Love Conflict

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The moon with its light shined out across the green forest. Reaching a large tribe within. The tribe was known as Fangoth. In the village of Fangoth a renowned tribe of wolves lived. The great tribe was known for their good warriors and swift thinking and, most of all, their honor. Few have past through the village and not thought "What a mighty nice tribe welcoming and brilliantly kind". The tribe took pride in their offspring. They bestowed the conjure of their offspring to advance and become the leaders of this tribe when the elders passed on but, one pup, one special pup did not dream of being a leader of a tribe nor to be an elder. He dreamt of love. Finding that one special mate to be with all in his life.

The pup's name is Essence. Essence was a very bright young lad who has great virtue. His father warned him to not think of such things and to stronger his skills so he can become an elder of the tribe one day. He did not want that fate he wanted what his heart told him to want. He was a slender black furred wolf. He stood only 5 feet tall he was 14 years of age. Essence was lying about in a tree staring at the night sky. His orange eyes gazed upon the purple stars, which hung in the black sky. The light from the silver moon shined on his fur. Essence was wearing a red loincloth over his sheath, which held five inches of young wolf hood. (Not that it matters anyhow *giggles*) Essence always wore nothing but the red loincloth his mother had given him. For it held dear memories of her. She died during a raid on their village from the human tribes. He was only 7 then but had the strength to kill one human by lashing his neck open with his large canines. Essence never joined the others in dancing and celebrating over nothing. He thought dim witted to become drunk and dance for nothing. Esscence took in a deep breath as his eyes blinked. He switched his gaze over to a crow sitting in the tree beside him. The birds red eyes gleamed through the darkness of night. Essence shuttered a bit and scooted his body father away from the bird. The bird's red glowing eyes brought chills to Essence. His muzzle tip upward and his eyes widened upon the site they saw. More crows with red eyes were above him. He did not move just stare into their red eyes. His paws gripped the tree branch he was laying on and he started to turn his body to roll over and jump from the branch to the ground. Then, suddenly the crows started to chirp. Esscence looked up and they were all staring at him. He whimpered and fell from the tree. And began running whimpering while his pink paw pads hit the ground. Then suddenly he felt arms go around him and, lift him from the ground. He hugged on to whatever wolf had grabbed him. He heard the wolf yell in a deep growling voice. "Be gone you fowl birds! Fly back into the black were you belong!" Essence was stunned when he saw that in was one of the six trainers of the Fangoth tribe.

The wolf holding Essence was a tall 7-foot wolf that had gray and dark gray fur. Lining his spine was dark gray fur and his chest was the gray fur the rest of his body was mixed. There are fur patches around his soft green eyes. That fur was black. Black like the night sky, black like the crows. "There...there my young friend. Its okay the crows were just pulling your tail they wouldn't of hurt you." Said the Large wolf. This wolf was tall and muscular. His muscles could be seen through his fur his pink nipples sat on top of his hard chest. One pierced the other scratched up. He had a scar right on his forehead. The scar looked most like a star. He had a steel collar around his neck. Which all the warriors in Fangoth had. This wolf was a warrior plane and simple. Essence clinged to him tightly he felt safe inside his arms. He looked into the wolf's green eyes. He smiled and nuzzled the wolf in greeting. "Thank you sir. I am very grateful those crows gave me a fright. I am scared of a lot of things sir," said Essence. The wolf smiled and studied Essence's face." Your Toka's son aren't you?" asked the big wolf. Essence nodded and smiled. "I am Eipe the self defense trainer," said Eipe the large wolf. Essence nodded and let go of Eipe's neck and stood on the ground. When Eipe stood he was like a giant almost to Essence. "What is your name young one?" asked the Eipe. Essence stuttered at first." Its e-Essence sir but my mother called me Moon." Said Essence. Eipe's lips curled up in a smile and he chuckled. "Well Moon how is your father doing?" Asked Eipe. Moon (I changed it to the nick name) put a paw over his eyes." Not good sir. The healer said he wouldn't make it pass this night. He is leaving this tribe going to go with my mother," said Moon. Eipe looked around the quiet forest only the wind blowing across the leaves could be heard. "How come your here and not with your father." asked Eipe. Moon had a tear rolling down his black furred cheek." I don't want to see him mother was hard enough to watch," said moon sniffing a bit. Eipe bent down and wiped Moon's tear away. Eipe swayed his tail side to side. "Hey its okay lad. Don't worry your father is strong I am sure he'll make It." said Eipe in a warm welcoming voice smiling a bit. Moon took a deep breath and hugged onto Eipe.

Eipe smiled and hugged back. Moon was still crying even after Eipe carried him back to the village. Eipe walked up to the door of Toka's hut. He opened it and carried Moon in and layed him beside his father. Moon's father coughed and opened his eyes a bit and got a blurry image of Eipe. "Eipe...I am not going to make it my friend," said Toka coughing. "I want you to do a favor want you to take Essence as your own...he needs a good father. Support him in all he believes in and love him like I have." said Toka coughing and breathing deeply. Eipe gasped a bit and then looked at Moon, which was asleep hugging his father's belly. Eipe smiled and nodded. "I will take your son as my own. I will tell the others that this is your wish. I will love him as you have loved him," said Eipe smiling and putting his paw on Toka's paw. "You were a father to me too Toka. You raised me like your own. I thank you for that." Said Eipe bending down and kissing Toka on the head. "Take...him now, " said Toka smiling. Eipe leaned up and wrapped his arms around Moon and picked him up cradling him. "Goodbye dear friend." Said Eipe standing in the doorway on Toka's hut. "Farewell my two sons."Said Toka coughing once again. Eipe smiled at the sound of the word "Son" for he had never heard those words be appointed to himself. He carried Moon to his own hut and layed him in his bed. Moon was sleeping calmly. Eipe looked to make sure none could see. Eipe took off his loincloth and slid into bed next too moon. Moon crawled up on to Eipe's chest and rested his head under Eipe's chin. Eipe smiled and hugged Moon, his new son.

A year had passed; Eipe and Moon had grown very close to each other. Wherever Eipe went Moon was surely to follow. The two were a silly pair. They were always joking and laughing. Moon is very affectionate towards Eipe. Eipe as well is affection towards Moon. They both could get lost in each other's eyes. It was early morning in the village of Fangoth. Moon woke and saw that Eipe had already left for work. Moon stood and slipped on his red loincloth. He opened the door of Eipe's hut and walked out side. There were many wolves walking about through the village of Fangoth. They were doing their daily work. Moon had to get to training before e he becomes late again. He took off fast. Pumping his legs as hard as he could. Moon was now 15 and Eipe was now 37 years of age. Moon had made it to his class. All the other young wolves were lined up facing the trainer. They were remedying his moves. The wolves were all in uniform. Which was a white loincloth. Which Moon was the only one who wore a red loincloth. After training lunch came forth. Moon was setting alone on the ground eating soup the female wolves had fixed for the young. A group of wolves surrounded Moon. They were laughing and cursing at him. "Look at him. He wears red like he is a fancy female," said Brunt a strong young wolf of white fur. The others laughed at his joke. "You and your bloody stench. You disgust me not even your dad could stand you that's why he died," said Brunt laughing. Brunt frown and his eye became angry. "What's wrong too much of a sissy to speak up for yourself?" said Brunt kicking moon in the leg. Moon just kept eating his soup. Brunt growled. "You dam tail lifting dog! You're not fit for this tribe! You're such a sissy! You and your dam family they have all died like sissies!" yelled Brunt at Moon. Moon growled and slammed his soup bowl into Brunt's face. Brunt yelped and gasped as he hit the ground. Moon followed by jumping on Brunt. Moon's paws griped Brunt's neck. Moon squeezed tightly and growled. "Die! You pathetic little swine!" growled Moon. Soon Moon was thrown off of Brunt and was punched in the face by the other wolves. The group of young wolves kicked Moon while he was on the ground. Moon lay taking the hits whimpering and crying. Blood soon was present as the blood spilled from his mouth. So Moon heard a roar and some yelps. The elders had stopped the young wolves. Eipe lifted Moon up. Moon smiled wrapped his arms around Eipe's neck. Eipe carried him to his hut and, laid him in his bed. "Are you okay?" asked Eipe with his ears perked. Moon nodded slowly. Eipe dressed Moons wounds and cleaned them with his tongue.

That night Moon waited in bed for Eipe to return home. Eipe finally got home and walked around the hut and cleaned up things. Moon's eye lance softly to Eipe's every move. Moon swayed his tail softly side to side as Eipe moved towards the bed. Eipe smiled at Moon and blew out lantern. Eipe lifted up the horse blanket and scooted in beside Moon. Moon's arms wrapped around Eipe's belly and, Eipe's paw rested upon Moon's back. This was like every other night. Then suddenly Eipe's paw moved lower and, then rubbed slightly on Moon's rump. Moon's eyes widened never had been touched in such a way. This sprung a strange feeling within Moon's stomach. Moon's orange eyes connected with Eipe's soft green eyes. The silver moon hanging in the sky, shining through the window, reflecting off their shiny black fur. Eipe smiled and ran his paw across Moon's cheek. "Moon I feel for you in such a way it scares Me." said Eipe looking worried. Moon thought to himself for a second then said. "Eipe...I think I feel the same way...I Think I love you in the way I should love a female." Eipe nodded and closed the window." I feel that way too. If we're careful we can be together. You know if they find out that I am a mate with a young wolf. They will be-head me. Not only are you a male, but a young male." said Eipe. Moon knew this was the one special wolf he had dreamt about on the night his father died. Moon leaned up and softly kissed Eipe on the muzzle. Eipe's paw held Moon close to his chest as his nipples became hard from the cool air and, Eipe opened his mouth and let Moon's warm wet tongue roll in. Moon shuttered and shivered in excitement. Their tongues lashed and stroked each other. Eipe's paw moved and removed Moon's loincloth. Eipe leaned up and hung over Moon on his back smiling and gazing into his eyes. Eipe's long warm rough tongue stroked gently against Moon's chest. Giving moon chills up his spine. The tongues traveled down to Moon's full sheath the knot already showing through his sheath and his wet red pointed tip poking from his furry sheath. Eipe's paw softly gripped the sheath and his tongue gently lapped it over and over again. Moon shivered and twitches in pleasure. Moon had never felt this way it was all-new to him. Soon white warm wolf seed shot from Moons red knotted cock. The seed shot into Eipe's mouth and he slurped it all up with a grin.

~To Be Continued~