15th December

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#15 of Christmas at Snow Valley

Another day, another story.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involves anthro animals (canine and feline) in a pure fantasy environment. It may contain at some point nudity and sexual contact involving adults and cubs.

If you are offended bei either of these topics please stop reading. Please only read if you hit legal age for your country (generally 18).

The story is an ongoing story planned with 25 short chapters. It is my Christmas special and I plan to upload one chapter each day. Some chapters may be a bit longer but most of them will be short.

Most chapters will just be story progression and not R rated. So please do not expect this to have action all the time. I hope you will enjoy this small story.

15th December

Vince woke up with the room still being dark. He was sure that it was still night but how did he wake up then? A scent tickled his nose. He felt the fur of Mia at his cheek and when he opened his eyes and his eyes adjusted to the darkness he noticed that his head was atop of her head while he cuddled with her. It was not only the scent of her fur that he noticed but a stronger and more appealing scent, the scent of her heat. Vince took a deep sniff and he felt his member press hard against the back of Mia. His knot had formed and it was most likely the pressure in his loins that woke him up.

He grinded against her back and felt the pants of his pajama getting wet with his pre. Mia sighed and he felt her waking up as well. "Sorry to wake you up Mia. I don't think I can control myself much longer with you smelling so damn good." He licked her face and his paw caressed along her body down to her nether region. He could feel that her nightgown was also wet down there. Hear heat had her as aroused as he was by it. "Then don't control yourself." She moaned softly when he massaged her clit through the fabric. Vince could feel her tail twitching slightly under the nightgown.

"You called it." He mentioned and with one swipe the blanket was on the floor and he rolled her on the stomach. She had barely time enough to raise her hips and get into a steady position with her legs before he pushed her nightgown up and his pants down. With a loud unified moan he pushed his member up to the knot into her slick passage. He felt her walls clench around his member while he glided in and out with his full length. Her head lay on the pillow and her shoulders pressed against the bed while her arms grabbed the sheets. Vince felt her tail softly grip around his belly while his own tail moved slowly from side to side with each push. His knot collided with her slick snatch every time he pushed to the end. The tip of his member easily invaded her womb and caressed its back. "You feel so great." He moaned while his hammering got harder. "Take me harder..." she returned his moans. "Knot me... I want... to feel... your knot... in me... again." Vince tried hard to fulfill her wish but her tight snatch still refused to let it in. He only got nearly to half of his knot but it did not yet pass the thickest part.

Mia groaned when he pushed extra hard and nearly got to the thickest part. Instead of retreating he put up more pressure and felt his knot slipping in millimeter by millimeter. He felt her tight pussy stretch around the thickest part of his knot that already was well lubricated with her juices. Her groan intensified until he felt it slip past her lips and the tunnel sucking him in until he rested at her lips with his hilt and his tip poked into the walls of her womb. Her cavern directly started to twitch and clamp around his rod and knot. Her groans turned into a strong moan that was so loud that Vince ears rang. Vince joined her in a loud moan short after and he felt his balls contract and push fertile seed into her heated womb.

"Just as I thought." The door flew open and light pulled in from the floor. Vince and Mia looked to the door exhausted and saw Sarah in her own nightdress. Both cubs still moaned and tried to catch their breath. "You were quite loud." Explained Sarah. "You are just lucky that I am the only one home." She sat down at a chair and pulled her nightdress up. Vince saw that she was wet around her pussy and she started to masturbate. "Don't stop because of me. Just ignore me." Vince directly started to concentrate on Mia again. He made small movements that tugged and pushed his knot in her snatch. "You are so wonderful tight." He moaned and Mia just returned with her own moans while her insides still twitched.

Vince felt his last spurts enter her but because he still was humping and her insides was still milking him he did not feel his arousal dropping. His knot did not shrink until he came a second time and with the spasms of Mia dying as well and his putting a lot of pressure in the small womb of Mia he finally lay silent on top of his female panting as strong as Mia and moaning while his knot sealed the spunk inside her. Now that the pressure in him was released and the scent of Mia diminished a bit he started to get sleepy. Sarah left the room during his last orgasm. Vince did concentrate on Mia this much that he did not notice if she had her own orgasm while masturbating or not. He heard her in the bathroom while he dropped to the side and pulled Mia with him. She already had her eyes closed and seemed to prepare for sleep as much as he did. He was thinking about getting the blanket when he was able to pull out of her but he fell asleep before that happened. He did not notice Sarah grabbing the blanket and putting it over them before going back to sleep herself.

"Is Mia still not feeling better?" Miles asked and Vince heard a bit of concern in his voice. When the sun was up Mia and Vince had cleaned themselves and the Sarah took care of the room again. Vince went out to play with the other kids but Mia stayed home. Sarah seemed to suspect that Vince and Mia would start making out in front of the others if no adult was around and Mia agreed with staying home and rest. She felt a bit exhausted after a repeated performance in the shower again.

"A bit." Vince answered. Sarah and Stacy came up with the excuse that Vince would sleep with Sarah because of the space they had in Stacy's house. And because Mia would be moody with her siblings and Vince, being older, was able to handle her so well. Vince did not know if any of them suspected the real reason. An adult would have directly suspected something for sure but they were kids after all. At least they did not question it or mention it more than asking how Mia was. Miles and Alia rather seemed happy to not have to suffer from the mood of Mia. "She looked fine yesterday but I guess it is hard to get moody when you are going into the city." Said Miles to explain this. "I guess." Answered Vince and was happy when Tracy changed the topic.

"What do you all say we go sledding again?" she mentioned and all kids were in for it directly. The rest of the day was a lot of fun for the kids but Vince always thought back to Mia. It was not just her heat but he noticed that he had feelings for her. Maybe because she was around his age and he did all those things with her but what about Sarah and Stacy then? Vince pondered while he pulled the sled up. He certainly had affection towards the older snow leopards but Sarah was married and had a husband. Stacy had no husband anymore but she was so much older than him. Vince noticed that his pants got tight in the thought about the three females he had so far. He tried to push away the thoughts and concentrate on the fun on sledding.

When Vince entered the home of the Purringtons this evening after saying good night to the other kids he smelled freshly baked cookies. "Surprise." Mia shouted and threw her arms around his neck before placing a kiss on the muzzle of the surprised wolf pup. "I used the time to make a lot of cookies for Christmas." Vince entered the kitchen and tested one of the cookies Mia offered him. "Hmmm, very good." He praised and took a second one. Sarah just got another batch of cookies out of the oven. "She did them just for you." She chuckled and Mia shot her a stern look. "Mom!" Vince licked her cheek and pulled her into a kiss. "Thank you very much, my precious Mia." He said with a lot of affection in his voice and she stopped being angry and smiled.

"We already had our dinner but we left some for you." Mentioned Sarah. He saw the plate on the table with stew. "Thank you, I am starving." Vince answered and hungrily started to eat the whole stew that they left for him. When Mia went out to take a shower Sarah bent down and whispered to Vince: "Stacy will be with the kids tomorrow and you will have all day with Mia. Make sure to enjoy it as much as possible because it will be her last day of heat when this heat is like the last ones." She smiled and Vince stopped eating and looked up to her surprised. "How many heats did she have yet?" he asked curious. "Oh, this is her third. She is a late bloomer. I had mine a few years earlier." Before Vince could ask another question she put a finger on her muzzle and Vince heard Mia stepping out of the shower.

The evening was very much the same as the start of the day. Vince and Mia directly started to go into action after they entered the bed room and Sarah just checked on them now and then. This time however they took another shower and cleaned up before they were too tired and went into bed with just cuddling. Both of them skipped the pajama and nightgown and just cuddle against each other fur to fur. "Know what?" whispered Mia while his paw caressed her arm and he felt her tail caressing his leg. "What is it?" Vince whispered back and snuggled his cheek against hers. "I love you Vince." She breathed softly. Vince extended his tongue and licked the tip of her nose while his head was softly on hers. "I love you too, Mia." He returned and with a sigh they closed their eyes cuddled up to each other and with their paws locked at her stomach. Vince could feel a teat at the back of his paw and a low purr of Mia that vibrated through his head and made him sink into sleep softly.