One Hour Long

Story by theoerod on SoFurry

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#3 of Sexy Shorts

Perry is a bit of a prude fox, and he is definitely not the kind of person who would visit a male brothel. One hour is sometimes all that is needed to change one's mind.A short and very explicit story

One Hour Long

by T. Glenn

I'm not really what you'd call a "crazy" fox. I don't party much, and I hardly ever drink. I'd rather spend nights curled up with books than out soaking up the nightlife. It's for this reason that I stood apprehensively in front of, what is in essence, the best brothel in the country. A well to do friend of mine from college lamented my admittedly prude lifestyle, and surprised me with a session at the brothel called The Castle. I did try to turn down his generous gift, but I looked the place up and found out that one session can cost upwards of $9,000. The place also has a waiting list that goes out four months. So basically it was a big deal. My anxiety was almost overpowering, but I made myself spend the door and walk inside. As I stepped into the air conditioned lobby, I was taken aback by the room's upscale modern design. In retrospect, I suppose it makes sense--the place charges $9,000 an hour, after all. I strode across the empty lobby to the front desk, where a vixen in a business suit sat behind the marbled counter.

"Checking in?" She asked.

"Um, I guess."

She smiled warmly, "Your name?"

"Uh, Morris"

"Perry?" She asked after looking me up in the computer.

"Yes, that's me." I had been harboring a small hope that maybe I wouldn't be on the list, or that some other issue would come up.

"I see this is your first time here, Mr. Morris."

"Oh, yes I don't really--"

"Not to worry, Mr. Morris," She said in a soothing voice, "We'll get you taken care of." She gave me a sly wink as she said the last bit, which mostly served to bring back the anxiety I'd been feeling.

"The boys are getting ready for you, so we'll do your pre-session workup in the meantime." She said casually.

"Wait, more than one?" I asked incredulously.

The vixen, whose name tag said Kelly, looked back at her computer.

"You're scheduled for a session with all three of them," She looked back at me with a barely suppressed grin, "They're very good. You won't regret it."

Kelly directed me to a small side room where a cute otter wearing scrubs explained the liability waiver to me.

"In order to protect our clients and models, we do require that you allow us to run a rapid blood test. We're just checking to make sure you don't have any conditions that might be aggravated during your session, and also to ensure you are disease free."

I signed off on the papers, and sat back as the otter took a vial of blood for testing.

"Okay, Perry," He said as he labeled the little glass vial of my blood, "Our restroom is right through that door, and there are disposable enemas available."

After that was all done, I stepped back out into the lobby.

Kelly looked in my direction as I stepped out, "All ready?" She asked.

"As ready as I'm going to be, I suppose." I said, getting more nervous by the second.

"Well the lab said you're all clear, and Rex just told me that everything is ready," She said getting to her feet.

"if you'll just follow me, Mr. Morris."

I was led through a black door on the other side of the lobby and into a small hallway. Kelly stopped and turned to face me as entered the hall,

"The routine the boys will be doing requires that you start blindfolded. Is that okay with you?" She asked me, pulling a strip of cloth from her pocket.

"Oh, I--okay." I stuttered to her.

I turned around, and the cloth covered my eyes. Kelly guided me a few steps down the hallway, and I heard the sound of a door opening. A few steps further, and the vixen sat me down in a wooden chair.

"Alright Mr. Morris, have fun. You can stop the session at any time before the hour is up, just say the safe word 'buttons'."

I heard the sound of her footsteps, and the door closing behind her. I sat for what seemed like an eternity, nervous and completely blind in that room. Eventually, I heard the sound of the door opening again. I was so nervous at that point, I think I almost threw up.

"Oh my, what do we have here?" A husky voice said as he approached.

"It looks like a little fox," A second voice replied, "Don't you like foxes Jack?"

A set of paws came down on my shoulders, startling me enough that I gasped.

"Oh, I really do." A third voice whispered in my ear sensually, massaging my shoulders roughly as he did. I assumed that he must be Jack.

"Um, I've never--" I was interrupted as a paw lightly covered my muzzle.

"No words Foxy, just enjoy this for a moment." I felt slightly relieved, I'll admit. I wasn't sure what I'd say to those guys anyway. I was comfortable just letting it play out.

The paws massaging my shoulders moved gradually down my arms until they were at my wrists, when they pulled my hands behind the back of the chair I was seated in.

I could feel something being wrapped around my wrists, binding my paws together.

"Look at that fluffy tail." Jack said as he tied me up.

I felt breath on my face as someone got close, "You ready, sweetheart?" I heard the first voice say. I nodded in reply, and took a de breath to calm myself.

I felt a tugging on the blindfold, and it fell away to reveal a black wolf's muzzle inches from mine. He smiled toothily and kissed my lips before getting up and walking behind me. The chair seemed to be sitting directly in the middle of the room, and a luxurious king sized bed sat four or five feet directly in front of me.

Jack, the one who tied me up, stood and placed a massive paw under my muzzle, pulling my head upward. The upside down tiger leaned down and kissed me roughly. Another set of paws tugged at my belt and pants, pulling them down to my knees and revealing my very hard cock. My reaction was to look down at whoever pulled down my pants, but the tiger held my head up firmly.

"Nope--up here Foxy." He said gruffly, grinning mischievously as he leaned back down to kiss me. I felt a set of strong paws close around my exposed hips, and I moaned as a warm tongue licked my cock from base to tip.

"I think he likes that, Max," The tiger said, pulling away from our kiss.

"Mhmm," I heard Max agree as he closed his lips over me.

Jack let my head go, and I looked down at my crotch see a very svelte but toned cheetah skillfully sucking my dick. He was very good, and I couldn't help but let out a moan, "Oh, my."

"Screw it, forget the chair. This one's cute--I want to play him." The wolf's voice (I guessed he was Rex) said impatiently.

"Fine, get him up." Jack replied.

The bindings on my wrists fell away, freeing my paws. Max's mouth left me dick, and he stepped away. The wolf came around and picked me up rather roughly, slinging me over his shoulder. I saw both Max and Jack standing next to the chair, as the wolf carried me over to the bed. Tigers are usually a bit bigger than cheetahs, but Jack was substantially larger and more muscular than Max. The wolf carrying me was also a really big, and had no trouble throwing me roughly down onto the bed (It was a soft landing). I stretched my arms out over my head, enjoying the wonderfully soft sheets.

"Oh, don't tease me Foxy." Rex laughed as he pulled his briefs off and jumped on the bed. He crawled on top of me, and sat himself on my chest.

"I want some too," Jack said in a playful voice. Heavy as he was, I felt the edge of the bed sink as he climbed on. I felt his mouth close around my dick, and he worked it vigorously. That elicited another soft moan from me, and Rex pulled away, "Your turn, Red." He said, scooting further up on my chest. I was really starting to get into it at this point--I felt any reservations I still had melt away as I took Rex's cock in my mouth. Needless to say, he was pretty big.

"Ah yeah, that's right." He said appreciatively as he thrusted in and out of my muzzle gently.

"Don't leave me out." Max's soft voice carried over.

"Then get up here Max, take that dick away from Jack," Rex called over his shoulder as he thrusted, "You're better at giving head anyway."

I felt Jack move aside as Max resumed his work. He was, in fact, better than the tiger by a large amount.

"Hey, it's my turn. I like foxes way more than you do." Jack said as he gave the wolf a playful shove.

"Fine, but let's change it up." Rex said, pulling his dick from my mouth and moving off my chest.

The muscular tiger nudged Max off of me, "Get on your knees, Foxy."

"Lie on your back, Spots." Jack said to the cheetah.

Max laid on his back in the middle of the bed and propped his head up with a pillow, "Come here, babe." He said, waving me over with his paw.

I situated myself on my hands and knees over Max, and he grabbed my thighs to pull me back into his mouth.

"Finally," I heard Rex say, as he moved to kneel in front of my muzzle, "Okay Foxy, here we go."

The wolf grabbed the back of my head and pressed himself into my mouth. I got to work, sucking him as best I could.

"You're sure he's a bottom, Jack?" Rex whispered over me.

"He's a bottom, bro." Jack said, as I felt him grab my hips from behind. His left paw left my hip for a moment, and returned to apply lube under my tail.

"Just enjoy it, Red. I'm very good."

I felt the tiger's cock press against me, and I let out a gasp around Rex's dick as Jack pressed himself all the way inside me.

"Oh, damn." The tiger moaned throatily as he grabbed my hips roughly.

He thrusted in and out slowly, getting me used to his thick cock.

I'd actually only bottomed a couple times (mainly because I hadn't had much sex), and I had to really struggle to stop myself from crying out in pain. Jack wasn't lying when he said he was good though, and he managed to get me used to him very quickly--turning my pain into a pleasure unlike anything I'd ever felt.

I let myself be dominated by the two very handsome and muscular guys working me from each end. The thought was intoxicating, and I felt a deep pleasure start to blossom as the tiger thrusted into me deeply.

I could control myself no longer, and as the pleasure built inside me I let a whimper escape my throat.

"Damn Jack, I think you got him," I heard Rex say, sounding rather impressed, "You ready for it Max?"

"Hell yeah." Max called out from under me, pulling me deep into his throat after he replied.

Jack seemed to take that as his cue to give it his all, and his rhythm increased substantially.

I came harder than I ever had before--experiencing an orgasm that made my entire body shake with pleasure. It was honestly unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

"That was a lot." I heard the cheetah say below me.

"Sorry." I said, gasping for air. Rex had removed his cock from my mouth, and had taken to slapping it against my cheeks.

"Don't be sorry," The wolf said, "That's what we want."

"Are you guys gonna?" I trailed off as I asked.

"You want us to come?" Jack asked from behind me. He'd stopped thrusting, but was still very deep inside me.

"Yes, please." I said, still catching my breath.

Jack slapped my ass with his paw, "Hell yeah, best fox ever." He said excitedly.

The tiger squeezed my hips tightly with his paws and fucked me hard. I took Rex's cock back into my mouth and tried my best to make him come. It wasn't too long before the wolf grabbed between my ears and pulled my muzzle into him roughly. I felt his member pressed firms against the back of my throat, and I began swallowing to stop myself from gagging. Rex gasped, and I felt his warm seed fill my throat. I happily swallowed--pleased with myself that I could get him to orgasm.

"My turn now." Jack grunted.

The tiger bent down over me, wrapping his arms around my chest. I could feel his breath in my ear as he pressed his head against mine.

"Here it is, foxy." He whispered in my ear

A few seconds later he thrusted as far into me as he could, roaring into my ear as he climaxed.

"Wow buddy, that was good for me. It doesn't happen often, let me tell you." Jack said as he pulled out of me.

"I'll second that," Rex agreed.

"Definitely." Max called out from under me.

Rex and Max both bade me goodbye, and exited the room. Jack hung around after the other two had left, and slipped a piece of paper with his number into my pants pocket.

"I'm not supposed to do this, so just keep it between the two of us okay?" He said giving me a mischievous wink as he left the room.

I pulled my clothes back on, and found my way back into the lobby. I was acutely aware of my matted fur, and the reek of sex on me.

"I hope everything was satisfactory?" Kelly greeted as I walked by.

"Definitely, thank you." I answered.

"Wonderful! We hope to see you again, Mr. Morris." She called as I walked out into the parking lot.
