Redra, the First Shaman Squirrel

Story by ShamanSquirrel on SoFurry

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#4 of Shaman Squirrel Chronicles

This is the first in a series of stories of the adventures of squirrel shamans. This story is the beginning.

It takes place 27 years after "Adopted by Aliens" and 64 years before "Oaktooth, the Shaman Squirrel."

Date: Midspring 15, SY 1031

Redra woke up one morning, while her mate Shilocc was still asleep. She was a pretty squirrel, deep red in color with a white belly. The sun, which was once known by ancient astronomers as Kepler-22, rose prettily in the eastern sky. The planet's two moons, Mornius and Saxtus, were still visible in their gibbous phase in the western sky, being lit by the same sun. It was a new day on the planet Silvania, a world dominated almost entirely by forests.

Redra donned her favorite clothing, a leather dress resembling that of traditional Native American attire, with strips of leather hanging off the edges and attached to turquoise beads. She also wore moccasins. The only element of advanced technology she put on was her wristband, which was a communication device.

Redra began walking down a dirt road toward the home of her nearest neighbor, a female skunk named Gwen. On either side of the road to her friend's house were trees and vegetation imported to Silvania from Earth and allied planets. Pines, oaks, and elms grew in harmony with giant Martulian glow-ferns, blue Kiswian pod trees, and other bizarre alien plants. She was charmed by the singing of birds and shmirds, a nickname for any small flying animal superficially resembling birds but are not of Earth origin. Before she approached the door, Gwen opened it. "Good morning, Redra," she said.

"Good morning to you, Gwen," said Redra.

"I have some fresh coffee if you'd like some," Gwen said.

Redra accepted, and they both sat at a table with their mugs. "I wanted to ask you how you got so interested in history," said Redra.

"Long story, really," said Gwen, sipping her coffee. "But I was always fascinated with our beginnings. Centuries of war and disease forced humanity to undergo genetic experiments."

"Yes, that's unfortunate," said Redra. "But how did these experiments help?"

"Scientists originally were unsuccessful at programming the human genetic structure to make humans less violent and more disease resistant," said Gwen "That was until animal DNA was introduced to the human genome as a catalyst. Now here we are as anthropomorphs on a peaceful forest planet 662 light-years from Earth."

"Earth," said Redra. "Isn't it the year 4031 according to Earth calendars?"

"Yes, that's right," said Gwen. "I still use the Earth calendar even though Silvania has a shorter year. Gives me a sense of nostalgia."

"I've heard Earth mentioned by my parents a few times, but I've never been there," said Redra. "Is it nice?"

"Not really," said Gwen. "It's still recovering from the past. You'd be better off here on Silvania."

"I agree wholeheartedly," said Redra. "We live on a beautiful planet, and I wouldn't have it any other way." Redra paused, sipping her coffee. "Want to come outside? It's a nice day to enjoy nature."

"Sure," said Gwen. As they stepped outside, the skunk asked, "now that you asked about my interest in history, what got you so interested in shamanism?"

"It's a way of life for me," said Redra, charmed by the swaying of the various tree and plant species brought to Silvania centuries ago. "It helps me connect with nature on an intimate level."

"Are there any limits to the intimacy of nature?" asked Gwen, with a seductive tone in her voice.

"Mother nature has no limits, even when it comes to intimacy," said Redra passionately, eyeing the skunk with desire. The two of them slowly undressed. Gwen reached for Redra's left breast, and Redra reached for Gwen's. The female skunk and squirrel moved their muzzles closer, and kissed each other on the lips. Then, their tongues came to action as the two females kissed more passionately.

There was no shame in this, because Redra had an agreement with her husband Shilocc that they were only monogamous in the sense that each of them was the only squirrel they would have a relationship with. As for other species, that was another story.

Redra's wristband buzzed indicating her husband Shilocc was trying to reach her. Redra paused her passion with Gwen. "It's my husband Shilocc." Redra hit a button on her wristband communicator. "Yes, sweety, what is it? I'm a little busy."

"Oh, just want to know how things are going over at Gwen's," said Shilocc through Redra's communication band.

"Just fine," said Redra. "Want to come over and join us?"

Shilocc could hear the passion in Redra's voice, indicating the type of fun she was having. "Sure!" said Shilocc. "I'll be right over."

A few minutes later, Shilocc found Redra and Gwen in a passionate embrace on the front yard of Gwen's house. The yard was made mostly of leaf litter, and very little grass. Immediately, Shilocc was aroused by the scene and approached the female pair. He petted Gwen on the shoulder and asked "is it okay?"

"Of course," said Gwen.

"Don't be shy," said Redra.

Shilocc began stroking Gwen's abdomen, working his way toward her rump with one hand, while stroking her bushy tail with the other. Shilocc was turned on by the feel of Gwen's tail and her skunk scent. While she and Redra were still making out, Shilocc penetrated Gwen from behind, gently easing in and out of her pink juicy love canal, his hands on her hips. Gwen was not ashamed of being sandwiched between a pair of horny squirrels, in fact, she was enjoying it as much as they were. The three of them moaned in their lustful embrace, as three bushy tails curled around one another. Then, Shilocc shot his seed into his skunk neighbor's vagina as both females oozed out their orgasmic fluids, drenching all three pairs of legs. When they were finished, the three of them laid down in the yard, watching the sky.

"That was amazing," said Shilocc.

"Oh, it was," said Redra.

Gwen was too passed out from pleasure to say anything.

A moment later while they were lying down, Redra noticed something strange in the sky. "Do you see that?" she asked, pointing.

"Yes," said Shilocc, "it looks like a meteor or something."

The fireball appeared to be approaching their position, getting larger and larger. It was trailing fire and debris as it was getting closer to the surface. Before the three of them had a chance to find shelter, a loud boom could be heard, and the surface shook, waking Gwen up from her daze.

"Whoa... What was that?" asked Gwen. "What's going on?"

"I don't know what that was, but thank the Nature Spirits we're still here," said Redra.

"Whatever it was, it landed about a mile south of here," said Shilocc. "Let's go see it!" The three of them set off through the forest towards where the meteor landed.

When they arrived at the meteor crash site, they were relieved that it landed in a large meadow, only damaging a few trees. The three of them ran towards the smoking object. It was a large rock, with what appeared to be a glowing purple crack. The crack started widening until the rock split in two, revealing an ambient purple orb about a foot in diameter. It started to levitate, and then it stopped about 10 feet in the air.

"It's beautiful," said Gwen.

"Shilocc, you're familiar with alien technology, can you tell us what it is exactly?" asked Redra, shielding her eyes from the bright glow.

"Well, at first I thought it might be Blorik technology," said Shilocc, "but they don't use orbs like this. Possibly Martulian, but I have never seen anything like this from them either." The three of them continued to stare at the object partially in fear but partially in curiosity.

"Could it be Chaluzedi?" asked Gwen.

Shilocc continued, "I know for a fact it's not Chaluzedi, because I was raised on their home planet of Chaluzed." Shilocc was raised by a Chaluzedi couple who found him as a baby after his parents were killed in an attack by aliens called the Nedderoi and he was left for dead. His name literally means "furred one" in the Chaluzedi language.

The orb was hovering towards the three. First, it made a circle around Shilocc, then it did the same to Gwen. After it made a circle around Redra, a thick, opaque beam of bluish-purple light emanated from the orb and enveloped Redra, as if choosing her.

"Redra, no!" cried Shilocc. He tried to push the orb away, but was met with a shock wave that stunned him to the ground.

The beam then stopped, and the orb rested on the ground. "Are you two okay?" asked Gwen.

"Yes," said Redra. "In fact, I think I feel better than I ever have."

"What did it do to you?" asked Shilocc, getting up and dusting himself off.

"I think I understand now," said Redra.

"Understand what?" asked Gwen.

"I understand what I'm fated for," said Redra. "My destiny... As a shaman, a healer."

"That must be why it chose you," said Shilocc. "You've always been into shamanism."

"This is really weird," said Gwen. "Let's go home."

As they left the meadow and went back north into the forest, a low-pitched moaning sound could be heard. "What was that?" asked Shilocc.

"Sounds like a large animal in pain," said Gwen. "We'd better be cautious." As they proceeded, there was movement in the distant trees. The three of them got closer to the source of the sound and movement.

"Look, over there," said Shilocc. "I think it's a mammalian dragon. I'm surprised there's one this far south. I know a thing or two about them. My foster mother had one." The dragon was larger than a shuttle bus. She had a coat of dark brown fur, which gradually became tan going up her long neck to her head. Her tail had a bushy black tuft at the tip.

She seemed helpless to avoid the three who were approaching her. "I think she injured her wing," said Redra. "Debris from the falling object must have hit her." Redra put both of her paws on the dragon's wing. She sincerely wanted the dragon's pain to go away, and her empathy was stronger than it ever has been. Radiant light emanated from Redra's paws, wrapping the injury on the dragon like an intangible bandage. A few seconds later, the light slowly vanished. The dragon stopped moaning in pain. The injury had healed as if the dragon was never injured. "Now, now," said Redra. "You should be free of pain."

"That was awesome," said Gwen, wide-eyed.

"Now I feel bad for trying to prevent the orb from getting to you," said Shilocc.

Redra looked at the dragon in the eyes, and said, "now go on. You should be able to fly now."

The mammalian dragon looked at the three anthros, nodded her head as if thanking them, and took off flying. She did circles in the air, until coming back down to the trio. She then approached Redra, and licked her on the face. "That's so sweet of you," she said. "But you need to go."

"I think she wants to stay with us," said Gwen.

"You're right," said Shilocc. "When you gain a riderless mammalian dragon's trust, they immediately imprint on you. She's yours, Redra."

"But I'm not sure I can take care of one," said Redra.

"They are good at taking care of themselves," said Shilocc. "The Iskret use them as riding animals. She'll be very useful to us."

"But isn't that kind of like slavery?" said Gwen.

"Oh, not at all," said Shilocc. "These dragons are very happy to serve as transportation and are very loyal to their riders."

The dragon crouched down, waiting for the three of them to climb on to her back. A pair of horns on her hips served as steps for the three climbing on to her back. These hip horns also serve to make mating easier for the males, who are much smaller than the females. Redra sat on the dragon's shoulders and hugged her neck securely. Shilocc clutched Redra's waist, and Gwen clutched Shilocc's waist. Redra pointed to her house and commanded the dragon to fly there.

When they landed, they dismounted. "That was one awesome ride!" said Shilocc.

"Have you thought of what to name her?" asked Gwen.

"I'll do the naming, since she's imprinted on me," said Redra. "She shall be called Zara."

"She's young," said Shilocc. "But I know they live hundreds of years."

"Then she'll be in our family for many generations," said Redra.

"Wait," said Shilocc. "Our family? Aren't you barren?"

"I'm no longer barren. The orb fixed that," said Redra. "I'm pregnant".