Soren's Early Years; Part Six (conclusion)

Story by Soren on SoFurry

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#6 of Soren's Early Years

The conclusion to this series.

Soren's Early Years; Part Six

Ambros slowed to a trot, and finally to a walk. He wasn't used to running like this. The sun was just rising in the east, so he'd been running all night.

It'd been a week and a couple days since he, Dante, and Tielo had left the castle ruins and set out after Soren. He felt a little bad for snapping at the spry Tielo, but he regained his sense of urgency to find his mate, and he felt it was his duty as her mate and submissive to get to her.

The Wulf felt a pang of hunger, and set to finding something to eat.

The woods were beautiful. Sunlight streamed down between the trees in blades, terminating on the soft forest floor like illuminated pillars. The light breeze ruffled her clean, white fur, warmed by the sunspot she rested in. The cool grass tickled her nose. She inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh, clean air.

Off in the distance, the happy sounds of her puppies at play echoed lightly, bringing a smile to her face. A soft hand reached over and cupped hers. Soren turned and faced Ambros. A satisfied smile wrinkled his muzzle just the way she loved, his warm brown eyes conveying every emotion he didn't need to tell.

The Wulfs touched noses, then lips, then she weasled her tongue into his muzzle, playing at his. They lovingly kissed, tongues dancing together, hands moving, exploring familiar bodies.

Ambros felt down her back, feeling around her firm butt, her soft tail brushing him as he progressed to her hip. His expert fingers found her inner thigh, brushing the wet, hot entrance. Soren allowed a shudder of lust to take her, seperating her mouth from his, and spreading her legs to give him access. For once, she wanted her sub to take charge. She didn't care too much about who did what, so long as she was with her mate again.

The fingers worked around her, first playing at her vagina's sensitive lips, then scooping at her wetness. Finally, two fingers found their target, curling up inside her, the claws digging in; she cried out in pain as Ingvarr's sharp talons cut into her soft flesh again, and the werewolves sank their own claws into her wrists, holding her down.

The air turned cold, the sunlight dancing, boiling around the forest, turning into long tendrils of flame, which started consuming the trees like dragons on sheep.

"No!" Soren shrieked, as Ingvarr rammed his fist into her, then leaned in close, lovingly stroking her face.

"It's ok, dear. It's just a dream." Ingvarr cooed, his teeth straight and healed. The flames disappeared, replaced slowly by the unburnt rafters of the cabin. Sigmund stared at Soren, concerned, holding her head in his hands.

"Hey. Hey honey. Relax. You're ok." Sigmund dropped his hands to her shoulders. She had fallen asleep in front of the fire, leaning against the chair. Angus whimpered and looked up at her with curious eyes, while her alphas glared for interrupting their sleep.

Sigmund placed one hand back to her cheek. "Are you ok? That sounded like a nasty dream."

"I'm fine." Soren pulled her muzzle away, wrapping the blanket around her tighter.

"Would you like to take the bed? I will sleep here. It's more comfortable." Sigmund offered. Soren had already drifted back to sleep. Carefully, the old male lifted her up, carrying her to his bed. He laid her down. The blanket fell open, as did her legs. The fur in her nether area was saturated, excreting the pheromones Sigmund knew too well. Her dream, or at least the beginning of it, prepped her for him.

Sig bent over her, gently running his tongue along her sex, watching her for movement. She rolled over, clamping her legs shut. He tried pushing his fingers under her tail to stimulate her ass, but she rolled her tail under.

He stood back, staring at her slender figure, her toned back, fluffy tail, smoothly curved hips. His dick was completely exposed, already dripping with pre cum. He ached for a warm place to put that thing, other than his hands. He rubbed the base of it, massaging the sheath and the slight knot.

Suddenly, a wet tongue slapped his cock.

Havoc was standing there. She had grown tall enough that her head was at the same height as his hips. She looked up at him, almost eagerly, expecting him to at least pet her, or give her a treat.

Sigmund glanced at Soren, who didn't even stir, then back down at the wolfdog, who gazed up at him, tongue hanging out. He quietly led her over into the kitchen area, where he could watch Soren sleep. He coaxed Havoc over, spread some sweet butter on his dick, and pushed his hips toward the she-wolf. She sniffed at him...his balls tingled...he pointed at his cock, holding it by the base at her nose.

The wolf began lapping at the treat, her wide tongue running the length of his shaft. He stifled a moan as she pulled part of his dick into her mouth, slurping at the butter. Her tongue worked him, generously cleaning off the treat. She pulled her head back, and took a different angle, licking at the base of his dick, where the knot began to swell. He reached down, rubbing her soft ears. Havoc played at his sheath, darting her tongue just inside it, then resuming licking the shaft.

Sigmund slid down to the floor, with Havoc still licking mercilessly at his cock, now lapping up his salty pre. He moaned, then glanced at Soren, who stayed as she was. Havoc left his dick cold, looking into his eyes while licking her chops.

"You ready girl?" he whispered. She innocently wagged her tail. He stroked her head, rubbing the base of her ears, and slowly turning her around. He got up on his knees, then sniffed at her ass. She didn't smell as good as Soren, but someone was definitely here before. Another whiff, and he detected Raegan's young musk. He licked at her, and she stayed put. He stretched his tongue into her hot clit, running into a thin membrane. He then ventured his tongue into her asshole, where he tasted seed. That stupid wolfdog. Raegan would never have cubs of his own if he kept on that shit.

Sigmund licked at her, watching her body language, relaxing her tight hole. She patiently stood there as he straightened up. The old Wulf pressed the tip of his dick to her hole (the correct hole), and slowly pushed, stretching her slightly. She pulled away a little, but he placed his hands on her narrow hips and held her close. He pressed a little more, feeling her hot box accept him. He kept pushing, painfully slow, until he reached her innocence. With a small but firm shove, he broke her. She flinched, but stayed.

The Wulf sank in, up to the knot, bottoming out in her shallow passage. He began working her, sliding smoothly in and out, rocking his hips slowly. She stayed still, panting, looking straight ahead, even occasionally leaning back into him. He picked up his pace, his knot growing, his balls aching for release into something alive.

The desperate Wulf got rougher, pounding the fresh pussy, working it to accept his knot. Havoc began to squirm, but he held her close and tight, until he finally forced the knot inside. As he pumped her in short bursts, his knot had him locked to her. He didn't take long, and then unleashed his hot seed into her young belly. He unloaded fast, his hands releasing her and massaging his balls, coaxing every last drop from them. Havoc let out a small whimper, but it neither woke up other residents, or made him stop.

He exhausted his supply, still stood up on his knees, still locked into the young wolfdog. She tried to lift her legs to walk away, but he rocked his hips back, forcing her back legs off the floor. He grinned as she tried to paw at the floor.

Soren stirred in his bed. She moaned, and stretched, but stayed facing away. The silence in the cabin was excruciating, save for the occasional crackle or snap in the fireplace. Havoc seemed agitated, and looked back at Sigmund.

The Wulf stroked her supple fur, reaching around to feel for her nipples. He found one and rubbed it, playing it in his fingers.

"These will be full soon." He whispered in her ear. His dick had started to soften, but the thought of her swelling up with puppies and milk hardened him again. He nuzzled her fur, inhaling her scent. He rocked his hips slowly, his knot still keeping her attached to him. Her tight pussy felt so amazingly good...after all this time without. She reminded him of her own harem of females, both young and old. It wasn't about sex as sex, it was all about breeding his bitches, growing the pups, and breeding them too. Most of the males left, but he kept all the females. The more puppies he could produce, the better he felt. They weren't just breeders; he loved them all too, but when they got too old, or had an issue that would prevent their successful breeding, they got retired.

Sigmund felt Havoc wiggle again. She was still stuck to him. His thoughts wandered back to the days when he was able to breed multiple females in a day, lick up their birth, bring new puppies into his world, and (of course) suckle at his bitches' nipples. That was the sweetest milk he had ever tasted. He wondered if Soren was dried up yet...

Finally, his knot loosened enough for Havoc to slide off him. The sudden chill of the air took him by surprise, but his dick still remained standing. Havoc wandered away, cum dripping from her backside, mixed with a hint of blood from her lost virginity. She sat by the fire, rolled on her haunches, and licked at her tender vagina.

Sigmund smiled at her. His seed never failed. He would have his own puppies soon. He turned towards the sleeping Soren. She was very quiet now, so she was either having neutral dreams, or was so far asleep she wasn't dreaming at all.

The Wulf quietly made his way to her, gently feeling her hard breast. Still full. He had seen her feed Angus, but the other two were hunting on their own. He felt a little anger at her allowing him to feed on her breast at his age (or size), but he was grateful Angus kept her primed for him.

His tongue found her nipple, and he suckled as unobtrusively as possible, savoring her milk, and keeping a watchful eye for her to wake.

Ambros filled up on the few rabbits he was able to find, although his stomach wasn't thrilled about the greasy meat. He kept moving. After another day, he came upon a sheer cliff, and an ocean. He couldn't remember back when he was human, ever seeing an ocean. He lost Soren's scent with the steady assault of seabreeze. The Wulf sat down on a large rock a few feet back from the cliff's edge, watching a pair of seagulls drift in place.

He pulled up a knee, resting his chin on it, casting his eyes downward. That's when he saw it...a paw print, clear as day, in the dried mud. It was no ordinary canine print, for the toes were too long, and the depth of the print suggested an upright stance. What are the odds there just happens to be another Wulf out here?

Deciding on taking his chances, he turned in the direction of the print, and started walking, watching for broken branches, more prints, or whatever else he could find.

After only twenty minutes, the trail ran cold. Just past a few more trees was a random rock outcrop, forming a natural cave, sheltered by trees. That would be a good place to rest.

Sigmund was exceptionally cheerful that morning. He laid out breakfast, serving Havoc an extra helping. Soren sat at the table, rubbing her eyes. She remembered most of her dream from last night, but she tried to focus on anything else.

The Wulfs sat together at the table, eating in silence, while the wolfdogs inhaled their portions from bowls on the floor.

"How are you feeling today?" Sigmund asked between mouthfuls.

"I'm fine, like always." Soren said flatly. Her puppies were old enough and strong enough to run with her, so she mentally calculated the best way to tell him she was leaving.

"Is something on your mind?"

Of course there is. I woke screaming from a nightmare, and you know I'm not going to give you what you want.

"Actually, yes." Soren stopped eating, stared at the table. Briefly, Sigmund thought she knew about his session with Havoc last night, but then he held a small hope that this white Wulf would finally give in to him, and let him breed her.

"It's time for me to go. My pups are plenty grown to keep up with me. I appreciate your kindness, and care, while I was weakened, but it's time for me to move on." Soren spoke quieter than normal, and less forcefully than she used to. She knew the old Wulf had a breeding fetish, and seemed to be good natured, but she didn't know how far he would go to get what he wanted. She also didn't want this lonely Wulf thinking she was just using him.

"I really don't want you to leave." Sigmund gazed across the table at her. The wolfdogs ignored the bipeds, and headed back over to the fire. All three curled ip together, with Angus on the outside, and the alphas tightly coiled.

"I know, but I can't give you what you want, and you can't give me what I need. I will be leaving this afternoon." Soren let a little attitude creep into her voice.

"At least do me one favor. Afterwards, you can leave, and I won't stop you..."

Soren paused, watching the old Wulf's face as he tried to compose the proper sentences.

"Just one litter of pups. It's only three weeks of your time, and I will care for you every step of the way. Like royalty." Sigmund looked across at her hopefully.

She shook her head slowly. "I told you before, the answer is no. I'm not a breeder."

The room fell silent. Uncomfortably silent. Aside from the pops and snaps from the fire, the room was deafening.

"I won't let you leave until you carry MY pups. I helped you birth some other dead Wulf's pups, so you owe me. You owe me big. Even if I have to take it. I will not be taken advantage of again."

Soren stood from her chair. "I dare you to try." She snarled, "You have no idea who I am, or where I came from. I am NOT some bitch you can take what you want from. I will rip you to shreds, you weak, sad excuse for a Wulf."

Sigmund's face lost all its gentle nature, and was replaced by a scary sneer. He dug his claws into the table, and decided this was one bitch he needed to put in her place.

"I figure...this is a good time to tell you how lovely your daughter was?"

Soren glanced at Havoc, then back at Sigmund. "If you touch her..."

The old Wulf laughed, "I already have. I filled that bitch up!"

The rage Soren experienced only a couple weeks prior flooded back into her, clouding her vision. Except the smirking face of Sigmund was crystal clear. Soren tensed her legs, ready to spring at this bastard, and fight him to the death for violating her pup.

"You can do this easy, or hard. You let me impregnate you, and I let you leave. Or, I kill you, and rape sweet Havoc AND her brothers until my seed pours out of every open hole on their bodies." Sigmund was standing now. This was when Soren finally took notice of how lean and fit he actually was. He was a working Wulf, living off the land, building his own life with his hands. He would be stronger than her, or any male she'd been with. She sensed he could be just as cruel as Ingvarr too.

"What makes you think you can kill me?"

Sigmund leaned over the table, as if telling a secret, "Because you're just another bitch."

Soren flattened her ears, glaring at him momentarily, then turning on her heels and heading for the door. "Havoc, Raegan, Angus, let's go."

The wolfdogs all headed towards their master and mother. Then, just as Soren reached the door, a double-bit axe sank into it not inches from her head, the thud of the impact revertebrating through her skull. She froze, then turned slowly.

Sigmund was holding another axe, this one fatter, more for splitting wood and less for chopping. He smiled at her, and beckoned her to come back over. She calculated her speed versus his; in the time it would take her to lunge at him, he would either have that splitting maul buried in her back, or have it flying towards one of her pups. He held the heavy thing like it was a toothpick. With a low growl, she walked closer to him. He pointed at his bed with the head of the maul.

Soren slowly crawled onto the bed, laying on her back, still snarling.

"No, no, no. On your hands and knees, facing the headboard. I'm going to breed you like a bitch." As Soren repositioned, Sigmund quietly leaned the maul against the footboard, and grabbed a hold of his cock. Her perfect hips, that sleek white fur, and her experienced pussy had him rock hard in seconds. Her ass exposed to him had his dick leaking its pre cum already. First things first, though.

"I don't trust you, honey. And, if you're going to act like a bitch, I will breed you like one." Sigmund produced some rope. He wrapped it around her belly twice, then made a half loop for each wrist. He fed her hands through, then ran the running end of the rope through one of the loops around her waist. With a tug, her hands were pinned to her belly, face planted in the pillow, ass up in the air. Sigmund expertly knotted the loose end, and grabbed a second rope. This one he looped twice around her neck, knotted it tightly against her flesh, and held onto it like a leash.

Sigmund admired his knots, then grabbed a hold of her tight ass, squeezing down hard. He played with her tail, tugging at it, then tossing it to the side. He slipped a finger into her asshole. She squirmed against him; she had never let one of her subs in THERE; she had thought about having two of her subs team on her, but this guy was unacceptable. He grew tired of that, and instead licked his fingers, and felt around her tightened pussy. Her heat was much greater than Havoc's, mostly from her sexual experience, and having been bred. Her body was primed. He worked his fingers in and out of her hot sex, his other hand rubbing the base of his cock, working the knot.

Soren closed her eyes tight. She had been a strong, confident alpha. But being raped three times in a month? What kind of alpha gets raped three times in a month? She let tears fall as she thought about her Ambros, her life before Ingvarr. She was a mess. Maybe all she deserved was to be this crazy old man's bitch.

He removed his fingers, sucking her juices off them. "You taste so much better than Havoc. She was still too young for my liking, but aawww she felt so good around my cock. She didn't like me breaking her innocence, but she got over it."

Soren's white hot rage filled up again, but when she tried to move, his high quality rope and expert knots doused her fire with ice water.

The old grey Wulf lined his dick up with her pussy, easing the tip into her, just teasing. He swirled it around, coating it in her fluids. He popped the tip in, then pulled it out. Then he popped it back in, pushing a little further, just a couple inches in. He didn't like how she tried to clench and push him back out, but he was stronger than her internals, and he wanted her to know it.

Sigmund grabbed her hips with his hands, his claws piercing her flesh, and slammed his cock into her, knot and all, his pelvis smashing into her ass. She yelped as his long cock poked into her tender cervix, his knot already swelling up. He pulled back, the knot popping out, his dick saturated with her wetness. He slammed her again. Another sad yelp, and he stayed in this time. He pumped her, harder and faster than with Havoc, pushing himself closer to climax faster than ever. He needed to breed this bitch. He needed to fill her with his seed. He needed to....

The old Wulf stopped. His cock was locked into her, but he didn't move. Soren tried to peek back, but between her face being smashed into the pillow, and her eyes cloudy, she could only see his silhouette. He jerked twice, then suddenly tore his swollen cock out of her, falling backwards off the bed, and out of view.

Soren whimpered as another figure approached. What the hell is going on? Gentle hands worked at the knots, until she felt the ropes loosen and fall slack. She freed a hand to clear her eyes, and the same hands pulled the ropes from her. The wolfdogs were darting around excitedly, little yips and barks echoing in the cabin.

When her vision cleared, she gasped. Her body froze, paralyzed from shock. Her mind went total blank.

Ambros lifted her muzzle up, looking down into her eyes. He lightly touched noses with her.

Soren cried out, lunging up into the arms of her mate, burying her face in his neck. Her tears soaked his shoulder. She held tightly to him, not believing he was actually here.

"Are they mine?" he asked quietly. He was looking at the wolfdogs.

"Yes." Soren leaned back, holding his head in her hands, just staring at him. He was very real, and very much here. He smiled at her.

"The one looks just like me, except a little more wild." he said.

"That one's Angus. The female is Havoc, and the alpha male over there is Raegan." Soren smiled, not looking away from her mate for a second. The three wolfdogs darted around the two Wulfs, tongues hanging out, playful moods, as if they knew daddy was home.

Ambros left the rockpile cave as soon as dawn broke. He headed towards the smell of campfire smoke.

Sure enough, in a clearing, was a quaint timber frame cabin, the chimney lightly poofing smoke. There was light inside, so he went up and peeked in the window. His heart hit the floor when he saw his mate tied, and some old nasty Wulf having his way. Despite being purely submissive, he had one hell of a temper, and was perfectly capable of destroying whatever he saw fit. His ordinarily upbeat personality had given way to something darker.

The brown Wulf loaded a small bolt into the pack-sized crossbow, and snuck around to the main door. The wolfdogs inside were already noisy, the smell if sex driving them crazy, so he was able to open the door and creep inside. He got to point-blank range, and fire the bolt into the grey Wulf's skull.

The old Wulf froze, spasmed once, twice, then collapsed backwards. The only fluids present were his mate's clear lubricant, and he was thankful for that at least.

She didn't seem to see him until he cut her loose, and she cleared her eyes...

Several of Sigmund's personal effects were tossed in with his body, into a raging bonfire. Soren glared at the body as the flames nibbled at the fur. The smell of his burning flesh didn't faze her in the least.

"He never even asked my name." Soren growled.

"His hide would've made a great rug." Ambros said, a hint of his former self returning.

The three wolfdogs raced around the yard, Havoc taking up the rear. She slowed to a stop, her fat belly making play more tiring. She walked over to her mother, and nudged her hand. Soren stroked the white wolfdog's head.

Raegan had called himself in a mate, and both Wulfs and wolfdogs accepted her. She was beautiful. A sleek and shimmering black, with flecks of white, a calm omega personality, and very heavy with Raegan's puppies.

Angus seemed to care less about anything except whatever was fun. He got growled at many times from both pregnant wolfdogs as well as Raegan, just for trying to initiate play. He would have plenty of puppies to harass soon enough.

As the bonfire raged on, Ambros slipped his arm around Soren's waist, pulling her close. He nuzzled her cheek, then under her chin, leaving his muzzle there in complete submission. Soren held him close.

The pair sank to the soft ground, holding each other close. Havoc moved away as Ambros rolled Soren on her back.

They nuzzled against each other, his hands feeling along her body, every curve, every familiar inch. Soren ran her hands down his back, then slipped one inbetween them, seeking out his sheath. His dick was already growing, but she played with the soft sheath anyways. She held his cock, squeezing gently, then rolling her hand around it and down to the sheath, where she rubbed it. She brought her other hand down to his warm furry balls, massaging them as she worked his cock.

He pressed himself into her hand, but she suddenly let go, rolling them until she was on top.

"We have an audience. I don't care how much we love each other, I still need to show my dominance." Soren whispered. Sure enough, all the wolfdogs had stopped what they were doing and were watching their masters intently.

"Fine by me, mistress." Ambros smiled, his tongue hanging out to the side, his muzzle wrinkling from the grin.

Soren rubbed her wet pussy along the length of his cock, her hands kneading him like a content cat. She found his tip, pressing her pussy down on to it. Ambros moaned as she swallowed his cock, slowly, almost making him beg. Her hot sex absorbed him, straight up to his knot. She lifted herself up, then pushed back down, each time working herself around his growing knot. Then, she slid her legs out from under, impaling herself on him, his knot popping inside her. She unintentionally moaned, the wolfdogs around them half-howled in response.

Ambros pumped up into her, as she rode him, keeping her hands on his warm body. They looked at each other, and nowhere else. Ambros stiffened, gripping her hips, and let loose into her. She grinded his cock, bringing herself into an orgasm. She lifted her head to sky and howled. Ambros chimed in.

The whole pack howled together, as the Wulfs established their place at the head of the pack, and forged their bond.

The end.

Soren's Early Years; Part Five

Soren's Early Years; Part Five * * * Tielo couldn't understand why she would just leave. She could've at least tried to revive him, or buried him if he was dead. Maybe she wasn't as strong as she acted. He had never suffered a loss like she had, so...

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Soren's Early Years; Part Four

Soren's Early Years; Part Four * * * The castle had been searched top to bottom. Poor Ambros' moods had been a rollercoaster the last few weeks, and now this was too much. He stayed glued to Soren's hip like a puppy. The only thing Soren noticed...

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Soren's Early Years; Part Three

Soren's Early Years, Part Three * * * In his village, Tielo was never looked upon with favor. He was very introverted, preferring to stay alone in his den and sketch plans for repairs on old buildings or just whatever came to mind. He kept a small...

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