The Pizza

Story by Simba on SoFurry

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Simba always has had an insatiable appetite for bunnies. Not only an appetite for gulping them down, but also stroking them, cuddling them, and just being around them. Why? Perhaps it stems from his protective nature as a lion â€" after all, he is quite a bit larger than most bunnies. Or maybe it's because they're so damn squirmy and feel so nice in his belly. I'll leave it up to you to decide which it is. Maybe it's a mix of both. Which brings us nicely into the current scene:


The lion rests sprawled out on his back on his comfortable and rather large bed. He had to get a custom made one to suit his eight feet of height. Almost unnoticeable at the moment lies a cute bunny on his chest â€" four inches tall only. Simba gently strokes a paw over the entire bunny's body at once, murring contently.

"You know, you should come over more often, Pad." Simba purrs to make the bunny nice and relaxed. "Since I moved into the neighbourhood I've only seen you once before. I really like having bunnies for company, and you're just so small and cuddly."

"I can grow!" Pad exclaims, looking up at the massive lion, "Remember, the first time you saw me I was the same size as a normal anthro!"

"Oh, of course, how could I forget... Still a good couple of feet smaller than me though." Simba teases playfully; he loves to feel nice and big. His stomach gives out an ominous growl. "Mmm, I need to get some food. How does pizza sound to you, little guy?"

"Pizza is good... I'm not paying half though if you're keeping me at this size, though!" giggles the little bunny, stretching his tiny form out.

"Hah, works for me. Besides, we can change your size later on, might be nicer that way." Simba then reaches for the phone and dials the local pizza delivery company. "It's Simba. Send the same as usual please, with plenty of extra cheese. Thanks!"

Around twenty minutes later, the doorbell rings. The intimidatingly large lion greets his usual pizza delivery driver and exchanges the pizza for what he owes along with a generous tip. "Thanks, sweetie." Simba winks flirtatiously to the handsome canine, "I'll see you later." The wolf blushes then leaves and drives away, money in pocket.

Back inside Simba's house, the feline has placed the huge pizza onto the table, putting the little bunny in his other paw down next to it. He smiles caringly and purrs contently once more. "Ready to eat, cutie?" He cuts the pizza into slices.

"Mmm, sure am! Looks really nice! Smells good too!" Pad quickly gets onto a slice, beginning to nibble at it. Then he yelps. Simba has picked up the same slice, the bunny on it quickly becoming too far up in the air to jump off. He squeals as the lion simply chomps down on the pizza around his form, barely missing cutting off a limb or two, seemingly not even aware of the bunny now trapped in his maw.

The lion keeps chewing up his food, Pad getting so close to being cut in two by those razor sharp teeth but narrowly missing every time. He tries so hard to get Simba's attention, but with all the pizza Simba's chewing on, Pad would feel like nothing more than a piece of pizza. A simple piece of food for the lion. And, thinking about it, is he really anything else? Simba's powerful gulp answers that question. He then follows it up with another large mouthful of pizza, decimating the slice very quickly. A guzzle of Pepsi follows the pizza and bunny down into his belly.

Though Pad tries so hard to grasp onto something, anything to stop himself from falling, he finds nothing. The lion's peristaltic motions simply force the bunny deeper and deeper inside him. He reaches the lion's belly completely alive and in one piece, squirming desperately. Outside, a silent smirk spreads across Simba's maw. He knows exactly what has happened, and has been planning for this all day.

"Pad? Where did you go?" he puts on a fake, questioning voice, the grin still wide on his maw. "Oh, I hope I didn't scare him off with my messy eating or something..." he continues to uphold the façade, whilst gulping down another piece of pizza. "Ah well, I suppose if he's not here, more pizza for me..."

Over the next few minutes, Simba destroys the pizza along with a couple of cans of Pepsi. Even if he could clearly hear Pad's cries and squeals for help in his belly, he wouldn't care. He can make out some sounds, albeit muffled as the bunny is in amongst all the pizza and Pepsi the lion has enjoyed. The sounds just make him smile, murring contently. He rubs his belly gently with a paw.

Just when Pad thinks it can't get any worse, Simba grins and decides to let the bunny know what's going on. "Mmm, Pad, you bunnies sure taste good. You never get any smarter either. I can feel you squirming, you're a good little prey... But there's a problem there. Little. I like big prey; they squirm for hours as I digest them to lion muscles and pudge. So..." Simba concentrates hard, and his belly begins to grow, the bunny being forced back to his normal anthro size. "Muuuuuuch better." the lion moans with yet another wide grin. "If you squirm enough, I might let you out..." he lies.

"What?! You tricked me!" Pad yelps and squirms madly, wriggling from side to side in desperation, kicking and fighting, only managing to elicit moans of pleasure from the big feline, "Get me out of here now! Bunnies are not prey!" he cries out, trying to get back up, but of course now even if he could find the way in the dark, he's too big to get back out. Fortunately, Simba's belly can expand nicely.

With a purr of ecstasy at the constant squirms, Simba heads back upstairs and flumps back down, this time on his belly. He lets Pad take his heavy weight, murring as this just makes him wriggle even more. "Bunnies? Not prey? Hah. You bunnies are the purrrrrfect prey. I never get tired of gulping your species down. Face it, I'm a predator, you're nothing but food for me. And you fell for it completely! Mmm, I love bunnies so much. My favourite prey..."

With a groan of pleasure he rolls over onto his back, taking his already fully hard, thick lion cock in a soft, padded paw. He then begins to stroke himself happily up and down, working his paw over his heavy maleness. All the while, Pad squirms furiously in an attempt to free himself. Every squirm, every kick, every last bit of fight makes the big lion's pleasure that much better. A continuous flow of pre works its way from his barbed cock. "Damn, you little bunny bitches are so good... Next time I'm going to have to get two bunnies â€" one to gulp, one to fuck whilst the first squirms in my belly. Then I'll gulp him too..." he taunts, knowing his words will make his prey fight even harder.

"Bunny... Nearly there..." he growls deeply in pleasure as he can feel his orgasm building. Then, to help him reach his peak, he presses his belly firmly in on the bunny with his other paw, the bunny reacting by pushing back and writhing even more frantically. The lion throws his head back, panting and roaring in pleasure as his climax hits him like a freight train, shooting rope after rope of hot, thick, sticky cum out all over his belly, the first couple of shots arcing up and into his open and awaiting maw. He gulps them down greedily, moaning as the struggling in his belly subsides with his orgasm. "Mine..." the lion growls possessively, basking in the afterglow of his powerful climax. "Just like your entire species is. All mine."

And with that, he rests, panting a while longer before closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep, having happy dreams of tricking and gulping down more silly, unsuspecting bunnies. The one thing he never tires of.

Bound Paws

Just another very quick story, this time the story is for two good friends of mine: Alexis (a wolf), and Metal (a metalgarurumon, but with fur). Again, no back-story is provided; this is meant to be pure, unadulterated M/M smut. Hopefully you will...

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A Bunny in the Cock is Worth One in the Hole

Simba here once more! My bunny friend Pad has been pretty depressed, so I'm writing him this story to help cheer him up. Also featured are Tsubaki (my ex, a wolf) and my own character (a lion). The plot revolves around a wolf who wants to give his mate...

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The Rubber Lion

Just a quick story I wrote for my ex a few months ago. For now, here's some nice smut. No need for backstories. Yay for random stories at 1:30am... Enjoy ^\_~ . \*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\* "Come on around,...

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