Nothing Never Ends

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Gmork, a creature of evil, has sought great power for as long as he has existed. On this day, he finds it.

This commission was written for Seribaba. It contains M/F sex, hypnosis and magical goings on between consenting adults. :3

Nothing Never Ends

Deep within his cavern, Gmork's eyes opened. His dark, glowing hues pierced the inky blackness surrounding him, and the servant of the Nothing growled.


He could feel it. Feel the magical, unfathomably powerful charm of Fantasia's royal family close by. Its radiance enlightening the whole world around it. Encouraging happiness. Encouraging life and hope and... existence. Gmork snarled. Auryn was an affront to everything he served. But if he could take it... if he could wield that power in the name of the Nothing. He could wish Fantasia out of existence in the blink of an eye, turning all to darkness.

The shaggy canine beast slouched forward from his cave, out of the unnatural darkness and into the almost painfully bright moonlight of the night. He moved from shadow to shadow faster than any mortal eye could have followed, the distant but unbearable brightness of Auryn's glow practically burning his black fur and flesh with its glory, yet enticing Gmork nonetheless with its sheer power. It drew ever closer, wondering how Auryn's bearer had gotten so close to him without being detected. Had he flown in on that damned luck-dragon, Falcor? Had he been transported here by Auryn's own power, led to this spot on some quest on the Childlike Empress' behalf?

Or had he been sent to confront the Gmork. To face off against the champion of the Nothing and defeat him once and for all.

Gmork licked his lips in excitement. Oh, he hoped that was the case. It had been far too long since he'd been able to satiate his lust for blood in any meaningful manner. Taking life, reducing it to nothingness, was so much less satisfying when the lives were so small and weak to begin with. To face a true hero; a challenger with power, and still reduce them to abject nothingness. Only that would truly slake the Gmork's thirst.

With every step forward now, Gmork could feel Auryn's power growing; swelling and surging through the air all around him. It was so close. So very close, and yet he couldn't see it. Couldn't smell it. Couldn't sense it in any way other than the inherent feeling that he was practically standing right on top of it.

Snarling with rage, the Gmork flung himself from shadow to shadow, darting between bent, creaking, bare-branched trees and large, jagged rocks in search of the shining pendant. The more he searched in vain the more frantic and overwhelmed with frustration he became, until finally the black beast threw back his head and howled to the sky.

"Show yourself, coward! If you bear the might of Auryn, come wield it against me like a man!"

No sooner had Gmork uttered those words, a blinding flash of light split open the air directly in front of where he was standing. He snarled in anguish, turning his gaze away from the piercing brightness and throwing a heavy paw over his face to shield himself from its glare. In his momentary blindness, the beast felt a strong hand snatching at the back of his neck. Gripping his vast, hulking form by the scruff and jerking him up off the ground with supernatural strength. His legs flailed, clawed feet scrabbling at the sudden nothingness beneath him. His head twisted, teeth lashing out and biting at thin air in a futile attempt at counter-attacking his assailant.

To the beast's horror, he found himself being dragged towards that blinding light. Towards the piercing brightness beyond his own dark reality, and at long last into the immediate vicinity of Auryn's presence.

His feet hit the ground, and Gmork's eyes sprang open. He yelped immediately, wincing at the ethereal brightness still shining all around him. His clawed arms and legs lashed out. His teeth snapped at the air once more. But despite struggling as hard as he could, Gmork's deadly form made contact with absolutely nothing. Forcing himself to keep his eyes open, the dazzling radiance surrounding him burning at his soulless black pupils, Gmork searched desperately for the source of this torment. For the hero; the valiant bearer of Auryn who had lured him into this trap... a pocket of what must have been pure magic, or at least very close to it. He wished to congratulate them on their trickery, on the level of intricate deception required to spring such a complex trap. To thank them for all the effort they'd gone to in order to trap him, before he slaughtered them without mercy.

"Not like a man."

A soft, mirthful voice rang out around Gmork with almost a melodic, sing-song like quality. His eyes bulged and his head swung wildly around once more, but still he could see nothing but beaming white light. With a snarl, he snapped back at the source of the voice.


Again laughter was his answer.

"I cannot, I fear, wield Auryn against you like a man. For I am no man, Gmork."

At last the source of the voice revealed itself. A figure stepping out from the blinding light, shimmering into reality. A lean body coated in lush cream fur, bearing two goat like horns, hoofed feet and a pointed, almost canid muzzle. Eyes blazing with the same ethereal brightness which shone all around them, and resting on a golden link chain around her neck, resting between her bare, ample breasts, the glowing, entwined serpent symbol of all Fantasia's power. Auryn.

Gmork stared at the female form as she stepped forward. He stood poised and ready to pounce, but temporarily too intrigued by who and what this creature was to risk killing her so quickly.

"Don't try to use my words against me. I feel no sympathy for women any more so than I do for men. I harbour no fear of your kind, and no revelation of your gender shall prevent me from rending your flesh into nothing."

Once more the female form chuckled, entirely unimpressed and un-intimidated by the Gmork's words. She shrugged at the dark furred beast, waving a dismissive paw in his direction.

"Oh please. I have no wish to use words. My kind does not thrive on words, Gmork, but on action. It was through action I acquired this little trinket..."

She reached towards her chest, fumbling with Auryn and waving it almost playfully, tauntingly towards the Gmork.

"...and through action I got its previous owner to tell me about the next most powerful force in all Fantasia. Someone else with whom I could have a little bit of fun, before I move on to bigger, better things."

The Gmork bristled with rage. Not only was this insolent creature acting as though capturing Auryn, a feat which neither he nor any being acting in service of the Nothing had been able to achieve, was a run of the mill event. But also, she had the audacity to claim that the Nothing and indeed he himself was somehow a lesser force by comparison. If ever there was a time to show his strength, his rage, his potential for destruction and chaos, it was now. He would tear this poor, pathetic creature limb from limb; take Auryn, and bring this infinitely and immeasurably wondrous world to its end.

With all the force at his disposal, Gmork flung himself forward through the shining brightness of this realm between realms. Teeth and claws extended, he flew through the air towards the bare, unprotected form of the female, and...


...and with a muffled yelp of horror, found his eyes bulging in dismay and his body turning over and over in the air as the creature stuck out one arm and effortlessly blocked his full-body assault; grabbing Gmork by the snout and tossing him over her head with ease. His body flipped and with a soft grunt of effort as she leapt into the air, the unnaturally powerful female turned with him. By the time Gmork fell still once more, not really hitting any ground to speak of but coming to a standstill flat on his back nonetheless, the creature he sought to destroy was straddling him. Legs hooked around his hind limbs, and body resting upon his soft, unprotected underbelly.

The Gmork's clawed forelimbs shot out, attempting to tear at the demonic being's face. At her own chest and stomach and vital organs. But the creature's arms stopped his in their tracks, holding him firmly by the ankles, and leaving her face free to gaze deep into Gmork's wide, disbelieving black eyes.

"That's quite enough of that, you naughty puppy."

Gmork stared as the impossibly powerful being stared at him. Their eyes locking upon one another. Fixated. Incapable even of blinking they were so suddenly and swiftly enraptured.

Except... were they enraptured by one another? Were they equally drawn to one another's gaze, or.... was that just how Gmork was recognising it? Somewhere deep in the most primal recesses of the dark servant's mind, he could hear his own inner monologue howling in rage. Demanding that he act, that he cease being such a fool to this parlour trick of obvious hypnotism.

A soft, rumbling growl escaped Gmork's muzzle, and he bared his teeth. A second later though, one of the female figure's hands released his clawed left foreleg, and reached down to tenderly rub at his belly. Her eyes sparkled with glee, and she whispered to him with a soft, soothing tone.

"Now now. None of that. I don't want you to be angry. I don't want you to be afraid. There truly is Nothing to be afraid of here, with me. Not your so called master. Not this little trinket..."

Again she reached up to her chest and briefly fondled Auryn. Touching it with a carelessness and casual manner that seemed inappropriate for a magical amulet of such overwhelming power. The sight of her doing so made Gmork's heart flutter slightly. Such a woman.... such a being that didn't crave Auryn's power. A being who was already so far beyond what it could do, the mere granting of wishes, that it made the Nothing seem like a greedy, arrogant amateur in comparison.

True power... real, raw power, wasn't about exerting yourself and increasing that power. Gmork saw that now. He could feel that knowledge, that certainty filling every fibre of his being. True power meant already being so powerful that you did not need to worry about making yourself stronger, for already, without even the slightest effort, you already knew yourself to be utterly infallible.

Staring up at the creature. The demoness, whose name suddenly sprang to his mind and his trembling lips, Gmork groaned in wondrous appreciation; utterly captivated by the she-demon's hypnotic allure. Before his very eyes, her form seemed to ripple and shift. Not changing. Not physically altering itself, but with every passing moment becoming more beautiful to his gaze. More perfect than ever. More desirable. Suddenly the bareness of her flesh and fur was at the forefront of Gmork's mind, and he felt a stirring within himself. A feeling of almost self-conscious, bashful excitement that the beast couldn't remember feeling for... for as long as he had been himself. As long as he had been Gmork.


He growled desperately. Pleading to his mistress to save him. To rescue him from himself... from this being of darkness under the thrall of the Nothing. It was so obvious now. He had been tricked. Hypnotised by that dark and murderous force to forget all about his true calling. His true passion in life.

How could he ever have wanted to destroy Fantasia, and even the worlds beyond it, when she was out there? His mistress. His queen. The love of Gmork's life.

How could he have wanted anything else, but her touch. Her embrace. The pleasure he knew they could share together.

Gmork's cheeks flushed beneath his dark fur, and he squirmed where he lay as he felt a strange stirring between his hind legs. His blushing face deepened in its rosy hue considerably as he saw a knowing smile cross Babaaliah's face, and she wiggled her own hips, reversing slightly until her soft furred, plump rear end met with the extending, swelling rod of flesh now protruding from Gmork's sheath.

The dark beast grunted in overwhelmed confusion. How had he never known that his body was capable of this? That within that pocket of fur between his hind legs, above those pendulous, heavy balls that to him had never served purpose beyond getting in the way, there lay a rigid rod seemingly made to conduct pleasurable sensation. He yelped and squirmed as Babaaliah wiggled her rear against his swelling shaft, her gleeful giggles ringing in Gmork's ears as she seemed to pluck the thoughts out of his mind while he was still in the midst of thinking them.

"What is your name...?"

Babaaliah's words were so simple, yet her question rang in Gmork's ears for several seconds before his pleasure-addled mind could actively process them. He grunted in pleasure, eyes rolling happily as he gasped out an answer.


The demoness nodded, smiling from ear to ear, her own cheeks flushing slightly with arousal as she felt the lips of her pussy straddling the girth of Gmork's member. She slid herself back and forth along the rigid shaft, feeling her juices drooling out and lubricating the sorely under-used and painfully erect cock of her latest prize.

"And what is your purpose, Gmork?"

Whining slightly in euphoria at the demoness' tender ministrations, his hips twitching and bucking entirely of their own accord, the black furred beast answered with a hungry licking of his lips.

"T-to... to serve."

Again Babaaliah giggled, and she leaned forward, running her fingers through the Gmork's thick, shaggy fur as her muzzle came to rest right beside the gasping, trembling beast's left ear.

"And whom do you serve?"

This time, Gmork did not hesitate. With a breathless groan, he gave his answer. The only answer. The most profound and freeing truth he had ever uttered in his long, dark existence.

"I s-serve... I serve you. I serve Babaaliah in all things. For her glory. For her comfort. For her pleasure."

Gmork shivered with anticipation as he saw his queen smiling affectionately down at him, and felt her hips shifting position slightly, bringing his drooling red cock-tip to bear against what felt like a moist, wonderfully hot opening within her own core. The demoness half growled, half purred into Gmork's ear once more, only to rise up astride him once more, and begin to press her body down around his swollen, virgin erection.

"Good puppy. Ohhh... my g-good, sweet puppy dog."

With every passing moment, Gmork was certain that what he was feeling could not possibly get any better. His body was filled with such vigour. Such power and passion as he'd never known before, but without any of the darkness that had previously consumed him. Without any of the Nothing that seemed to have long since consumed his heart and soul. He found himself grunting, snarling and bearing his teeth savagely as the demoness began to slide up and down the length of his thick shaft, bouncing gently at first, but with increasing speed and force. Yet there was no anger, no hate within those actions. Wild as his cries may have been, they were all from a place of joy and pleasure.

Gmork stared up at Babaaliah, focused upon her with rapt attention as the demoness tossed her head back, whimpering and yelping in her own eager ecstasy. One of her hands remained upon his stomach, rubbing and stroking tenderly at his fluffy fur and the soft flesh beneath. The other, however, fell down between her own legs. Touching something. Stimulating some part of her intimate anatomy which Gmork was unaware of, but from the wails and shrieks of passion it drew forth as she tweaked it roughly between two trembling fingers, a part of his mistress with which Gmork wished to acquaint himself quite eagerly. To have her make such sounds, to have her writhing and screaming not in agony but in ecstasy before him, it was more than Gmork could ever possibly have dreamed of.

"Ah... ahhhhh!"

The harder and faster Babaaliah began to ride Gmork, the more urgently and frequently he found himself roaring in uncontrollable pleasure. It was as if his excitement and the stimulation being granted to him by the squeezing, dripping wet depths of his mistress' body was building towards something. Some climactic, definitive peak of pleasure the intensity of which he could not possibly fathom. All Gmork knew was that he wanted it, and that he needed Babaaliah to be the one to grant it to him. That was his only desire. His only wish.

With a playful giggle, the demoness' eyes widened.

It was as if she could read his mind. As if the thoughts passing through his head were being emblazoned for her to see in the shining light of this pocket-dimension.

She could tell what he was thinking, what he was feeling right down to Gmork's very core. And in return, Gmork could look into his mistress' own eyes, and see from the sparkling glee within them that she was planning something. That she finally thought he was ready, and in turn was therefore ready to spring a fresh surprise upon her obedient pooch of a lover.

The beast watched, wide eyed and panting, as his mistress removed her hand from Gmork's belly. Lifting it up to her chest, pausing for a moment to caress her firm, erect nipples before proceeding just slightly further north. Gmork's eyes widened as he saw her take hold of Auryn, that impossibly powerful charm of Fantasia's royal family, and tugged it free from around her neck.

With a shiver of discomfort, Gmork watched Babaaliah lift her other hand from between her legs, and carefully, purposefully drape Auryn around his own neck. She encircled him with its thin, delicate golden chain, and secured it upon his trembling, pure black shaggy form.


Gmork whimpered in anguish as he felt his lover's bouncing upon his shaft beginning to slow, until finally, tortuously, she sank to the very hilt upon his thick, throbbing member and fell utterly still. Babaaliah stared down at the Gmork, and with a wry smile gestured to the pendant hanging around his neck.

"Auryn is yours, my pup. A gift, from me to you. With a word, you can wish all of Fantasia out of existence. And me along with it."

Eyes bulging, Gmork felt a surge of something within himself. An unpleasant, hateful feeling that was all too familiar, but which until just now had been oddly absent. Suddenly, he recalled his former master. His former cause. The Nothing.

He felt Auryn's weight around his neck, and realised what the demoness had done. What power she had given to him.

Gmork stared at Babaaliah, and he shivered uncontrollably as her inner muscles squeezed and flexed around his rigid shaft.

"I... I wish..."

The black furred beast snarled loudly, calling out not just to Auryn, not just to Babaaliah, but for the whole of Fantasia to hear.

"I wish for my mistress' touch. I wish for her satisfaction. I wish to devote myself to her and only her... forsaking all other causes and powers that might distract me from the only worthy goal. Making Babaaliah happy."

He stared up into the succubus' eyes, whimpering bashfully as she smiled down at him; not surprised in the slightest, but still beaming with pride.

"I wish for you, m-my everything."

Babaaliah licked her lips, bending down close to the Gmork's panting, reddened face, and planting a soft, moist kiss upon his muzzle. With one hand she brushed her fingers across Auryn's glowing surface, trembling in anticipation.

"And I shall wish, too... my brave, beautiful Gmork. Not for you. Not for myself. But for the both of us."

Already her body was rocking back and forth upon the beast's thick erection once more. Already she was quivering in pleasure around Gmork's shaft, the male able to feel as well as see that she was every bit as stricken by the force of their shared ecstasy as he was. Yet just before she spoke her next few words, Gmork saw something else in her eyes. Something more carnal and savage than anything he'd ever felt in all his days serving the Nothing. Something beyond pleasure. Beyond desire.

That which she knew waited for them just beyond this moment. A fury and passion unlike anything Gmork had ever known. Her lifesblood. Her reason for being.

With a happy whimper, Gmork watched Babaaliah wrap the fingers of one hand around Auryn while her other paw fell back down between her legs.

"I wish for pleasure. For ecstasy so potent and overwhelming, it will steal even my breath away. I wish for every moment our bodies remain united to be filled with pure, wild rapture. I wish for bliss beyond even my control. And I wish for it to go on, a-and on... and on, until even I, the aspect of sin, cannot bear the joy of climax any longer."

Auryn glowed.

Gmork whimpered in nervous, gleeful anticipation as he felt Babaaliah beginning to shake and convulse wildly astride him. His own eyes bulged once more as he felt an overwhelmingly intense wave of pleasure sweep through him, his balls tightening and his cock straining desperately within the demoness' tight, quivering pussy.

Together, darkness and sin howled in shared euphoria as they began to cum. Hanging there in shining white oblivion, shrieking and yelping and cumming harder and harder, over and over again. Lost in a realm of pure ecstasy, a world that was them alone; nothing but their two bodies and the infinite fury of their pleasure. Pleasure that would continue, that would tear through them and consume them until even Babaaliah's urges were satisfied.

In short, pleasure that might well last them an eternity.

A never-ending story; shared not in words or fantasies, but in Babaaliah's own native tongue. In ecstasy. In visceral, physical rapture. In ceaseless, frantic wailing, screaming and squirting.

By Jeeves