Ch. 2 welcome to hells corner

Story by MUTT557 on SoFurry

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As we all got out of our beds and made our way out of the makeshift bunker i couldn't help but remember the night before. I knew now that I loved Alex the only problem is I've still got a girlfriend at home and when she finds out shes gonna be pissed.

As I was thinking about this two large paws grabbed me from behind and I heard someone say." How are you this morning"? As I turned around I got pulled into a kiss by Alex. For a few moments all my worries left me and I felt a little light headed. I snapped back to reallity about five seconds later and broke the kiss.

"I'm fine" I said,.

"Ready to go and get shot at for another five days?"

"Only if you come along" I said. As they were talking a strange noise filled the air. Then a weird tnak with a large scoop like a bulldozer rumbled past.

Ten minutes later we all got abored a truck with a machine gun mount and drove away from the bunkers. There was little talk as the truck got steadily closer to the sounds of gunfire and sreaming. suddenly a voice yelled out" RPG!" And before I could move Alex had dragged me over the side of the truck just a strange conelike shape hit the truck and it exploded.

Alex and I both landed in a ditch nearby. As I got up little bits of metal began to ping off my helmet. The truck was a mess. Furs with various injurys were running and limping in all directions. Alex got up and said. "We should probably find some cover". All there was was a couple of crates and a destroyed building.

The RPG had come from in the building apparently because enemy soldiers were running out from it guns blazing. I took out my old assault rifle and started firing. Two furs keeled over as the lead hit them staining the ground with even more blood. another was hit but kept going. He threw a grenade and collapsed. The grenade flew over our heads and blew a few nearby furs to shreds.

We were behind the crates now. Peeking out every once in awhile and taking potshots. some hit. Some didn't.

At one point a raging Panther that looked like it was on steroids lunged at me with a large knife. Alex turned him into swiss cheese just as he was about to stab me. The dead panther landed on top of me i shrugged him off and said "thanks".

It had been over an hour now and we were gradually pushing the enemy back into the house when someone yelled "they've barred the doors!"

"Time for a little infiltration mission" Max said as he got up.

About ten furs had grouped up near the door. A large Ox with a heavy machine gun said. "All right I'm going to bust down the door on the count of three".

"Smoke grenades at the ready"!

One! Two! Three!!! As he kicked down the door he was cut to ribbons by a hail of machine gun fire from inside causing his head and one of his arms to rip off. Smoke grenades were thrown. Machine guns were fired. Furs were cut to peices but no matter what we could not get in. So we tried the cellar door which was actually open(strange). as a fur with a rifle stepped through the doorway he was blown to bits by a landmine causing guts and fur to land all over the place. All that was left of him was his torso. I looked into his eyes and knew instantly he was dead.

I ran through the doorway gun blazing and cut down around several enemies with rifles and machine pistols. I stopped by the next doorway panting and I realised I was out of ammo. I picked up one of the strange machine pistols and cocked it. It made a resounding click and I kicked down the door.

I started blasting anything that moved and then everthing was quiet except for some chatter on an old radio. I stepped up to the radio curiously. A strange voice was continually yelling." Retreat to the town center".

Suddenly Alex and a few other furs ran in. I told them what I had heard and then me and Alex left the room. Suddenly Alex said." You had some real guts running in there like that".

"I'm just happy I didn't become swiss cheese like that Ox" I said.

"Well wev'e got a long night and we should probably get some sleep" he said.

"Or we could have a little fun" I suggested hopefully.

"I might have to take you up on that" he said.

About ten minutes later tents had been pitched all over the place. Due to a money shortage two soldiers would each have to share a tent. Max was very happy about this and could not wait for night to come.

Most of the day they sat around talking or shooting dead enemie soldies they were using as targets. Max noted Alex was a very good shot as he took the head off one of the corpses. Meanwhile Max couldn't hit the target unless he was close to it.

When night finally came everything apeared to be going normal until Alex grabbed Max from behind and said in a very sexy voice. Are you ready for a little fun? As an answer Max turned around and kissed Alex. The kiss lasted quite awhile and apparently at some point they had ripped each others cloes off. finally the kiss broke and max simply stared at into the huskys eyes before saying." Take me Alex". Max rolled over so alex could mount him. Alex simply stared at him blushing." somthing wrong"? Said Max looking into the huskys eyes yet again.

" Its just that I've never fucked a dude before"...

"Neither have I" I answered. My sheath had started to twitch and my member started to come out. i looked down and saw his had too. Still blushing slightly Alex slid his cock slowly into Max's ass. after he had it fully in he said . Damn your tight! And he started to hump him. Slowly getting faster. Max murred and slobbered as Alex fucked him even faster. about five minutes he said "I'm going to cum!" And suddenly a jet of seed flew up Maxes ass causing him to growl slightly. he had never felt so good. Then Max came. his own seed shooting up all over his chest.Max continued to pant and Alex said "that.. was ..the best thing I've ever felt".

"Same here" was all Max could say as they began to clean each other up.

After that they cuddled in each others arms and fell asleep together thinking of the days to come.....

The next morning anover voice came over the radio. It said "allright men today we take the town center"! Get into your gear and get into the trucks! As Max got in he thought to himself. So this is what hell looks like. The trucks started and they started off knowing that not very many of them would come back alive.....