Teaching Something New

He swore that his belly was being bloated out, little by little, but couldn't be bothered to check due to the mind-boggling power of orgsaming on a fat equine dick.

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Shiragos stirred on his bed; unable to sleep for yet another night. He glared over at his sister who was soundly asleep. The scents of the Clans males was all over her. He tried to push the thought of mating from his head but nearly every female in...

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Ash: The Perfect Mate

Ash walls tightened again as ash's second orgsam leaked all over pikachu's dick witched turned him on even more. "ash i'm sorry i can't hold out much longer!" with one last trust pikachu shot out his warm, sticky seed filling and leaking out of ash.

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In the Bunkbed - Illustrated Story (by Cheetahs & The_Secret_Cave)

**===In the Bunkbed===** Nyaaa lounged on the upper bunk bed. He didn't really like the top position, but that was what he had to take. It was comfortable though, and a tad better than getting crammed between two males. Not that Nyaaa had any...

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The Dragon Witch and the Princess CH. 1

Maleficent was confused, why wasn't she orgsaming? she shuddered as her hot balls touched the cold stone floor and began to spread out, heating the cooled stone.

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