Black Chocolate & Red Wine

Story by kissmedog on SoFurry

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In every wolf's life, there was always a moment where they were glad for their heightened senses, a moment that allowed them to be happy with their species and realize that having a good sense of smell, keen eyes and sensitive ears was far more useful than just for hunting.

Accalia had just walked into that moment.

The bed still smelled faintly like sex, fear and cum but the odors were mostly masked by the sweet scent of black chocolate and red wine. The silk sheets slid against her fur in a soft whisper as she drew them about herself, breathing in the scents of the previous night and her master. A small shudder ran through her as her mind flicked to him, remembering his tongue, his breath, his touch on her body. She lay still for a moment, head just brushing the silk covered pillows, paws twitching against the sheets. Was it really just a few hours ago that she had laid here, spread eagle and fucked silly? Had it really just been last night that Master had pierced her left nipple and promised another sign of obedience?

She propped herself on her elbows and stared at the gold ring in the inflamed flesh. It glinted softly in the light of the few candles she had lit, a bright gold against the soft gray fur of her pelt. Her breasts looked warm and inviting in the candlelight and Accalia wished that Master would come in and take her. She sighed and fell back to the bed, rolling her nakedness over to press her muzzle into a handful of sheets. The black chocolate scent was strong here. She drank it in for a moment before falling back to her back, staring upwards at the ceiling she was so familiar with.

"What are you doing on my bed?"

"Master!" Accalia sat up quickly, strands of her black hair falling into her face as she did so. She stared, mouth slightly agape, at him. He stood at the end of the bed, thick lion's mane framing his tawny face beautifully. His white shirt was halfway unbuttoned, crimson colored coat tossed over one arm. Her gaze traveled down the rest of the lion's body, over his tan colored riding pants and black knee high boots that shined in the candlelight.

"Accalia!" He mimicked her voice nearly perfectly, a small smile upon his maw, and turned away from her to throw his coat over a chair and sat down. The she-wolf slid from the bed and crawled on forepaws and knees, head bowed and tail tucked. God, she had messed up. Three days with her new master and already she was in trouble. She stopped when the toes of his boots were within her sight and remained on her forepaws and knees.

"Take off my shoes."

He touched her hair, his paw running through the soft silken strands. She resisted the urge to press against him and shifted so that she could easily unzip the boots. They crumpled to the floor next to the chair in as neat a pile as she make them. He stood abruptly and Accalia shuffled backwards to avoid being hit.

"Why were you on my bed, Accalia?" He glanced at her, collecting his coat and boots and put them away.

"I..." Her voice faltered and she looked at the floor.

"Answer me."

She looked up and watched as he began to unbutton the rest of his shirt, exposing the smooth planes of his chest. The light cotton material fell off of his shoulders and she had a sudden image of licking the lines of his chest upwards, nibbling on his collar bone and letting him touch her all over. She blinked, attempting to wash away the fantasy.

"I...I missed you."

The wolf's gaze fell back to the floor and she took a breath. It sounded so silly; childish even now that she had admitted it aloud. Accalia hardly noticed that he had come back to stand in front of her until he crouched down and touched her slim muzzle.

"You're such a silly wolf," he whispered, kissing her lips softly, tongue flicking out just enough to brush her muzzle before he pulled away.

"Master...Master Hael...Are you mad at me?" She looked up at him, feeling vaguely ridiculous but needing to know the answer.

"No, Accalia, I'm not. You did disobey me though. I did tell you to remain in your quarters until I returned, didn't I?"

Accalia nodded, "Yes, sir. You did. I'm very sorry for disobeying you." He made some sort of a noise, one of those noises men make that mean neither yes nor no and confuse women to no end. Hael collected his coat and shirt, dropping the latter on top of a small pile of wash and hanging the coat back up in his wardrobe. He looked at the wolf kneeling on the stone floor, looked at the woman that he had owned for a short three days and sighed.

"Come with me," he said, leaving the room and leaving the wooden door open. Accalia listened as his bare paws slid smoothly down the stone hallway, the sound nearly disappearing completely before she scrambled to her own paws and followed. The hallway was dark, the candles haven been blown out and the oil lamps turned down a little too far and guttered out. The she-wolf walked slowly, barely able to pick out the scent of her master from the scents of black chocolate and red wine that still clung to her muzzle. A bit of light suddenly shone from a room.

"In here, Accalia," Master Hael's voice called, soft yet able to make her shiver as if he was caressing the most intimate part of her with just a few words. The room was small, obviously meant to be a storage room and the lion had lit a few candles, just enough light for him to see the shelves, obviously looking for something. Accalia watched, unable to help herself from staring at the sleek muscles that rolled under his pelt, unable to not remember the feel of him on top of her a few hours ago. She was taken, in more ways than one, and feared that not only her body would belong to him in time but her heart as well.

"Ah, here we are. I bought this a while ago and had the maid put it away until the time was right. Of course the silly rabbit hides things on me," he shook his head, clutching a small wooden box with a latch on it, "Anyways, I was planning on giving this to you not for another week but...I think you've already become mine despite hardly knowing me or my hand." He looked at the box for a moment before handing it to her. She took it carefully, paws shaking slightly. She had never been given anything before and could hardly believe that this was to be hers. The wood was dark, polished to an umpteenth degree. There was no latch and the box opened smoothly on hidden hinges. Inside lay a collar, an inch thick of black leather with a short chain spilling from the d-ring attached to the front.

"It's a bit of a complicated piece, specially made for you so it should fit perfectly. I suppose I've lucked out with you and this is a gift rather than a requirement," Hale shrugged, picking it up and undoing the silver latch that would clasp it around her throat, "Here." He walked around her and she quickly put the box down so that she could hold her dark hair out of his way. The leather felt cool against her throat and the bit of chain fell just low enough that the last link brushed the top of her breasts. The fit was snug but not too much that she couldn't breathe easily.

"Perfect," Hael purred, brushing a hand along her waist as he went to stand in front of her again.

"Master...I...I don't know what to say...thank you," Accalia looked up at the slightly taller man and smiled, attempting to not burst into tears of joy. The chain rattled softly as she suddenly hugged her Master, pressing her face into his bare chest and breathing in his scent. He looked at the wolf, unsure as to whether or not to respond. Accalia pressed her face into his pelt though and her face was utterly content. She made a soft noise at the feeling of his arms wrapping around her own torso and her hips shifted slightly. Gods, she wanted him so bad after this, after being caught, after the gift, after just seeing him. His touch was making her shudder and his scent like a drug.

"Come," he murmured, pulling away and taking her paw, "To bed." He blew out the candles quickly and led her back to his room where he kissed her deeply, paw gliding over her bare breast in the lightest of touches, making her gasp and arch into him. Hael growled softly and pulled away to tug his pants off before coming back to kiss her again until she fell to the bed. She gasped, arching into his hot body, as his paws roamed her soft pelt, trailing over her neck, gliding over her nipples, down her sides and over her thighs.

"Master," her voice was soft, eyes heavy with lust as he parted her thighs and licked her damp folds softly, his rough feline tongue making her squirm. Hael reached up, snagging the chain that curled around the top of one of her breasts and pulled her close and kissed her again. She moaned at the faint taste of herself as his tongue thrust harshly into her muzzle. Hael moved up her body, his cock hot and heavy between them, small barbs digging slightly into her skin. Accalia shifted, hips pressing into his, making them moan into each other's mouth. It was too fast, too hard but suddenly they were together and Hael had his maw around one nipple, a paw tugging on her chain and the other supporting her ass as he drove into him. She hissed at every withdrawal and groaned loudly at every thrust. It hurt like hell but the attention on her breast helped her fall into the rhythm of pleasure and pain. Soon, much too soon, pent up energy and lust sent her over the edge, screaming his name louder than ever before, surrounded by the scent of chocolate, wine and lion musk. The collar was choking her, he was thrusting too hard and his claws were digging into the pale flesh of her buttocks. Accalia jerked underneath Hael, eyes fluttering as he came with a grunt, shoving as much hot flesh inside of the she-wolf as possible. Waves of lust flowed through them both as they slowly spiraled downwards, bodies relaxing and grips falling away.

Her breath came in heaving pants, her chest rising and falling like the shores of a wave as the lion rolled off of her and pulled the wolf close, his own breathing matching hers until hearts settled and the last bits of ecstasy flowed away. She could feel his muzzle tuck into her neck, pressing against the collar and couldn't help the smile that spilled onto her muzzle. Accalia sighed and pressed herself as close as possible to the feline, the lion grunting and throwing a leg over her hips protectively.

"Thank you," she murmured softly, eyes falling shut. He grunted again and grabbed her paw just as sleep took him. The smile didn't fade from her lips as both feline and canine fell asleep, bodies entwined and hearts beating an almost perfect rhythm.