Caution when Wagering

Story by foxstar30 on SoFurry

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This here story was written for me by my friend Deltroon1986 it has my two fursonas i. It with a few of his characters aslo. So relax and enjoy the story.

It was a rather warm October 31, 2015 but, something was already in the works. Samantha Star-Iko and hir best friend Megan Mephit couldn't wait for later tonight. The last time they got to do anything together things didn't turn out like they hoped. With it being Halloween something is always happening around the busy city. Now they just needed to find the right place to have their share of fun this evening.

Sadly they'd have to wait until after they got out of work before doing anything. At the rate the clock was ticking it felt like an eternity in both women's mind. "Is there someplace else you'd like to be because the clock isn't going any faster." Edgar stated. Samantha looked over hir shoulder at the elder badger and chuckled to hirself. With that shi went back to hir station until hir shift had officially come to an end.

By the time shi got to hir car and got onto the highway traffic was thick. Mainly due to some road work and a few state troopers prowling around nearby. So everyone was driving the speed limit hoping to avoid getting pulled over. There were a few idiots zipping through traffic not caring about anyone else. Luckily they didn't get to far seeing as they ended up getting busted by the troopers.

Twenty minutes later Samantha pulled into hir driveway and as shi exited hir vehicle. Shi noticed a pickup parked on the street and someone sitting in the driver's seat. Though they didn't stay in the cab long as the door opened and the person exited. When Samantha saw the back of Megan's head rise above the roof and shut the door. "Still driving that old thing sheesh, Meg when are you going to trade up?" Sam asked.

"Until someone presents me with the right hardware besides it maybe old, Sammy. This truck hasn't let me down yet, this is also a keepsake of my late grandfather." Meg replied. With that the pair headed into the house to discuss plans for later on tonight. As they sat down on the large sectional and watch TV they tossed around ideas. For some reason or another Meg picked up the playing cards up then smiled.

"Alright, seeing as we can't agree on anything well let the deck decide our night. Person who gets the highest card out of three hands, their idea is what we're doing." Megan stated. It sounded fair and an interesting way to choose how to begin their evening. With that Megan shuffled the deck then had Samantha cut the deck then shuffled it again. Next she dealt out two cards a piece and waited to see what Samantha would do first.

The vixen flipped the cards over revealing a two of hearts and a nine of spades. Megan followed suit with a jack of clubs and a five of spades winning round one. Samantha won the second round a couple minutes later then after three ties Meg won. Seeing as she won the wager Megan's idea to go out and party at their favorite club. Granted Samantha wasn't in the mood for it but, a deal was a deal so shi got hirself ready.

It took Samantha a good while to find something that would be an attention getter. Sure enough shi found something but, it had been buried deep in hir walk-in closet. Before putting the dress on shi stripped bare, grabbed hir brush and groomed hir fur. Seeing as shi took a nice long bath this morning and hadn't gotten dirty today. A good brushing, followed by some good perfume that would compliment hir outfit.

Once dressed shi tracked down a decent pair of heels then rejoined Megan. "Wow, I forgot how long it's been since I last saw you wearing that sexy number. Since you're dressed to impress its only fair we swing by my place so I can change." Megan smiled. Before she got up from her seat the skunkess took a moment check the vixen out. From there the pair walked back outside to the driveway and got into Samantha's car.

As the six cylinder engine came to life, they backed out of the driveway. When the car was clear of the driveway and Megan's truck they headed to her place. Samantha parked next to the curb and waited while Megan rushed inside to change. Roughly ten minutes later she stepped onto the staircase wearing something sexy. The second she sat down on the passenger seat and closed the door the pair was off.

Normally the pair would head for one of the favorite clubs but, not tonight. Megan felt like trying the new club that had its grand opening this past weekend. "Do we know anyone that's been there or are we going there just for the hell of it?" Samantha asked. The playful look the skunkess gave her said everything the vixen needed to know. Rolling hir eyes at Megan then asked her for directions on how to get to this place.

Pulling out her smart phone, Megan used her Google map and put it on speaker. Once the device calibrated its present location then it began telling Samantha where to go. This club was a little off the beaten path but, according to Megan it was huge. Four floors of just about everything you can literally think of to put into a nightclub. Upon hearing that Samantha could only fathom the kind of mischief they could make tonight.

As this devilish smile appeared on her muzzle and Samantha knew that look all too well. She was up to something and time would tell just what hir friend is planning on doing. Either way Samantha knew it was going to be fun when Meg's plan springs into action. It'd be a good hour before they arrived at the club so they had time to kill. Of course their conversation was geared towards sex, foreplay along with new kinks.

The more this topic carried on the larger the smile on Samantha's muzzle grew. Confirming Samantha's earlier hunch that hir close friend was certainly up to something. About halfway there the phone provided them with the next series of directions. Following the devices instructions making sure that Meg's phone didn't screw up. Luckily enough they arrived at what looked like an old text-tile mill in need of repairs.

"Alright, where in the hell is the parking lot Samantha, cause I don't see any other cars?" Megan wondered. Luckily the pair didn't have to wonder long as a huge door opened and ramp appeared. Both couldn't help but, say cool when they saw such a setup unfold before them. As they drove closer they noticed a stop light so they waited for it to change. Once the car was clear of the ramp and drove past the light turned green.

Driving slowly up the ramp and into an indoor parking area on the first floor. Judging from the amount of vehicles parked this place must be packed to the gills. Samantha was worried they wouldn't find a suitable parking place after driving around some. Until they found the spot the car they saw when they arrived had been parked. Instead of pulling into the space Samantha backed the car in just to prevent an accident.

From there the pair exited the car once the engine fell silent and locked the doors. Next they looked around for the nearest staircase or and elevator to the next floor. Fortunately they didn't have to wait long when the chime of an elevator rang nearby. Seeing the light from the inside the cab the pair headed towards it as trio exited. The male fox held his arm in front of the sensor keeping the sliding doors open.

Thanking him as they scooted inside and pressed the button marked nightclub 1. Waiting a few seconds for the chime and the doors to close before going up. The ancient looking elevator took a couple minutes to bring them to the next floor. Before they opened again they heard the great music playing on the other side. As the sliding door moved revealing the huge club Samantha and Megan were stunned.

There were hundreds of people dancing, drinking and having a grand old time. "Holy Shit this place is massive check out the bar and dance floor Sammy." Megan stated. Poor Samantha was having a hard time processing everything that hir eyes were seeing. To be perfectly honest shi didn't know whether or not this was some kind of mirage. Well until Megan grabbed hir wrist then dragged her all the way to the huge bar.

Talking a pair of seats that had been vacated by their previous occupants. Where they watched the tigress lead her beau by the hand out to the dance floor. He had this goofy smile on his face knowing that she was up to something good. If he plays his cards right the male tiger might get a little loving when they got home. Speaking of sex Megan couldn't remember the last time she got some naughty time.

"Seriously Megan, if memory serves me you were screwing some poor delivery guy. When I called you two days ago and don't give me that it was only a quickly line." Samantha remarked. The skunkette stuck her tongue out playful at the herm kitsune making hir laugh. "I'm sorry for the wait ladies we're packed and the boss is celebrating." A voice said. Turning to the voice's source and came face to face with a blue jackal.

Samantha and Megan did a double take to make sure they weren't seeing things. Oddly enough the bartender was in fact a blue jackaless with rather unique markings. Just above her belly button was an upside down black ankh which suited her. It was still pretty strange to actually see such an odd color and marking on a jackaless. "Why is it that when new people come here then meet me they've gotta stare?" She asked.

"Sorry, hun we've never seen a jackal with your unique coloring before." Samantha replied. The jackal began laughing then told them she belonged to almost extinct breed. Both Samantha and Megan flinched upright in their stools upon hearing such info. From there the pair ordered their favorite cocktails then asked for her name. Brianna Regen was her full name but, she preferred to be called, "Bri" instead.

Bri whipped up their drinks and served them in less than three minutes flat. Before they could ask how much another patron called the jackal over to their seats. Leaving Megan to place a twenty dollar bill down on the bar then took a drink. It wasn't long before Samantha became rather stiff in hir stool making Megan look. Standing at six feet, nine inches tall, black and silver fur with a small patch of white.

Wearing hiking boots, a wooden gauntlet, a strange collar and no T-shirt. Poor Samantha wasn't expecting to have hir head buried in a pair of double G-cup breasts. Of course Megan didn't know whether to laugh or be jealous of her friend's fortune. "Aww, a such cute vixen you are love, come dance with Mishka." She said with an accent. It was an odd mixture of Russian and Inuit yet her topless outfit didn't bother anybody.

That wasn't the strangest thing this woman just appeared out of nowhere. "Umm, excuse me Mishka was it, just who and where did you come from?" Megan wondered. The Alaskan Malamute turned to look at the skunk and pulled away from Samantha. "Behave, boss that wasn't a challenge she was curious how you appeared suddenly." Bri said. Sticking her tongue out at Bri then she buried Megan between her huge tits.

"There it's all even now happy Bri now if you'll excuse me I have to be going." She stated. With that she sauntered off leaving them to watch her shapely ass walk away. "Forever the tease and flirt that woman but, not someone I want pissed at me. I've seen that happen twice since I started here and that was two times too many." Bri replied. Upon hearing that Samantha and Megan looked over their shoulders at the jackaless.

"Please, tell me you're joking that overly endowed canine has a mean streak?" Samantha asked. All Bri told them as a friendly reminder don't insult her attire or mistake her for easy. Other than that she's the best person you'll know along with an amazing lover. Naturally Bri was quick to add that she turned her boss down for a proper nightcap. Granted Mishka's offer was extremely tempting but, she was seeing somebody.

For some reason or another, those words put a strange bug in Megan's mind. Samantha watched this devious grin appear on her muzzle and got an uh-oh feeling. Normally hir best friend had some great ideas that lead up to having a fun night. Whatever was brewing in that sexpot mind of hers this time would be interesting. "Question, are there any rules we need to know of regarding crazy ideas?" Megan wondered.

Samantha is all for crazy ideas but, this place was huge and a lot more can happen. "Alright here's the game plan seeing as Mishka is top bitch let's have a little contest. First one to fuck the most patrons in one hour gets the honor of bedding that woman." Megan said. Now Samantha and Bri heard her correctly, her idea sounded like a recipe for disaster. "I don't think either of you realize what you're getting into my friends." Bri began.

"What you're planning has been done before started by my very own employer. Granted she's been good in recent months and the janitors haven't complained either. Now I can't tell you two what to do but, please think your crazy idea through okay." She stated. Sadly the jackaless was called away by a patron sitting at the other end of the bar. Leaving the two best friends to process the parting words the jackal had shared.

Seeing as Megan had won the wager she was in the driver's seat for tonight. Deciding to get a sense of the comings and goings of the other patrons first. This would help her gauge who would be more than willing to play along with them. Right now everyone was more interested in dancing and drinking than anything. Fortunately she knew that will change as the night progresses so they'll wait for now.

They enjoyed their drinks at least until things in and around the dance floor changed. Of course Mishka reappeared escorting a male hyena and his date to the elevator. Both them looked like they just had the best sex of their lives as the doors closed. While Mishka approached one of the bouncers and whispered something to him. He went from stoic to frozen stiff and fur sticking out after hearing her comment.

As time progressed the pair had two more drinks and things finally got livelier. "Okay, Sammy let's go put some preventatives in motion then let's have our fun." Megan said. With that the two friends headed for the restroom to take care of a couple things. Ten minutes later they returned and already to get the party started this evening. Walking out onto the active dance floor Megan was the first to kick things off.

She found two guys dancing pretty close together and coaxed them to follow her. Like obedient puppies they followed the skunk then jumped as the flies were opened. Not wanting to be out done Samantha swooped in and escorted their dance partners nearby. It wasn't long before both men were rock hard under Megan's skilled touch. Even the two women Samantha lured were moaning as shi teased their hot spots.

Of course nobody else seemed to notice what was going until someone spoke up. Both Samantha and Megan and their playthings were too far gone to really care. Twenty minutes later their first set of lovers came then hobbled over to the bar. It wasn't long before Samantha coaxed an engaged couple to have some fun. Meanwhile Megan was scooped up by four gentleman two canines, a stallion and a lion.

It wasn't long before most of the dance floor was engaging in random sexual acts. Time seemed to blur for the pair not that either them really cared about it anyway. Sadly the large orgy failed to see the brewing storm that was approaching them. Before the next group of worthy partners came this flash of light filled the room. When the floaters faded away the instigators were no longer out on the dance floor.

"Give, Mishka one good fucking reason why she shouldn't fry your asses?" She growled. Samantha and Megan whirled around where they stood and saw the pissed off canine. The earlier warning Bri shared with them had come to bite them in the butt. Of course Megan was kicking herself for not heading the jackaless warning. "I've got a better idea you two wait right there I've got just the thing." Mishka said.

The best friends quickly looked at each other as Mishka walked out of sight. Next they heard sounds of her rummaging around for something then laughed evilly. Followed by the sound of metal clinking together as she rounded the corner. Holding in her hand four pairs of police handcuffs and sporting a large toothy grin. So not liking where this was going but, for some reason neither of them could move.

Until Mishka grabbed Megan by the ear, laid her down then cuffed her to the bed. Making sure the restraints weren't too tight injuring the skunk then faced Samantha. "Um, do I want to know what you're going to do to the two of us?" She asked curiously. The busty canine's ears twitched then took four long strides towards the herm. "Allow me to answer you with a question of my own first darling." Mishka began.

"Why did you and your friend start an orgy on my dance floor without permission? Normally I don't mind such a thing going on here but, tonight wasn't a good idea. A very old friend of mine happened to visit when you two decided to start that. Luckily he didn't see anything due to the crowd that had gathered around you two. It's a good thing I'm skilled at magic or things could've spiraled out of control." She stated.

The topless canine went on to say they should be lucky they're not in prison. Had her friend saw what they were doing she dreaded the outcome of that event. Again lucky for them he didn't due to the crowd and only they'd remember anything. Upon teleporting them to her room on the top floor the patrons' memory was wiped. "Tonight both of you are going to be my playthings until the morning." She smirked.

Megan was trying to get free from her restraints while Mishka was talking. When that proved useless she laid there on the bed and waited for what's to come. Mishka inspected Samantha's figure from head to toe admiring all hir features. "That's quite the cock you've got there it's not enough but, it'll have to do." Mishka said. Reaching down with both hands then hummed a little tune while fondling hir package.

Poor Samantha couldn't believe how gentle this canine was being with hir. From where Megan was she was able to see everything and couldn't believe it. Until Mishka told hir that the tune she heard was a little trick to keep hir erect. Of course Samantha pointed out she knew a couple of spells that would do the same. Either way Megan couldn't seem to wait to find out what was in store for them.

Kneeling down then wrapped her soft perky double G-cups breasts around it. Shuddering as the canine began to stroke along hir impressive cock slowly at first. Over time Mishka picked up the pace until she found a rhythm that worked. Poor Megan lay there watching her best friend getting a tit fucked by that evil woman. Naturally the skunkette voiced her disapproval so Mishka did something about it.

From out of nowhere Mishka materialized this large vibrator out of thin air. Though that wasn't the only sex toy to appear in her other hand was a ball gag. "Samantha, mind going to my nightstand over there and grabbing the pink tube." Mishka said. Doing as the canine requested while she secured the gag to Megan's muzzle. Once the tube was in hand Samantha gave it to her then she lubed up the vibrator.

Megan was able to get a look at the toy and noticed that it was covered in nubs. "Ah, wondering what this vibrator really does besides buzz like a swarm of bees?" Mishka asked. Before the skunkess could say yes or no to her question it was slipped into her butt. Once the device was deep inside her back passage Mishka turned the device on. Poor Megan wasn't expected to have her body suddenly charged by pleasure.

Sadly with the gag in her mouth all the female skunk could do was groan. Grinning with delight Mishka looked over at Samantha standing by the side of the bed. Next she beckoned the fox to join the pair on the bed then moved hir around. The instant shi was where the topless canine wanted Mishka tore her shorts off. Samantha didn't need instructions at this point as the canine bent over exposing her sex.

A low and deep pleasured bark exited her lips as Samantha buried every inch inside. Samantha groaned hard when the malamute's inner walls clamped down. Once shi was able to withdraw Sam began to thrust slowly then picked up speed. With each thrust from the fox hir balls would tickle Megan's swollen clit. Driving the skunkess even crazier with pleasure almost bringing her over the edge.

Luckily she was able to fight that urge off but, only for the time being at least. Seeing as the pleasure coursing through her body kept increasing at a steady rate. Mishka was having a blast feeling Samantha's throbbing shaft pounding away at her. Using her curly tail as leverage to thrust even deeper to Mishka's tightening snatch. "Why don't you play with Mishka's huge perky tits you naughty fox?" She murred.

Samantha didn't need to be told twice as shi reached around and grabbed them. Earning a happy bark from the horny silver and black canine a split second later. At that same moment a muffled orgasmic cry rang out from underneath the pair. Looking down at Megan to see her shuddering as her climax ripped through her body. Mishka teasingly looked over left shoulder to look into Samantha's green eyes.

Of course the herm didn't need to be told that she wanted hir to restrain hirself. Not exactly an easy order given the pleasure coursing through hir body. Especially since Mishka wasn't making it easy for hir to keep hir climax at bay. To make matters worse neither of the friends knew that Mishka was very experienced. She's mastered the art form of not only foreplay but, sex itself over several years.

These two are in for a night they'll never forget and she'll make sure of that. Mishka decided to kick things up a notch causing Samantha to grunt deeply in surprise. Tickling the herm's balls in the right way caused them to pull up against hir sheath. Causing Samantha's thrusts to become erratic in nature as shi fought the urge to cum. When that happened Mishka extended her middle finger and teased hir hot slit.

She kept this up for few minutes until Samantha begged her to back off a little bit. Normally Mishka would've complied but, after what these two did wasn't happening. Giving hir twitching clit a firm pinch then teased hir balls with one of her claws. Samantha's knot went from partially swollen to full size in seconds to Mishka's delight. Before the herm could bury it within her, Mishka pulled the bait and switch on hir.

Poor Megan wasn't prepared to have her best friend lock her knot inside her. Gasping in shock and pleasure feeling that organ lodged within the skunk's depths. Meanwhile Mishka slipped out from between the pair and moved behind Samantha. Not before making a brief pit stop to her nightstand and pulled out a strap-on. Once snapped around her waist Mishka rejoined the pair and buried in Samantha.

Feeling the thick twitching toy slip deep into her hot passage she howled. As Mishka began moving hips in and out while Samantha's moans grew louder overtime. Until the vulpine emptied hir balls into Megan's womb like an un-kinked fire hose. In that instant Samantha's energy went to zero then shi collapsed on top of her friend. Even with Megan's post orgasmic bliss she was able to come a second time.

"Oh, don't think for a second Mishka is done with either of you tonight." She grinned. Little did they know that Mishka was going to make good on her little promise. As she hammered away at Samantha's pussy brining hir cock back to full attention. Feeling hir shaft throbbing inside her barely spent sex Megan groaned blissfully. Unfortunately Samantha couldn't move with hir knot still locked inside of Megan.

Naturally Mishka wasn't making it easy as she hammered away at Samantha's folds. The poor herm couldn't believe this canine found all hir hot spots so quickly. At the rate Mishka was going Samantha didn't know how long shi could hold out. Megan was moaning and squirming underneath her friend trying to get free. Whether it was by chance or design Mishka just stopped what she was doing.

Removing the toy from Samantha's pussy to retrieve the master key to the cuffs. Though before releasing Megan she reached between them and unknotted the two. It proved more amusing than Mishka thought when Samantha fell as shi popped free. Next she unlocked the handcuffs one by one until Megan was finally released. From there the skunk asked the canine if she could use the wash room real quick.

Allowing both parties a few minutes to clean up before returning to the bed. Where Mishka was waiting patiently for them legs open waiting patiently for them. Next she pointed at both them then motioned for them to crawl between her thighs. Doing as instructed the pair got into position then began to lap away at her hot folds. Praising them for it but, that wasn't exactly what she wanted so they stopped.

Motioning Samantha to move up towards the headboard then had Megan resume. Having Samantha straddle hirself across Mishka's tits then took hir cock into her maw. Slowly bobbing her head back and forth while using her breasts to tease hir balls. As for Megan she used every trick in her book to bring the canine to a nice orgasm. Her efforts achieved some results but, not enough to bring Mishka to climax though.

As the night slowly became morning the trio spent three quarters of it having sex. Poor Samantha and Megan were so drained from their activities with the canine. Time had flown by when their bodies finally gave out from being drained of energy. Mishka however was still raring to go but, decided to let her playthings recharge. Especially since the enhancement spell she used on Samantha ended two hours ago.

While the friends slept Mishka was nice enough to give them a sensual bath. This way they would be nice and clean for when they eventually woke up. In the meantime the busty canine had other things to attend to while they slept. Knowing that they were going to be more than a little sore made Mishka smile. Granted she wasn't completely satisfied but, was content with how it all turned out.

Around two o'clock that afternoon Megan was the first of the pair to wake up. The smell of a fresh cooked meal being made roused her from her peaceful slumber. With a yawn and stretch Megan crawled out of the king sized bed onto the floor. Looking around for something to cover herself with and found her clothes nearby. Putting them on as Samantha finally stirred from her slumber five minutes later.

Giving hir stiff muscles a stretch before climbing onto the floor with a loud yawn. "Ah, good Mishka was worried you two would be sleeping until later on tonight." She mused. While entering the spacious room carrying two plates full of food for them to enjoy. "Considering what you put us through last night the idea was sorely tempting." Megan replied. With a chuckle she handed Meg her meal and waited for Samantha finish dressing.

When shi fixed hir clothes Mishka handed hir breakfast to hir then walked away. "Take a left from here and walk straight for fifty paces the kitchen is on the left." Mishka stated. Samantha and Megan looked for a suitable place to sit down before eating. After finding a place to sit down as the first bites food touched their tongues. They couldn't believe Mishka's cooking every bite was packed with flavor.

By the time they were finished and found the kitchen Mishka had returned. She was going through a small pile of mail the mail lady brought by moments ago. Without turning around to look at the pair she asked them if they enjoyed their meal. "Thank you for breakfast Mishka and we're sorry for causing last night's ruckus." Samantha said. Megan added her own apology for what happened as Mishka turned around.

"You're welcome I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my cooking and I accept your apologies. Perhaps next time you two decide to visit my nightclub and little home. We can revisit last night's events without causing me to have heart attack." Mishka replied. Samantha and Megan promised the canine they'd think before doing that again. "Now, before you go here's some advice, take caution when wagering." She smiled.

The End.

Written for,


Sibling Love

Hello everyone my name is Kyle, I'm a sixteen year old skunk with a twin sister named Katelyn. Are dad is a hot shot lawyer while are mom is the head chef at a fancy five-star resteurant. We love them both even though they don't have much time to...

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