The Harem of Ice Chapter 4 - Kengi Stargazer

Story by Kengi Stargazer on SoFurry

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Chapter 4 of the Harem of Ice ive noticed a issue with displaying this on Sofurry I may have fixed it

The Harem of Ice Chapter 4 - Kengi Stargazer

It was early into the winter seasons when Kengi was brought kicking and yowling into the world. Life would be semi hard for this cub with his mixed blood. Other children hated him as did their parents all because a family who normally kept to white tigers and snow leopards would mix in a dirty canine. Some even feared the wolf blood would make him a danger to others around him.

His mother didn't care nor did his father they looked after him and raised him the best they could his mother trying her best to show him that even if he was a mix blood child he was a good person. In reflection to this his father taught him how to hunt , how to take care of himself even how to fight should he be pushed hard enough. The family sadly had to keep on the move every once in a while as a village didn't want them around. They ended up settling down outside Wolf territory his father was semi welcome as long as it benefited others with trade. As Kengi entered his teens the testosterone went rampant in his body his father kept him working hard this his body grew lean and strong his skills seemed to sharpen greatly but also other wants grew.

Kengi had gotten into trouble before sneaking off to the village normally when caught his mother would punish him with a few swats of a cooking spoon to his hindquarters and a stern talking to. This time however he met a young wolf girl sparks seemed to fly and it was almost a nightly occurrence for them to meet up walks and talking soon became hugs and kisses. Till one evening her father followed her and caught them after Kengi had sewn his wild oats. The wolf enraged that his daughter was spoiled by a half breed tried beating kengi. However his fathers teachings kicked in quickly disarming then strong arms closing around the wolfs neck lifting his head clawed feet digging into his hips. The elder wolf struggled then it softened till he passed out his gold eyes rolled back into his head from lack of air. A quick shake to see if he was playing dead confirmed him out but still breathing.

Kengi left as fast as his feet would carry him back home the next morning he left early to avoid his parents to go hunt seeing them sleeping would be the last time he ever saw them. When he returned a couple hours later he grew closer to home and smelled blood he didn't know what it was till he came closer to the house door then he saw it both the feline and canine heads of his parents removed from their bodies and stuck on poles. The elder wolf must have come for revenge and did so. Kengi's knees shook then gave out dropping him to the soft grass under his feet his hands clenched around till his own claws dug into his flesh leaving free bleeding wounds. Arching his back he screamed into the morning air in a mix of a large cat roar and a wolfs howl.

Kengi did his best to bury the bodies of his parents and leave markers for them they died because of something he did his blood boiled he wanted revenge and he was damn sure going to get it. Late that evening he already had stalked his targets this evening it would be a eye for a fucking eye. He found the wolf off drinking with friends so logically he went to his home the scent easy to track back to his home there he found the elder's wife cleaning up from dinner. A knock on their door was all it took for her to open the door and be stabbed though the throat taking some of his rage out on her leaving her body in the kitchen he put out all the candles and hid waiting.

The wait didn't take long the elder stumbled into the door as soon as Kengi's pale blue eyes saw him his blood ran hot lips curled back and his hair raised up wanting to hurry up and get this done. He waited easing out of hiding and locking the door after the wolf stumbled in reeking of booze. Having not found their daughter he only assumed she had been sent away or like his parents killed for being spoiled by him.

Grumbling about as he stumbled the wolf stopped sniffing the air taking this moment kengi leaped on him driving his hunting knife into the left side of his collar bone the right was dug into by a cooks knife driving this wolf to his knees the blades came out then stabbed back into his back then his sides between the ribs a hard twist and he felt bone crack. The elder coughed and gasped for air his gold eyes fixed on almost a unearthly light that was Kengi's eyes even in the darkness the last though the wolf saw before Kengi killed him. When it was done Kengi found a bottle of alcohol and used some to wash his paws and hunting knife off taking what gold and a nice short sword and Kukri the elder had he splashed alcohol around the house and latched all but a single window shut before setting the home on fire.

Kengi was out of the village quickly and climbed a tree to get a view the house was engulfed in flames the site made him happy but on the same thought he was also suddenly very sad and alone the whole world was open to him but he had to face it alone. Gathering his thoughts Kengi returned home collecting what he wanted to salvage like his fathers old leather chest plate and bracers he bagged up what he may need to travel before burning his home to the ground in order to leave no trace he was there. Striding on into the night he remembered what direction the feline kingdom was maybe he could settle near there and at least survive this spurned his stride late into the night. A few months later he found a small group of outcasts like him the group had formed a mercenary company doing odd jobs for farmers , towns , and anyone else who payed the bills. Kengi learned to fight more and found a place his skills were welcome even his mixed blood was no problem.

Kengi worked his way up over a couple years even being a asshole he challenged the leader of their unit managing to beat him thus taking over himself. When war broke out Kengi saw a HUGE advantage for his group now sending a messenger to both sides he made contracts with both nations doing guerrilla work he didn't care if it was stealing or destroying supplies killing troops or even capture and selling off wolves or felines to slavers he was a outcast to both feline and wolf why should he care. The only people he gave a damn about were those who stood at his side. The war progressed to both sides fearing repercussions form either side their purses laden with gold pack wagons with supplies he split the company up to protect them. A informant leaked information that his unit was going to be hunted down by both Emira the Ice queen and surviving wolf leaders. Sending them off Kengi tried to lay low keeping things hidden till he was hunting early in the morning spotted by 2 mounted warriors of the feline kingdom.

He identified them by the markings and color of their armor turning on a heel Kengi leaned into his stride on a full sprint weaving around the trees as he ran he was no match for speed or able to fight them anything but 1 on 1. Curse his luck the forest started to thin out glancing back as he drew his weapons he saw the riders closing in before they threw a capture net over him they must have identified him while he ran. The net was more than just woven rope they was metal in it he couldn't cut himself loose struggling did little to help as he was more wound up in it. A lynx was one of the riders who climbed down ordering him to stop when he didn't the rider struck him across the back of his head sending the world into darkness. Kengi woke his head throbbed with pain trying to move he was restrained being led into the castle once in the main hall he saw her clad in leather sitting on her throne looking bored her green eyes found him as he was led in.

" What has been brought to me this time...." The other guard spoke up first while the lynx kept a hand on the binding chains " Your highness this is the fugitive Kengi we found him while on patrol. He was armed with a short sword a large knife" The guard held up the sword and kukri in their leather scabbards. Kengi tried to stand his innate power of wind to push him up the lynx snarled and leveled a blade against his throat. " Stop! Or loose your head. You will show respect to the Ice queen" Emira having risen from her throne snarled a little as she strode across the short distance to him. Holding her hand to the side a guard brought her a rune stone collar she locked about his neck.

When the collar locked he felt his powers drain from him. Motioning with her hand Emira had signaled guards to take him. " To the Dungeon with him I will speak to him later when I am ready to." Kengi struggled and squirmed as two burly bears armed in splint mail grabbed hold of him and dragged him to the dungeons roughly throwing him into a cell before unbinding him searching him for any hidden weapons or picks. Hours later his cell door opened the air grew form comfortable to chilly making him curl up some as Emira strode in and leaned on the door once it locked behind her. " are finally caught betrayed not only my people but the wolves in the war....where did you sell our people off to? " Kengi growled some " I don't care where nor did I keep track it was war I did as I felt necessary as long as we got paid. " Emira growled and back handed him harshly making him spit out blood " your feline at least in part. So why? " spitting some blood out at her feet. " I was paid I don't belong to either your people or theirs so why give a damn if either one survive. " Emira huffed a little " I am giving you a choice... you can be put to trial for war crimes the whole thing is a show your already guilty. You will be publicly executed for your crimes. Second I send you to the wolves for their own brand of justice i'm sure they will be slow and painful with it. Or third....submit yourself as my slave till I deem your crimes are paid for. " I will let you think it over for a few days with that she knocked letting the guards know she was done.

Over the next few days he rolled his mind over the choice he didn't wish to be killed by wolves nor did he want to die period. When Emira came back he had made his choice When Emira slid the window open on the cell door " well have you made up your mind or shall I let you sit here a bit longer.?" Kengi nodded slowly " I have made up my mind" Emira cocked a eyebrow and opened the cell door. "What is it then...My Justice , their justice , or....this " She held he hand up twirling a silver slave collar on a single finger. Sighing hard he lowered his head "the collar..." " what? Looks at me when I talk to you " Kengi raised his head "I pick the collar..." Smirking Emira dropped it to the floor at her feet. " then crawl here and pick it up open the collar and lock it about your neck all under your own power your own choice. "

Kengi got of the cell bench and crawled slowly towards her feet picking up the collar he knelt holding it running his claws along the perfect silver collar the front having a snowflake motif on it. " well....I'm waiting " Kengi opened the collar and closed it about his neck hearing it snap shut rubbing his fingers over it the seam vanished once it locked. The rune stone collar seemed to crumble into dust once the other locked. " now while your kneeling there like a good slave I will tell you how it will be." Emira adjusted her stance a little getting comfortable "You will obey me you have the right like anyone to question what I say but disobedience will not be allowed. Second you will not use this.. Said nudging his leather clad sac and sheathe " unless I say so and with whom I say so. Third Your powers....I will restrict them until I feel you can be trusted with using them. Fourth...I will have you moved to my personal harem...causing problems with my others there will not only earn you their wrath as their abilities are not restricted but also mine. In the mean time I think having you taken to one of the other dungeon rooms and perhaps....showing you some proper discipline and asserting that I AM in control over you is in order...I need to break that spirit of yours some. "

Emira held a leather leash out clipped it onto the collar pulling kengi stood up looking over her shoulder " NO...on your hands and will EARN the right to walk" Emira led kengi around the halls to another room once there she pulled him inside and slammed the door shut. Dragging him over to a leather padded bench she shoved him over it attaching his hands to the other end and his legs to the legs of the bench spreading them wide. Next Emira took a leather band and rope pulling his long fluffy tail up and binding it out out of the way. " you sold sold my people like I feel you deserve to be treated like property to break you some... " Kengi started to protest but that was soon stopped with a gag being forced into his mouth and tied to the back of his head. " your silence will be greatly appreciated for now "

Moving aside Kengi knew nothing of what she was doing till something hissed in the air then impacted on his right butt cheek making the skin under the fur feel like flames have been added to them again and again on both butt cheeks and back of this legs came lashes creep-ed up her back too.

Grunts as the lashes continued soon became gagged yells of pain. Emira coiled the whip and put it away. Next her hands touched the lashes feeling the angry red flesh under the fur chilling her hands she eased them some to his relief. " Life with me will not always be can be down right pleasurable...." * crouching own some she saw that kengi had hardened smiling she reached out and gently rubbed over his shaft before stroking it softly making him groan after stroking him a bit longer his body jerked trying to buck his hips into the stroking hand that held his member. " uh cant cum yet..." She let go of him and moved back letting him calm down some.

Coming back over she smeared something across his tail hole gently poking at it making him tense and renew squirming when done Emira placed a few palm slaps over his ass. Moving away she came back this time something brushed against his raised backside a soft tip poking at his tail hole. "breathe and relax slave " Emira's hands grasped his hips then she slowly pressed forward penetrating him till she was hilted in him. Kengi grunted as she hilted herself in him it mildly hurt thanks to the lube feeling a ridge on the toy ease back and forth rubbing at him sending shocks up his spine and down though his shaft his squirms were pleasing to Emira who took up a slow motion of thrusting and drawing back enjoying his soft whimpers and moans though the gag. She smiled continuing the thrusts slowly picking up the pace as he had accepted the objects size and adjusted to it.

Knowing he was still rock hard she taunted him still so eager seems you enjoying this I will make it a point to now and then penetrate you like this....maybe a plug now and then " speeding up her thrusts he roughly pounded the half breed under her the toy she was wearing softy sawing in and out of her own slit pleasuring her every time she thrust-ed . Emira's claws dug in hard as she thrust one last time into him hard she felt him tense and smirked as she tensed up in climax. Easing the toy out she cleaned it and herself up before calmly walking over and cleaned him up seeing that he had cum " tsk did enjoy that a lot....i'm glad. Seems you earned walking lets get you up to the harem chambers to meet the others. " Unbinding him she tossed him some simple cotton pants that Kengi pulled on quickly. " if you behave you might get to use that on something a bit warmer...and welcoming than just spilling seed on the floor...."

Emira smirked and opened the door a servant was waiting she nodded that they were done and snapped her fingers for kengi to follow her. He did so without question taking him up to a large warm chamber with alcove rooms. Emira looked around and called out to the others to come out. Out of the side rooms came a noble wolf , her pet dragon , and a snake thing. Emira spoke up "this is Kengi...the new member of the harem. Help him settle in and learn his place first hes to rest after his rigorous 'introduction' to life here. " Talon smirked while Haku and Ahri paid attention waiting for her to be done. " Kengi...Ill start off introducing you to the others starting with my first Haku" Haku nodded a simple welcome " next is Talon " The smirking wolf crossed his arms over his sculpted chest " we've met striped cat " Kengi nodded slowly as Emira gestured to Ahri " and this is Ahri hes very shy but don't let that stop you guys from talking. Now I've explained the rules to Kengi here show him to a room and let him rest. " Talon and Ahri wandered back to their rooms when Emira walked out leaving Haku to show kengi to a room. " So...your the 4th to our little group. Ill tell you flat out as I had to be rough with Talon...even think of betraying any of us again and there wont be enough of you left to identify you. Am I understood kengi"

Kengi nodded and Emira left him to be eased into a room once there kengi lay-ed down in the comfy bed and quickly slept. A day or so later after dinner Emira had kengi join her in bed. Semi eager kengi climbed into her bed trying to be the dominate one of this meeting a hand quickly shoving him onto his back " your NOT in charge here you fail to remember who your dealing with"

Emira grabbed his soft cotton pants and ripped them off of him freeing his hardening member with a purr she placed a firm hand on his chest holding him and she leaned down and gently licked the underside of his shaft making kengi moans softly then she swirled her tongue around the head before stopping and climbing over him easing herself down to slowly engulf his hard shaft . " mmmm...." Emira enjoyed the unique textures that Kengi had being mixed of large feline and wolf blood. Slowly she rose and lowered herself when kengi reached out to grasp and fondle her breasts she leaned forward and pinned his arms over his head leaving him no option but to buck his hips up at Emira to meet her hips as they rose and fell both of them speeding up as their sensations rose.

" you better not finish before me...." Emira let that trail off as she sped up her ride on kengi feeling his knot swell he was so close by his moans and squirming under him Emira squeezed down on him harshly before she slammed her hips down on him arching her back some he raked her claws down his chest hard Kengi tried to thrust up hard to meet her his knot swelling some more as he spilled his seed into her with a throaty purrr from him. Emira rocked her hips some milking his shaft before slowly easing her body off him she crooked her finger..."Come wash up then lets get some sleep"

Kengi eagerly followed her the sex was amazing and getting to feel her up as she washed in the bath was a welcome change. When they were clean and done fooling about she took him to bed this time to rest. Kengi grew into a routine over time helping out and avoiding Talon and haku if he could to avoid problems thankfully even if he didn't avoid them none happened. Ahri was easy to get along with he was a slave a natural one so he could be bossed around and he would obey. Some time later Emira introduced them to a snow leopard named Shard as the next plaything to the harem he seemed really shy and spent most of his time with either Emira or with haku being tutored. Late into the summer A guard brought a white with black markings kitsune into the harem he was dirty and manhandled but still prideful. The guard warning them he can take other people's forms. Later Emira came to meet them saying his name was Haruka and he was joining them. Kengi could care less moving back to this room to let others take care of him.

Life was pretty easy of working and play time with Emira or resting the life as a slave a lot easier than he expected. Months drawn on winter come closer and closer preparations were made for Emira's siblings to show up the party was all planned special outfits for all the harem had been aquired and they all dressed mustering for Emira's approval. She then let the parties true intent be known. " I intend to split up this harem...I cannot in good faith look after all of you and dedicate the proper time and attention to all your needs. So I gathered my siblings here for you all to meet with them and introduce yourselves eat and have a good time." Kengi nodded and went to walk out after the others. " Kengi...wait. " Emira beckoned him close and kissed him deeply her hand grasping his long hair firmly. " I will be keeping you personally will not be just a harem of one...with your new collar I have for you I dub you the slave king....You will conduct affairs of state in my absence and assist when I am unavailable. " Opening up a ornate box she showed Kengi his new collar a locking buckled silver band collar about a inch wide with ornate snowflakes inlaid on it. She removed his collar and locked the new one on him. All this time Kengi had grown to enjoy his servitude to Emira kneeling down he bowed his head respectfully to Emira.

" thank you Mistress. " Emira led him down to the party that was already in full swing both of them eating and drinking wine like the others were each harem member meeting up with Emira's siblings before going to the side rooms she had prepared for them to better aquatint themselves with each other. As the party wound down Emira leaned over and surprised Kengi with new news " reason I kept you is the fact out of all of them with you in the harem you were the one to make me pregnant..." Kengi was surprised eyes going wide Emira confirmed with a nod " I had you all tested and you were compatible with me" When the party had wound down everyone had met their matches Emira took Kengi back to their room with more to discuss and explore.