Chapter 1: Timing isn't Everything & Chapter 2: An Unexpected Fealing

Story by Nex Legacy on SoFurry

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#1 of A World Unseen

Warning: This story contains descriptions of Male on Male sex between a wolf and a rabbit. If you do not like such things, you really should not be on this web sight. I am not responsible for hand cramps resulting in pawing off to my work; I did not force you to read it.

"I can't believe your doing this too me now Nubia! After all we've meant to each other! It's just college," Yelled Brex out in the hall, just a few feet from his Dorm Room! "I don't want to have to wait for you." The rather cold tigress replied turning and just walking away leaving the wolf standing there growling. Brex was a big guy, around 6'4'' tall muscular the standard in jockdom when it came to wolves.

Coated head to toe in a soft simi-fluffy smoke gray fur with tiny black tips on his ears and tail, like most Anthros he goes around in the fur, not bothering with fur binding clothing. This was his first day at Southbrook Anthro College and of course is girlfriend thought to end their year old relationship minuets before he was supposed to meet his roommate; if one thing could be said for Nubia it was she had a very lousy since of timing.Rodrick was in the room already in the process of setting up his computer he'd brought from home, listening to the fight; shaking his head, this was one of the reasons he'd never bothered taking a girl friend too much trouble. Rodrick was a thin, wiry member of the Anthro Rabbit Race. Coated in a white splotched dark brown fur standing around 5'11'', both his ears constantly laid back against wherever both of them totally lop, and like most Anthros he was in the fur. The rabbit sat up and looked at the wolf smiling lightly. "Uhm, hi," Rodrick blurted out, not really sure what to say to the rather angry looking wolf. "Hi... sorry about the yelling," The wolf said smoothing out his fur as he set his huge trunk of belongings next to the bed that hadn't been already messed up by his apparent lapine roommate. "No problem, understandable, considering what I heard" Rodrick quickly said, leaning back behind the computer desk, to continue the job of connecting his computer. The wolf just mumbled going about the business of unpacking his belongings, pulling a laptop computer out of his chest first thing setting it up with a flick on the other unused desk within the two-person room."Have you ever had girl trouble, Rabbit" quipped Brex? "Me? No... I've never really dated at least not... uh, seriously, anyone." Nervously replied the rabbit, finishing the task of hooking up his computer, standing up beside the desk turning the system on to test that he hadn't screwed up.

"Uhm, also, my name is Rodrick, just so you know," He quickly told the wolf as his computer went though start-up. "Oh, well my name is Brex" replied the wolf, hanging up his clothing within one of the two closets in the dorm room. "Oh.. Brex...heh... stupid to ask but you're my room mate?" The rabbit said, clearly nervous for no real reason, even though he was outweighed by about 70 pounds by the wolf he had no reason to fear him, it wasn't like he was acting hostile. "Yeah, I tried to get a single room but you have to be really connected to get your own place, I'm sure we can make it work... I'm a friendly enough guy, so I'm told" Said the wolf setting up a single figurine he had that he'd kept as a luck charm for years now, a statue of a very shocked looking non-Anthro fox. "I'm sure we can maybe be friends, if you want," The rabbit quickly replied. "Why sure, you seem like a nice enough guy, and quit acting so jumpy around me or we'll never get past hello," The wolf observed, grinning a toothy grin at the rabbit, only getting a soft chuckle in response from his new room mate.

The next few days went by without a hitch, classes final registration, the endless lines in the book store, meals the wolf quickly noticed that as time went by, as nights past the rabbit was becoming increasingly comfortable in the big male's presents and he also noticed that Rodrick had a notable talent for computers, he was able to solve a on-going problem with the campus store's systems within a few minuets of being allowed to look at the system. Over time Brex managed to find out that the Rabbit was here in Southbrook to become an Information Technologies Engineer. Unlike the wolf who had absolutely no idea what he wanted to do, aside from perhaps being on some college football or wrestling teams. Two roommates couldn't have be more different but there was an odd form of friendship developing between the Rabbit and the Wolf. This was definitely going to be an interesting year.

A World Unseen

An Unexpected Feeling (Chapter 2)

Weeks past and finally classes began anew in Southbrook Anthro College, every evening the two roommates Rodrick and Brex began to get to know one another. It wasn't long until Rodrick got caught pawing off to gay Anthro porn by Brex, only eliciting a soft chuckle from the wolf and a deep blush from his new lapine friend. Within forty-eight hours, however Brex was caught doing the same thing with very similar results.

"So, uh, how long have you known you liked... that kind of thing?" Rodrick ask though the darkness of the dorm room late that night. "Oh? Hua? Oh, um well since I was young and got my first computer, there's just something about it that... I don't know, makes my sheath twitch." Replied the still half-asleep wolf. "What about you?" Rodrick jumped at the question not really expecting it, the wolf had shown only a slight interest in the rabbit's barrage of questions through the last week or so "I don't know same as you I guess. Something about two males together just seems so... well... fun." The wolf smiled in the darkness only then asking, "Have you ever thought about getting with a male yourself?" "Uhm, a couple of times, It's not like its taboo or wrong or anything, 'cept to the humans." Replied the now growingly nervous bunny. "What about you?" The wolf had to give that some thought, he'd dated females in his past and every time the relationship had become complicated, and confusing. "Maybe, I mean it has to be easier than being with a female. It has its own set of problems but it's not as complicated I'm sure." Brex responded. Getting only a 'hmm' as a response from the bunny across the room. Both furs drifted off to sleep, leaving the subject up in the air. That next morning Rodrick had woke up earlier than Brex, there was nothing strange about this he'd always managed to wake up earlier than his roommate, however this morning was different, he glanced over at the still snoozing wolf, spotting a sizeable bulge beneath the light blanket that had come standard on the dorm-room beds.

The rabbit sighed to himself summoning courage, slipping out of his own bedding silently and half tiptoeing over to the big male looking at him; this was defiantly a risk to take if it made the wolf mad he'd have no problem ripping the rabbit's ears clean off. Something inside Rodrick wouldn't let him stop as he gently pulled down the light blanket revealing the throbbing onyx black canine cock of the big wolf. It was quite a bit bigger than the rabbit expected glistening lightly with natural moisture and lubricant the 116 pound rabbit moved onto the bed trying his best not to disturb his sleeping roommate moving up on the bed, very gently wrapping his hands around the throbbing wolfcock leaning in giving it a slow soft lick from sheath opening to tip, awarded with a spurt of slick pre over his nose and muzzle. 'What the hell am I doing!?' something in the back of the rabbit's brain kept screaming as he pushed himself forward, taking the first few inches of the salty wolfmeat into his muzzle suckling around him as he's seen the actors in his Anthro porn do so many times, twisting his tongue about the inches in his muzzle enjoying the salty, spicy flavor it left on his tongue, enjoying the texture of the meat in his muzzle. Rodrick started to bob his head slowly, taking in the wolfcock bit by bit each time he pushed himself down, suppressing the gag reflex as he pushed himself to swallow the wolfmeat entirely. The bunny got a big surprise when he felt two hands grip his ears and a growling voice from above spoke "Good bunny suck the wolfdick, roll my balls." Rodrick's heart raced at that then he closed his eyes giving an audible slurp around the meaty cock in his muzzle, one hand moving to do as he was told, pulling and rolling the sizeable wolf balls in his silky furred paw being rewarded with another healthy spurt of precum. Brex could tell the rabbit was new at this, but what he lacked in talent he made up for in trying, the wolf groaning lifting his head too look down at his unexpected lover giving a toothy grin letting his head drop back onto the pillow letting the rabbit work as he pulled the rabbit's ears lightly getting a moan that vibrated his cock for that. Rodrick slurped and sucked around him hard, pushing down with light suction then pulling back up sucking hard enough to make his cheeks cave in lightly. The rabbit teased the big wolf nuts, pulling on them, squeezing them tight as his muzzle worked the thick cock.

Brex groaned, his knot just beginning to form as he felt a familiar feeling building in his cockbace, growling out a warning to his lover "I'm gonna cum" Not sure after all if the rabbit wanted a muzzle load of cum. The only response from the lapine was to suck harder and pull back so he could taste it all, a nice tongue swirling around the tip of precum spurting cock, two fingers wrapping about the base of his cock, the wolf grunted and clawed the bedding finally awarding the rabbit's efforts with a thrust up and heavy jets of thick creamy wolf essence which the rabbit quickly swallowed down hard, being overcome some of the seed leaked from the corners of his muzzle and ran down his jaw line the bunny pulling back panting quietly. "Well that was unexpected," Brex said, lifting his head again to look at the now panting rabbit that was proceeding to lick his chops clean. "Heh, you're not mad?" Ask a timid sounding Rodrick. "Mad? At the fact that I was just given a very well done blowjob? Of course not... but now what are we going to do about that?" Replied the wolf, whose cock had retained its hardness.

"Hua? Uh..." Was the only reply from the now deep red blushing bunny? The wolf only grinned, pulling the rabbit up by the ears kicking away the covers as he pushed the rabbit onto his stomach on the single bed. Moving up over him teasing the rabbit's ass with his cock before moving down and pulling apart the bunny buns, giving his tailstar a long slow lick getting a soft shutter and moan from the rabbit in response to the brand new stimuli. The wolf kept forward working his tongue into the virgin bunny hole teasing along the inside of the rabbit with his tongue finding his prostate and giving a long lick, getting a deep moan from the bunny who was suddenly on his knees and chest on the bed rump totally exposed tail as flat against his lower back as he could make it giving the wolf full access.

The wolf grinned pulling back, satisfied that the rabbit was now lubed properly, twisting one thick finger into the bunny butt getting a moan of approval from the rabbit who promptly thrusted his hips back "More please..." was the only words that left the mouth of Rodrick, something inside the rabbit was craving this hungry for this a another feeling that was brand new. The wolf moved up behind his bunny lover, running his cock along the hot hole, sinking very carefully and slowly into the bunny ass, the rabbit moaned loudly, his virgin hole fighting the intrusion at first before giving in to the penetration, a small tear running down his cheek lightly as his cherry was taken as he felt the wolf's hips contact his buns. "Ugh... I've never... this... is s-" Was the only words Rodrick could think to say, interrupted by a deep kiss from the side, as he felt the wolf's strong chest contact his back the wolf's hips grinding deeper, staying deep inside while he allowed the rabbit to get used to the feeling of being stuffed so full. The two lover's tongues played with one another as the wolf slowly began with draw, then sink deeply into the rabbit ass, very taking up slow rocking thrust that sent the wolfmeat rubbing past the rabbit's prostate each time. "Can't, p-please more." The rabbit half begged gripping the pillow in front of him. The wolf happily gave the rabbit what he wanted pumping his hips faster, rolling his hips to meet the rabbit's now thrusting back rump, pumping faster into his willing lover giving out a growl of pure pleasure.

The rabbit could do nothing but thrust back, eyes clamped shut his own rock hard cock spurting precum over the sheets as his tailhole milked the wolf. Brex growled running his strong hands along the flexing muscles of the rabbit's back and over the bunny's taught buns giving them a tight squeeze with only made the bunny moan, mumbling something almost incoherent. The wolf had managed to make out one word from it "ears" reaching up with one hand gathering both ears in one strong hand yanking them back as his thrusting got rougher and faster, the bunny moaning loudly arching his back hard shooting his chest off the bed, clawing the pillow in front of him as the pleasure for him increased ten fold with that motion alone or so it had seemed, he opened his eyes and muzzle letting out tiny grunts with each thrust into his rear and a deep moan each time his ears were yanked. The wolf growled his knot beginning to form at the base of his cock from the pleasure he was getting from the rabbits griping, rippling, tight, warm ass, Brex leaning forward whispering into one of the ears in his hand "Bunny want my knot?" "Yes! Please!! Yes!" Responded the now heavily panting Rodrick. The wolf shoved forward hard stretching the bunny hole around the baseball sized knot growling loudly at the feeling as it made the rabbit cum, coating the sheets in a gooey white mess the wolf knot filling out to about softball size inside the rabbit the wolf giving a loud growl, coating the inside of the bunny's willing ass with thick crème.

Both furs mussels going over time as orgasms wracked though their bodies falling to the bed in a panting heap, Rodrick falling into his own mess of sticky bunnyseed. After a few minuets the bunny was the first to speak "Gods, I... ugh.." The wolf only grinned, "Well put." The wolf rolled his hips softly rolling to one side spooning the wolf, strong hands wrapping around the rabbit's body as both furs drifted back to sleep, their energy expended by the yiff and all the new feelings that had occurred within the last hour.

  • To Be Continued

-- Next Chapters: Lover Found & A New Outlook

--- Note From the Author: This is my first attempt at a Series and my first attempt at any kind of writing for fun in over 3 years. Forgive me if it sucks.