Eric gets lonely

Story by k9k on SoFurry

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#2 of Eric the mouse

Eric felt tears on his cheeks as he blew his nose, here he was, on a Friday night, alone as usual and he just jerked off to the thought of himself being used as a sex toy. Eric sobbed "No one wants me at all!" Eric looked at himself as he said "Just look at me! Who would want this?!" Eric looked down at his cream colored belly fur, down at the retracting red phallus, to the just emptied balls in the creamy white sack and he cried, twisting his pink mouse tail in his hands.

Eric stopped crying for a moment as his cell phone rang a very rare occurrence. He looked at the name on the caller ID: Emergency contact #2, better know as his neighbors. Eric wiped his eyes with a white and pink paw as he answered "Hello?"

"Hey Eric wann- Quit it, I am talking to ErrrICCCC! Stop it you naughty fox or I won't tie you up! Sorry, Ben is a little frisky right now, anyway, since it's Friday; we are watching movies, so care to come over?"

His neighbors, a white and neon orange fox, Ben Dover, and Jeremy High Tail, a bluish silver wolf, had moved in last year and they were his only real friends. Ben Dover, that was his actual name, he had seen the birth certificate himself, was a librarian at the local college library. Jeremy High Tail was a tribal blacksmith for the local Apache tribe. They had met at the library's GLBT monthly group and had dated right off the bat.

Eric envied the pair, they loved each other and more importantly to the virgin mouse, had frequent kinky sex. And right now, Eric needed there unquestioning friendship, so he replied in a quivering voice "Yes, I will be right over."

Eric threw on a pair of running shorts, he didn't care if he was basically nude, besides, his neighbors wouldn't care, and they commonly went in the buff! Eric trudged over, it was dark out, the stars lighting the way, one of the advantages of living out in the country, no lights to spoil the stars.

Eric arrived and knocked and the door opened to reveal a short-furred, bright orange fox, white "socks" and "gloves", a white underbelly and wearing only a yiff the cook apron. The fox's bright amber eyes saddened as he saw the red eyed mouse. Ben shepherded the mouse into the living room and the fox said "Hey Jeremy, gonna get Eric settled before we watch the movie, okay?" Ben was of course talking to his favorite chew toy, Jeremy, a blue wolf. Jeremy was on the couch, wearing only jeans, said jeans had the button unsnapped and the zipper down, showing off the top of a plump blue sheath. Jeremy nodded and said "Alright dear, and don't forget the nachos."

Ben got Eric into the bathroom and undressed the mouse. Eric was too depressed to care and only nodded as Ben said "Take a nice hot bath and then we can go watch a movie, okay?" Eric didn't notice the bath tub was a Whirlpool hot tub, and he slowly climbed in with Ben's careful help. Eric zoned out as he was bathed in the hot tub, not caring as his sheath was pulled down to be washed and soon a now clean Eric was wrapped in a large towel and carried into the living room.

Eric faintly heard Jeremy and Ben discuss something. Eric's ears swiveled every time his name was mentioned but otherwise sitting still except for the occasional sad sniffle. Eric woke the next morning still in the towels; Jeremy was tying his shoes as he said "Eric, I gotta go into work however, Ben said he will let you "play" with him today if you want, in fact, he is a heavy sleeper." Jeremy chuckled as Eric blushed and soon left. Eric sat up and looked around; there was Ben, out like a light on the couch wearing only a pair of red briefs.

Eric poked the briefs, it was rather squishy and after making sure Jeremy had left and Ben was clearly out of it, opened the Y front and pulled Ben's sheath and balls out. The sheath was about an inch or so longer then his but was three times thicker. The sheath was creamy white, and at the bottom was a set of rather cute white sack. He cupped it, it was so warm and soft, and the orbs within had a good weight to them.

Eric gulped as he bent down and gave them a lick, tasting warm fur and sweat. He gently took the sack into his mouth, savoring the warm taste and he began to suckle on them, watching as the sheath before him swelled. Eric felt his own swell and after making sure Ben was asleep, gently slid the briefs down until he pulled them off one leg.

Eric carefully pulled the sheath down as far as it would go and was in awe. The pink, veined flesh was growing but already it was larger then his. The knot was heart shaped and large. Eric wrapped his hand around the reddening flesh, shocked that his paw barely fit around it and at the heat and slickness. Eric gave an experimental stroke and blushed as Ben moaned in his sleep and his penis went rigid.

Eric gently stroked the flesh, watching it grow with every stroke and soon it was a deep crimson, the knot had swelled to twice its previous size, and the entire shaft was a good 2 inches longer then his own and 3 times thicker. The scrotum had drawn up, leaving a crinkled appearance to the fur.

Eric watched the fox's pink hole quiver and twitch. He felt something hot and wet touch his paw and looked, Ben was leaking massive amounts of precum! Eric licked the back of his paw and was surprised, it was salty yet tasty!

Eric decided to try out something he always wanted to do, cock sucking! He closed his eyes and wrapped his lips around the triangular head and bobbed his head, it tasted so hot and salty! Eric heard Ben pant and moan and Eric let out a squeak as he felt something brush his taint!

Eric looked and saw it was the fox's tail and in a moment of pervasion, moved it so it would rub his own aching penis. Eric lowered his head down, loving the throbbing, salty flesh and its heat. Eric almost gagged himself before figuring out how to relax his throat enough to take all of it. Eric felt his cheeks bulge around the knot as he sucked, hands squeezing behind the knot as his other fondled the tight scrotum.

Eric felt more then heard Ben moan and felt the flesh spasm in his mouth and he soon tasted a salty, hot liquid that was on the thin side with a hint of copper. Eric was surprised and would have pulled off if the knot hadn't stopped him, for you see, Eric, in a lapse of memory, had forgotten dogs have a knot and Ben's was currently locked behind the mouse's teeth. Eric swallowed what he could but a lot dribbled out the sides of his maw.

Eric, after several minutes of tugging, gave up on untangling himself from Ben, he was stuck. Eric was just glad Ben had dozed the entire time, the only difference between when Eric started and now was Ben had a massive grin on his face. Eric froze as he heard the door open and heard Jeremy's voice "Ah, so the mouse is a fellow sodomite!" Eric blushed, just glad Ben wasn't awake when he heard the fox chuckle and purred out "Mmm, he is and he is very good at it." Eric turned crimson, ears bright red as he realized that not only was Ben awake the entire time, but he had been set up!