Putting A Hop in His Step

Story by Rhys the Lion on SoFurry

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A short one-off about a couple who go to a boxing match, and a strange man with his own hidden agenda. A new world is only a hop, skip, and a bounce away with Roo Energy!

(Reposted due to mistaken deletion. Sorry!)

David bounced in his seat as he watched the boxing match unfold before him, the two, buff men duking it out in the arena. His eyes followed their gloves as best as they could, with each blow David would howl in excitement or flinch in empathy, his intense focus immersing him in the fight. With this intense focus on the match, David had completely forgotten to thank the man who had gotten him the expensive, marvelous front row seat that he was enjoying the match from, his boyfriend Matthew, who sat grinning in the seat next to him. Matthew grinned widely, happy to see such enthusiasm in David, who had recently been going through a hard time with the loss of his dog. Matthew did not buy the tickets, however, they were much too expensive for him to reasonably afford. Instead, he called his local radio station every hour for the chance to win tickets to the event, and with luck on his side, he was declared the winner of the competition on his fifth call. He had kept the tickets in secrecy, deciding that he would surprise David with an early gift, their one year anniversary being just a day away. Needless to say, David, who from childhood had always dreamed of being a boxer but never had the drive to pursue it, was more than grateful for such an amazing gift, and voraciously apologized for not having anything nearly as good in return. "All I want from you is a smile," Matthew told David, who was already grinning from ear to ear. The two had quite some fun that night, David doing his best to show his appreciation for Mathews long, hard efforts.

David yelled in excitement as one of the fighters fell to the ground after taking a strong blow to the chest. The crowd went wild with cheers and boos, though mostly the former, the standing boxer raising his arms in the air in triumph. David looked over at Matthew, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, a woman behind them whistling while another guy threw a piece of popcorn at them, muttering about how disgusting the couple were. David looked up at the man, giving him a glare so intense that he couldn't help but look away in shame. Matthew placed his hand overtop David's, causing him to meet with Matthew face to face once more, laughing at what had just transpired. "I wish I could box like those guys in the ring," David said, glancing at the ring as the fighter who was on the ground only a minute ago rose to his feet, "then that kinda stuff would never happen to us."

"It's alright," said Matthew, stroking David's arm, "it's nothing I can't live with." Matthew nodded, remembering times when things had not gone down as simply as they had tonight with men like that. More than once David had gotten into a fight, Matthew, being smaller than him, and much less well built to fight, seeking shelter behind him. David didn't always win in the end either, but they didn't dare touch Matthew while David was down, knowing that beating both of them would be taking it too far. David had always been the strong one, able to protect Matthew when someone stepped up to the plate. It wasn't as though Matthew couldn't protect himself, he just wasn't quite as good at it as David, who had spent a large portion of his life learning how to box and fight. Often times Matthew wished he could step in when David was badly injured, but he knew that he would be taken down quickly, and couldn't inflict enough damage to make his insertion into the situation worthwhile. On many occasions Matthew had asked David to teach him how to box, but David always refused, not wanting to give Matthew a reason to step into harm's way.

Matthew looked up at where the man who had mocked them was sitting, confused to find it empty, shrugging it off anyway. "Hey," David said, tapping Matthew's shoulder, snapping him out of his confused daze, "I'll be right back, I've gotta go to the bathroom."

"Sure," Matthew replied with a smile, moving his legs inwards more so that David could get by. David slowly trudged his way up the arena stairs towards the restrooms, glad to find that there wasn't a line to get in, as there had been at the beginning of the match. Carefully, he opened the door and slipped inside, noticing that one of his shoes had become untied as he walked in. David jumped back in surprise as the door closed behind him, looking up from his shoe to find that he had almost bumped into another patron, the same one who had called his kiss with Matthew disgusting. The man, who was much larger than David, laughed deeply, staring down at David, grabbing him by the collar.

"So," he said, pushing David against the wall while he made sure that no one else was in the bathroom, "you're the fag who always wanted to be a boxer, huh?"

"Why are you being such a di-" David's speech was cut off by his realization, "how did you know that?" David squirmed to get out of the intimidating man's grasp. "Did you hear me or something?"

"No," he said, letting David go with a grin, "but I think I can help you out, even if you are one of them homosexuals." The word slid off of his tongue coldly, his disdain for David's kind clearly apparent in his tone. "If you wanna be a boxer, you need this," the man said, grabbing an energy drink that he had placed down on the floor earlier, "it'll get you to where you need to be." David took the can, noticing that it was almost empty, only enough left for a quick swig. He inspected the can, reading off the brand name and slogan, "Roo Energy - Put A Hop in Your Step!" He had never heard of it before. He had no intention of drinking it, at least not until he was in the safety of Matthew's company in case something happened, though it did peak his interest.

"Why should I trust you? Why would you even help me? Why do you care?!"

"It's just a sip left, what harm could it do?" The man grinned mischievously, knowing deep down that David would give it a try, even his logic told him not to. While he couldn't change David's sexual preferences, which he was clearly not a fan of, he wanted to at least make some sort of amends for his rudeness, and if it spread word of the drink brand of his own creation, it was worth the follow up, no matter how insensire it was. His bait and trap method of getting a new customer worked almost every time, even if it made no sense to his newest client. He would change their world whether they wanted it or not.

"Why is it almost empty?" David asked, shaking the can.

"Trust me," the man said, "that's more than enough, it ain't the cheapest stuff on the market." David furrowed his brow, staring at the can. "No," the man said, knowing what he was thinking, "it ain't drugs." The man left, leaving David alone with the can of mysterious liquid.

David made his way back to his seat, sliding past Matthew once more and putting the drink in his cup holder, considering if he should drink it now or later. As he sat down, the bell for the next round rang, and all of his focus returned to the ring. Matthew looked down at the strange drink in David's cup holder, lifting it up and upon finding that it was already almost empty, just a sip left. Matthew took a whiff of it, unable to place the smell, and just like that, with David's attention on the boxers in the ring, drained the can of what little contents it had left. Matthew put the can back into the cup holder, David's head quickly snapping towards him as he heard the metallic clink of the can being placed back down. David's eyes grew wide with worry, but Matthew had turned his attention back to the ring. "Did you drink this?" David asked in concern.

"That energy drink thing?" Matthew looked down at the can once more, and then back up at David. "Yeah, why? It was almost empty." David gulped audibly, twiddling his thumbs in nervousness as he turned his attention back to the fight, watching Matthew out of the corner of his eye.

A blinding light enveloped Matthew's vision as the spotlights above the ring panned across the audience, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut. When he opened them, everything started to get weird. It was as though a pulse emanated from him, quickly moving across the crowd again and again, although they seemed to be unphased. Matthew squinted, keeping his eyes on the fighters as the pulses grew faster and faster, seemingly moving out from his own body and disappearing through the walls of the building. As it hit the two men in the ring, Matthew could've sworn he saw one of the fighters turn into a buck with large antlers sticking out of his head, still boxing and still on both legs, like the kind of personified animal one would see on a cartoon show. But this was much more real. These animalistic traits came and went with each pulse, thought the time in between them grew less and less. The other fighter was changing too, with each pulse he took on the shape of a lean, well muscled orange and black tiger, jabbing at the buck as they continued their battle unphased.

Matthew blinked over and over again until the pulses were no more, but in their stead, reality, or at least the reality he once knew, had been lost. Even he felt strange, but he ignored the changes for the moment at hand, instead choosing to look at his boyfriend. He was no longer the human version of David, the David he knew, although he certainly had the same physical characteristics. Now, he was a handsome, muscular wolf in David's clothing, which was stretched tight over his pecs though loose around his legs, the same way they looked on David just moments before the change. His canine ears were pointed at the boxing match before him, their tips a bloody red, though not bleeding, that was just the color of his fur, evident by the striped pattern that made its way down his neck and continued underneath his shirt, although Matthew was not sure how far it went. Behind him was a dark black tail ending in yet another red tip, its fur matched up with the rest of his body, save for his chest and downwards, which appeared to be the same red as the tips of his ears and tail. Matthew marveled at his boyfriend's new body, and in both excitement and worry, he hopped up from his chair and ran to the bathroom, making sure it was clear before locking the door behind him.

Matthew looked over himself in the mirror, in complete awe over his new body. He was a kangaroo, with fur following the average gradient of brown and tan instead of more wild colors like David's. His ears stood tall on top of his head, the right one flopping and folding over a bit, something Matthew found to be cute, though he didn't fully understand why. Right away from his reflection he could tell that he had changed much more than David. Instead of maintaining his small frame and body, Matthew's new form was tall and powerful, muscle evident throughout his body, except for his stomach, which seemed to be in its own, peculiar situation. Moving down from his muscular, toned pecs grew a fairly rotund and soft belly. It wasn't too large, in fact it was fairly firm as well, as though underneath the soft layer of fat was a strong, muscular core. Nevertheless, his stomach just big enough to stick out a bit under his shirt, proudly displaying his slight roundness. It felt right though, as a kangaroo for some odd reason, to have a bit of a gut, the weight would help him put more force behind his leaps, though he could imagine it quivering a bit if he were to hop like he felt the urge to. Further down, his thighs were large and powerful, though less defined, smoothed with a small layer of fat that covered strong muscle made to help him leap long distances. His feet seemed to serve the same function, their sizable size perfect for hopping around. Lastly, Matthew looked behind him, seeing his thick tail almost dragging on the ground, raised in an upwards curve to stop it from doing so. It was heavy, but his weight up front helped him balance out. Matthew smiled as he thought about all the power he had beneath his now ill-fitting clothing, and laughed at the fact that his clothes hadn't grown with him, leaving a large part of his fat laden belly on display for all to see as his small shirt rode up his gut. He blushed at the thought, and once more looked upon his strong arms and chest.

"I would make a great boxer," the kangaroo said with a grin, knowledge of the sport flooding his mind, "besides, I know all of the moves!" Matthew the kangaroo laughed to himself, patting his belly and then rubbing his strong bicep, hoping out of the bathroom, unable to merely walk out of pure excitement. More and more knowledge of the sport, its styles and its tactics entered his mind as though he had been practicing boxing throughout his life as he made his way back to his seat. Accepting the changes that had occurred not only to himself, but to the entire world around him from just the sip of an energy drink, Matthew gladly plopped back down next to his handsome, wolf boyfriend. He certainly did look like a sexy beast with this new transformation. Matthew grinned, he knew that they would have a lot of fun tonight.

Matthew looked behind him for a moment, looking towards the seat that the man who had mocked them had sat in. He was still there, seemingly unaffected by the changed world around him. He was still a human. He looked at the new kangaroo and grinned, giving a reassuring wink as though the insults that he had hurled at him and his boyfriend earlier hand never been said. Matthew decided not to question it, and as he turned to face David, the toned, black and red furred wolf moved in for a kiss, planting his muzzle against Matthew's leaning forward with a paw on Matthew's belly for support. Matthew closed his eyes as he considered the new world around him, David's lips still pressing against his in a loving kiss. This, he decided, was certainly a good thing. Matthew opened his sky blue eyes, looking into David's dark red eyes as their lips remained locked. Matthew's eyes glanced at the boxing ring, one of the fighters, the tiger, on the floor once more.

One day I'll be in that ring, the kangaroo thought, and I'll win... for David.

Matthew closed his eyes and ran his new paws against his new body, unbuttoning his shirt, letting his firm chest feel the cool air around him, and his belly spring forward just a bit as it was released from the shirt's tight grasp. He let the kangaroo in him take control, leaving his old life behind and getting ready to live a much better one with his ever loving wolf, David.

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