How the Daleks Stole Christmas

Story by bogm0nst3r on SoFurry

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As you can tell, I was inspired by How the Grinch Stole Christmas I even went to try the rhyme verse, but it was too hard, so, you get this. I know it's not my best, and that it's poorly done, but... I wanted to submit something on christmas.

All characters belong to their respective owners.

The quiet city was covered in soft snow, and the air was chilly as can be. The lake was frozen and used for skating and hockey throughout the freezing season, and most of the trees had lost their leaves. As the sun slowly rose from the east, its rays kissed everyone on their foreheads to gently wake them from their slumber. The parents woke up as they yawned and stretched, still groggy from their sleep, but their children woke up with excitement in their eyes as their hearts raced with joy. All the boys and girls ran to their christmas trees in their pajamas, impatiently waiting for their parents to come and watch them open their parents. Even orphans who lived on the streets had received presents on this fine day, and found they were given warm clothes and food, and a place to stay, though, not all was right as the children opened their christmas gifts.

Up in space, four daleks watched as the creatures below prepared for the day of goodwill and peace. "Are the preparations complete?" a white dalek with a light blue dome had asked its three dalek comrades. The dalek had a black stripe going around its lower section as if it were wearing a belt. A black dalek that had a golden-yellow dome turned to the other dalek and said "yes." A light green dalek with a yellow-green dome and a blue dalek with a white dome then made their way over to the other two daleks before the four made their way to a chamber in their saucer to prepare for their invasion. They had done their research on Christmas and had gathered a few decorations and paint gathered so they could dress themselves up for christmas. Each year, they had tried to penetrate a christmas spirit force field, but discovered that no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to ruin christmas and invade the planet. This year, however, they had decided to have their casings painted to match the christmas spirit and wear a prop or something that went along with Christmas. As the daleks entered the Anti-Christmas chamber, the white dalek moved to the control panel and turned its dome to watch its comrades move into position. "We are ready," the blue dalek said, to which the white dalek started the machine. It sent down three tubes over the three daleks in position, clinking and clanking. With a whiz and a sprits, the tubes did work, and when they rose, the daleks were different. The Blue dalek had eight reindeer painted on it with the bottom of it painted white to look like snow. The green one was painted like a candy cane, and on its dome was a snowflake headband. The grey dalek was painted to resemble Santa Claus, and the white dalek only got got a reindeer headband on it. Next, they moved out of their room, and down the hall to the dalek ejection door, and they flew to earth.

There was a chimera sitting warmly in his car as he waited in the traffic jam. He had his radio on a christmas station, and his dog barked along to the songs he knew. The other songs he didn't know, he just barked randomly. He had presents in the back seats of his car for his fiends, and he was headed to a christmas dinner. He couldn't wait to see Blue, and he hoped that he would like his gift since he didn't really know what the pegasus liked other than flying or delivering mail. He ended up getting him a new messenger bag. The traffic moved very slowly with each car moving only a few feet ahead before stopping once more. Out from the side of the cobblestone bridge ahead of the cars in front of him, the dalek with the reindeer rose up into the air. Eccentric saw him and thought it was strange to see such a thing, but it was christmas, and miracles did happen. He couldn't stop watching the dalek, though, for he heard they were hateful creatures that wanted to kill everyone who wasn't a dalek and were known to kill other daleks thought to be impure. He saw the daleks lights on its dome flash, and his eyes widened when he saw it shoot the bridge, which exploded after it was shot. The cars on it fell to the river below, and those who were not lucky suffered serious injury when the dalek shot their cars. Cars became vacant as the dalek continued firing, as Eccentric sat there in shock. Eddy barked angrily at the dalek from the car, though the dalek was too far away to hear; however, it set its glaze on Eccentric just as he grabbed Eddy by his collar and opened the door. It fired at them and left a fiery miss. Once its job was complete, it flew towards the town. Eccentric held Eddy tightly to keep him from running after the dreaded monster as smoke filled the sky. He looked at the cars on fire and injured people, unable to believe that even the daleks would attack on christmas. He began to move around and help people with their wounds and keep them warm, fearful for his friends who might have been in the city. Eddy also helped by getting the survivors of the bridge incident up. People shouted in agonizing pain, their voices ringing out as if they were one. Not a single present was spared in the attack, though Eccentric was surprised that the dalek had let anyone live instead of firing on anyone running away.

The Santa Dalek was moving through a mall, just shooting at the shops and christmas decorations with the help of the white dalek and candy cane dalek. Windows shattered as people ran. A fire broke out and spread throughout the mall, scorching the lovely santa pictures. Debris fell from the ceiling, and some people were struck by it. The daleks marched on without resignation, until they came to the giant christmas tree in the middle of the hall. The white dalek took the the middle position while the other two went to the sides of the tree. It was decorated in vast amounts of ornaments, and the the christmas decoration balls reflected light from the tree, making it look bright. For a few brief moments, the daleks looked at it without moving, but then, the white dalek said "Incinerate!" The three daleks burnt the tree from bottom to top and watched as the tree began to burn, and once the tree burned to ash, it fell over with a loud thud. The mall was now almost emptied as the smoke began to fill it as if it were a swimming pool for fire ponies. The daleks then turned to leave as they prepared to attack charity drives, oh the poor souls who would fall at the plunger of the daleks! They moved swiftly as the let the mall, and leaving the lot behind.

There was a large group gathered to have a feast, and amongst them was Will, a gryphon and a friend of Blue, who was hosting the feast. Blue walked in with his four descendants, who wore earmuff, mittens, beanie hats, scarves, and winter coats. Three of them were boys, but one was a girl, though two of his boys were colts. His other two children were human, and all had dark blue eyes, but the female had a purple eye. Will was excited to see Blue and had heard he had children, but he didn't know of him having two human children. Blue went to the bathroom to take care of his young ones while Charlie Luckyhoof came in from the cold night with a small wagon full of presents with his husband. "Sorry I'm late! There was a bad accident on the way here," he said as he removed his hat and placed it on the hat rack next to the door. "You're not late!" Will said, happy to see Charlie. Charlie introduced Will to Music, who was a little shy, and the two proceeded to take their seats at the table. Next to come in was Spec the Fox. He smiled as he entered the room and gave Will a friendly hug before his boyfriends, who also gave Will a hug. They went to the table to take their seats. Will looked outside and saw no one else was coming, so he closed the door while Blue arrived to take his seats with his children. the smell of the food filled the air, making the mouths water, except for Blue's, who was more of a vegetarian. As Will went to take his seat, there was a knock on the door, to which he answered. When he opened the door, Eccentric and Eddy came running in from the cold. Eddy saw Blue and went running to him to give him love lickies. Eccentric explained what had happened and why he wasn't there sooner since he had a surprise for everyone, but it was destroyed. Everyone looked at him in sorrow, but happy he and Eddy were alright. Will and Eccentric went to get the food as everyone began to chat, and once the food was on the table, they all said grace. It was a traditional dinner with ham, turkey, prunes, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn. There was loud screaming from outside, and a boom was heard, but before anyone could get up, the door was blasted open.

"EXTERMINATE!" The candy cane dalek shouted as it began to shoot at everyone. They all dove for cover and ran out of the house and into the chaos outside as the daleks shot at everyone. Homes were destroyed, and more people were injured to be made to suffer on Christmas. The hospital was destroyed as well to prevent care to be given. There were screams and cries as people fell left and right. The night sky was lit with fire, and son, the only thing that filled the street were those who were in agonizing pain but were unable to make a noise. The fire crackled as homes burned to the ground, and it seemed no one would make it out alive. All hope was lost, and those who were hiding came out to give up. "We did it! We kept christmas from happening! the commanding dalek shouted as it was accompanied by its comrades once more to share in their victory; however, there was one figure that stood alone.

As the aleks passed by the sad and broken people, the lone figure smirked within the shadow before he made a light shone on him. He wore a white lab coat, and in his right hand, he held a baton, and in front of him floated a mic. The daleks looked at him when they heard him clear his throat, and then they heard him. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Tis the season to be jolly. Ready now for winter's calling, fa la la la la!" he sang. The people looked at him as if he were weird or insane, but as he continued to sing, they were filled with cheer, and joy. They all slowly stood up and smiled at him as he sang. He was met with Music, and one by one, Musics friend's and their friends joined in to sing. Music began to fill the air, confusing the daleks. "What is happening? Explain! EXPLAIN!" the commanding dalek said as it and its comrades looked at the people who walked up to join the group of friends and their songs. Even those who were in pain rose to their feet, their eyes full of tears of joy as a new hope gleamed in their eyes as they made their way to the carolers. The fires died down, and the once destroyed buildings rebuilt themselves as the citizens sang out loud and proud, their voices ringing out into the sky, spreading christmas cheer to the animals. The daleks shouted as they shot at the people, but their shots were ineffective, and it seemed like a barrier was surrounding them. Before they knew it, the ground beneath them had a golden glow, and in the blink of an eye, the golden glow shot from the earth, spreading christmas joy throughout the universe. The daleks themselves found themselves joining in on the christmas singing. All the crippled were no longer crippled, and all the sick were healed from their illness. It was a christmas miracle where even the homeless people had new homes to live in and had jobs. They held a really big party that day, and they danced merrily s can be. They all played games and built forts, and all had plenty of food to eat. The daleks had left the planet and went on their way, leaving the world in peace. It then began to snow on the city, ending the night in a winter wonderland.


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