Open Season Chapter 49: Ghosts Of The Past

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#49 of Open Season

Gwen and kel go to the family Doctor for a confirmation test

only 5 chapters left folks!


Chapter 49

Ghosts Of The Past

"You know Amanda, I was thinking of what you said the other day. About how you caught lightning bugs and put them in jars. Whereabouts did you grow up?"

Kel sighed. "A little place in south west Missouri, called Cranston. It was one of those lil' po-dunk towns where everyone knows everybody--a farming community, ya know?" Gwen nodded, the name Cranston seemed familiar somehow but she couldn't place it.

"My whole family lived there--aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents--we were a very close-knit family. Well, I just wasn't cut out to be a hayseed, so when I turned 18, I had myself fixed and headed west, doing odd jobs, slinging hash at truck stops, was a dancer in Vegas for a while--ya know--the kind with the Go-Go boots in the cages? Then I made my way to Seattle and hooked up with Max..."

"I've heard of Cranston, but can't quite place it." Gwen said seeing A cloud passed over Kel's face.

"It was in the news a few years back--the whole town was wiped off the map by a rare F-5 tornado ...Weren't no survivors."

"Oh,Gods, Amanda...I--" Gwen was quick to comfort the vixen. "I had no idea...I'm so_sorry_hon." '_No wonder she felt alone in the world--she was!'_Gwen thought.

"Sokay...Really. I--uh--it's in the past and I have a new family with you and Rick...and the kits when they come along...I can be kind of an Auntie, Auntie Kelso," she smiled.

"I think you would be wonderful, actually. Auntie Kelso, I like that." Gwen returned the smile.

"So what about you, hon. What's your story?" Kel asked. "This may sound weird, but that night I met you, I kinda felt like we'd met somewhere before?" Gwen nodded.

"I used to get that a lot. Probably from the time I was a model. It was just for six months, But--"

"I didn't know you were a model? Where did I see you?" Kel perked.

"You may not have, I was a fashion model, and did just one catalog shoot..."

"Really?" Kel grinned. "What kind of fashion did you model?

"I was a lingerie model..." Gwen grinned wickedly.

"No kidding? Cool. Who did you model for?" Kel asked with bated breath.

"I was in the 2000 Furdrik's of Hollywood Christmas catalog; got over twelve pages."

"No_way!I _love_that stuff! I _thought_you looked familiar--Gwen, that's so _cool!"

Gwen chuckled somewhat self-consciously, nodding and recalling that time in her life.

"It was just something I did for a lark, really. It _was_fun..."

"Daaaam, I knew you were hot. But a lingerie model!" Kel licked her finger and touched her hip, making a sizzling sound... They both laughed. "Well, I guess with the Kits on the way, my modeling days are over--n_ot_that I _did_much model work anyway..."

"I don't know, you could model maternity wear_if you wanted, I guess..." Gwen gave Kel '_The look.' "If your hunch is right, and these _are_twins, I'll be as big as a _house._Besides, I'd break the camera!" she giggled.

"Oh,stop!" Kel admonished. "Pregnant furs always have that special glow, I don't see why you _wouldn't_want to show off that gorgeous bod as you swell with new life."

"What's this? Are you one of those furs who seem to worship pregnant ladies?"

Kel nodded. "Yup, I'm from a big family, who felt pregnant furs should be venerated--ya know, ' The cult of the swelly belly.'" Gwen Guffawed "The WHAT?"

"Well that's what _I_always called it. But I knew it wasn't for me, 'at's why I got myself fixed...but that doesn't mean I can't venerate you and Cassy!" The vixen grinned.

"Just my luck, I'd swell up like a dirigible and you can lead me around by a tether..." Gwen puffed out her cheeks, opened her eyes wide and held her arms out at her side and pretended to bob around like a balloon, her tail swaying gently. Kel had to grab her sides, as she was laughing so hard at the comical skunkette.

"Oh, oh, oh, aaah! Stitch in the side! Owee" Kel giggled. "Sto--stop! Too _funny!_Bwhahahahah!"

Gwen had to admit it was a funny image.

Relenting, she 'deflated' and chuckled at her friends reaction.

"See what I mean, 'dirigi-babe!'" Gwen winked. Kel barked out a guffaw.

"Skunk-balloon?..." Graf--Zeppelin Mustelid? I know, The Coona-year Blimp!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Gods Gwen, you're funny!" Kel managed around her giggling.

"Yeah, but you know what they say...looks aren't everything."

"Sthoooop" Kel giggled holding her side, "Gods you're on a roll!" Gwen nodded. "Having second thoughts about being a member of this crazy family?" Kel's face became serious. "Never." The cloud passed and she brightened. "Family is _very_important to me. And now I've got you two--I have no plans to walk away."

They both walked to the car, "You hungry, hon? We could grab something before I need to head off to work?" Gwen narrowed her eyes, giving the Vixen a wicked look.

"Now that you mention it.. I could go for some Dick's."

"Ooo, me too, I just love Dick's." Kel wagged her eyebrows as Gwen licked her lips. "Me too...fries and a Dick's Deluxe...yum!" They were referring to the local burger palace, "Dick's" that has become a favorite with the locals for over fifty years.

"I wonder if lesbians eat Dick's?" Kel asked with a wink as they drove off.

"Don't know," Gwen chuckled. "But only Seattle_has _Dick's; all other cities are--Dick's-less!"

she crowed, then burst out laughing.

"Gawd, you _ARE_on a roll today!"
