Chapter 8. The journey north

Story by Uniden on SoFurry

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#8 of The best years of your life.

The last few weeks of school came and passed without incident for the husky and the wolf. The time came for James and his family to travel north to see his grandparents and cousins.

He left the house early in the morning. James and his mother, they were the only two that would be in the car for this twelve hour drive. The husky spent most of his time sleeping and listening to music.

The two arrived at the house and walked in. The living room was filled to the brim with furs. An older wolf and his wife sat on a couch, these were the huskys aunt and uncle. His cousins were scattered around the room. After he said his hellos, he went into his room and set down his bag.

The husky slowly pulled out another pair of jeans and a shirt. Walking back out of the house he got in the car and drove to his other cousins house.

Stepping out of the car, he walked up and stepped right into the door. The husky was met by the screams if little cubs and their rambuncious actions. Shaking his head, he walled into the family room just as a black panther shot up and hugged him tightly.

"Jimmy! How have you been?"

"Good Shawna" he said in a muffled voice before she let go of him and stood there.

Looking up at the taller grey husky, the panther smiled. "Zakks upstairs if ya wanna go say hi."

Nodding to his cousin, he headed up the stairs and into the room. Walking on, he immediately slammed onto the ground as the smaller than him panther pounced on him.

"Hey bud." Jim said as he rolled the panther off him and stood up, helping his cousin up.

The two spent most of the day catching up on stuff that had happened since they had last met. They played some video games, watched some tv, just spent time hanging out.

Night came soon and one of the panthers friends was due at any moment. The door to the room slowly opened revealing a very interesting fox standing in the doorway.

Standing there was a grey fox. As he leaned against the doorway, the husky looked him up and down carefully. He was different from the other foxes that lived in his area, they were mainly red foxes, but this fox had grey fur. As his gaze went to the foxes paws, then to his ears, he noticed another interesting feature, his paws were white and so were the tips of his ears. He looked back down, seeing the camouflage cargo shorts that showed off the toned calfs of this fox.

Standing up, the husky held out his paw to the fox smiling.

"My name is James, Jimmy, whatever."

The fox smiled as he took the huskys much larger paw in his and shook it slowly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fabel." the fox let go of the paw and padded into the blue colored room, sitting down on the bed as he took off the unzipped hoodie he was wearing, revealing the black t-shirt underneath as he let the sweatshirt fall behind him.

Reaching into the back pack he had brought with him, the fox pulled out a six pack he had swiped along with a bottle of vodka. Smiling as he tossed one to the panther, he looked to the husky with an inquisitive look.

"You want one?"

The husky smiled and took the can from the fox, opening it sending an amount of foam rolling out onto his paw. Licking the paw off he spoke in his deep southern voice.

"Hell yah I want one!"

The night dragged on without any problems. Except for one. It had cotton late and the three furs were obviously drunk by now. The panther was laying on the bed now and steadily falling to sleep. Jim and the fox were playing wii bowling, obviously struggling in their heavily intoxicated state. The lights had gotten turned off during the night, and never back on so that the only light in the room was from the tv. The two furs still awake had both taken off their shirts from the heat causing a moment of chuckling when the two saw they both had white chest fur. As the husky went back to swing he looked like he would be fine, but as he completed the motion, he tripped over his own feet and came crashing down on two of the emptied beer bottles cutting into his exposed fur, drawing blood from his chest. Rolling over and laying on his back he winced a little as he brought his paw up and felt the cool, wet blood on his paw. Whimpering slightly as he pulled the bloody shard out, he tossed it onto the ground.

The fox went wide eyed and immediately pounced down on top of the husky as he placed a napkin firmly were the cut was. Looking up at the husky, he looked into his blue eyes, they were twinkling in the low light.

"There James, all better?"

The husky nodded and smiled as he looked into the deep green eyes of the fox.

"Well hopefully it stops bleedin."

Fabel looked back into the huskys eyes before his urge took over him. He slowly bent his head down and kissed the fur on the furry shoulder, slowly but surly working his way to his goal, the soft muzzle, kissing the fur of the husky.

Stopping above the huskys maw he looked him in his deep blue eyes and noticed the husky blushing a little and trying to get him to stop. Not giving him a chance to respond, the fox lifted the huskys head up and kissed him deeply. Thrusting his tongue into the warm maw, the fox worked it around as the husky played back.

Murring into the kiss, James rolled the fox over so that he was underneath him. Unbuttoning the cargo shorts, he slowly slid them down and pulled them off the fox. He undid his belt and did the same, his cock already beginning to come out of it's sheath thanks to the kiss. The husky slowly crawled up to the fox on all fours, his tail curling around the foxes as he kissed him again. Slowly moving his paw down, the fox took the still lengthening member of the husky and slowly began stroking it with his paw.

Moaning into the kiss, he slowly humped into the foxes paw, trying to keep rhythm with the strokes. He couldn't believe he was doing this right now. He didn't like males, he wasn't gay, he no longer knew what was going on but he didn't stop it He smiled as he slowly broke the kiss with the fox, leaving a few strands of glistening saliva between the two muzzles.

The husky slowly took the foxes paw off his member and moved down to the foxes. He was met by a fully erect, seven inch cock, just waiting to be suckled.

The husky slowly opened his maw and lapped at the tip of the cock producing a loud moan from the fox. Moving further down onto the cock, he slowly wrapped his canine tongue around the member and took as much in as he could.

The fox leaned his head back, moaning loudly as he place a paw on the huskys head. Pushing gently, he thrusted into the warms wet maw each time he went down, forcing his cock further into him. Each time the husky took the cock out, he trailed his way with his tongue, which instantly gained approval from the moaning fox.

Taking the throbbing cock out of his maw, he looked down at the fox as he rolled over and stuck his rump into the air, his grey and white tipped tail lifted.

"Take me husky."

He abliged and stood up behind the fox. Directing his cock to the pucker of the fox. Pressing in, he murred from the tightness of the virgin hole as he pressed his six inch cock in as far as it would go. As the husky mounted on the foxes back, he slowly retreated his cock preparing to thrust in but was met with whimpers as he did so. The fox was loving it as when he felt the lovely cock pushing back in, he couldn't help himself from humping back into the husky, producing a loud moan from him.

Speeding up his pace, the husky moaned and murred as he slipped in and out of the tight hole. Feeling the fox hump back each time he pulled back and clenching around his cock each time it thrust in.

The husky never had felt pleasure like this before. Each time he thrusted into the fox, and each time he thrusted back into the husky, shudders of pleasure rocked his body and he knew he would soon cum.

Continuing his humping, he felt the heavenly bliss that would engulf his body with every sinking of his member into the tight, warm hole of the fox. As the husky buried himself deep into the fox, he moaned loudly as his cock jumped sending shivers up the foxes back. As the fox shivered and arched his back, jets of thick husky seed filled the foxes rump. Filling the fox to the brim with cum. Staying inside the fox, he slowly licked the foxes ear before slowly pulling his dripping cock out.

Laying down on his back panting, the husky smiled as he noticed the fox crawling to him and laying his head on the huskys chest, nuzzling into the fur.

"That was great." the littler fox murred out as he nuzzled the husky.

The two furs fell asleep like that, Fabel nuzzling into James' chest, the husky holding him tight.