He Comes To Call

Story by Celestia Kitteh on SoFurry

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Sunning myself in the window of my families glorious Victorian home. Sighing sweetly, I hear his paws hit the porch.

My pulse begins to race, my head swimming. Sniffing the fragrant summer air, trying desperately to catch the thick heady scent that is all him.

Wanting to jump from my perch but hesitant to seem so eager, I wait patiently to hear his soft loving cry.

Making the sweet sounds he makes when he comes to call. Leaping off my ledge I break for the door, brushing my soft silken white fur against the frame as I pass. His scent filling my nostrils, I rush to his side.

Sleek and perfect he is, standing there strong and bold. Walking around him I brush my long tail against his snout the scent of my heat mesmerizing. Watching the desire sharp and gleaming in his hypnotic blue eyes.

Drawing up to my full height of 4ft I jut my breasts out tempting him. Perky nipples standing out in the thin blue chemise top. My tiny shorts black and tight, shaping my rump, round and full. Sliding my paw into his, leading him into the house with every intention of taking him to my room.

Gently grabbing me by the arm he turns me, closing his eyes leaning forward, locking our muzzles together kissing me with passion.

Giving my all to the kiss I press my soft body against his. Moaning slightly at the contact of fur he wraps his arms around me pulling me close.

After a few moments of intense kisses I take his hand and lead him to the couch. Standing before him I press him back onto the couch and straddle him grinding my moist shorts against his growing lap.

Smiling he pulls my shirt gently over my head. Placing his hot mouth over a taunt nipple he suckles and nibbles on one and then the other, teasing me.

Unbuttoning his shirt I slide it off his well muscled shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Enjoying the feel of his silken fur under my paws, a hungry playful growl escapes me and I slide down to nibble on his nipple, flicking it with my tongue.

Letting out a small moan he starts nibbling on my ears, letting his tongue rub against the sensitive inner ear fur. Retracting his claws places his paws on my back, rubbing intensely. His tail flicking playfully from side to side between my thighs, making me squirm with anticipation.

Moaning a soft purr against his chest, panting lightly, trying not to rush but not being able to still my hips from moving with his tail, reaching down claws retracted to keep from hurting him I unbutton his jeans. Pulling away for only a moment I slide them off his sleek sexy hips, licking my snout hungrily at the sight of him naked.

He lets out a loud groan as our bodies bump against each other. Quickly, and with a deep hunger, locks our jaws again, tongues frantically moving inside my muzzle, he licks along my tongue, and along my fangs. Taking his paws and moving them down onto my rear, flexing them against me before pulling my hips towards him. Lets out another long groan he continues kissing me with passion.

Sliding my mouth slowly away from his I lick and nibble my way down his chest and across his hard tummy pausing at his pouch splaying my tongue widely, I lick over it pressing back the warm fur surrounding his cock feeling it grow hard under my attention. Licking and sucking the tip to bring it fully out, then wrapping my tongue around it fully and suckling hungrily on it, moaning softly against it.

He moans as I suck head tossed back panting, tongue lapping the air hungrily. Feeling him nearing his peak I pause and slowly pull away, not wanting him to cum to soon. Allowing him to calm I revel in the taste of him, licking my snout and muzzle. Flushed and ready I whisper to him, "I want you inside me now."

Smiling his little wicked teasing smile he picks me up and lays me back against the couch. Gently lifting my legs and placing them on his shoulders. Licking his lips at the sight of my moist little slit, leaning in he begins to tease me licking around the outer edges, then placing his tongue at the center of my already swollen pussy he lick in an outward motion, opening me a little each time. Lapping up the liquid that is now glistening on my moist muff, he presses his tongue into the opening, gently as if he is afraid he will hurt me. The vibrations of his constant purr, rumbling against my slit, sending me off and into a world of ecstasy.

Pressing into his hot tongue I toss my head back bucking my hips wildly, groaning and writhing, little tremors begin to pool inside my tummy, a thousand butterflies taking flight, shaking with the force of my orgasm I cum hard, clinging to him for fear of fainting.

Pulling away gently he begins to clean all the liquid off my soaked muff, smiling warmly he says "That was amazing!"

Leaning down I lick his muzzle clean of all my juice, purring contentedly. I pant out the words, "You're amazing".

Knowing that he will come to me like this again and again, I curl up in his arms and allow myself to drift off to sleep. Only hesitating for a moment think to myself that when I awake he will be gone. Until next time my love I will dream about you.

This story was writen by me, If you would like permission to copy any part of it please submit it to me in writing. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed my first story.