Otter's Daily Life- Punishment

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#37 of Otter's Daily Life

Xeila felt a little left out of Jean's birthday festivities.

Xeila belongs to

Kyle sat in a booth in a crappy diner in the city. Next to him was Austin. Across from him was Jean and next to her was Xeila. No one was looking at each other. Xeila looked as if shi was going to cry. Shi wanted to be a part of Jean's birthday celebration, but no one would have guessed that. It's hard to forget that shi wasn't just their mistress and they hir pets.

"What if he do anything you want for an evening?" Said Kyle finally.

With that Xeila's face changed. It went from tender to sly rather quickly. They also forgot that shi was part fox and prone to trickery. "Anything?" Shi asked, grinning at the three. They nodded and shi slammed some money down on the table. Shi got up and walked off and the others understood that they were to follow. An hour later they were in Xeila's study, naked.

Austin stood uncomfortably. He was stuck with his paws bound behind his back and a sheath cage covering his jackalhood. He was feeling strained, staring at his boyfriend and girlfriend on the floor. Each otter had their paws bound behind their back, a bar separating their knees, and a gag in their muzzles. Xeila was dressed in hir usual kinky attire with stockings, fishnet gloves, crotchless panties, and a corset that accentuated hir breasts. Shi had tricked them indeed.

They couldn't believe they had agreed to this. Xeila knelt in front of Kyle, breathing in his musk. He also had a cage on his otterhood and was fighting against it. With a quick lick to his pucker he throbbed against it and soon Xeila was bathing his tailhole in licks. Kyle felt a mix of pleasure and pain. His cock throbbed against the cage and wanted to get hard from Xeila's rimming, and he knew it would only get worse. Xeila's cock spitted pre as shi licked his tailhole and soon shi planted hir cock at Kyle's opening.

Shi pressed into the boyott and he moaned into the gag. Resting hir knot against Kyle's ring, The otter wriggled in hir grasp. Jean and Austin could only watch as Kyle loved every inch of Xeila's cock. Jean's pussy dripped onto the carpet and Austin's cock throbbed against the cage. Each of them wanted nothing more than to masturbate right now and Xeila knew it, so shi made sure they couldn't.

Xeila's cock throbbed inside Kyle. Shi didn't bother holding back and cum poured into Kyle's insides. His stomach bulged a bit as Xeila neared the end of hir knotless orgasm and pulled out. Kyle's cock dripped pre onto the floor next to the growing puddle of folfess spoo that poured from his tailhole as Xeila knelt behind Jean, placing hir cock at the girlott's tailhole. Shi knew Jean would love this better than her pussy being fucked. Austin's cock throbbed and spit a little pre through the slit at the top of the sheath cage.

Xeila thrusted hir cock into Jean and the girl ott groaned into the gag. Her pussy dripped more and she wanted to finger herself, but she knew her mistress would never allow for it. Jean felt Xeila's knot push against her tailhole and did the only thing she could to ensure she got off, push back against it. However, this only proved to work against her as Xeila backed off, instead fucking her without hir knot. Jean felt Xeila's cock throb again and another load of folfess cum invaded her insides, causing her belly to bulge with half canine semen.

"It wouldn't be a punishment if you got to cum, my dear." Whispered Xeila in Jean's ear after shi was through cumming.

Shi pulled out and cum poured from Jean's tailhole. Shi made sure that Austin saw this, knowing how much he loved sloppy seconds and would probably do anything to partake. Then, while Jean was too stunned from taking Xeila's monster of a cock the folfess slipped on a chastity belt that would cover her pussy and locked it. The folfess unbound the three's paws and walked out of the room. Before shi shut the door shi smiled and said:

"You three won't be unlocked for at least a week. You better clean up this mess, that carpet is older than you are."

Kyle, Austin, and Jean now knew never to omit Xeila from their plans again and started to clean up hir mess. After they were done they waited in silence for their mistress to return. The three tested their chastity belts and grumbled.

A week later the three returned to Xeila's house for their unlocking. Xeila answered the door in a bathrobe, as if shi had forgotten what shi had said. Leading them all inside shi sat them down at hir dinner table with hir at the head of it.

"Now, I know I told you that it'd be at least a week, so here's the deal. I can unlock you all right now if you want, but only if you let off any steam you've got pent up here. Or you can keep those belts for a week and do it wherever." Said Xeila, grinning, Shi already knew the answer.

At once, all three of the trio undressed down to their chastity belts. Xeila led them to one of the guest rooms with three keys in hir paw. Once they were in the room shi unlocked Jean, who crawled on the bed. Xeila joined her while the two locked boys watched. Xeila didn't waste any time in thrusting into Jean and Jean wasted no time in playing with her clit.

It seems that Xeila had been saving up to, which was evident when shi filled Jean's pussy with cum, causing her womb to inflate. Jean rubbed her clit and came with the folfess, squirting girlcum all over Xeila's lap and leaking it onto hir thighs. When the folfess was done cumming shi unlocked Kyle's belt and the otter crawled onto the bed, placing his cock at Jean's extremely messy pussy.

"I know how you love a messy pussy, Austin. So that's why you're last." Winked Xeila.

The two watched as Kyle fucked his sister, folf spoo leaking all over them and the bed as the boyott's cock was unable to stop hir cum from gushing out. The warmth of the semen, combined with the fact that he hadn't gotten off in a week, made it so it was a quick show, with Kyle thrusting hard into Jean, burying his cum in her and mixing it with the rest of the folf cum. Jean didn't have to flick her clit for this and squirted another load of girlcum onto the boyott with her orgasm. Kyle rested on Jean for a few moments before pulling off and Xeila unlocked Austin's sheath cage.

Austin's cock came right out when the cage was off and he barely made it into Jean's pussy before he had to give one hard thrust to knot her. He had never seen such a messy cunt before and knew he wouldn't last more than a thrust before letting go inside Jean's slit. He was right and as soon as he was knotted hot jackal cum erupted from his cock tip into Jean, mixing with the residual folf and otter spoo in there and running out to make a mess of his balls. He whimpered and gasped his way through his orgasm and Jean hugged him, having cum around his knot when he shoved it into her.

Xeila left the three alone after Austin knotted Jean. Kyle stuck his soft cock into his sister's maw to clean it off, then his cum soaked balls. When Austin was finally soft enough to pull out the three looked at the mess they made and laughed. They found a bathroom and showered off, then took the metal belts and the sheets from the bed down to find Xeila. Tossing the sheets into the laundry room the three dressed and hugged Xeila goodbye.

"That was fun, made the whole miserable week worth it." Said Jean.

"Yup." Agreed the boys.

"Let's never say we'll do whatever shi wants to do again." Chimed Jean, grimly.

"Never." Agreed the boys.

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