The Tryst

Story by Zodia Lacour on SoFurry

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Hey all! Here's a new story thing. Tyrah is copyrighted Knight Zypher.

"Thirty gold, forty-eight silver, fifty copper..."

The tiger grumbled on top of his horse, a disappointed frown spread across his face. In his hands was a modest-sized brown sack, his reward from the small village he just saved.

"Thirty gold, forty-eight silver...and fifty damn copper. Anywhere else, I would've gotten at least a hundred of each!"

Tyrah couldn't help but gripe the entire ride back to the Western capital.

He remembered it all clearly. He arrived at the village about a week ago, hearing of the beast that began terrorizing them. It killed much their livestock at night, leaving nothing but heaps of bloodstained wool on their pastures. None of the peasants could properly sleep, let alone step outside at night, hearing the growls and sounds of bones cracking. He spent a week with the villagers, given lodging and food while he tracked and later killed the monster. Still, he should have expected such little payment by just gazing at the small huts and dirty rags.

"Thirty gold... forty-eight silver...and fifty fucking copper..."

The sun was beginning to set over the rolling hills as he got to the capital. Tyrha would have to spend most of his new coin on armor repairs and a place to stay for the next few days, at least until he could find another quest.


Tyrah sat at the bar, pint of ale in hand. His demeanor got considerably worse, as his coin purse got considerably smaller. He took a big gulp, growling under his breath. He lost about a quarter of his earning on the armor repairs alone, not including how much he'd have to pay after his stay at the inn. Things were always more expensive in cities, especially in this one. At least he had a comfortable bed to look forward to.

Of course, that bed won't happen for a while, despite it being just a floor above him. The tavern was full tonight, and more than a little lively. Dozens of citizens and more than a few knights were reveling about. There was plenty of booze to fuel the laughter and singing, a small ensemble of bards leading half the tavern in a drunken banter. Tyrah's been in these kinds of places many times before, and he knows how late these festivities go till.

The tiger was also aware of how out of place he was. Being from the other side of the continent, most furs in the West are unaware his species' very existence. Having spent more than a year here, he's used to the stares and, on occasion, the unfair treatment. This tavern was no exception. He kept his gaze on his ale mug, since every time he looked around he met one of those offensively curious gazes.

"It's fine," he thought, "as long as they look, and don't touch."

His appearance tended to arouse the curiosity of more than a few females. He'd look up every so often and see a busty lynx give him a sultry, half-lidded gaze, playing with the strings of her blouse. This would be fine for anyone else, but the tiger much preferred the company of males. Of course, that sort of thing was frowned upon in these parts. The last time he enjoyed sharing a bed was over a year ago, the night before he made the trip to explore the West. Indeed, it has been quite a dry and underwhelming experience for the young knight.

He looked down at his now-empty mug. The excitement was beginning to die down, so the prospects of a good night's sleep didn't seem so far away. The barmaid refilled his mug with ale, setting it front of him. As terrible as the night was for the feline, at least the ale was worth the price. He was waiting for the suds to settle down, when he caught a bit of gruff-sounding dialogue right when the bards were done singing.

"...such silly stripes on that cat, eh?"

He turned his head to right a little, catching sight of a black wolf sitting at a booth in the corner. From the looks of him, he was another knight, and a well-off one at that. He still had his armor on, despite being in a relatively safe tavern. The only ones who did that were males trying to win over a female to share a bed with. For him, it seemed to be working. On either side of him, there were plenty of females, swooning over his every word, chuckling with him as he made fun of the tiger. Tyrah caught some stares from the crowd, some of the more obviously drunk ladies looking away all of a sudden, turning back to the wolf with a giggle. Tyrah just shook it off, as he was used to. He took a sip of his ale, and just let them stare and giggle.


The tavern didn't get quiet enough for about another hour. The room was mostly empty, save for a few late drinkers who enjoyed silence and those who were passed out on tables. Tyrah wound up drinking three more mugs of ale, intent on getting his money's worth. His head was more than a little bit cloudy, eyes struggling to stay open. He was about to get up, and off to his bed, when a large figure went up beside him. It was the wolf. He was alone now, rummaging through a rather large coin purse.

"How much do I owe, Matilde?" He gave the fox barmaid a wink and a flirtatious smile; hand still in his full purse.

"Oh, just a few silver, love. You get the hero's discount, you know..." Whatever charms the wolf was giving the vixen seemed to be working. He

took his hand out of the bag and pulled out a gold coin, well over what was owed.

"Keep the rest, love," he said with a sultry growl. The vixen took the coin and gave it a kiss before setting it down in front of her. The tiger couldn't stare any longer and stumbled off of his stool, walking rather dizzily to the stairs. It was time for bed.

"Strange, I've never seen a tiger in these parts before."

Tyrah stopped in his tracks at the wolf's words, a sudden rush of anger boiling over him. The last thing he needed was this wolf calling more attention to himself. His blue eyes began to glow red, a similar glow emanating in his clenched fists. Luckily, he calmed himself down. Magic would not have been a good idea at this level of intoxication. He took a deep breath, taking a few more steps toward the stairs. The vixen giggled behind him, whispering something to the wolf.


He was almost there. Sweet relief of sleep. Room 7, just to room 7. He thought about all of the crap he had to go through today, everything from the small payment, the too-long journey, and the ass of a wolf in the tavern. Still, he couldn't help but think more about him. Sure, he was a jerk, calling his stripes silly, yet he was rather attractive. If it weren't for the insults his obvious liking for females, Tyrah wouldn't mind being bedded by him.

For now, he just wanted any bed. The poor feline was exhausted and quite a bit drunk, and his bed was right behind the door in front of him. He reached into his right pocket for the room key... only to find it empty. His blood began to boil, more bad news would be far from ideal right now. He reached into his left pocket. Empty. With a groan, he thumped his forehead against the wood, making a knock that no one would answer.

"Fuck!" he groaned, another awful setback to his day. He'd have to go looking for that key. Hell, it might be stolen. Still, there might be a spare. He'd just have to wake up the innkeeper.

"Looking for this?"

His eyes darted open. That voice...

He turned around. Of course it was that wolf, staring right at him with a smug look on his face. His left arm was across his chest, his right arm holding up a room key. He dangled it in front of the tiger's face, teasing the feline.

Tyrah tried to grab the key, but was too slow, the wolf clearly more sober and agile. He stood a bit taller than the tiger as well. Tyrah growled at him, intent on getting back the key.

"Listen, you jackass, I'm in no mood for your shit. Give me key to my room, or else!"

"Don't you mean our room?"

Tyrah's eyes went wide. He didn't quite take the hint at first. No way in hell was he sharing a room with him! However, it wasn't until he noticed how close the wolf had gotten to him that he started figuring it out. He hand was on the door behind the tiger, strong forearm right by his cheek. The wolf's muzzle was just about an inch away from his own. He could feel his breath against his nose. That was an amazing turn-on, for whatever reason. After a few seconds, Tyrah began to speak, although now stumbling with his words.

"O-our room-?"

He was cut off rather suddenly by a pair of strong lips pressing against his own, eyes going even wider, as he felt the strong wolf suddenly kiss him. He felt a long tongue tease against his muzzle, wanting access. It took him a bit, but the tiger was able to relax into the kiss, eyes closing and lips opening up, dancing his tongue with his new partner's. He could taste the ale in the wolf's mouth. He moved his hands to the strong body in front of him, trailing along his fine armor, knowing there was a body just as hard underneath. He felt a strong hand travel up his thigh in return, reaching his crotch, letting out a moan into the kiss as the hand gropes him through his pants. He was already hard.

The wolf broke the kiss, letting out a low sultry growl. "Well, it looks like you aren't too phased by the ale..." He reaches behind me with his other hand, inserting he key into the lock and opening the door behind us. "Shall we?"


It took a while to get the armor off. It was very high quality, as the wolf was a highly regarded and sought after knight in these parts. It didn't help that both lovers were a few drinks in. Even with the wolf's tolerance, his fingers still slipped when trying to undo the leather bindings. Eventually, they were both on the bed, nude as the day they were born, continuing their more than passionate kiss. Gasps and moans were heard coming from both of them, both sets of hands exploring each other's body.

"I-I'm sorry," Tyrah broke the kiss with a little chuckle, "we've gotten this far, but I don't think I got your name..."

The wolf chuckled, reaching a hand down to cup the tiger's rump. He let out a gasp and a moan, kissing under the wolf's chin as he did so. "My name is Desmond," he said.

"I'm Tyrah." The tiger was taking some time to run his fingers along Desmond's chest. He noticed scars under the fur, hidden well by his thick coat. They were thick and numerous. "You must get a lot of work..."

The wolf let out another chuckle. "It's worth it for my rewards." His paw roamed down to between them, stroking and frotting their hard members together. "Just like tonight..."

Tyrah let out a soft gasp, closing his blue eyes and letting the wolf pleasure him. "Ah...! And what did you do to deserve a reward like me?"

Desmond grinned, letting go of their cocks, turning on his back, his large dripping canine meat resting hard against his stomach, pre pooling from his tip. Tyrah couldn't help but let out a murr at the sight, moving over to the wolf, kissing down from his chest, along his strong abs, reaching his prize. He reaches a paw up, taking the thick shaft in his hand to stroke it, giving the tip a few licks and kisses before running his tongue along the entire underside of it.

Desmond moaned accordingly, reaching a hand down to pet the tiger's cheek. "Mm... good kitty~"

Good kitty. He knew just what to say to egg on the submissive feline. Tyrah took the shaft past his lips, sucking lightly on the tip. He was rewarded with loud moans from the wolf, feeling those hips bucking up just a bit out of instinct. He began taking more of his cock into his muzzle, bobbing up and down on it. The taste was rather unique to him, probably due to the fact that this was his first time with a male from the West, but it was still quite enjoyable nonetheless. Tyra continued the treatment, running his rough feeling tongue along underneath the fat cock. He found right under the tip was the most sensitive, feeling Desmond jump and gasp a bit as he explored there.

"Mmf, wait..." The wolf nudged the tiger off of his cock, a strand of spit and pre connecting the tip to the tiger's lips. Tyrah looked him in the eye, wondering what was wrong. "I don't want us finishing too soon." He motioned for the tiger to move up, and he did so, eventually straddling the wolf's waist. They kissed here for a bit, Desmond reaching down to stroke Tyrah's member while grinding his own against the tiger's ass, getting it lathered in precum and saliva. Eventually he reached down, aiming it against the tiger's tight hole. "Ready, hun?"

Tyrah nodded, although a bit nervously. It's been a while since he's bottomed for someone, and Desmond was rather large. He just hoped the wolf would take it slow. He let out a little yip, eyes going wide once he felt the wolf's flared tip hit his tight ring, pushing against the sensitive muscle. He took a deep breath, trying his best to relax himself around the intruding member, lowering himself a bit more. He bit his lower lip, feeling the wide tip stretch himself out. Desmond was getting a bit impatient, letting out a little growl before grabbing onto the tiger's ass harder, pushing him down on his cock.

"Ack!" Tyrah's eyes went wide, gasping and feeling the tip force it in.

Desmond let out a little chuckle. "Heh, what's the matter kitten?" He licked his lips, hands moving back to the tiger's hips before moving up into the tiger's ass a bit more.

Tyrah had his eyes shut, too aggravated to respond. He would have clawed at the wolf's cheek had it not been for the cock in his ass. That, and the overwhelming desire to show up the wolf. Tyrah looked back down at the wolf once he got used to the feeling of Desmond's member. He returned the smile beneath him, leaning down to give the wolf a rather hard kiss, before moving all the way down on the canine's dick, feeling his ring hit against the thick knot before bouncing his ass on it.

Desmond kept his grip on the tiger's hips, continuing the kiss as his own hips rammed up into the tight feline ass. They both started moaning, bed creaking from the action on top of it. Tyrah lifted his upper half up, hands resting on the strong chest below him. His own barbed member bounced and throbbed above the wolf's stomach, feeling the thick canine member slide in and out of his tight but relaxed ass. His moans were controlled, biting his lower lip to keep quiet; he didn't want this romp to be heard.

The pace quickened up from the both of them, climaxes fast approaching, and Tyrah felt Desmond's knot start to slip past his rump, the beginning of it slipping up into the tight passage. Desmond was not unaware, reaching over and stroking the tiger's cock, thrusting up deeper into Tyrah's ass, knot just barely slipping in.

"D-Desmond, I'm close..." Tyrah moaned out, feeling on the edge of orgasm, head tilting back in a moan. He bounced harder, meeting Desmond's thrusts. The wolf was just as close to cumming, and with a few final pushes, he slipped his thick knot into the tiger's ass, thrusting deep into it, shooting his thick seed into his rump with a loud groan.

The combined pleasures of the thick knot, stroking, and wolf's seed droved Tyrah's orgasm home, spraying his own load all over Desmond's chest and stomach. They both pant, riding their orgasms out against each other. Tyrah collapsed against the wolf, holding onto him. Desmond began petting the tiger's head, murring a bit, cock still throbbing in his ass.

"Do you need to get back to you room?" Tyrah asked, purring against the wolf.

"I never got one."