Cutting it Close-House Call

Story by Tidal_husky on SoFurry

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#4 of Story attempts

Cutting it Close seem to do really well so I figured I give you guys a sequel which also introduces Dusk's boyfriend Night which was something I felt was needed I hope you all enjoy this addition and maybe there will be more to come as always there's probably mistakes and I hope to hear your feedback :3

It was late Krystal just got home, the moment she got in the door she started losing her clothes, this was the start of her weekend off. Completely naked she flopped onto the couch worn out obviously not from working, her massive cock began to rise from her sheath as she thought of the things she did to Dusk today. She stroked her member while she thought of his tight ass around it and his big squishy belly full of her seed. She slid her left hand under her balls and fingered her pussy while her right hand continued to stroke her cock, the naughty thoughts grew more vivid in her mind with every dirty detail.

Her thoughts suddenly came to a halt as she heard her phone ringing from her purse by the door, she sprung up nearly tripping over her coffee table. She pulled her phone out and noticed it was Dusk calling, she wasted no time answering "hey buddy I was just thinking about you" she said with a smile as she rubbed her rock hard cock. "Hey Krystal I was wondering if you wanted to come over Sunday? I'll have the house to myself for the night." Dusk said in a soft voice. Krystal thought for a second, a grin appeared on her face as a brilliant idea popped into her head "yeah I'd love to bud, I'll see you Sunday." She hung up the phone and looked down at her throbbing meat while rubbing her softball sized balls "I have the perfect surprise for him Sunday."

The day Krystal was waiting for was here, she could barely contain her excitement as she walked up and knocked on the door. The door opened, Dusk stood there in what looked to be his pajamas "Krystal I'm so glad you could..." Before he could finish his sentence Krystal buried his face into her big breast. "Come on Dusk your wasting time, let's get right to it" she closed the front door with her foot as she groped Dusk's ass filling both her hand with his soft cheeks. Dusk nuzzled her breast "are you gonna fill me again?" Krystal smiled while she took a step back "I'm not wearing this dress cause it's classy. I wanted to try some new pills I had." She undid the top of her dress and let the whole thing fall to the floor, her balls were three times the size they were the other day. Blown away by what he was seeing he fell to his knees in front of her and placed his hands on her giant sac. Krystal rubbed them proudly "the pills also increase my load, so what do you say we go to your room and I give you what you want?" Dusk gave a slow nod still stunned by what was in front of him.

Krystal grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled Dusk to his feet as her cock started to peek from her sheath "let's go I want to get to your room before it gets harder to walk." She pulled him up the stairs by his shirt and pushed him into his room "now strip and get onto the bed like a good boy." Dusk took his clothes off piece by piece, he crawled onto the bed putting his little ass in the air spreading his cheeks to reveal the purple base of the plug Krystal lent him. Krystal licked her lips and sat on the bed behind him, she began to slowly pull the large plug out "your such a good boy keeping yourself nice and stretched out for me." She placed the plug on the stand next his bed as she pushed her other hand into his ass, she couldn't understand how after everything he was still so tight, one more day and he would be as tight as he was the first day.

She pulled her hand out and started to push her hard cock into him. Dusk moaned as inch by inch her length disappeared into his ass. He felt the familiar presence of her knot bumping his anus, something was different he was much fuller this time than the last time her knot bumped against him and his stomach was bulged out more than the last time as well. Krystal leaned over him rubbing the bulge her girth left in his stomach "incase your wondering the pills also brought my little friend up to twenty six inches just for you buddy." Dusk shuttered as he thought about what her knot was gonna be like now, he felt her massive balls resting on his calf and feet as she humped him.

Krystal wasn't starting out gently this time, she thrusted like a jackhammer with her knot pounding against Dusk's anus. Dusk turned his head so he was now looking at his room door "Night?" Krystal heard what Dusk said and stopped dead in her tracks, her heart began to pound as she looked towards the door to see Dusk's boyfriend a 17 year old grey wolf "Night!? It's not what it looks like I swear." Night stood at the door for a little and then walked over to Dusk's desk and sat in the rolling chair. Dusk wiggled his ass "I'm sorry Krystal I forgot to tell you Night was coming, he knows about what we do. He actually likes watching other people fuck me." Krystal looked at Night still slightly terrified, Night pulled his member from his pants and stroked it as he leaned back in the chair "come on Krystal I want to hear Dusk moan." Krystal nodded and wrapped her arms back around Dusk's belly as she slowly fucked him.

Dusk felt her cock as it slowly slide in and out "Krystal where's the rough side you had the other day?" Krystal glanced over to Night who nodded as he continued to stroke himself, Krystal let out a deep breath and smiled. She pulled her cock out of Dusk's ass "roll over Dusk I want to see your face while I pound you." Dusk blushed and rolled over spreading his legs wide, Krystal put her arms under Dusk's legs picking up his hind end to line her tip up with his tail hole. She rammed her cock back into Dusk, fucking him as hard and fast as she could. Dusk moaned loudly as he watched the bulge that her beast made move up and down in his belly. Krystal began to push as hard as she could, Dusk felt his anus start to stretch as her knot forced it's way in. Dusk knew this was coming her knot was now way bigger than last time and she wasn't gonna stop till it was completely in his ass. His anus got wider and wider until all at once Krystal's knot popped in with force causing her crotch to slap against his ass.

Dusk began to feel a warm sensation fill his insides, this is what he was waiting for. He watched the bulge made by Krystal's huge meat start to disappear as his belly swelled from her cum. Bigger and bigger his stomach grew as more of her seed pumped in with every throb of her cock. Night sat up and watched with disbelief as Dusk's belly continued to inflate. His belly surpassed the size it was the other day and was still growing, it began to jiggle and slosh as it filled. Finally Krystal's balls had nothing else to offer, Dusk's belly now looked like a furry beanbag chair filled with water. Dusk let out a sigh, had there been any more he probably would have burst.

Krystal smiled as she rubbed Dusk's belly, she looked at Night who still sat there in shock. She leaned against Dusk's belly her cock still stuck inside his ass, she reached back and spread her ass so Night could see her tight anus and dripping pussy "get over here and pick one to fill or your next." Night swallowed nervously as he thought he might have gotten more than he bargained for tonight. Krystal fingered her pussy "you better pick or else I'm just gonna fill you." Night got up and slowly walked over to the bed, he climbed up behind Krystal and rubbed his cock between her soft inviting cheeks.

He put his hands on her hips and just started to push not knowing where his member was gonna slide into, he felt a warm slimy sensation as his cock popped into her pussy. Krystal moaned while she cuddled Dusk's big belly as Night humped her slowly, his balls slapped against her as he sped up. Even though Night was gay he did enjoy having sex with women, of course Krystal having a massive dick definitely helped. Her huge cock being stuck in Dusk's ass was really hot to Night, he could feel himself getting close to blowing. After everything he just watched and with how warm and Tight Krystal was there was no way Night would be able to hold much longer. He felt the pressure build in his shaft, there was no more holding it in. Night pulled his cock out of Krystal and started spraying his seed all over her back, she gasped as she felt the warm substance hit her.

Night flopped onto his back taking heavy breaths, him and Dusk seemed completely out of it. Krystal grabbed the butt plug from the stand, she slowly pulled her cock out of Dusk quickly replacing it with with the plug to keep her warm seed inside of him "you keep that in Dusk don't you dare spill any, I'm getting a shower then I'm coming back to cuddle that belly." Krystal left the room going to the bathroom to take a hot shower to get Night's cum out of her fur. She took her time enjoying the water flowing over her, she spoiled herself for a good half hour. She returned to Dusk's room now completely clean and still completely naked, Krystal looked at the bed to see Dusk and Night Haven't moved since she left. She walked over to the bed, Dusk looked up at her with his cute begging eyes, Krystal layed down next to him cuddling his big soft squishy belly. She jumped a little when she felt something moving below her, she glanced down to see Night cuddling up to her massive balls. Krystal smiled and layed her head back onto Dusk's belly as they all drifted to sleep.