Sheath x Felix PON Ch 2

Story by Ryuukiba on SoFurry

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#3 of Sheath x Felix PON Pt 1

"Once upon a time they created good things, but now they will only be known for this grave mistake"

~ Ehlise Dehsiah

Reptii Council Chair

Heres Chapter 2!

Prepare yourself for what is to come, it is not for the weak of heart...

Learn more about the book @

It didn't take long for the real havoc to ensue. As we smooch away I hear about six kids pass out and a messenger parakeet crashes into the wall somewhere down the hall.

Some girl lets out a melancholy moan, collapsing into her friend's arms and breaking into choked sobs as they struggle to comfort her.

A couple of Felix's jock pals start to groan in distress, moaning about how they could never have guessed that he was a fag.

I could almost hear the cheerleaders realigning each other's jaws as they turn and strut away, trying to uphold their strangled poise.

After about two minutes of intense kissing, Felix picks me up in his arms and carries me into the classroom, where we encounter something that definitely doesn't fit the moment.

The door slams shut behind us, shoved by the gusts coming in from the open window and I gag as the sickly sweet stench of blood hits my nose. Felix drops me to the ground with a gasp, looking about the room, his eyes wide.

The walls are coated with gore. Dismembered bodies are sprawled across the floor. It is a truly dreadful scene.

I whimper, trying to withhold my terror, and my guts. Never before had I seen so much blood, never before had I been witness to such horrific things as this.

"Good lords." Felix huffs, "What's going on?"

"Felix," I whimper, "This isn't good; not at all. We need to get out of here."

Felix gasps, staring straight forward, his fur stiff.

"No way," He growls, "It can't be real."

"Felix," I mutter, "what are you talking," I halt midsentence as my eyes reach the point at which he is staring.

There stands the culprit of this horrendous scene. His fur, the color of tar, is soaked through with blood. Motes of black vapor spew from his nostrils with his every breath and his blood-red eyes glow with a ferocity I am sure not even Felix can match. His body is similar to that of a normal Fauhnan, but grotesquely muscular and hunched over so that he walks on all fours like a feral wolf. The height of his shoulders alone is at least five feet. If he stood up on two legs he would definitely tower over us.

"Good gods," I stammer.

No sooner than those words had escaped my lips the creature snaps his head in my direction, meeting my eyes and growling viciously, baring his unsightly yellow fangs.

He laughs, taking a step in our direction,

"Bad time," He barks in a guttural voice, "You die now."

I shrink back towards Felix with a yelp, terrified by the hulking beast.

Felix growls, stepping in front of me, his fur bristling and his claws erupting, razor sharp, from his fingertips; "The only person who will be dying is you, freak." He growls.

"Felix," I whimper, looking the bloodstained creature up and down, "I don't think you should be doing this, we need to get out of here."

I stagger to my feet, turning to the door just in time to hear the telltale crack of its bolts locking.

"Shit!" I mutter under my breath, turning back to the hulking black wolf.

He laughs brutally, motes of shadowy smoke spewing from his mouth, "You both stupid, no escape for you."

I growl, my fur bristling with a mixture of anger and terror. This couldn't be happening, not after how well this day had started. It just couldn't be. Finally I have Felix, and now this thing has come along threatening to ruin everything!

"Stay back Sheath, I'll handle this." Felix hisses, stepping in front of me and crouching, his tail lashing through the air.

I whimper, willing my fur to lay flat. "Felix, are you sure..."

"Beyond sure," He replies.

"But," I'm cut off as he yowls furiously, challenging the bloody beast to come forth.

My fur tingles with alarm as the hulking wolf turns to Felix, his blood red eyes flaring with a bottomless hunger, thick black haze streaming from his nostrils as a deep, bone rattling growl resonates from his chest. Nothing in the world could be more frightening.

Felix growls, his tail lashing faster,

"You are a fool to challenge me, beast." He mutters, "You will regret coming to this place."

The wolf looks him up and down and laughs, as though this were the most amusing thing he had ever heard. I begin to fear even more for the life of my newly acquired lover.

"Felix," I plead, "don't do this. We need to go, now!"

"No," He hisses again, his eyes locked on the hulking beast, "I will not let this thing leave unchallenged!"

"This is ludicrous!" I snap under my breath, "You're going to get yourself killed!"

"Then killed I will be." He growls.

The beast laughs again, "You fool, Cat," It rumbles, "Me kill fools."

Felix bristles, his green eyes blazing with fury, "You mangy soft-knotted mutt!" He screeches, "Feel the pain of my claws!"

"Felix, no!" I wail as he leaps at the massive wolf, but it is too late.

The hulking beast knocks him out of the air with a deft swipe of its tail, pinning him to the ground. It all happens so swiftly that I have no time to react. I stand frozen to the spot, my heart hammering at my ribcage. All I can do is watch.

"No, no, no," I whimper.

Felix shrieks out furiously, scrambling beneath the Wolf's weight, "Let me go mutt!" he yowls.

It just laughs, digging its claws into his chest. "I say you fool, but you no listen. Now cat die."

My eyes widen with terror, this couldn't be happening! Not today! Felix had just mustered up the guts to confess his affection to me. I can't lose him right after getting him!

I can't just stand by like this, I have to do something!

"No!" I shriek, pouncing at the creature, slashing at its thick fur with my pathetically dull claws. It is no use, in comparison to this creature I am beyond feeble. I am completely incapable of inflicting damage.

The black wolf huffs with irritation, rolling his shoulders and pressing Felix down harder against the floor, flicking me aside with his tail.

I crash into the wall with a yelp, my fur bristling as Felix moans in agony, struggling to get away from the powerful wolf.

"Get off of me mutt!" he hisses, "let me get my claws on you!"

The beastly wolf laughs ferociously, putting more of its weight on Felix's chest, making him shriek with torment.

"Felix!" I wail, "Felix!"

"Damn you!" He yowls, meeting the wolf's blood red eyes, clawing at the floor, struggling to breathe.

It laughs again, "Stupid cat. You should know no hurt me."

"Felix!" I wail leaping at it again.

"Stop stupid wolf!" The black wolf barks, slapping me aside with its tail mid leap, "Stay out of way and wait turn!"

I slam into the wall again, incredibly hard. All of the bones in my body feel the shock. I am instantly dizzy and darkness creeps in at the corners of my vision.

This is it. This is how I am going to die, fighting for Felix. Even after I finally got him, the battle still can't end. I suppose I'm destined to live and perish struggling to have the one thing I want more than anything.

I close my eyes, waiting for death to take me.

"Sheath!" Felix wails, "Sheath!"

I snap my eyes open, looking back in his direction, the black wolf is still crushing him but he is not dead; I am suddenly filled with an insatiable rage.

He is not gone and nor am I! I can't stop fighting! If I'm going to die I'm going to use every last ounce of my life force to try and save him! I must!

"No!" I shriek, pouncing at the beast again and closing my teeth on its shoulder. My mouth quickly fills with the putrid taste of the wolf's blood. Resisting the urge to retch I dig my teeth in deeper, grinding my jaw to tear at his disgusting flesh.

The creature yelps and then screams shrilly, hitting me with its tail again hard. I smack into the wall with a loud crash, my vision exploding with stars. The pain is so great that I cannot move. Everything hurts and my muscles are rigid.

"Stupid wolf!" the black wolf howls, "You stupid bite me!"

It shoves down on Felix even harder, making him shriek again, clawing gorges in the concrete floor as he struggles to escape. I wail with torment as I hear a foreboding crack and Felix's chest caves in beneath the wolf's hulking paw. For a moment the golden cat's eyes roll into the back of his head and I think he is dead.

I wail out in torment, scrabbling at the floor, trying to regain control of my stunned body. This can't be the end, I won't let it be!

Tears push at the corners of my eyes as the black furred wolf smiles at me, showing its ugly yellow teeth.

Felix's eyes flash open.

"Sheath... run..." He gasps.

I whimper, my fur bristling with distress. This is worse than anything I could ever imagine.

Looking at the hulking wolf I know that there is nothing I can do to help Felix. That knowledge only makes me feel worse. Felix is having the life crushed from his body and I can only watch helplessly, unable to act.

"Run," Felix huffs again, groaning as the creature shoves down on him harder, a sliver of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, "Go..."

I stare at him, wishing I could, but by now I am so frightened by what is happening that I am frozen to the spot, my muscles unable to respond to my brain's panicked messages.

Felix moans in agony, his eyes rolling back in his head as the wolf continues to crush him, smiling gruesomely.

I close my eyes, unable to watch. This is it. Felix's chest is pressed in so much now that I am sure he can no longer breathe. He will soon die, and then I will join him in the shadowy clutches of death, both of us slain by this monstrosity.

What type of curse is this? My mind toils, are the gods declaring their distaste with us by sending this horrific wolf to kill us, or is this just a bad coincidence, just us being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Felix is gasping now, his writhing growing less intense, he will soon be gone. If only we had more time together. A soft whimper escapes my throat as I watch him take his last desperate breaths, his eyes wide, fearful, glazing over...

And then the unthinkable happens....


With a ferocious roar a silvery blur rockets through the window, tearing the black wolf from atop my mate.

I wince as Felix yowls out in pain, rolling back and forth on the floor, gasping for breath and clutching his chest. Watching him, I began to feel his pain as my own, a painful throb that engulfs my chest with the speed and intensity of fire.

I sprint to his side, my heart racing.

"Felix," I yelp, "Felix!"

He looks up at me, his eyes fierce, "I'm... o-okay," He huffs, leveling his breathing.

I sigh with relief, "Thank the gods," I murmur, laying a paw on his chest.

"You stop, NOW!"

My fur bristles as I recall the black wolf, snapping my head around to see what had become of him.

"You stupid, Black!?" barks the muscular silver wolf who now has Felix's assaulter pinned to the ground, "Kill him, kill self! Kill him you DIE!"

The black wolf growls, "WHAT!?" It points at Felix who glares back at it with deep rooted hatred. "Scrawny cat no threat, kill easy."

Felix growls, "I'll show that damned mutt scrawny." He mutters.

"Shut up and lay down!" I snap, shoving him to the floor, "You will do no more fighting! You are already hurt enough."

He growls at me but obliges, showing his fangs in an aggravated hiss.

The silver wolf narrows its eyes, putting its claws to the black wolf's throat, "That not just any scrawny cat," It snaps to the black wolf, "That HIS scrawny cat!"

It points at me with a claw and I whimper, cowering closer to the ground, wrapping my arms about Felix's neck.

"I kill scrawny wolf too, he no problem, very weak." The black wolf snaps.

The silver wolf growls outraged, "You must kill me to kill wolf! ME kill YOU if kill that wolf! Wolf not yours to kill! Wolf mine! Wolf mustn't be killed, MUSTN'T!"

The black wolf growls, "Silver, why you defend mangy wolf? Wolf not important, we brothers. That wolf," It points at me, "that wolf nothing. We make wolf pay for what his people done to us. We once pretty like he. Then they do wrong, now we ugly, ugly but strong. We use strong to squash wolf who make us ugly."

The silver wolf looks at me, a glimmer in his scarlet eyes.

"You no real brother," he growls, glaring at the black wolf, "I know scrawny wolf. He silver brother. Must protect brother, he important, he kind, he help."

The black wolf scoffs, "Wolf BROTHER! Hah! You stupid silver, we no family! Family dead or no care! We alone, we brothers now. Cat NOTHING. Wolf NOTHING."

The silver wolf growls, "Wolf is silver brother! Silver know brother. Silver love brother. Brother love silver, brother help. Brother kind. Brother strong. Silver know."

The black wolf growls loudly, "Enough game! Stop be stupid silver! WOLF NOTHING! UNDERSTAND!? Silver and Black together. We fight for freedom, for power."

The silver wolf sighs, "Wolf is power, wolf more power than Silver and Black combined. Silver know! Silver sacrifice for brother! Brother was supposed to be silver. But silver save brother. Silver save world. Silver save war!"

The black wolf growls, "Silver gone mad, Black kill Silver if Silver is no see truth. Wolf must be power. Wolf make silver mad! BLACK KILL WOLF!"

With a roar the hulking Black furred wolf leaps from beneath Silver's weight, hurtling in my direction.

My life flashes before my eyes as the massive beast arcs through the air. As I watch I am assured that my life is about to end. But, appallingly, death does not come...

The black wolf's claws are inches from my face when I hear a furious yowl. There is a thunderous crashing and the next thing I notice is Black, pinned to the wall by Felix who is growling and spitting, his fur glowing with some powerful energy.

"CAT," Silver wails, "CAT POWER TOO!?"

Black growls, "Cat fool, CAT DIE!"

With a roar he spews a cloud of choking black smoke into Felix's face, throwing him across the room as he gags for breath. He hits the wall with a sickening thud and slumps to the floor, the power he had moments ago gone in an instant.

"Any last word, cat?" Black barks trotting towards him.

"Go to hell," Felix snarls, spitting at the ugly beast.

The wolf roars in outrage, lifting its hulking paw to make the killing blow, but Silver is quicker.

In an instant he is upon Black, grabbing him by his shoulders and tossing him to the other side of the room with a furious bellow.

He turns to me, "Run Wolf! Get Cat and run!"

I whimper, staring at him in confusion. I don't understand what is happening. Nothing makes any sense anymore. I just want it all to stop! Make it all go away!

I start to whine, a pitiful high pitched sound. I am sure my eyes are wide and bloodshot and my fur is bristling all over my body.

"Wolf listen," Silver barks, "me Zach, me you brother! You, you Sheath! Wolf know! Sheath, go now! Sheath survive! Sheath save world!"

Zach?But Zach is dead!

"What?" I stammer, my mind scrambled.

Nothing is making sense, this thing is Zach? That couldn't be possible! He was taken by the government for committing crimes against the Alpha Regnant. He was executed!

"Sheath need," Silver starts.

"Sheath need die!" Black roars, slamming into him, "Sheath stupid! Sheath make Silver stupid!"

"Sheath, run!" Silver, Zach, or whoever he is, wails punching the black wolf and slashing its already horrendous face with his claws, "Now!"

I spin on a dime, locking my arms about Felix's waist and hefting him over my shoulder with a mighty roar, staggering aside just in time to see the battling wolves crash into the wall roaring ferociously.

Silver catches my eye and nods curtly as I turn and race for the door.

"Put me down!" Felix shrieks, "I'm not going to let that freak get away with this! He must pay!"

"Shut up, idiot!" I bark, "You're just going to get yourself killed!"

Felix yowls, outraged, "I can take that bitch! Just let me go!"

I growl, squeezing his ribcage, making him shriek out in pain; "Shut the fuck up!" I snap, "We are getting out of here whether you want to or not!"

Felix growls slumping over my shoulder.

"This is pathetic," He groans.

"Oh fucking well!" I snap.

He snorts as I reach the door and lean him against the wall, grabbing the locked bolt and struggling to twist it. My undoubtedly futile attempts are thwarted by some immense force that is holding the bolt in the locked position, it won't budge.

"Shit," I growl, letting it go and shaking my sore hand.

Felix punches my shoulder as I reach for the lock again, "Hurry up!" He snaps, "It looks like your damn brother is losing!"

I turn around to realize despairingly that Felix is right. Silver is struggling with the black wolf. He will not be able to hold him back for long.

I grab the bolt again and twist it with all my might, growling with exertion.

Felix grabs my shoulders, "Sheath?" He mutters anxiously.

"What!?" I bark, turning just in time to see Silver slam into the wall beside us.

"Oh," I whimper.

"You come back," Black roars pelting towards us, "you die! Black kill!"

I scramble with the bolt on the door, my heart hammering in my chest, this can't be the end, it can't be!

Felix turns to face the hulking beast, "If you don't get that door open before he makes it over here..." he starts.

"I will open it!" I bark, twisting harder, "I will!"

Felix growls, his eyes dark. Already the hulking beast is less than a foot away. The lock won't budge, and there is no way we can escape. We are going to die now, flayed by this hideous black monster.

And then miraculously the door unlocks, the bolt flinging open as if thrown by an invisible force.

"Yes!" I wail, grabbing Felix by his arm and shoving him through the portal and following him through; we were going to make it!

Things are looking up as I clear the doorway until I feel claws latch into my back.

I gasp, reaching out to Felix, but it is too late, I am being dragged backward, fast.

Felix screams as I am tugged back into the room, his eyes bloodshot, his blood matted fur bristling every which way. A desperate image that is cut off by the door slamming shut between us. As I recede into the room, I hear him beating against it furiously.

When we are well into the room my attacker throws me down on the ground, roaring in triumph.

"Scrawny wolf mine now," he growls, tracing the edge of my chin with a jagged claw.

I stare up at Black, stars in my vision, "Why?" I whimper.

He smiles at me, climbing on top of me, breathing his putrid black exhaust into my face, "You're special."

My eyes widen, and I feel something between my legs that I don't want to feel. The dark furred wolf is running his rough hands down my body, tearing my clothes with his claws.

I shiver and almost throw up as he leans forward, licking my cheek.

"You're perfect." He rumbles, kissing the nape of my neck.

I try to scream as he takes hold of my shorts, tearing them off, but he leans on top of me, his reeking chest fur engulfing my face and cutting off my breathing.

I am trapped.

The black wolf is breathing heavily, drooling over my shoulder and I can feel his thick member throbbing against the insides of my legs as he begins to pull my briefs off. He does this action with a tender slowness that hints at familiarity, but familiar is not the word for this experience. I do not know this creature! He does not know me! This shouldn't be happening!

A low, horrendous murr, sounds deep in his chest as he reveals my tender lower half. I am struggling frantically but his weight is too much for me. No matter how much I squirm or claw I cannot break free, much less move. Tears are flowing from my eyes now; my heart is beating faster than any heart should. I feel as though I am going to perish in this very moment, stricken down by terror alone.

"Scrawny wolf," The hulking beast sighs, his voice all around me. He is caressing my chin tenderly now, his claws teasing my skin through my fur. It tingles in a way that feels inviting but the touch is anything but pleasant, I feel like I am going to retch.

Mustering up a last burst of strength I struggle against him again, managing to get an arm free and swatting my claws over his back, but it is of no use. He is so large and heavy that he doesn't even notice my futile attack. I can hardly breathe now and I have no way to gain the upper hand. I drop my arm to the floor, conceding to my fate.

His deep consuming murr begins to rumble again, sounding like the engine of a powerful and expensive cruiser, rippling through my entire body. The sound consumes my mind and my soul, melding into my feelings of complete and utter horror.

He's going to mate me, he's going to stick his wretchedness inside of me and tear me apart.

More tears flow as fogginess creeps in at the edges of my mind. Maybe I will suffocate and die before he starts;maybe I won't have to feel the pain of it.

As he pulls forward, preparing to penetrate me, I can feel the knot of his member against the inside of my legs. I try to close them in a last attempt to stop what is happening from happening, but my body has no more strength. There's not enough oxygen in my blood to fuel a struggle. The thought passes and my body doesn't even respond.

I gaze forlornly into those red eyes, my vision is all blurry now and they are the only thing I can make out amongst the dark mass of his body.

"Please," I rasp, my voice barely a whisper, "Please don't"

The beast stares into my eyes for a few moments more and then leans forward, caressing my lips with his tongue. I close my eyes as he presses the sickening mass of flesh into my maw and deep into my muzzle. I can struggle no longer. I simply submit to his assault, my mind fading away.

Let this be the end...

I hardly notice when he pulls away a little, grabbing my legs and pulling them open painfully wide, all the while maintaining his evil sounding, perverted, murr.

Take me away please...

Leaning forward again he presses the slick head of his member against my tail-hole, his body tensing as he strains himself against the muscles there. I feel a slight pain as he does this that subsides as he grinds himself against me, loosening, teasing. And then all at once it starts to slip in.

The pain returns with blinding fiery intensity.




My eyes snap open and the air is permeated by the most unholy shriek I have ever heard, a sound I soon realize is coming from my own lips. With my screaming the strength returns to my body tenfold. With a hysterical growl I tear my arms free and dig my claws through his thick fur and into his flanks.


My thoughts have been replaced by a suave voice shrieking fierce and bloodthirsty in my mind, surging in upon the newfound waves of power. The voice is somehow familiar, but I cannot place it. All I know is that something inside of me has awoken and is fighting back.

"This will not happen!"

Black grunts as my claws sink into his flesh, sliding himself deeper into me. The feeling sends another unholy jolt though my body that rattles out of my lips as a crazed mournful howling. My body tenses with the surge and my claws take fast, slicing through his skin and into muscle. With a withering screech I pull them down the length of his body.

"This creature will suffer for the pain he has caused!" The voice within howls out as his blood sprays warm over my paws, accompanied by the sickly sound of tearing flesh. The sound is so appealing, so appeasing!

"Let us now bathe in sweet, Sweet, BLOOD_!"_

The roar that emits from the wounded beast is worse than the sound of his murr. It rattles my bones and nearly deafens me, but it announces my success as well.

"Bleed you foul creature! BLEED!" My inner voice cries out as the wolf throws himself away from me, crashing into the wall, clinging his sides. His paws do nothing to restrain the flowing of his blood. It is gushing fourth in torrents, spilling over the walls and floor, filling the air with its sickly stench.

Now RUN! I think to myself, but I cannot move. My will is no longer my own. I realize this as another insatiable surge of energy flows over me.

"We must Feed," my inner voice cries out hideously, "tear into the flesh of our enemy! Devour his SOUL!"

Overcome by this force I stagger to my feet sauntering unsteadily over to the wailing beast, my tongue lolling out of the side of my muzzle.

I am filled to the brim with voracious hunger. The scent of the creature's blood is no longer putrid. It is sweet and inviting. My stomach growls.

I have to have some, I have to taste it...

Sweet, sweet, BLOOD...

Blinded by my insane thoughts I do not notice that the beast has recovered and is staring back at me, his eyes full of fury. All I can see is the dark mass of his body, veiled in a world of red.

"YOU DIE!" he roars, "You go nowhere but Death!"

My mind snaps back to reality at the words, my vision flickering back in time for me to see him flying at me, claws outstretched. I whimper softly, my eyes brimming with tears.

This is it, I am done for...

Stars explode in my vision as the hulking mass of his body slams against me, crashing me against the opposite wall of the room. I shriek, clawing out at him, but again I am futile. Whatever power that had come over me before is gone now and it is not coming back. I begin to sob.

This makes no sense, I think to myself, what is happening? Why must my suffering go on?

Seeing my tears, Black laughs maniacally, "You cry!?" He howls, "How dumb you are!"

I wail as he shoves his claws into my flesh again. All understanding is lost now. I don't know what is happening.

Maybe I am in a dream; maybe this entire situation is just a long horrible dream.

"You die now pest." He growls, breaking into my thoughts, his blood-red eyes gleaming triumphantly.

Suddenly a roar sounds from the other side of the room.

"Sheath no die!" appearing from nowhere, the Silver wolf tears the black monstrosity from atop me, hurling him across the floor.

Until that very moment I had been sure that the Silver wolf had died, that I was on my own, but obviously he was stronger than I had thought. He must have been unconscious, gathering his strength to fight again. I am marveling at the situation now, completely detached. My mind no longer has the will to try and understand. Too much has happened in too little a time.

I watch in a childish stupor as Silver and the black wolf circle each other. They do so for a long while, neither of them seeming to gain the upper hand, until by instance of chance, the black wolf slips in a puddle of blood, giving the silver wolf an opening to attack.

"YOU DIE!" He bellows, charging at the black wolf as it staggers to its feet.

They meet with a crash that shakes the building to its foundations, whirling around each other, skidding across the floor, and crashing through the window. I stumble forward, peering over the edge and watching them fall, fighting viciously, their growling and snarling echoing up to the room for a long while until, with a loud and sickening thud, their battle lapses into silence.

I stare at the two bodies for a moment, feeling a strange sadness. Then I turn away, falling to my knees.

Good riddance...