Space Invaders II: The Final Invasion

Story by AveatsOtter on SoFurry

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#2 of Space Invaders

It had been almost ten years to the day since Alexei had left his home town. The images of his small village still burned in his mind. He could still remember the smells; the smells of death and decay. He could remember the sounds; the sounds of the roaring flames and of his friends crying out. Alexei especially remembered the empty feeling, knowing he was the only fur left alive. The only fur allowed to live. The only one who could never die. But above all else, Alexei remembered the fear; the fear of his own mortality, and of the giant monsters who ripped his childhood to pieces. That day, they raped him of his innocence. That was the first time Alexei had ever experienced real fear.

Alexei now wandered the planet with no place to call home, always running. He never stayed in one place for more than a week. He couldn't. He knew if he did, they would undoubtedly find him. But Alexei didn't care so much about that. He could handle anything that came his way. Anything that challenged him. However, if he stayed in one place for too long, the consequences would be frightening; entire cities torn apart, burned to the ground, all because of Alexei's war. He would not let that happen again.

Alexei was a broken fur. The past ten years had hardened the once cheerful, warm-hearted child. He was now beaten and cold. All around him he sees people laughing, playing, and enjoying life. He remembered what it was like to be alive. But he had shed more blood, and bled more blood that any fur in recorded history.

He had the stain of innocent blood on his paws, which never washed off. In his ferocious battles against alien bounty hunters and armies, the innocent always suffered. Always suffered because of Alexei's war. And that is why he moves.

* * *

"So, I finally get to meet the 'almighty' Alexei. You're not as big as I expected," laughed the bounty hunter.

The park was dark, and the few furs wandering around had already fled. Only a couple homeless stayed to watch. There were several small, still-smoking craters left from the bounty hunter's weapons, and several trees had been torn out of the ground. Alexei stood beside a large oak tree, his hood up. A few dim streetlights lit the park. Alexei continued to stare the hunter down.

The bounty hunter, a corpulent beast with sharp fangs and claws, standing at least three feet taller than the lion, continued, "So, how you wanna do this, boy? I ain't got all night."

"For your sake, bounty hunter, you had better leave now."

"Hey! I'm the greatest hunter in the known universe! You outta show me some respect."

"I only respect those who are stronger than me."

"You little brat," the bounty hunter cried furiously, "I'll make you regret that!" The bounty hunter lunged forward, his long sharp claws out and ready to strike. As the beast approached, he swung his massive arm at Alexei.

Alexei took a step back and leaned backward, avoiding the attack. Then another attack to his right. Alexei held up his arm and blocked. He calmly and easily moved the muscular arm aside. Then, again to his left. Alexei countered in much the same fashion.

Alexei continued to step back, blocking each attack with the same ease and dispassion as he had before. This only enraged the cocky bounty hunter.

Finally, Alexei backed into a large tree.

The bounty hunter grinned, showing his sharp yellow teeth, and took one final swing.

Alexei nimbly dove out of the way. He turned quickly to anticipate another attack. Alexei scoffed at his enemy, "The greatest bounty hunter in the known universe..." he said at ease, slowly approaching the beast, "now has his claws stuck in an oak tree."

"Fuck you!" The bounty hunter shouted, trying desperately to release himself from the oak's tight grip.

Alexei walked around the hunter and placed his paw on the lodged arm.

"Get your paws off me you son of a bitch!"

Alexei, no longer smiling, lifted his paw from the hunter's arm. He held it there for a moment, staring the hunter in the eye. Then, without warning, Alexei slammed his paw into the alien's elbow joint, much like a karate-chop. The paw shattered the cubital joint almost instantly and tore through a good chunk of the hunter's flesh.

The bounty hunter cried out in pain. The sound was horrifying, but Alexei kept his stoic composure. The hunter pulled desperately to free himself.

Alexei quickly thrust his fist into the alien's side, shattering his asternal ribs.

The alien flew back several metres, now completely detached from his arm. He held what remained of his arm and tried to clamber back to his feet, blood oozing between his fingers.

Alexei grabbed onto the rest of the hunter's large forearm and pulled it out of the tree, blood still dripping off the end. He then pulled off one of the large-clawed fingers, the middle finger, and threw the rest away. He walked toward the staggering beast.

Frightened, the bounty hunter shakily said, "They never told me you were so tough, kid... you gotta believe me."

Alexei towered over the alien's head, his face veiled in darkness. He eyes seemed almost to glow.

The bounty hunter continued, trembling, "I got nothin' against you. It ain't personal... Please... don't kill me... they're payin' top dollar for your services, an' I just couldn't refuse... no one can..."

"Who? Who wants my 'services?'"

"The G.B.A.: Galactic Battle Arena. If you spare me, I'll tell you everything you wanna know, and I'll leave here, an' never come back again..."

Alexei suddenly and angrily shoved the long claw into the bounty hunter's left eye.

The hunter howled out in pain, squirming around, blood spraying all over.

Alexei backed off to avoid the spray. He walked back up to the alien and slammed his foot down, shoving the claw further into his skull. It also dug a good couple inches into the earth.

The bounty hunter continued to groan, much to Alexei's surprise.

Alexei bent down and whispered into the alien's small ear, "I know all about the G.B.A. There is nothing you can offer me that will save your pitiful life, except for death. And I cannot die. Believe me, I've tried." Alexei stood up and took one last look at the bounty hunter's face. He lifted his foot and smashed the alien's skull into the ground. He wiped the brain matter off his foot and walked off into the rising sun.

* * *

"You alright, hon?" the waitress asked.

"I'm fine." Alexei replied dryly, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Well, you look like you haven't slept in days."

"Months, actually." Alexei looked up at the waitress, a portly middle-aged fox with her hair in a bun, with a hollow look in his eyes, "The last time I fell asleep was when I tried to kill myself. Unfortunately, as you can plainly see, it didn't work. I'll admit, though, that was the best sleep I had gotten in years..."

The waitress stared at the lion, slightly dismayed. She walked away slowly.

Alexei smiled. The clock struck twelve and he decided it was time to move. The big city never excited him very much, anyway. He stood up and slammed a bunch of crumpled bills down on the table and left without saying a word.

The streets were crowded as usual, but something strange hung in the air. Alexei couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he pressed on.

Alexei was heading north. It was the fastest way out of the city without being in public longer than he had to. Alexei had no specific destination. He had been in the city for almost a month now. He knew he shouldn't have been. He knew the risk. But as much as he disliked the crowds and the noise and the potential for disaster, something still drew him to it.

Alexei finally reached the subway station. He boarded the northbound train and sat. He looked around the train at all the furs, gathering bits of information. Names, ages; anything that stuck out in their minds stuck out in his. With one quick sweep of the train, Alexei knew more about these furs than they knew of themselves. He did this almost instinctively, especially in confined or confrontational situations.

Then a young kangaroo caught Alexei's attention.

The tall roo walked onto the train in long, confident strides and plumped down beside Alexei. The subway seats were uncomfortably small, and left little leg and arm room. He took off his bag and placed it on his lap, leaving even less room. Also, his long tail made things almost twice as awkward.

Alexei shifted slightly, his head held low and his hood up.

The kangaroo was the same age as Alexei, although he appeared older. He had multiple earrings in both ears, plus a small stud in his dark nose. He wore a shiny red pendant around his neck which caught Alexei's attention. He also wore a confident grin, which unnerved Alexei.

The lion looked up at the kangaroo, who was gazing off into nothing while listening to music; there was nothing extraordinary or unique about him. The most interesting, and perhaps intriguing, piece of information was the roo's left nipple ring. Alexei turned away quickly.

The kangaroo looked down at Alexei, "See something you like?"

Alexei ignored the kangaroo.

The bell finally rang and with a jolt, the subway train was off. Alexei now found himself pressed harder against the roo.

"So, lion, where you headed?"

"None of your damn business."

"Woah. What's with the hostility? I was just askin' a simple question."

Alexei looked up from under his grey hood, "You'd be wise not to ask any questions."

"Alright. I'm sorry I said anything," the kangaroo replied, sitting back.

There was complete silence until the next stop. The furs moved and shuffled about until one particular fur, a dirty-looking coyote, boarded the train.

Suddenly, a flash in Alexei's mind. Just as the train started again, Alexei stood up, staring at the coyote.

They coyote seemed nervous and twitchy and held one paw in his long brown trench coat.

Alexei stood there watching carefully.

Then without warning, the coyote pulled out an old silver revolver and held it in the air. He was trembling terribly, and his voice sounded shaky and tense. Luckily for the criminal, the subway wasn't exceptionally crowded and it was still a few minutes until the next stop. "A-alright everyone," he shouted, "get down an' give me all your money... a-and valuables... then nobody gets hurt!"

Most of the furs started screaming, but hesitated to give up their valuables. All the furs who were standing had moved as far from the coyote as possible, and were on their knees, shaking.

Alexei continued to stand his ground. He stared the coyote in the eyes. From below, someone pulled on his shirt.

"Get down, you ass. You wanna get yourself shot?" the scared kangaroo whispered loudly.

The coyote turned to Alexei as furs started giving up their money. "Hey, punk! You listening to me? I said... I said get down!"

Alexei replied with silence

Nervous, the coyote pointed the revolver at Alexei's head. He continued to shake, then pulled the trigger, much to his own surprise.

Alexei waved his paw in front of him, deflecting the bullet. Then in an instant, Alexei drove his hard fist into the coyote's gut.

The coyote flew back almost ten feet.

Alexei quickly dashed forward. Before he the hit the ground, Alexei put his paw on the coyote's face and shoved it into the wall. A small amount of blood smeared the glass as the coyote slowly collapsed.

Alexei stood above the coyote and looked down, disgusted. He turned and walked back to his seat as the rest of the train watched in silent awe. He took his seat beside the kangaroo.

The kangaroo was shocked. He pushed himself as far away from Alexei as his small seat would allow.

Moments later, the train stopped, and as furs were boarding, nobody was getting off; they all simply stared at Alexei. One woman, who had just boarded, screamed at the coyote's half-dead body and that was the cue for some passengers to leave. The remaining furs, all at once, explained what had happened.

The train was off again and things slowly settled down.

The kangaroo gathered his wits and turned to Alexei, "That was incredible. I didn't even see you move! First I heard a shot, the next thing I know you just slammed that guys head into the door. How did you move so fast?"

Alexei looked up, "I have powers."

The kangaroo laughed, "C'mon, really. You an Olympic runner or something?"

"Well, you caught me. I used to run, but my knee started acting up. Now I'm a shill for McDonald's."

"I don't believe that, either. If you don't want to tell me, fine. At least tell me your name." The kangaroo held out his paw, "I'm Kaelin."

Alexei looked at Kaelin's paw, then back to his face. "You know enough already."

"I don't know anything."


"Fine," Kaelin grumbled, crossing his arms and slumping back.

The subway finally came to its last stop. Alexei promptly got up and left.

Kaelin grabbed his bag and followed.

Alexei rushed up the stairs and onto the streets. He stood at the corner, waiting for the bus to take him out of the city.

Kaelin stood close behind Alexei.

Alexei turned and said, threateningly, "You had better hope you're getting off before me, roo, or trust me, I will make you regret it."

Kaelin held up his paws, "Hey. I'm just a simple traveler. A vagabond, of sorts. I go where the wind takes me."

"How poetic," Alexei said disgusted. He turned back around.

"I get the feeling you're doin' the same... why not travel together? You know, like partners?"

"I've spent half my life alone, roo, so why would I want a partner now?"

"My name's Kaelin, lion, and I would appreciate it if you called me that. Of course, I'd call you by your name, except you haven't told me it. Besides, why wouldn't you want a companion?"

The bus finally arrived and Alexei got on. He sat in the back, and as expected, Kaelin took a seat beside him.


"Because..." Alexei paused and started to quiver. He shut his eyes tightly, small tears forming, "Everyone I have ever known has been killed. I haven't made any friends since I was twelve. I couldn't... I knew what would happen. It always did. So for your sake... leave me alone..."

Kaelin put a friendly arm around Alexei. "I... I'm sorry..."

"Don't touch me... don't ever touch me..."

Kaelin withdrew his arm. He simply stared at Alexei with sympathetic eyes. He sighed deeply and sat back.

Alexei wiped his eyes from under his hood and regained his composure.

It was another long silence until the final stop. The bus let Alexei off in a small suburb, only a few kilometres away from country road. The country was mostly farmlands and forests, which suited Alexei. Homes were far apart, so there was very low risk of human contact.

Alexei got off the bus and paused.

Kaelin didn't follow.

Alexei started to walk away.

Suddenly, Kaelin leapt out of his seat and forced the bus doors open. He ran after Alexei, shouting. Finally caught up, he said to Alexei's back, "I couldn't do it! I couldn't let you travel alone. I've been dying for a partner to travel with for ages, and these days, wanderers are too few and far between."

Alexei stopped. "I swear to God, if you don't turn around right now, I will kill you."

"Then you'd be no better than your enemies, would you."

Alexei spun around furiously and grabbed Kaelin by the shirt, "My enemies killed my friends! You... you are not my friend." Alexei pushed the kangaroo away.

Ever-persistent, Kaelin continued after Alexei.

In the yard ahead was a small group of kids playing in a sprinkler, making a lot of noise.

Kaelin reached Alexei and placed his paw on his shoulder.

Alexei froze.

The children in the yard stopped and watched.

"Please, just give me a chance, lion. I promise you I won't cause any added grief. We've both been alone for so long..."

Alexei slowly turned and looked Kaelin in the eye. Suddenly, Alexei thrust his knee into Kaelin's stomach.

Kaelin went down, writhing in pain.

The children gasped and one of them ran in side screaming.

Alexei bent down and pulled on an earing in Kaelin's right ear. He whispered into it, "I am in no mood to be fucked with, roo. If you want to travel with me, so be it. I can't stop you from killing yourself, so if you get into any serious trouble, don't expect me to help."

Kaelin groaned loudly, attempting a smile.

Alexei suddenly looked up. A flash in his mind. He grabbed onto Kaelin's arm and pulled him up. "We have to get moving."

"Ugh... why?"

"Because I said so. Do you want me to leave you here?"

From the house, a woman poked her head out the door and called the children in.

Alexei glared at her. He knew what she had done.

Just as Kaelin got to his feet, the two heard sirens off in the distance. They took off, Kaelin slowed somewhat by his injury.

They darted around the first corner; every street looked the same.

Alexei bolted and remembered he had a partner now. He stopped and looked back at Kaelin, who was two blocks behind. Alexei rushed back to Kaelin.

"Remember what I said about not bailing you out?"

"Jesus Christ!" Kaelin spat, catching his breath. "How can you move so fast?"

Alexei put his arm around Kaelin's shoulder.

"What the- "

Alexei took off.

"Holy shit!" Kaelin screamed. He had never moved so fast before on foot.

Alexei turned the corner, then the next. He flew down the street, hovering inches above the ground. Alexei turned again, now on the highway. He took off down the long road.

The sirens quickly vanished.

Alexei slowed down and flew over a wheat field, landing just at the edge, farthest from the road. He set Kaelin down.

Kaelin fell to his knees, trembling. "That was... amazing..."

"Don't get used to it."

"How did you do that? And what was the deal with the cops? We were fine."

"Never mind. Let's get moving."


"Does it matter?"

"No... I guess not." Kaelin got up and followed behind Alexei, rubbing his stomach.

They traveled along the forest's edge, the tall wheat grass to their left.

Kaelin picked a piece of wheat and put it in his mouth. He breathed in deeply, smelling the fresh air. He exhaled loudly. Moments later, he did it again.

"How long are you going to keep doing that?" Alexei blurted out.

"If music be the food of fresh air, play on. Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die."


"Twelfth Night... Shakespeare... only instead of saying 'if the music be the food of love,' I said 'if the music be the food of fresh air...' It was a joke..."

"It's not funny."

"Man, for a traveler, you're pretty uncultured."

"I don't have time for 'culture.'"

"And just what do you have time for?"

"I don't know."

"I've gotta ask you something... what's your deal?"

"My 'deal?'"

"Yeah. I mean, first of all, you can fly! Second, you can move lightning-fast. And third, you knew those cops were coming before they turned on their sirens. And your explanation is...?"

"There is none."

"Oh, so I imagined the whole thing?"

"It's complicated, alright?" Alexei said loudly, getting frustrated.

"Well, despite that, are you ever going to tell me your name?"


"Hm. Nice name. I like it."

Alexei grunted and continued.

The two eventually found themselves walking through a large open field, watching the setting sun. They had been walking for almost four hours now, and neither of them had hardly said a word until the air started cool off.

Kaelin shivered, "Aren't we going to stop at all?"

"What for?"

"Well, for starters, my feet are killing me. Also, I'm dead-tired. My eyes can hardly stay open... Can't we get some sleep? You know, set up a little campfire and stuff?"

"I don't sleep. And you complain too much. I knew I'd regret taking you along. I always do."

"Oh, come on with that. You ever try sleeping pills?"


"You should. I'm going to go find some firewood."

"Knock yourself out. I'm going to keep moving."

"What? Why? Why don't you get some rest? What's the worst that could happen? Farmer Brown come after us with a pitchfork?"

"Fuck you. I can't stop. I have to keep moving."


Alexei sighed. "I just do, alright? Now, go get some wood. We'll set up camp right over there."

Kaelin smiled and took off his bag, dropping it to the ground. He went off into the woods in search of dry wood.

Alexei sat down on the cold wet grass and stared into the darkening sky. To the east, the moon was just rising. It was full that night. Alexei stared, lost in thought. He was thinking about his family. About everyone he had left behind ten years ago when aliens had first attacked. As he stared into the sky, Alexei started to become angry. His breathing became heavier and deeper. He gripped a small rock he had just picked up and squeezed it hard. Just as Kaelin returned with the wood, throwing it down loudly, Alexei broke the rock in half. He looked up at Kaelin angrily.

"Sorry." Kaelin bent down and set up the wood to make a fire.

"Got any matches?"


"Then I guess I'll have to use my own," Kaelin laughed. He opened his bag and pulled out a small book of matches, half of them used. He struck a match and carefully lit the bunch of dead leaves, blowing softly.

The fire was finally going and the two sat in close, Kaelin with his paws out, in front of the flames. He turned to Alexei, who was sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees, head down, "So, how long have you been traveling for?"

Alexei kept silent.

"Well, I've been on the road for almost a year now. I grew up in a foster home for most of my life, so I never knew my parents. Then one day, you know, I decided I just couldn't keep doin' it. So I packed up my things and took off, never looking back. And now here I am, sitting at a campfire with a fellow vagabond."

Alexei lifted his head, "Nice story. Forgive me for not pulling out my violin."

"Hey, you don't know what it's like growing up with no parents. No real parents, anyway."

"You don't know anything about my life. You don't know what I've been through..."

"So, why don't you tell me?"

"I don't like talking about my past."

"Why not?"

"It's none of your business! Just leave me alone."


"Excuse me?" Alexei glared at Kaelin.

"You heard me. I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell me all about yourself. Tell me why you're traveling. Tell me about your friends, your family... tell me anything... Even your favourite colour, for God's sake."

"I don't like you, roo. So why should I tell you anything?"

Kaelin stared into Alexei's eyes. He shuffled closer to the lion and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"Don't..." Alexei started.

Kaelin pulled Alexei closer and held him tight, rubbing his shoulder. "I can see a lot of anger in your eyes. I don't know what you've been through, but you can count on me to be there for you. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on..."

"Give me a break. I don't need you. I don't need anyone." Alexei pushed Kaelin away.

"I don't believe that."

Alexei grunted.

"Do you believe in soul mates?"

"What? No, I don't."

"Well, I do. And I think you and I were meant to be together."

"You've known me less than a day and you think we're soul mates? Come on."

"What about love at first sight?"

Alexei whipped his head up at Kaelin. "Huh?"

"I don't mean to be presumptuous..."

Alexei's breathing became heavier. "That's... that's crazy. You can't love someone before knowing them... Don't make me laugh."

"Haven't you ever loved someone?"


"Not even your family? What about your friends? Surely you must know some furs..."

Alexei shut his eyes and there was only silence. The sound of crickets and the crackling fire filled the air.

Finally, Kaelin sighed. He rolled over and lay beside the dying fire, his bag under his head.

"There was one fur..." Alexei said quietly.

Kaelin sat up and turned to Alexei. "Oh?"

"But it was a long time ago..."

"And what happened?"

"I... I... " Tears formed in Alexei's eyes. He lowered his head and covered his face, turning slightly.

Kaelin crawled closer and put a sympathetic arm around Alexei. He whispered, "It's alright... I'm here for you."

"He... he was my first love. Thomas... the bond we shared was like nothing I had ever felt before... but he's dead now..."

"I'm so sorry. How did he...?"

"He was murdered." Alexei said angrily. "They cut his throat from ear to ear. The blood sprayed everywhere..."

"That's horrible..."

Alexei started to tremble, now crying. "My entire village was slaughtered. I was the only survivor..."

"You don't mean the Crosswell Incident, do you? My God, that was ten years ago."

"Ever since then, I've been on the run." Alexei wiped the tears from his eyes, his head still down. "I made some friends along the way... but they were eventually killed. Killed because of me. So eight years ago, I finally decided to live my life alone... I wouldn't allow myself to kill any more innocent furs... I couldn't. My paws are stained with their blood... and it is just safer now for everyone..."

"I'm sorry, Alexei. I shouldn't have pressed you so hard..."

Alexei lifted his paw and placed it on Kaelin's. He forced a smile, "I guess you would have found out eventually..."

Kaelin smiled back and rubbed Alexei's back. "We should probably get some rest now... good night." Kaelin lay down beside the glowing embers and sighed.

Alexei sat on his knees for a moment, thinking. He then lay shakily down beside Kaelin. He awkwardly nestled forward.

Surprised, Kaelin returned the gesture, backing himself closer to the lion.

Alexei started to blush and he felt quite warm. He had to force himself not to push Kaelin away. For the first time in ten years, Alexei allowed himself to become intimate with another fur. He quickly remembered the feeling. For ten years, all he had ever felt was cold, bitter, and alone. But now, finally, Alexei felt warm. He felt something he hadn't felt for a very long time: love. Everything he had decided eight years ago suddenly vanished. He knew now, for some strange, inexplicable reason, he loved Kaelin.

Alexei put his quivering arm around the kangaroo's waist.

Kaelin smiled and held Alexei's paw.

The two drifted to sleep, sharing their warmth, their essence; their souls.

* * *

Alexei woke up late in the afternoon. He looked around only to see a burnt-out fire and an endless amount of wheat. He stood up and stretched his muscles. Alexei felt very relaxed and energized. He heard a rustling from the woods behind him.

It was Kaelin. "It's about time you woke up. I've never known anyone to sleep for that long."

"How long was I sleeping for?"

"Don't know, exactly. But it was easily more than twelve hours."


"Well, while you were snoozin', I went for a little walk."


"And nothing. I just got back."

"What time is it?"

"Beats me. I'd guess around five."

Alexei held his nose high in the air and looked around. He looked like he was concentrating on something, his head twitching and eyes squinting. "It's... four thirty-five... thirty-six."

"You know that for a fact, do you?" Kaelin laughed.

"There's a farm not too far from here. I read Joseph's mind."

"Who's Joseph?"

"The farmer."

"Ah... Well, I'm ready to head out if you are. I've been waitin' around almost six hours for ya."

Alexei grunted and started to the east, through the woods.

Kaelin followed behind, avoiding swinging branches and tripping over wet, mossy rocks. "I've gotta ask you: is this all you've done for the last ten years? I mean, just walking, never stopping except to sleep-"

"I don't sleep."

"Huh? How is that possible?"

"I don't know. I just don't allow myself to fall asleep."

"Why not?"

"Because then I'm vulnerable."

"Vulnerable to what?"

Alexei didn't respond.

"Alright. Well, anyway, just walking for twenty-four hours a day... I don't know how you do it. I'd get restless, and, quite frankly, bored! How do you keep from goin' insane?"

"Look at it this way: I'm already insane. It's just matter how much more insane I become."

"Uh huh. Well, I was just curious."

Alexei grunted.

The two continued in silence, except for the noises Kaelin made as he fidgeted with small twigs or rocks. Finally, he said, "I just remembered something."

"What?" Alexei stopped.

"I discovered a small lake near here... well, not so much a lake as it is just a big hole filled with water..."

"Your point being...?"

"I thought we could go for a swim."

Alexei scoffed. "We don't have time for that."

"We have all the time in the world!"

"No, we don't."

"It's not like you have anything planned, besides more walking. It'll give you a chance to do something fun."

"I'm having fun. This is fun. What's not fun about this?"

Kaelin glared at Alexei. "Don't tell me it's... oh. Oh, wait. I think I just figured it out."


"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Hey, not everybody can do it." Kaelin put a paw on Alexei's shoulder, "It's nothing to be ashamed of... You can't swim, can you."

"I can swim fine!" Alexei batted Kaelin's arm away.

"So, what's your problem?"

Alexei sighed. "I... I can't say. We can't stop."

"Fine then. Let's keep going." Kaelin walked past Alexei.

"If it's any consolation, I do want to."

Kaelin stopped. "Then let's do it! What do you think will go wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing will go wrong. I'm being silly."

"Obviously you think something will go wrong."

Alexei sighed. "Alright, I'll tell you why... Two nights ago, I was attacked. I defeated my enemy and soon there'll be more searching for me. A lot more. And the faster and further I get away, the less likely people will get hurt. I'm just lucky they didn't attack last night while I was sleeping."

"Who's after you?"

"You'll find out soon enough, I'm sure."

Kaelin felt unnerved by that comment.

"Look, we can go swim for a little bit, but we can't stay for more than an hour. Then we've got to get moving."

Kaelin laughed. "I'll show you where it is. Follow me."

Alexei followed Kaelin through the forest, now heading north, until they came to a large open field. There was a old, run-down house off in the distance, as well as a rotting barn not too far from the lake.

The lake wasn't large, but it was at least clean; just bigger than a backyard pool. There was a wooden platform near the centre, plus an rickety-looking dock sticking out about two metres.

Kaelin excitedly threw his bag to the ground and started taking off his clothes.

Alexei watched from behind, somewhat flustered. He watched as Kaelin slipped out of his shirt, revealing his long, slender body. Alexei was almost in awe. He wanted so badly to walk up and caress Kaelin's smooth brown fur.

Kaelin then removed his pants and threw them to the side. He turned back to Alexei, "You comin', or what?"

"Uhh..." Alexei stared at the naked kangaroo. He looked Kaelin up and down, almost catching a glance of his furry balls. He stared at Kaelin's tail and then his ass. Alexei had never felt this excited before in his life. He felt a familiar tingling in his pants. Alexei blushed.

Kaelin laughed then turned around. He ran off the end of the dock and gracefully dove into the water. Moments later he resurfaced. He shook his head and let out a satisfied sigh.

Alexei walked closer to the edge.

Kaelin swam around and looked up at Alexei. "Well? You comin' in?" He splashed Alexei.

Alexei backed off. He slowly unzipped his grey hoodie and took off his shirt.

Kaelin stared at Alexei's muscular body. He was taken aback by what he saw.

Alexei's body was riddled with small and large scars, the larger ones seen easily through his light-brown fur.

The one particular scar which caught Kaelin's attention was a very large one, stretching at the bottom of his ribs from about a third of the way in, all the way around to his spine. He had another large scar across his left pectoral, stretching from his left shoulder to just under his breast. The third largest scar ran from Alexei's right shoulder and down his arm, spinning down until the tip of his elbow. Probably the most disconcerting scars Kaelin noticed were the dozens upon dozens which ran up both Alexei's wrists.

Alexei looked down at Kaelin, still feeling embarrassed, and slowly removed his pants. He turned away and completely removed them, kicking them to the side. Along Alexei's back was yet another large scar, stretching from his left shoulder and running down along his spine and stopping on the other side, just above his tail. He also had several medium and small scars all along his legs.

Kaelin looked up, concerned.

Alexei turned back around, now completely naked.

Kaelin stared at Alexei's muscular body, both frightened and turned on. "Come on in," he said, swimming backward.

Alexei shut his eyes for a moment. He knew he was being ridiculous. He took a deep breath and ran and dove into the water, making a large splash. He resurfaced only to be greeted by a soggy kangaroo.

Their eyes met. Alexei could see concern in Kaelin's eyes. He knew what it was.

Kaelin couldn't help but check the lion out. "Just how many fights have you been in?"

Alexei swam backwards. "Too many. More than I can count. I had almost forgotten I even had these scars." Alexei looked down, rubbing the scar across his chest.

"How long have you had them for? Like, this one?" Kaelin stroked the largest; the one on Alexei's ribs.

"I got that when I was ten. Almost a month after my village was burned down, more of them came."

"I'm getting the feeling you aren't talking about regular furs..."

Alexei nodded. "They call themselves the Commune. But, I haven't dealt with them for years."

"So... who?"

The two continued swimming around, splashing and kicking water.

"I don't know, exactly. But apparently there's a bounty on my head. It's not known yet on Earth, but all around the galaxy, aliens come hunting for me."

"A bounty? What for?"

"The Galactic Battle Arena... They pay anyone who can find the strongest fighters from around the galaxy so they can force them to battle. People place bets on the winner... Sometimes they hold auctions on the best fighters... They're sold like slaves... it's sickening. "

"And that's why you have to move... I'm so sorry."

"For ten years I've been avoiding them. And when it can't be avoided, I'm forced to fight. Quite often, I'm pitted against small armies... if I'm lucky, I'll only run into one or a few bounty hunters at once..."

Kaelin swam up to Alexei and grabbed his wrists. "And what about these scars?"

Alexei lowered his head and turned away.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because," he started, pulling back his paws. He swam away and sat on the edge of the muddy bank, his legs still in the water.

Kaelin swam up and sat beside him.

Alexei continued, "Because... I don't want to go on anymore... I don't want to keep living my life like this."

"How can you say that? How can you place such little value on your life?"

"'s not that. There's too much value on my life... All I wish is to find peace... at least in death."

"So, you're taking the coward's way out?"

"How dare you... If you knew what I've been through... the amount of blood I've shed... My life is torture. A normal fur would have died or given up years ago, but not me. I just... I just can't die. There's something inside me that won't allow it. Something keeps me standing, breathing, living... There is no way out."

"Well, there is one way..."

Alexei looked at Kaelin. "No. I would never give in to them. I will not allow myself to be used like that..."

A silence fell over the two. They sat on the bank, still naked and holding paws, both deep in thought. The sun started to set.

Kaelin looked at Alexei. "When... was the last time you tried to take your life?"

Alexei sighed. "A few months ago. I had just killed a hunter that night. I took his knife and cut a huge hole in my chest." Alexei rubbed his scar. "Then I slit my wrists... I blacked out, but woke up twelve hours later when I heard some woman screaming."

"I... I don't want you to die."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"No, I mean... I don't want you to keep trying. I want to be with you."

"I don't know if I can promise you that."

Kaelin leaned into Alexei and kissed him softly on his cheek.

Surprised, Alexei held his cheek. He felt uncertain. "What... what was that for?"

"I want to show you how serious I am... about wanting to be with you." Kaelin rubbed Alexei's thigh.

"I don't know..."

"There's nothing to worry about. I just want to experience you... in case I never see you again."

"I want you, too, but..."

"But what?"

Alexei sighed. "I've never..."

Kaelin raised an eyebrow. "You've never... oh!" Kaelin laughed. "You're still a virgin, huh? Well, that is truly unbelievable. I can't see why... I mean, you're beautiful, you're fit, and those scars are a bit of a turn on..."

"I just... I have never allowed myself the luxury. I never allowed myself to become intimate with another fur. Because if they found out, he would never be safe."

"Well, we don't have to tell anyone."

"I know... I want to do this..."

"C'mon. Let's get out of the water and dry ourselves off."

The two stood up and climbed the muddy bank. At the top, now on rough grass, they shook the water out of their fur as best they could. They sat on the grass and held each other, watching the sun set.

Alexei leaned his head on Kaelin's shoulder. He felt nervous.

Kaelin looked down and smiled. He rested his head on Alexei's.

The sun had just set and the two sat there staring, as if waiting for an encore. They leaned back, holding paws, watching the dark sky fill with stars. They turned to each other and stared into their eyes.

Alexei knew, staring into Kaelin's eyes, that he was the one. After so long, he finally felt love. After years of feeling nothing put pain and hate, he found happiness. Alexei rolled over and pressed himself against Kaelin. He kissed him softly, caressing his soft chest.

Kaelin lifted his arms around Alexei's neck and returned the gesture. He pulled Alexei on top of him and began to lightly rub the scar on Alexei's ribs. They continued to make out.

Alexei quickly became erect, especially now on top of Kaelin.

Kaelin sat up, Alexei now kneeling between his legs. He said, softly, "You wanna get this started?"


Kaelin backed up and crawled over to his bag. He pulled something out and turned back to Alexei.

"You keep lube in your bag?"

"Of course I do. Never know when I'm gonna need it..."

"Uh huh. So... how do we get started?"

"Since this is your first time, it's only fair that I give and you receive. Jus' get on your paws and knees..."

Alexei did so and pointed himself away from Kaelin. His tail was flicking back and forth in excited and nervous anticipation.

Kaelin grabbed and fondled Alexei's tail. He then caressed Alexei's warm, soft rump, then moved his paws up his back, then down again. He squeezed a generous amount of lube into his paw and slathered it on his and Alexei's members.

Alexei made a noise as Kaelin stroked his already throbbing cock. Some precum dripped out onto Kaelin's paw. Alexei moaned slightly.

"Save some for later," Kaelin laughed. He squeezed a bit more lube onto his fingertip and rubbed it against Alexei's tailhole. He pushed some into the hole with his finger.

Alexei yelped and squirmed; he had never felt this sensation before. No matter what trial he faced, Alexei was always able to stay composed. But at that moment, Alexei was very nervous and weak.

"Calm down. That's just my finger." Kaelin pushed a bit of the excess into Alexei's hole then wiped his paw on the grass. He placed his paws on Alexei's hips and whispered, "I've gotta warn you, this might hurt quite a bit. When it's your first time..."

"I can handle pain. I'm sure I've felt worse..."

"Alright..." Kaelin smiled and moved himself into position behind Alexei. He grabbed onto his cock and pressed it softly against Alexei's tailhole, teasing a bit. He slowly slipped it in.

Alexei grunted and gripped the grass and dirt beneath his paws. He cried out, "Oh... God..." Alexei's breath was taken out of him; he was shocked and stunned.

Kaelin stopped about an three inches in. "You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah..." Alexei replied, breathing heavily. The sensation he felt was incredible, as well as the pain. The pain was incomparable to anything else he had ever felt before.

"I could stop if you want."

"No... keep going."

Kaelin continued.

Alexei could feel the engorged member driving through him. He shut his eyes and bit his lip. He had experienced many kinds of pain before; he had been beaten until barely left standing; he once had his arms nearly pulled straight from their sockets; he had been horribly burned and tortured on numerous occasions; he once had small, splintered wooden stakes driven through his flesh, pinned to a wall; and yet this pain was something different. The feeling was indescribable.

Kaelin continued slowly moving his hips forward. He felt very excited. He had been with other furs before, but there was something different about Alexei. As his cock slid through Alexei's warm body, it was as if their bond was intensifying. This act brought them together not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually. They were now one.

Alexei continued to moan and squirm as Kaelin made his ascent. He let out a burst of air and gripped the ground beneath him.

Kaelin's his hips finally pressed up against Alexei's rump.

"This is killin' me!" Alexei slammed his fist to the ground. "You almost done?"

"Yeah... I'm all the way in." Kaelin smiled, petting Alexei's perfect ass. He left himself where he was.

Alexei could feel the entire cock in his body, throbbing. His tailhole felt like it was being torn in two, as if hot coals were in Kaelin's stead. As he squirmed, he could feel it moving with him, ever so slightly, stroking the inside of his bowels. It seemed every time he moved, it heightened the feeling in his cock. There seemed to be an enormous amount of pressure built within him. All of this, strangely, he enjoyed immensely.

Kaelin began to slowly remove his organ from Alexei's tailhole while softly massaging his rump.

"Fantastic..." Alexei murmured as Kaelin's cock slid out of his body. He let out a great sigh of relief as the painful pressure was being released. His hole burned with pain. It felt like it had just been stretched farther than it was made to stretch.

"How you holdin' up?"

"Great... it hurts a lot more than I thought it would... but I like it... I like it a lot."

Kaelin smiled as he massaged the rim of Alexei's bowels with his finger. He positioned himself once again and gave ample warning. He once again made his ascent through Alexei's body, this time faster.

Alexei held his breath. The pain was sharper and faster, but so was the pleasure. He let out his breath and was now breathing heavily, in tune with his motions.

The two now moved together as one entity.

Alexei was in ecstacy. Never before had he felt such pleasure in its rawest form. His paw almost instinctively whipped down to his cock. Surprised, he grabbed hold and started stroking it vigorously. He had never had the urge to touch himself thus, but now he couldn't help it. Alexei closed his eyes and he moved his paw in unison with Kaelin's thrusts.

The incredible feeling in both in his ass and now his cock was almost overwhelming. He could feel nothing else except what Kaelin was doing to him.

Alexei was grunting and moaning in congruence with Kaelin's movements, and Kaelin the same. They worked like a well-oiled machine; perfect and fluid. Nothing could separate them from their bond.

Suddenly, and incredible explosion of pleasure burst into Alexei's organ. He cursed under his breath as his hot seed sprayed all over his paw and the ground. He continued to stroke himself as his cock slowly became more flaccid.

Kaelin laughed at Alexei from behind. He continued his motions. He could feel his climax quickly approaching. As it did, he let out a loud, pleasured grumble and slowed his movements.

Alexei felt his bowels fill with Kaelin's warm seed. It was a strange feeling, yet satisfying. He could feel Kaelin's cock becoming more soft as it slowly made its way out of his rectum. A bit of Kaelin's semen dripped off the end of his cock and down Alexei's leg. It was still warm.

Alexei turned around, panting and smiling. His tailhole hurt, but it was a pain he enjoyed. He held up his left paw to touch Kaelin's cheek.

Kaelin held Alexei's paw and licked off the remaining cum. He smiled and licked his lips, panting. He softly kissed Alexei and rubbed his furry chest and shoulders, especially the scars.

Alexei reciprocated while caressing Kaelin's slender sides. He was feeling very tired now. He could still feel some residual pleasure in his flaccid cock.

The two brushed noses while staring into each others eyes. There was something in their eyes; a spark. But not just one spark; thousands. As they stared into each other eyes, they could feel an almost overwhelming sense of passion. They lay down together, Alexei beside Kaelin.

Alexei's arm draped over Kaelin's chest and he snuggled close. He looked up to the roo. "Thank you, Kaelin." he whispered softly.

Kaelin smiled; that was the first time Alexei had called him my his name. Kaelin rubbed Alexei's shoulder. "You're welcome," he murmured.

The two kissed softly once more and Alexei shut his eyes. He cuddled close to Kaelin's warm, naked body and slowly drifted to sleep. He did not regret, not for a second, what he had done. For once in ten years, he felt truly happy.

* * *

Alexei woke suddenly. His tailhole still hurt, but he didn't mind. Something else bothered him. He sat up, removing Kaelin's arm. He hopped onto his feet and walked further into the field. He felt an unusual yet all-too-familiar feeling. Alexei looked up into the black, starry sky. The moon hung low and lit the entire field, casting an long, eerie silhouette of the lion.

Alexei started to worry. He moved back toward Kaelin until a brilliant explosion rocked the field. The farmhouse off in the distance was now a giant fireball. Alexei could feel the heat on his face as he stared horrified. He turned back to Kaelin.

Kaelin had already gotten up and was rushing toward Alexei. "What the fuck was that?!" he shouted hysterically.

"What the hell do you think it was?" Alexei roared. He grabbed onto Kaelin by the waist and flew into the air.

"Holy shit!" Kaelin yelled, surprised. "Wait, my bag! I need- "

"There's no time for that!"

"What about our clothe-"

"There's no time!"

The house behind them was now a pile of flaming wreckage.

Alexei held on tight to Kaelin and took off. He zipped quickly over the trees, keeping low and nimbly dodging branches. From behind he heard another explosion. Then another. He could feel the heat of the fireball as they grew near.

Alexei gritted his teeth and pushed himself faster. Everything was a dark green blur as he sped through the air.

Alexei started to panic. He couldn't sense where they were. He always knew, but this time he didn't. He could hear a loud noise from above. Alexei looked up and was greeted by an alien vessel.

"Fuck!" Alexei turned on a dime. He bolted through the trees. He held out his free paw and pushed the branches out of his way.

Another ship cut him off.

Alexei stopped and lifted himself into the air.

Kaelin was screaming.

Alexei held on tighter and he continued up; the air was cold on his extremities. He looked around desperately. He could see three alien ships directly, but there were more. There had to be.

Alexei took off once again, just as an alien ship rose up behind him, likely aiming it's weapons.

He was now flying faster than he had ever flown before. This time he had a reason to get away. He had to escape.

Suddenly, the ships opened fire.

Alexei growled and held out his paw, deflecting the shots. He was now being followed by all three alien crafts firing at will. He began to sweat heavily. Alexei now flew closer to the ground, skimming along a large lake. Water flew up behind him as he passed over. Then, from out of nowhere, a large blast erupted in front of him.

Alexei came to a halt as water sprayed him from behind and in front. Alexei hovered above the water, looking up.

A massive alien spacecraft descended from the darkness above, probably the mother ship. Incredible lights illumined the entire lake. The three smaller vessels approached, circling around Alexei and Kaelin.

"Jesus Christ..." Kaelin muttered.

"Hold on tight," Alexei whispered.

Kaelin wrapped his arms around Alexei's neck as Alexei tightened his grip on his waist.

Alexei lowered his free paw. The water started to bubble below him.

"The Entity known as Alexei," the mother ship started in a deep, booming voice. "There is a bounty on your head and we have come to collect. Come with us peacefully."

"Fuck you," Alexei replied under his breath. He bared his teeth and lifted his arm. Then three large jets of water shot out of the lake like cyclones and pounded the ships. He growled and let out a terrifying cry; a strong force flowed out from Alexei's body, knocking the ships and the water below away. Alexei took off once again.

Trees bent and dirt flew as Alexei passed by. He darted in and out of the trees swiftly until he flew into a large open field. He cursed and slowed down. He did not like to be so exposed so he flew toward the cornfield.

From out of nowhere, Alexei was struck from behind. He fell hard to he ground, Kaelin landing on top.

Kaelin groaned and rubbed his head. He lifted himself off Alexei, and kneeled beside him. "Alexei! Wake up," he shook the lion.

Alexei groaned and sat up. He quickly noticed a harsh burning sensation on his back. He smelled burnt fur; not an unfamiliar smell.

"Thank God. Are you alright?"

"Yeah... but you've got to run. Get out of here, or you'll be killed."

"I'm not going to leave you."

"I'll be fine! You have to-"

Alexei was cut off by the mother ship's brilliant spotlights. The three ships landed not far from the pair, and the mother ship landed behind.

Ten large aliens exited each small ship, and what seemed like an entire army marched out of the large.

These aliens, whom Alexei had never encountered before, were tall and very well-built; most stood a couple feet taller than Alexei. They had smooth light-blue skin which shimmered in the moonlight. They wore heavy body armour which covered most of their features, but they had large, stubby-fingered hands with dull claws at each end. They had wide-spread feet and stood on their toes, which were heavy and clawed. Their tails were about two metres long and quite thick at the base, with dark-blue, bud-like spikes running down the centre. They had long flaccid ears, or possibly horns, which drooped from the sides of their round heads. The aliens also had large black eyes which reflected the moonlight and stars beautifully. A truly unique species, they had a strange, almost frightening tranquility to them.

Alexei and Kaelin stood up and watched the enemy approach.

Alexei stepped forward. "Leave here now or I swear to God I'll make you regret it."

The commander pushed his way through, "You are in to position to threaten us. You will come with us or we will make you come with us. The choice is yours... and where are your clothes? The strongest being in the galaxy should show a bit more dignity than that."

"Fuck you!"

The commander rolled his eyes and sighed. "If that's the way you wish to play it..." He signaled with his head and snapped his fingers.

Six large aliens stepped forward.

Alexei turned to the terrified Kaelin. "You have to run!"

"No way... I'll die before I let them take you away."

"If you don't run that's exactly what will happen... and like I said before, I am not going with them..."

"I'm not leavin' you..."

Alexei looked his love in the eye, tears forming. "I'm sorry... I didn't want to have to do this..."


Alexei thrust his paw toward Kaelin, throwing the kangaroo far back into the tall cornfield. He closed his eyes tightly as Kaelin's scream became muffled by distance. Alexei turned back around baring his teeth, tears coursing down his face. "You wanted a fight... you've got one."

Alexei ran forward with blinding speed. He jumped up and smashed his foot into an alien's face.

The alien had no time to react as Alexei crushed his face, blood splattering all over the lion's foot. He flew back several metres, through his comrades.

Alexei landed and prepared for another attack. Then, from behind. Alexei spun and grabbed the soldier's wrist. He thrust his paw up into the alien's elbow, snapping his arm backward.

The alien screamed and pulled his shattered arm away.

Alexei jabbed him hard in the ribs with his elbow, then spun and drove his fist into the same spot, smashing the bones and severing the skin and muscle. Alexei removed his fist from the alien's side and leapt backward.

Alexei spun and blocked an attack. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulders; the aliens were incredibly strong and applied a great amount of pressure in their attacks. He shoved the large fists away and, using his mind, lifted a large rock from beneath the ground. He thrust it hard into his enemy, breaking his arms.

Alexei quickly turned around and blocked another attack. Then another to his left. Then another from behind. Alexei continued defending himself against three aliens, with no time to counter.

Alexei jumped back and while in the air, shoved his foot into a soldier's skull. He leapt off the crushed skull onto the ground. He quickly slammed his foot into another's gut then smashed his hard fist into his chin, then again on the nose. He spun around and thrust his paw into another soldier.

The soldier managed to block Alexei's attack. He countered with his own.

Alexei blocked the punch and attacked with his knee.

The soldier threw down his large hand, knocking Alexei's to the ground.

Alexei recovered and spun with a hard back-kick. He stuck the alien square in the temple.

Blood flew and the alien was down.

Suddenly, Alexei was stuck from behind, then again from the front. Alexei stumbled backward until he was stopped and lifted into the air. He opened his eyes.

"There's a hundred more of us, lion, then a hundred after that. Make this easier on yourself and give up."

Alexei growled and grabbed hold of the alien commander's massive arms. He squeezed hard until his claws punctured the skin and dug deep into his flesh.

The commander kept his composure as his blood streamed down his arms.

Alexei continued to squeeze then he pulled. He could feel the commander's muscles tensing and twitching. He pulled harder until he ripped out large fistfuls of pure muscle.

The commander howled and clenched his gored arms, dropping the lion.

Alexei stood and watched, still tightly gripping the carnage. He was breathing heavily through his teeth.

The commander looked down at Alexei, horrified. He fell to his knees and a few soldiers came to his aid.

Alexei grinned malevolently. "You missing something?" he mocked, throwing the gore to his sides.

"You'll pay... everybody, attack him at once!"

Alexei backed off and held his bloody fists to his sides, standing as if preparing to be tackled. He growled deeply and gritted his teeth. The ground started to shake.

"W-what are you doing?" the commander sniveled.

"I'm going to end this now, even if it means tearing this entire field apart." Alexei's eyes seemed to glow blood-red. He rose into the air and brought small rocks and dirt with him.

The ground continued to rumble and suddenly every alien started to lift, even the dead ones. They looked around in confusion.

"Open fire, you morons!" the commander shouted, himself just starting to lift.

The aliens opened fire on Alexei in midair.

Alexei deflected every blast as he continued to raise everything off the ground; even the ships had begun to lift. The mental force Alexei was extruding was incredible. While pushing everything away from him, thus blocking any projectiles i.e. laser fire, he was also stirring up a massive cyclone. Anything caught in Alexei's cyclone would inevitably be at the mercy of his will and his mind.

Alexei shut his eyes and let out a mental pulse, pushing everything away. He opened his eyes, which were pure white now, and everything had started to spin like a blender; it started off slow, but gained speed as Alexei let out a powerful cry.

Everything within fifty metres of Alexei's body was now flying through the air. Nearly a hundred aliens screamed past Alexei.

The aliens trapped in the massive cyclone continuously smashed into each other, their skulls crushing together at velocity-speeds. Rocks and chunks of metal beat and cut the soldiers to death as they flew by.

Alexei was seething. He shot forward into his cyclone and pounded a soldier's chest, shattering the armour and his ribs. He pulled his paw out of the alien and took some gore with it. He threw the lung away and spun around growling, drool pouring from his mouth. He slammed his paw into another's skull, tearing it apart. Alexei let himself fall, where then he grabbed an alien's foot and spun him into one of the ships.

The alien splattered like bug on a windshield.

Alexei darted to the left and severed a soldier's arm with his paw. Then he leapt up and disemboweled another. The guts spilled out and Alexei wore them like a boa. Like lightning, Alexei continued to strike and kill one alien after another, never pausing for a second.

From behind, Alexei swiped his claws and cut open a soldier's head. Brain matter splashed Alexei in the face and he simply laughed. Then, to the left, he thrust his fingers into a soldier's large eye sockets. He held the alien like a bowling ball and the two spun around, the alien screaming horrifically. Alexei pulled back his paw, taking half the alien's face with it. He shoved the carnage into the face of another soldier then slashed out his jugular with his claws.

Suddenly, from the mother ship below, Alexei heard a cry. It was one of the aliens.

The alien shouted up, "Alexei!! Stop this at once!"

Alexei flew down, grinning ferociously.

"You have felled our commander and his orders no longer apply. I beg you, release my men."

"Why? Why should I? Why should I even care?"

"Those men were simply following their orders. They no longer have any orders. So please..."

Alexei stared, feeling nothing but hatred. He got a sudden chill down his spine. Alexei looked behind him and at the carnage he had wrought. Feeling uncertain, Alexei lowered his head and closed his eyes.

The cyclone stopped and the remaining forces fell back to earth.

Alexei turned back and looked at alien. "Happy? Now, please... leave me alone."

"I'm sorry, Alexei, but I can't do that."


The alien turned and gestured to another with his head. "You see, with Barboa, the previous commander, out of the picture, it is up to me to take over. Now, obviously my approach to capturing you is vastly different than Barboa's..."

Alexei looked past the new commander and gasped.

Alexei narrowed his eyes. "Let him go..."

"Yes, well, that brings me to my next point, lion. Your life for his. How about it?"

"Alexei, I'm sorry!" Kaelin shouted from behind the commander.

Alexei looked away, tears in his eyes and shaking. He removed the entrails from around his neck. "Leave him alone... I'll do whatever you want... just don't kill him..."

"That, my friend, can easily be arranged." the commander said confidently. He turned and grabbed Kaelin's arm then threw him at Alexei.

Alexei caught Kaelin and the two embraced warmly. They shed tears together, knowing this was the last time they would ever see each other again.

As the two held each other tight, the living and injured soldiers boarded the ship.

Kaelin looked deep into Alexei's eyes. "I'm so sorry... I pressured you into this... I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself..."

"No... don't say that..."

Kaelin took the shiny red pendant off from around his neck and placed it in Alexei's paws. He held it in Alexei's paw tightly and said with a tear, "I want you to have this... so you'll never forget me."

"You gave me something last night that I will never forget, Kaelin... Thank you... for everything." Alexei smiled sorrowfully.

Kaelin backed off the ship as he departed from his mate, crying.

Alexei watched Kaelin as the ship slowly took off. As the bay doors closed, Alexei wept for his friend. He collapsed to the cold steel floor, crying into the pendant. He was overwhelmed with emotion. On one hand, he felt incredible sadness and pain, knowing he would never see his truelove ever again; the one whom he had shared a special and very powerful bond with. It was a night Alexei would always remember for as long as he lived.

However, Alexei was also relieved. With himself gone, nobody would ever come back to Earth hunting for him. The planet was safe and so was Kaelin, but that did not ease his pain.

Alexei knew he could eventually find solace in knowing Kaelin was safe. That was Earth's final invasion, and whatever trials or terrible tortures awaited Alexei beyond this point, he knew he would survive... As long as the memory of Kaelin burned in his heart, he knew he would survive.

Space Invaders: The Beginning

Alexei looks like a normal ten-year-old fur. He wears the same clothes as everyone else, listens to the same music, and sees the same movies. At first glace, Alexei is just like everybody else. Alexei grew up in a small village not very close to...

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Thief: An Otter's Tale Sequel

Jorin raced down the dark, empty hallway. He darted to the left. Dead end - locked door. He could hear the guards approaching fast. Jorin looked up. He turned, kicked off the wall, then grabbed onto the wooden rafters above. He clambered up and...

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Theif: An Otter's Tale

Jorin slowly caressed the pig's bloated chest and stomach, while softly kissing his cheek. He moved his hands down toward the pig's crotch and his head followed. Jorin stroked the pig's rather shrunken member, trying hard not to gag. He closed his...

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