the ground. He drug her body to the open pit and rolled her in. Once the dirt was replaced, Norlund looked down at his still-perky cock. "I hate you."

The sun illuminated a small clearing just outside the cabins. Asa, Sephora, and the other females, all in various stages of pregnancy, watched the new twins sleep in the grass.

Little red Wulf Kiska, and her slightly older grey Wulf brother Sigmund; the little fireball, and the heir.

To be continued...

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