The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon- Book 2

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#2 of The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon

The third 'book' is coming slowly for those whom had read these on FA keep watching

The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon

Book Two

Rough Path

Three weeks have passed since Colonel Manny Yamson and his guard, Merrlon, fled the battlefield of the Cats and Mice clans. Manny, the gray furred half Mouse, half Rat, carried his custom made rifle while the tiger striped Cat, Merrlon, carried an assigned Mouse warrior rifle. The two had been allies and friends for twelve years before being found out by audio ‘bug' placement in the Colonel's office and forced Merrlon to join the Mice clans despite the prejudice of Manny's peers. The night before Merrlon became an official Mouse warrior, they played around and the two males became closer then they thought was possible. They journeyed into the forestlands of the continent to find the Hound's, the canine race, capital without being captured and killed in the process.

"Manny," Merrlon growled out as he was becoming frustrated with the walking. "Can we not make camp? We haven't seen a soul in days and I need to rest my paws."

"Fine, but no fire. I have a burner, besides, cuddle kitty, we'll stay warm."

"Hmm... whatever happened to the days I dreamed of living next to an isolated lake, farming and hunting to survive?"

"Still possible, Merrlon, remember that if we don't succeed at this, we might as well be dead."

"One way or another, I guess. I'll pitch the tent."

The two quickly became involved with their nightly tasks and did not notice a shadow move against the blowing of the wind. Manny got a pot ready to boil on the burner then turned to help his mate. Merrlon purred quietly and rubbed against Manny whenever he got the chance. Manny chuckled then went to add the dehydrated meat, corn and beans to the simmering water.

A twig snapped, Manny rolled and grabbed his rifle then eyed the area. He spotted an odd shadow moving, he fired a single round beside it then stood. He approached carefully, not moving his line of sight. As he got closer, he found it was a young Hound that looked like it had been abandoned for years.

"Are you unarmed?"

The Hound raised its paws and showed the palms to Manny.

"Are you a member of the Hound Military?"

"I am an innocent civilian that has been run off his land. Please don't shoot me." The Hound begged for his life.

"Join us in a meal and help us in return."

"Anything for a meal, good Mouse."

Manny lowered his rifle and waited for the brown beagle-like Hound to make his way through the bush. Manny nearly gasped when the young Hound came through and saw that only a woven loincloth of vines covered him then he noticed the recent scarring from a beating. He sighed and went to stir the stew. Merrlon joined Manny eyeing the Hound cautiously.

"Did your people do that to you?" Merrlon finally asked.

"Yes unfortunately. May I ask a question?"

"Go ahead." Manny checked the rounds in the magazine.

"Are you two mates? You carry the scent of each other as strong as your own odor."

"We are why does it matter." Merrlon tried not to growl out his answer.

"Just curious."

Manny dished out a bowl and handed the soup to their guest. "Do you know how to find your Capital from here?"

"If I did, I would not be wearing vines."

"That's alright."

"Manny, maybe we should start our mission with this civy, he could possibly be our only chance at getting to the capital for the treaty."

"I love that brain of yours. What's your name, Hound? I'm Manny and this is Merrlon."

"I'm Roland, Roland Sharptail."

"Have you made fires out here?" Merrlon asked as he only thought of being warm.

"Indeed I have, the military knows I'm out here and don't care. Every so often, a plane goes over when my fire smokes, but never enough to be threatening. I'm hoping one day they will drop something other than a bomb."

"If there are planes...then civilization cannot be that far off. Merrlon do your thing and see if you can spot anything."

Merrlon grumbled and went to a tree then removed his boots. He extended his claws and started climbing; Manny and Roland sat quietly eating their soup. Merrlon jumped down then gathered his boots after a long stretch up above the trees. He then came back over to the others and sat down.

"A good week's walk before we see less trees, I guess, but I did see what could be a control tower for the airport. North, northwest. I say go in under night cover."

"It wouldn't matter if the rest of the Hounds have a sniffer like Roland's. We would be sniffed out quickly."

"Besides that, sirs, we live with our feral kin." Roland bent over the burner and warmed his paws. "Some time I just wish these wars were gone."

"Sometime? All of the time with us, you live with the after effects while we cause the hard punch...I guess I'll collect some wood." Manny stood and left the two alone figuring Merrlon would do something.

Merrlon fell silent and finally filled his mug for his meal. He sipped and watched the Hound. He seemed friendly, Merrlon thought to himself, but he also could be a spy. How could that be proven though? Merrlon sighed and scratched an itch. Roland perked up and sniffed.

"There's trouble." Roland whispered.


"The Mouse returns with a predator following."

Sure enough, Manny ran back into camp and dove for his gun then a beat charged in growling. Merrlon shot his rifle and dropped the bear. Manny gasped for air as he tapped his chest, Merrlon nodded and smiled.

"Well," Manny panted. "We got fresh meat for a while."

"Well done, hunters, shall we skin the beast?" Roland raised a finger to his lips.

Manny nodded. "You can do it, if you want, good Hound."

"I think I will help." Merrlon pulled his knife then handed it to Roland then he went to Manny and helped him up. "See anything out there?"

"All I saw was my life flashing before me. I'll go back for the pile I dropped."

"Take the gun this time."

Manny nodded and strapped his rifle over his shoulder. He jogged out after the pile. Merrlon went back to Roland, pulled a second knife from his boot, and then walked over to the bear. During the process, the two barely looked at each other and spoke less. Once the spine was split and the neck split, Roland sighed and looked at the Cat.

"I have to admit something, the reason I was lashed and ran out is because I cared for a good number of house cats. I once had lived in a land, which no government claimed. However, because of the wars, I became an independent country and was available to invade without me knowing it. The other ‘Hounds' may or may not be gentle with us, if they find us."

"That makes me feel a whole lot better, thanks."

"About my ‘kind?'"

"Yes, I'm not afraid of feral canines or Caniods, its what they can do."

"Heh, Caniod...that make me think of a science fiction book I once read. Shall we peel? Since we can't hang it to bleed out."

"Sure. Maybe it will also help with my bloodlust for a while."

"I know how you feel."

Roland started to pull back the flesh gently slicing the meat away from the pelt. He showed Merrlon how to keep the skin in one piece then let the Cat continue while he started the other side. Manny walked up beside the corpse carrying a pile taller than his line of sight, he dropped the wood and made the two jump. He chuckled then went to Merrlon's pack and dug out the shovel.

"I see you two are getting along and already making the blanket for tonight."

"We got to dry it first."

"Sassafras and Ash, start and hot burn, that's what we need right now. We also need to think of how we are going to cure this beast and carry what we can." Manny started making a fire pit near the corpse.

"Let's just stay here for a few nights. We weren't given a deadline."

"Merrlon, you are one lazy kit. But I shall agree, we need a rest, besides, it will take a couple days to smoke the meat." Manny sighed and looked through the trees. "It's getting late, we better get the fire started."

Before long, the three of them had gotten the logs built up and used the burner's flame to start it. Merrlon was the first to curl up and soak in the warmth as they finished the skinning. Manny chuckled then joined the Cat as he removed his shirt. Roland was about to sit on the other side of the fire when Manny asked him to sit beside them.

Merrlon purred quietly as the Hound came around and sat with them. Manny smiled and petted his mate's back; Roland stared into the flames enjoying the warmth. The Mouse sighed then squeaked as Roland leaned against him.

"Forgive me, Sir Manny, I forgot who I was with."

"It's alright, I wasn't expecting anyone to lean against me."

"So I did not cross any boundaries?"

"I am used to it. I was busy with my own thoughts at the time, I guess." Manny offered his shoulder to the Hound. "I am sure you are more than lonely enough not to take an open shoulder to lean on."

"True enough." Roland leaned back onto Manny's shoulder and closed his eyes.

Merrlon sat up and took Manny's other side. "You know, I think I am starting to enjoy this day."

Manny said nothing as the others began to doze off. When Manny was sure both was asleep, he let Merrlon lay down then he gently lay Roland down. He then went to the strewn bearskin and started to fold it so he could cover them. As he brought the skin over, he began to wonder what Roland was hiding under the vines.

Manny bit his lip then sat the skin down and approached the snoring Hound ever so slowly. Manny bent down as he pulled a penlight from his pocket and clicked it on. He slowly lifted the vines to reveal a limp member and plumb orbs. Roland shivered making his tail hole pucker then relax. Manny backed away and sighed, he did not know what else he would think to have found on him.

He sat down and watched the fire flare in the slight wind. Then he felt a paw on his shoulder, the familiar weight of Merrlon. He rested his head on the paw and smiled slightly. Merrlon's purr came from behind Manny then a wet tongue on his neck. He moaned quietly as he enjoyed the Cat bath and the bonding.

"You are tense, my Rodent, relax and let us think of what to do when we find the Hounds."

"I know, Merr, I know. But I cannot help to think that this one is a possible spy, you know?"

"Manny, let your military thinking reside. You are an ambassador now, representing your race. Think of your kin and live that way."

"Merrlon, do you think I do not try? I am a military raised Mouse-Rat and I cannot truly think any other way."

"You will learn. Get some sleep." Merrlon pushed the Rouse down beside the Hound then flung open the pelt and covered them both. "Sleep or do I have to pull off my ‘bodyguard' routine?"

"I'll sleep, but it will not be comfy."

Just then, Roland started and sat up. He looked around then sniffed the air, he growled quite low. Manny and Merrlon, both, grabbed their weapons and got back-to-back scanning the area. A metallic clink sounded then a soft thud near the three of them. A bright flash took them by surprise then all three fell unconscious.

Manny woke in pain, he tried to raise his arm but found himself bound to a post. He looked around and saw no sign of his companions though dry blood stained the floor. He kept his thoughts driven back. He now considered himself a prisoner-of-war and he would keep silent until given a reason to talk.

He pressed himself against the post and waited, but not for long. A door opened behind him, a few Hound grunts dragged Merrlon in and tied the Cat to the opposite side of the Mouse warrior. A soft thud of flesh against flesh sounded then chuckles as they walked out. Manny could feel the Cat's pulse, slow and steady.

"Speak to me. What did they do?" Manny tried to keep the tone of his voice steady and calm.

"Roland..." Merrlon gasped. "Fought hard, I do not know where he is now."

"They view him as a traitor. If he isn't dead now, he soon will be."

"We need to find him! We have to escape and flee with him," Merrlon extended his claws and begun to prick at the ropes.

"Easy, don't hurt yourself. He's a smart one, I'm sure, he'll figure out how to get free."

"Unlikely." A deep voice cackled into the room via a speaker system. "Why are blood enemies in our lands? And without the company of other like blood."

"A mission to your capital, we are, for peace." Manny forced himself to be cryptic hoping he would confuse the unseen interrogator.

"That so? Tsk, tsk. Here I thought the Mice were intelligent..." The system popped and went silent.

"Ass..." Merrlon growled out.

"Hush, they still might be listening."

"So? They pulled my fur, my tail, kicked me, whatever else while I was out then continued as I woke. I am filthy, I need a bath." He sniffled and tugged on his restraints and found he made little progress.

Merrlon mewed sadly then quieted as Manny hushed him. Soon enough, a pup with no ears or tail came in with a tray; he had a rifle on his back. As the pup came around, Manny could tell this creature was Hound but not as free as one would think, a slave. He seen creatures like this before, the tongues are commonly split to prevent speech but provide pleasure to male owners.

The pup sat the tray down then glanced between the prisoners. He backed away then waited. The door opened, the Cat hissed, claws scrapped against stone, then the door shut. The pup knelt and dared not look up, its master had come in to finish the work, a fat Rat with plenty of scars and an eye patch over his right eye. He also stood nude, save the patch.

"I have always wanted a Cat to be a slave of mine." The master chuckled.

"Touch him and I swear you will be eating your own sac. Manny pulled on the ropes.

"Someone has moxie. Maybe I shall kill you slowly..."

"Try it, sewer scum, if you knew who my father is, I am sure you would not be so tough."


"Yamson..." Manny interrupted the Rat as he came around.

"You are... the King's child?"

"He's the King of the Rats now? Did Gramps finally kill over?"

"Slave call for the king and send in the Hounds."

The pup rose then ran out sending the Hound guards in. The Rat whispered to them low enough neither of the captives could hear. The Hounds saluted the Rat as he left then stood in front of Manny with weapons pointed at him. Manny sighed, he was happy that he saved Merrlon for now.

The Rat returned before long with a finely dressed, fatter Rat behind him. The slave master moved as the Rat King walked in and went to the Mouse. The King waved off the Hounds then eyed Manny. Manny smirked and did his best to stand straight.

"Been a while, father, mother misses you."

"Manuel Agais Yamson, I thought that I told you not to seek me out."

"I didn't, I sought the Hound Capital for a treaty."

"Release him...and his companions. Manuel, while you are with me you will hold fear in these mutts." The King kicked on of the Hounds whom licked his lips as he untied Manny and Merrlon. "Come, son, you must have questions."

Merrlon rubbed his wrists as he got free then turned to shove his fist into the Hound's throat, but Manny grabbed him and pulled him away. He then introduced the Cat to his father keeping out some details that were personal. The King shook paws then took the two to Roland's cell which was as bleak as theirs. The Hounds guarding Roland quickly followed their direct orders and each took a quick hit from Roland before he joined Manny and Merrlon.

Then they followed the Rat King to the throne room and took seats. Manny stared at his father as the father stared at his son. For the longest moment, nothing was said and barely breathed. Merrlon finally started straightening and cleaning his fur while keeping an eye out for more Hounds.

"So, dad, how are my sisters?"

"Starting their own families."

"Good. Would you be willing to go home with me and stop the Cousin Feuds once and for all?"

"Now, son, do be serious."

"Father, I am. I am the ambassador of my country. Will you or not? I would like to be able to visit freely."

"Set a date then, then send for me or something."

"Will try. Can I ask another favor of you? We need escort to the Hound leaders."

"My power does not cast that far, but I can hide you as mercenaries for my slave trade they end their route near there and you will be hid in plain sight."

"We will go with the caravan."

"I will also send with you a gift, a weapon talented slave."

"A slave? How exactly am I going to protect a slave from the laws of Mice?"

"She knows how to abide by the laws." The King motioned someone to come near.

A female Mouse came to her Master and bowed at his feet. She was covered in thick leather that was as dark as her black fur. Crossed on her back, resting in sheathes, were two katana then on her waist rested a silenced pistol with ammo case. Indeed, she was deadly, Manny would hate to see her if she was angry. Her Master turned her over to Manny then he offered a meal.

"Fine, but real food not the crap you brought home when I was little."

"I do not know what you mean, food is food in these parts."

"Yeah, yeah. But I ain't eating anything that looks regurgitated."

"Very well, O vessel of my flesh and blood." The King of Rats clapped and sent off a pair of hidden slaves.

The room was silent as they waited for the meal to come in. Manny's new slave girl looked him over and started judging him. She eventually stood still and silent. Manny rose a brow and gave her a queer look. She looked away making him stare more.

"You might as well sit with us, you are going to have to get used to it."

She did as she was told but still kept staring at the floor.

"I would like to get to know you better. Like: What do you do for fun?"

She looked at him with a grin. "I kill things and break things. Much like the non-masters who try to rape me."

"I think you will enjoy yourself around us then."

They talked quietly about things they have done until the food was served then she was about to leave when he told her she was to eat with them. The King rejected at first then let his son have his way. They ate with a grudge then the Rat dismissed them to the slave caravan to get ready to leave. He also had their gear returned to him. Manny told the Hounds that they needed new clothes and received proper looking ones in return.

An hour of preparation and caging slaves passed before anyone said anything about moving out. Manny grouped his three together and went over the weapon basics with Roland then he asked his slave to stay near the Hound and keep him safe. She looked as though she despised the order but she did so. Merrlon whined and could not wait to get away from this place, it was driving him crazy being cooped up.

Merrlon straightened his tone as the gates opened and the vehicles started. The slave and Roland perched on top of the cage while Merrlon and Manny walked behind it until the first site two hours away. From there, more vehicles joined them and allowed Manny and Merrlon to ride alone in an empty military carrier. Manny smiled for the next six hours they would be unseen by other and given then the first real moment they have had to have some bonding. Manny dropped his pants and wiggled his hips.

Merrlon licked his lips and pushed Manny down onto the bench then licked at the sweaty sac vigorously until Manny shuddered and his shaft throbbed as it grew. Merrlon sucked his lover's shaft into his mouth and toyed with him until he hardened. He then unbuckled and bent over, Manny took the opening and quickly shoved himself into Merrlon's hole and bent over him. He grabbed the semi soft member of Merrlon's and squeezed and pulled making the Cat shudder. They both moaned and enjoyed the other's touch. It did not take Manny long to let loose his orgasm and send Merrlon into spasms until he exploded in Manny's palm.

"So needed." Merrlon purred.

"If we were not pressed to be ready to fight, I'd say cuddle a bit. We need to get dressed."

"Fine, but promise a cuddle tonight."

"Sure. We have a tent to ourselves tonight."

"Finally. I think we both deserve some downtime, but what about that slave?"

"What about her?"

"What if she demands you to do the nasty and get her pregnant?"

"Then let her. I will do her then send her elsewhere."

"You would forsake me just to have kids?" Merrlon dropped his ears and let his lip tremble.

"Father might have put her up to it, and if children are produced I can send her and the brats to him."

"You're vicious. Even I would not send children to your father."

"True, but I don't want to raise them." Manny pulled away and pulled his pants back up. "Besides, you get to watch and join in."

"Mmm, a threesome with you in the middle guess I could tolerate it."

"That's my boy. Now, get dressed, we got to get back into character, we are mercenaries now."

"Bah, I will act like a mercenary when I am forced to." Merrlon scowled at that, he did not like hiding what he was trained for, for any reason.

Manny shrugged then started to clean his rifle. Merrlon sighed and did the same for he knew Manny would barely listen. Manny glanced up only once when the trucks paused at an intersection. Merrlon grew bored, he shouldered his weapon and crawled onto the top of the truck to overlook the caravan.

He listened to the engines and the clatter of steel-belted tires on loose rock. Once he got the sound memorized, he sat himself down in a position where he could not be knocked off easily by a low branch and started to push the sounds aside as he was trained. He began listening for out-of -the-ordinary sounds. He did not notice that Manny sat beside him until the carrier hit a bump and Manny grabbed him for support. Merrlon rose a brow and glanced at him, he did not speak to the ‘Rouse' for several reasons, some he could not explain to himself.

"Listen, I am sorry. I have been thinking about father, I want to get all the allies we can get but I want the family back together. I will make up with you tonight, I promise."

"Oh, you will, you will. I am already conjuring up how you will do that."

Four hours later, the caravan stopped at a crowded town named Hübenglas. From there, they went slowly to a warehouse where the slaves were kept for the sales. There, Manny's crew bid farewell to the caravan personnel and went to search for a vacant inn or a place to camp. Renting a room or two was Roland's idea since he knew where he was placed now. Roland pointed out a couple of places then wondered about their weapons.

"It might be easier just to camp outside of town and huff it to the capital." Manny said after returning from the second inn then looked at the crowd, most carried a weapon of some sort and he did not feel like causing a disturbance for being out of place.

"Yeah, let's head out of town. I would rather be away from these Hounds. No offense, Roland." Merrlon hung close to Manny showing his cowardice.

"None taken, I know what you mean and I agree."

The two prattled on, Manny ignored them and focused on finding a way out of town. He found that many of the residents of this town was not Hound, his hopes were starting to grow stronger. Though he did not see any Cats, he was sure they would be hiding somewhere. They neared the edge of town before they started hearing the all too familiar sound of Wolf howls.

Roland panicked and urged his companions that they needed to leave town. Then several Catfolk came out of the woodwork and headed towards the woods away from the main road. Manny turned and rose his rifle waiting for something to come that would give him a workout. Sure enough, a pack of Wolves came rushing down the road.

The pack slid to a stop in front of the four and snarled. The leader pushed through and sniffed. He approached slowly staring at them like they were prey. The leader chuckled as Manny readied his weapon.

"Try me, mutt." Manny shot off his mouth but he also knew it would hurt him.

"You are nothing but freshâ€" He gasped and fell to his knees as blood started to seep from around a dagger thrown by the slave.

"Now you are the fresh meat." The slave said as she stepped up to reclaim her dagger. "Die, you wretched mutt," She swung her blade and sliced his neck.

She turned to the pack as she wiped the blood off on his fur. She smiled evilly waiting for the pack to move. They surprised her by dropping and declared her as their new leader. She backed up to Manny and gave him a questioning look.

"Don't look at me, you did it." Manny said with a grin.

"Master, is this wise?"

"Now you have grunts, use them wisely if this turns ugly for us we will need them."

She looked at him again, hoping he was joking. She sighed, "Rise, my Hounds, and look upon those who you will guard with your lives."

They did so quietly, as a slave would. She counted the heads and ended up counting twenty of them. Next she sent them off to gather their loved ones. Two remained and whimpered, she did not need to ask why she figured their former leader took them and sold them.

"You two, I will teach you what I know and you will become my guards."

"Don't be too hasty to trust Wolves," warned Roland.

"They were slaves to the dead one, and if Master insists I keep them, I will treat them better than I have been treated."

Manny smiled then pointed out the return of the pack. "Roland, you may just be wrong about that."

Pups and mothers followed the eighteen males to the new leader. She waited until the males gathered again before she spoke. The males reluctantly parted from their mates to face the slave and her orders. She looked over her pack and grinned slightly.

"This is the full pack then?" She asked.

One male stepped forward, the others coward a little. "Yes, my mistress, this is what is left of us. Osgraw forced many of us to kill our mates and young when we disobeyed him."

"They are safe now. You must hold dominance; I shall make you my right hand."

"Thank you. May I ask you your command?"

"Travel and protect, the one I serve needs to get to the capital and then back to his country."

"Are we to follow him to the land of Mice?"

"Yes, from there, we will decide what to do." The slave turned and stepped to Manny's side.

"Mistress, what shall we call you?"

At that question, Manny perked slightly. He, too, wondered about her name.

"I am only known as Assassin of the Shadows, so Mistress will be fine."

Manny cleared his throat then looked ahead of the group. He moved up to Merrlon, whom was scared witless being this close to the Wolves. He patted the Cat's cheek then moved on up the road, Merrlon quickly followed along with the others. Roland pulled Merrlon up next to him and reassured the Cat.

Merrlon walked silently, listening to Roland but paying him no heed. He jumped when a fellow Cat howled in despair then looked to find the Cat stuck in a tree. He broke from the group and climbed up to help. He found that the Cat had been caught by the foot in a small hole. He pulled out his knife and cut the hole bigger without a word.

He pulled the foot free then started off to rejoin the group. "Tell the others that the Wolves are going with us, you all are a bit safer now."

"I cannot believe you are staying with them."

"Me either. Now go and watch those holes."

Merrlon jumped gracefully down then caught up with Manny. He grinned as a thought grew in his mind. He looked for ‘Mistress' then went through her Wolves to get to her. He said nothing for a moment then grinned.

"Do you have a whip in that satchel of yours?"

"Yes." She said bluntly.

"Do you care if I borrow it once we make camp? Your master has been naughty to me. You may watch and laugh at him if you wish; he will be too busy with me to notice you."

"I might."

"You...uh, don't have any tips on rope tying do you?"

"Tie tight so your victim cannot break free."

"Thank you, I better get back up there before he looks for me."

"I think I can pass my knowledge of my beatings to you if Master approves of it."

"Yeah, just wait until we get him tied first. Then the fun can begin." Merrlon purred and swung his tail as he thought of his lover. "I cannot wait to strip him." He chuckled as he walked away.

Mistress pondered about what the Cat said then smiled as she put two and two together and realized they were lovers especially when she saw Merrlon grab Manny's ass and whispered in his ear. They found a clearing in the woods near the road and set up camp. The pack settled down and gathered wood while others went hunting. Once Manny had set up the large tent, Merrlon motioned for the slave.

They tackled Manny and dragged him into the tent before he could react. Merrlon chuckled as he removed his lover's pants and fingered the shaft. Mistress bit her lip and watch, she pulled out her whip while Merrlon tied him down tightly. Manny had nothing to say nor did he fight.

"Manuel Agais Yamson. I wonder how much I should bet that Agais is your father's name." Merrlon chuckled and took the whip from the slave. "You know what, you should have gotten this out of my system when you had the chance before we left home."

He cracked the whip out straight then looked at the slave. He asked if she wanted the first whip but she backed down. He smiled and whipped his Mouse, he then demanded that Manny would suck him. Manny did not fight until Merrlon took off his boots and shoved a foot into the maw of his lover.

Merrlon chuckled trying to remain quiet, he pulled his foot free then dried the fine fur on Manny's cheek. Manny finally had fear grow in his eyes as the slave finally took the whip. She cracked it once across his shoulder then she cracked it across Merrlon's ass. He yowled then she told him to strip then to remove Manny's shirt.

The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon

The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book One Mouse Wars "Manny!" A voice called out in the brink of night. "Manny, get up, the Cats are back!" Cats, the vicious hunters of the Mice clans. Manny woke in a rush, donned his battle...

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