Otter's Daily Life- Massage

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#41 of Otter's Daily Life

Kyle goes to get a massage.

Kyle woke up feeling achy and stiff. Keeping up with Jean and Austin was taking its toll on him. The poor otter could barely move when he got out of bed. Walking to his computer, he noticed a flyer had been slid under his door. The otter, with great effort bent over to retrieve it. It was for a massage place down the street. Was this serendipity or someone playing with him? At this point he didn't really care and dressed as quickly as his injuries allowed, then left for the massage parlor.

Entering, he noticed a skunk woman behind the desk. She reminded him of Lucy, that skunk he had had sex with a few weeks ago, but he couldn't say why. Approaching the desk, the skunk was ready for his arrival.

"You look really sore. Can I interest you in a full body massage? It's half off with a flyer like the one you're holding." Smiled the skunk.

"Oh? Great. Yeah, I'd love a massage." Said Kyle, doing his best to smile back.

"Perfect!" Replied the skunk, pointing to a door. "It's slow today so we have someone ready right now. Go into the first door on the right and undress as much as you're comfortable with."

Kyle thanked the skunk and went through the door. It looked like this place was pretty big. Entering the first door on the right Kyle slowly undressed down to his undies when he realized he forgot to put on underwear today. Shrugging, he got naked and put on a towel, laying on his stomach on the table. Kyle looked at pictures in the small room and didn't notice when Lucy entered the room. She looked at his clothes pile and just assumed that he was wearing undies since they weren't with his clothes.

"Hey, Kyle. Remember me?" Asked Lucy.

Kyle looked at Lucy and his eyes widened with surprise. "Lucy? What are you doing here?"

"This is my family's massage parlor. I work here. Now, just relax and let me take care of you." Replied the skunk.

Kyle laid down and now realized why that skunk at the desk looked so familiar. She was the spitting image of Lucy without the dyed hair and piercings. Kyle looked at the floor through the hole that massage tables have and saw that Lucy's toe claws were painted. It was cute.

Lucy got some massage oil and spread it over her paws, then went to work. She gently massaged everywhere on Kyle, starting with his neck and ending with his feetpaws, making sure not to touch the area covered by the towel. The skunk took a peek up Kyle's towel while she was down there and saw he was naked. With a grin, she finished up with his back and was ready for him to turn over.

"Okay, Kyle. Can you turn over? I'm ready to work on your front." Said Lucy.

Kyle nonchalantly turned over, not aware that there was a bulge in his towel from the massage. Looking up at the ceiling, Kyle wasn't even aware of his erection, but Lucy was. She giggled at seeing it and took the first chance she got to "accidentally" grab and remove his towel. His cock was rock hard and Kyle was so relaxed he wasn't even aware of it. Lucy had to change that.

"I'm seeing some tension in you right now, would you like me to take care of that?" Asked Lucy with a mischievous grin.

"Yeah, sure." Murred Kyle, who was too relaxed to think about what she meant.

Lubing up her paws, she gripped Kyle's hard cock. Suddenly he was aware of his hard on and blushed. Lucy didn't stroke his cock, she massaged it. Kyle tried to apologize but his words lost all meaning and he relaxed. He never had had a handjob like this before. Lucy used one paw to massage his length and another to rub his thighs and groin. The otter would whimper occasionally as he relaxed even more, but any noise just goaded Lucy on in her endeavor.

After about 10 minutes of this special massage Kyle's hips bucked and the otter started ejaculating. Lucy was quick with a towel and caught his entire load. The whiteness of his semen contrasted with the blackness of the parlor's towel and hung there pleasantly. Kyle passed out with a goofy smile on his face. Lucy finished up the massage and left him to enjoy his nap. It was a slow day, no one would be waiting to use the room. In the hallway Lucy passed her sister with the jizz stained towel and her sister giggled at the sight.

Kyle woke up an hour later feeling amazing. He hadn't cum like that in a long time. The otter got dressed and went out into the empty waiting room. When Lucy's sister saw him she started giggling. Kyle knew exactly why she was giggling and blushed.

"So, how much do I owe you?" Asked Kyle.

"The massage is on the house, but I'm afraid the price of the special massage is that you gotta do the same for me. It's not fair that only my sister gets a snack for her break." Said the skunk, frowning with the last sentence.

"Well, uh..." Said Kyle at a loss for words. "Okay? Where should we go?" He finally said, not wanting to displease the skunk.

"Go to the last door on the right. You're lucky it's slow and our parents aren't here today, otter." Said the Skunk, leaving her desk.

Kyle obeyed and walked to the last door on the right. He didn't know what to expect, but he didn't want to lose the option of a handjob like that again, so whatever it takes to please these sisters was worth it. He entered the room and found it was their break room. Lucy was already in there drinking some tea. Beside her was the towel Kyle had coated, but there was no cum on it anymore.

"Your semen goes well with Oolong tea, Kyle. Oh, You're going to give Mabel a turn too?" Grinned Lucy.

Mabel entered the room and started to undress. Kyle followed suit, a little dumb struck. Once she was naked she revealed swollen pussy lips and just a small patch of blue pubic fluff. "I guess sisters really are alike." Thought Kyle, looking at her mound.

"Lucy said you made her squirt. I expect the same from you." Said Mabel, a bit demanding.

Kyle nodded and got his muzzle closer to Mabel's pussy. Spreading her pussy lips and lifting her hood he gave her pussy a quick lick, then a series over slower ones, focusing on her clit. Lucy put down her tea and slipped off her pants and panties so she could finger herself to the show her sister and Kyle were giving her. Kyle slid his tongue into Mabel and soon after he felt the skunk's pussy lips clench on his tongue with an orgasm, but no girlcum squirted out. Once Mabel came down from riding out her orgasm, she looked at Kyle.

"Not bad, but I still didn't squirt." Said Mabel.

"That was just the warm up." Smiled Kyle.

Next he rubbed on Mabel's pussy with a webbed paw, then slid a finger in. Feeling for that special spot the otter slid a finger in and out of Mabel's slit. Soon he added a second, then a third and Mabel started moaning louder and louder. As Kyle did this he knew she was close and just needed a little more. Lucky for him as soon as Lucy saw how hard Kyle was she went to get a condom for him. Rolling it down his cock while he fingered her sister, Lucy gave Kyle a spank as a go ahead, and Kyle positioned his cock at Mabel's hole.

Not removing his fingers, Kyle slid in. Not bothering to build up to it since he knew Mabel wouldn't make it much longer, Kyle pounded into the skunk. He was right, Mabel made it another minute or two, then squirted all over Kyle's crotch and thighs. The skunk moaned out and Kyle heard another moan, looking to find the source he saw Lucy fingering herself on the break room's table. This was too much for Kyle and he shot a large load into the condom. After a few minutes, when they were all done cumming, Kyle pulled out of Mabel, carefully handling the bloated condom.

He was about to slide it off and toss it when Lucy beat him to it and slid it off for him. The skunk tied it and held onto it. Kyle looked at her perplexed, but the skunk only shrugged.

"Your cum is tasty and perfect to put in my tea. Don't be surprised if I milk more of it out of you later." Said Lucy, matter-of-factly.

"Alright, well, Mabel I made you squirt. I think I'm done here for today. Is that alright girls?" Replied Kyle, a but unsure of himself.

Lucy seemed more interested in her tea and Mabel just waved him off, so Kyle shrugged, got dressed, and left the massage parlor to head back to his dorm. He didn't know how he gets into these situations, but it's not like he minded. All he wanted now is to lie down with a book or something and relax.

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