Open Season Chapter 48: A NEW ADDITION

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#48 of Open Season


happy solstice folks



Chapter 48


Gwen stared at it, _knowing_that it wouldn't change anything. It was after all, just for convenience. She had _known_already what the outcome would have been, or at least _suspected_anyway. A grin crept across her muzzle as she thought of Rick.

She padded into the dining room where Kel and I sat drinking coffee and reading the Sunday paper. Sitting at the table across from us, she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"It's blue," she said calmly.

"Mmm? What was that, dear?" I asked looking up from the paper.

"It's_blue!" Gwen said with the lightest dusting of a smile on her muzzle. Kel riveted the skunkette with her full attention. "_Really?"

Gwen nodded.

I still did not comprehend. "What's Blue?"

"_This_is blue." Gwen grinned as she set the E.P.T. device on the table in front of me, and I just stared at it.

Kel whooped.

"Okay, it's blue?" I commented, not quite recognizing _what_I was looking at--until I read the label. E.P.T. . .

Early...P __regnancy..._Test._And..._it's..._blue.. .

"IT'S BLUE! "Oh my God!" I shouted. My eyes shot from the table to my beloved who just nodded, an open muzzled smile on her face.

I jumped to my feet and hugged my wife, kissing her passionately. This was catching Kel up in the exuberance. My eyes were manic with excitement as I dashed for the phone and speed dialed Max Badger.

"MAX I did it! I mean WE did it! I mean SHE did it! Gotta go! Wanted to give you the good news!" I veritably yelled into the phone.


Max Badger slowly hung up the phone.

"Who was _that,_dear?" his wife asked

A grin broke across his muzzle. "_That_was Rick Coona, and I _believe_Gwen may be with child, if his exuberance was any indication." he chuckled.

"OOH?" Katharine Badger slowly grinned, as visions of baby showers danced in her head. "Won-der-ful" she cooed.

Meanwhile, back at the Coona household...

"Well then, we've got to get you to a doctor." I said through an almost painful grin. I was just a bit calmer now.

"I'm not dying dear, I'm just having a baby." Gwen smiled at me.

"...Or two." Kel added. Gwen grinned at the vixen,

"Or two," she repeated.

"BWAH?" I looked from Gwen to Kel, both of whom looked like they were sharing a private joke.

"Twins run down _both_sides of our families, dear. You and your sister, my mom and her twin sister so there's a pretty good likelihood that I may have twins also..." Gwen smiled contentedly.

I leaned in, running my nose through her neck fur, sniffing. "So_that's_why your scent changed, why you smell all buttery, so honeysweet and delicious."

Gwen writhed "EEP! Stop_It! That tic-_kels." She said, playfully swatting me away.

"Oh-my-God honey this is such_great_news. We need to celebrate." Kel's ears perked at that. "Oh I know a _great_place, it's 'Todai for."


Monday morning, Gwen and Kel sat in the exam room of Dr. Charles Procyon awaiting the results of her blood test. Just as at home, the first test turned Blue, so he did a blood draw. The expression on his face as he entered the room told Gwen everything she needed to know. She matched his smile with a larger one of her own.

"Well, the results of your blood work are in, and yes, you are indeed pregnant. Congratulations my dear." The raccoon in the white lab coat shook her paw.

"I would estimate you to be about six to eight weeks along. Now I can provide you with obstetric care unless you would prefer a fem OB/GYN?" he asked.

"No, no you were Rick's doctor and now that we are having a family I see no need to switch now." Gwen purred.

"Dr. Procyon?" Kel asked. "Do you have any kids of your own?"

"Why yes Miss Vixxen, I do indeed--two actually. My son Marcus is in med school, and my daughter Jo-Ann is in the police force."

"I_thought_so!" Kel nodded. "I've _met_your daughter Jo-Ann. She's a _very_dedicated fur, you should be proud of her."

"Oh I am Miss Vixxen, she took on a very difficult job and is in line for promotion soon. My son is in his fourth year and is going to be a neurosurgeon." Dr. Procyon beamed.

"That's wonderful sir." Kel agreed.

"Pardon me for asking, but...I noticed you are both wearing matching rings--does that indicate that you two are..."

Both Gwen and Kel grinned, "These are our family_rings; my husband Rick had them commissioned." Gwen smiled, "We have sort of '_adopted' Kel here into our family."

"Oh, I see." The Dr. gave a sigh of relief. "That's a very noble tradition. I'll issue you a confirmation and we can set up an appointment for say, three weeks?"

"That will be fine Doctor, thank you." He made a notation in his P.D.A.

"Your husband must be very excited."

Kel chuckled, "He's walking on air, doc."

"We will get you all set up with the prenatal information, and we offer lamas classes here three nights a week, if you are interested?"

"That would be wonderful, if you please." Gwen nodded.

Exiting the clinic, Kel chuckled. "Did you see the look_on his face when he thought we were _lesbians?"

"It_WAS_funny." Gwen agreed as they headed for home.

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