
Story by NoOneIsHome on SoFurry

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Here is story number two from me. Two eastern dragons mating. Lifelong friends make love in the moonlight.

My take on the eternal boy meets girl story, minimal plot, maximum smut.

Posted on Jan. 1 2016 local time, and the beginning of what is hopefully many stories to come

Formatting got messed up, cant fix it.

This was Edited and Produced by NeedlessBird, who I cannot thank enough for helping me.

He can be found at and

Shiragos stirred on his bed; unable to sleep for yet another night. He glared over at his sister who was soundly asleep. The scents of the Clans males was all over her. He tried to push the thought of mating from his head but nearly every female in the clan was in heat. Some cool air is what I need, he thought to himself before standing and walked outside into the moonlight. Even with the clear skies only a small sliver of the moon hung as he looked over the gorge below him.

His clan's territory ran from the peaks of the north mountains to the peaks of the south and from the tip of the eastern cliffs to the middle of the western river; a massive divide between the crags that had been his home for 65 years now. Shiragos heard noise coming from his den but did not turn to face it. His parents were mating again and he would probably have some new siblings in addition to being an uncle.

Shiragos spread his wings,stepped off the cliff and sailed over the tops of the evergreens, his long body cutting cleanly through the air. I just need to clear my head, he though to himself. The dim moonlight highlighted the tops of the trees giving him an idea of just how low he could fly. When he could hear the soft rumble of the Great Fall he dipped his wing towards the clearing and landed among the bluffs along the Great Fall.

As he approached the rumble turned into a roar. The sheer wall of water slamming into the basin below sent mist high into the air. Shiragos closed his wings and began to climb down the mossy wet stones towards the basin. He didn't plan to swim or drink, just relax and try not to think about sex for a few hours. Much to his dismay the lower he got the more the ground smelled like sex. The Great Fall had been a sacred place for hundreds of years; he was not surprised that many chose to conceive their young there.

Shiragos turned to climb back up until the scent was gone. A minute of climbing brought him to a small plateau just big enough for one dragon to lay down. He was close enough to the waterfall for the sound to enveloped him but far enough away to not be distracted by the scent. Looking out over the falls created a feeling like nothing else existed in his world. He felt nirvana; every sense was stimulated as he watched the torrent of water rush over the cliff above. In his rapture he failed to notice the dragon climbing the rocks behind him.

Xhoren was female, born the same year as Shiragos and had been good friends with him for the majority of her life. She had spotted him as soon as he had laid down . This was the perfect time to get back at him for pushing her into the basin last week. She crept silently towards him, keeping her focus on his head making sure he didn't turn around. When she was with in striking distance she sprung forwards and landed directly on his coiled form. Shiragos yelped and uncoiled in an instant.

He flared his wings and drew in a breath as he tried to jump away from his attacker. Xhoren attempted to grab a hold of his body as he scrambled away from her but his stronger muscles kept her behind. She managed, however, to grab onto his hips as the last of his long body lunged away, sliding down the bluffs. Both dragons, unable to gain control of themselves, tumbled to the grass below and rolled out away from each other. In an instant they both snapped to their feet and stared each other down.

Shiragos was ready to incinerate his assailant before he realized who had attacked him. Xhoren smiled and waltzed towards him. She strained to keep her gaze on his face but found her eyes wandering out to his wings and back towards his chest. Strafing around him she caught a glimpse at his profile. Shiragos followed suit and soon the two dragons were circling each other, each one taking turns looking at the other in the pale light.

Xhoren caught herself looking over the muscles on his body, wings, forelegs, hind-legs, his broad chest and long broad tail. Her eyes followed up his tail to his hips and she began to feel the heat growing in her again. Xhoren thought she had taken care of this with her best friend. She spent hours with her in her den but the itch remained. She felt aroused again at the sight of her lifelong friend in the moonlight. His sight distracted her when he sprung.

Shiragos struck first, catching Xhoren. His body struck her before she even had time to react; pinning her to the ground, teeth bared and growling.

He held his jaws at her neck and pinned her with his chest."Explain yourself Xhoren, what were you thinking!?" he shouted. Xhoren didn't respond coherently; she was lost in her heat. Before now it was that familiar itch that she took care of. Now it burned her whole body. Her fur stood on end and felt hotter than the sun and her tired muscles found strength as the male pinned her down. She looked him in his eyes and pushed back.

Shiragos felt her begin to struggle and planted a paw onto her chest. She squirmed against him and began to break free. He lunged down again and tried to pin her with his whole body. Xhoren threw him off and rolled as she stood up. Shiragos jumped up and slammed his weight into her. Both dragons froze as Shiragos landed on her back. It was only for a split second but it was agonizingly awkward as the two dragons quickly separated and looked sheepishly at each other. Shiragos felt blood flowing to his loins from Xhoren's heat It didn't help that he just was on her back and ready to claim her.

Xhoren was the first to speak, stuttering, "Sorry Shiragos, I didn't mean to get you like that, on me. I mean I didn't mean to scare you so hard,"_Bad word choice,_she thought. "I didn't scare you hard, just scared you! I guess." she trailed off looking at his underbelly and scratching at the ground.

Shiragos curled around himself trying to hide his arousal, "Its okay, you're just in heat and I can smell it on you. It's only natural."

"So don't hide it then!" The response earned a gasp from both dragons. A long, dead silence fell over them. Shiragos listened to her advice and lifted his hind leg revealing his jet black penis to the cold night air.

Xhoren gasped softly and walked closer completely focused on it before she stopped herself, "Shiragos, do," she trailed off again, unable to look at her lifelong friend as she scratched the ground with her claws.

Shiragos grabbed her nervous paws and looked her in teal eyes, "Only if you want to. I won't press myself onto you if you don't want this too."

"I want it" was her response, but as Shiragos stood up and nuzzled her neck she stopped him, "But I want you to earn it."

Shiragos didn't have time to think about what that meant before she took off up the bluff . He watched her go as the words floated through his mind I want you to earn it, echoed in his head again and when it struck him he took off in a full sprint after her.

Instead of cutting up the bluffs along the worn paths Shiragos climbed the sheer cliff face. Two long pulls brought him to the top, only to see Xhoren break the plane of the trees and take off. Shiragos threw himself off the ground and chased after her. She flew towards the plains on the other side of the west river and over the clans borders. Shiragos flew as hard and as fast as he could to catch her but she dove hard North and followed the river banks. It cut left and they were back in their lands again.

He caught up to Xhoren just as she cleared the river and grabbed her by the wings, pulling her down. She snarled and whipped her head around sinking her teeth into his shoulder. The bite, fueled her lust and filled the air with smell of blood. Shiragos held tightly onto her and flared his massive wingspan just before the two collided with the ground.

The impact forced them apart again. Xhoren landed on her back, sliding away from Shiragos. He managed to pull up and come back down on his feet. Locking his wings back he charged, pinning her to the ground.

Every action he took was solely instinct. He buried his fangs into her throat and bit down until he could taste her blood on his tongue. Xhoren roared in pain and slammed her head back into the grass below her. As Shiragos removed his teeth from her throat blood dripped from his mouth. Their eyes locked into eachothers. She lunged at him and they locked jaws in a bloody kiss, the coppery taste of each others blood fueled the flames burning deep in them.

Xhoren spread her legs for the male above her. Shiragos wasted no time and thrust his fully erect cock into her. He hilted her on the first thrust and held himself in her depths, the feeling of their skin rubbing on each others brought the dragons to nirvana. They broke the kiss and roared their pleasures into the night sky.

When Xhoren's roar died Shiragos pulled out of her and held himself just over her soaked folds. He bit down into the same spot in her neck as he started to slowly reinsert himself into her, gently beginning to thrust up to his emerging knot. She clenched her teeth at the sharp burst of pain along her neck as her wounds were deepened. In an instant he pain was gone as he pushed his tip into her.

She could feel the wound on her neck began to emanate pleasure up and down her neck. It overlapped with the pleasure of Shiragos' flesh penetrating her slit, launching her into an orgasm. Xhoren's world had melted away; she was in a void of nothingness. They were the only ones in her existence. She could feel his thoughts brushing past her mind and she knew what he was thinking. Each thought coursing through him was of her.

She gripped him with all four paws and pulled herself into his body. Her tail found his and twinned it as her back rose off the ground. Pushing back with her wings, her fluids slid around his penis.

Shiragos began to fuck her even harder. Longer faster strokes rubbed every ridge, bulge and vein on his cock faster against her vaginal walls as they constricted and enticed him to climax. He focused his mind on the feeling between his legs. He pressed in with his hind legs and pulled back in unison with his forelegs trying to fuck Xhoren into the ground.

His hips began to burn in exertion and he could feel his shoulder wound opening again. Shiragos blocked the pain and kept slamming himself into her. The only feeling in his mind became every inch of his shaft in her slick depths; his tip sliding through her tight flesh, his ridges being caressed by her muscular walls and his knot pushing into her labia with every thrust. He gripped the ground hard and set into a sharp rhythm. For the first time since penetration he opened his eyes. Xhoren was below him, her eyes shut tight and her mouth hanging open. Her breath came in long heavy pants and her paws roamed his back and flanks. She seemed lost in pleasure.

Xhoren didn't push back or move with him, she just held on as hard as she could and gripped against his hips letting Shiragos rut her freely. In this moment he dominated her, taking one long thrust and pressing his knot hard against her. She moaned and gripped his flanks. He pushed in again this time harder and faster. Her moaning crescendoed with his efforts. He lightly gripped her neck and drew himself out slowly relishing in the long pleasureful moans she elicited at his every adjustment.

Shiragos dropped his head down to hers and let himself relax. His world closed in around him; everything else but her was a blur to him now. Traces of her feelings and emotions danced through his head but he payed them no heed. The slick warmth between his legs took focus, the soft heat was all encompassing. He had never imagined such softness was possible. Shiragos' legs began to tremble as every thrust rubbed from his tip to the start of his knot and every withdrawal sucked her folds along the underside of his shaft.

Release was approaching and he did not hold himself back he pressed his head against Xhoren's, forcing it to the ground. He took a step forward and, adjusting his position,began to fully remove himself from her before slamming all but his knot back in. Xhroen screeched in pain and pleasure and the male threw himself against her and fucked as hard as he possibly could.

Shiragos stepped into his final thrust and knotted Xhoren. He could hear her sheer scream of pain echo through the forest before it burned into a roar; her second orgasm flooding her body with pleasure. The last thing Xhoren heard before she passed out was Shiragos unleash an earth shattering roar of victory as he unloaded his seed deep into her. Her hearing began to fade to one high pitched tone and she could hear her pulse. She could feel herself becoming fuller as his cock throbbed into her before everything went black.

Shiragos pulled back as he came lifting Xhoren's hips off the ground. Before he slammed his weight back in, he gripped her in his fore-paws. Lightning stuck deep inside him. Ecstasy flowed through him and into his mate.

He let his body go limp over hers as he too lost consciousness. They could lay together in perfect, eternal togetherness. In the final moment before everything faded, Shiragos and Xhoren were one, complete being.