17th December

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#17 of Christmas at Snow Valley

It can be hard to be a growing boy but in my opinion Vince has no reason to complain.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involves anthro animals (canine and feline) in a pure fantasy environment. It may contain at some point nudity and sexual contact involving adults and cubs.

If you are offended bei either of these topics please stop reading. Please only read if you hit legal age for your country (generally 18).

The story is an ongoing story planned with 25 short chapters. It is my Christmas special and I plan to upload one chapter each day. Some chapters may be a bit longer but most of them will be short.

Most chapters will just be story progression and not R rated. So please do not expect this to have action all the time. I hope you will enjoy this small story.

17th December

Vince woke up by Mia leaving the bed. The sun started to rise and the light behind the curtain was a glowing red. "Where are you going?" he asked and opened his eyes. She stood in front of the bed naked and her nether region and legs were sticky from his spunk. "Taking a shower." She said and smiled. She turned around and left the room. Vince jumped out of the bed feeling the blanket and his member being wet and sticky as well. He reached the bathroom door when she just wanted to close it. "Wait for me!" he said and pulled it open to enter. She hesitated a moment but then let him in before closing the door behind him. His member stood half erect and he pulled her in a hug from behind pressing his sticky member into her back. "Good morning my lovely snow leopard." He whispered and licked her cheek. She purred a minute and then softly freed herself from the embrace. "Let's hurry up. We do not have all day."

Vince tried a few times to get her into the mood to let him slip his hardening penis into her snatch but like Sarah and Stacy she was much less accepting without the heat. The missing of her heat scent together with her denying reaction and the warm water soon brought his rod back into its pouch. They washed each other and Mia was very caring while lathering him up and wash all the sticky cum out of his fur. In return he caressed her body with the soap and massaged her dugs and clit until she told him to stop. She did moan a bit but Vince had to notice that she was not in the mood for this at the moment. The shower was done faster than the days before and the laughed when they helped each other to dry their fur. Even though she had refused him sex they still were close to each other and she did not refuse him when he pulled her into a deep kiss and caressed her back softly when both were dry.

They quickly put on their clothes when they went back to the room. The house got very cold and Vince noticed that the windows were open. They rushed into the kitchen that was, thanks to the fire on the hearth, warm and comfortable. "Why are all the windows open?" asked Mia and Sarah chuckled. "You might be out of heat but the house still reeked of both of you. I do not want your brother and your sister to return when the house smells like that. Your brother is a growing boy after all. "They can stay with Tracy and Lilly and Vince stays here." She mentioned and Vince looked at her with an agreeing gaze. "No Mia. You had your fun because I thought it would be good to help you in your heat and he was so kind to help out. But Vince will go back to Stacy and they will come back." Vince sighed. Even without mating he loved to cuddle up with Mia at night but Sarah had told him before that this was only for the time of her heat. He leaned over to Mia and gave her a soft lick. "I still love you even if I am going back." He ensured her and Sarah nodded pleased. "You can be all lovey-dovey you want but please don't go all out in front of the others." She reminded them but for Vince it was clear that this reminder was not necessary. They noticed even in the heat of Mia that it was rather embarrassing to kiss in front of others except for Sarah. Mia seemed to mind her mother more than Vince who had no worries to show naked and more in front of Mia's mother. What the girl did not know was that he had her during her heat as well after all.

There was however not much time to get lovey-dovey this day. Vince helped Miles and Alia to carry their stuff back into their hose and Miles thanked Vince for putting up with his big sister while she was in her mood. "Know what?" he said to the older boy. "She seems to not dare to be as annoying as she is towards us when you are around. I guess this is why mom suggested this." Vince just agreed to it without giving any hints about the big secret of his success. "And the best is." The snow leopard boy whispered and turned away from the others so they would not hear it. "I caught a glimpse of Tracy and Lilly naked. It was only a few seconds but this was worth the trip already." Vince gave Miles a friendly clap on his shoulder. "Psssst." The younger boy whispered and made a totally innocent face when the girls looked over. If Vince would not have experiences what he had with Stacy and Sarah and Mia he was sure that he would be as excited about sneaking a peek at the naked girls as the younger boy was. Being in puberty as well he could related to the two years younger boy. He remembered that he and his class mates once tried to peek into the girls changing room last year but were caught by Mrs. Fennec. This was shortly after they had their sex education and the boys had been curious about it. After the extra class after school where they had to write sentences for over an hour they decided to not try it again though. For Vince this now seemed to be a childish game. If he would do something it would be...

"Tomorrow Brad will take us to the city again." Tracy interrupted his thoughts. "We want to go swimming in the pool." Vince perked his ears up. "I do not have my swimming pants with me." He brought in while they stepped through the door of the Softpaws. "Then we will purchase one before we go to the pool." Sarah replied while holding the door open. "Don't worry Vince. You will not have to go naked." A smirk from Mia showed him that she would not mind him going naked but Vince was just happy that he would be able to join them the next day.

The rest of the day the kids played all together again. They went outside and played in the snow castle that still was standing next to the street. Tracy told Vince that their last castle lasted until the snow began to melt and this castle seemed to be as study. In their games Miles and Vince took the part of the prince in turns that had to rescue the princess. The princess was one of the girls and they also changed with each round and the rest was the evil knights of the black king. They fought with snow balls and in the end each girl was rescued as the princess at least once and Vince only got one rescue fewer than Miles. Maybe this was because when Mia was against Vince he did not throw the snow ball as aimed as before and was out before he got her out. But in the end they all had fun and no one was really caring about how often the boys succeeded.

At the end of the day they went to their own houses and Vince followed Tracy and Lilly with a last gaze at Mia. He threw her a secret hand kiss when the other kids were not looking and she winked at him. The bed felt empty this night when Vince tried to sleep. He cuddled with the blanket but it was not the same as Mia and eventually he drifted off to sleep and in his dreams he rescued the princess Mia and they moved into their own castle and lived there together.