Aiden babysits Noah (Re-Upload) (Edited)

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Knock Knock Knock"Hold on!" Aiden shouted as he ran towards the door, quickly unlocking it, swinging it open."Goooooood evening Noah! Good Evening Miss Little" Aiden said in excitement. Noah would smile towards Aiden as their eyes met."Gooood evening Aiden, Are you ready to sit your Little cousin?" Noah's mother asked Aiden whilest stepping inside and taking off the small backpack off her shoulder."I sure am Miss Little. Anything I need to know?" He asked, gentley taking the backpack from Miss Little as he zips it open, peeking inside."You forgot already? There's two extra pull-ups in the backpack incase he gets an accident. There's a bottle of juice in the side pocket and some treats in the front pocket.. Did I forget anything?" She asked, staring at Aiden checking trough the backpack."Euh... What's this?" He asked curiously as he withdraws a inhaler from the right side pocket, examinating it closely."It's his emergency Inhaler... He recently got asthma... If he's short on breath give him the Inhaler. There's also an epipen in that pocket. He's alergic to peanuts.""Okay... That's everything then!" He said as he gentley lead Miss Little to the door, waving after her as he shouts "Have a nice evening at that meeting!".

 In the meantime, Noah would'v walked into the livingroom, glancing at the box full of toys and the treats on the table, slowly reaching for one as he's interupted."Woah there little boy, those are for later" He said as he drops the backpack on the small coffee table. "Let's play for a bit first." He suggested and opened the box.Noah coulnd say no to that and ran towards his older Cousin, taking an action figure out of the box. "Cool! Your stuff's nicer than mine!". Aiden smiled at Noah as he reached under the couch, revealing another action figure."These are my old Action-Mans. I used to play with them alot in my childhood.. But I don't use them anymore... Choose one of your liking". Noah's eyes grew big "I can have one?" he said, looking at each of the action mans closely."Yeah! It's a gift from me to you!" Aiden smiled whilest standing up. "I'll go get dinner ready. What would you like? I got eggs or chicken or... Fries perhaps?"."Yay fries! Thats my favorite food!" He smiled at Aiden as he walked in with a bowl full of fries and two plates, placing them on the coffee table. Meanwhile Noah would have stuffed one of the Action Mans into his backpack."Sit" Aiden said as he patted the empty spot near him with his paw, meanwhile sharing the fries over the two plates untill the bowl was empty. Noah bravely sat down. He was doing attempts to open the Juice bottle he took out of his backpack."Aiden... Could you open this for me please? Mom put it on thight! Phew!" he asked with a cute voice and two puppy eyes wich he knew Aiden could not resist. "Alright alright, Give it here" he said as he grabbed the bottle, twisting

off the cap as he reached for a glass under the coffee table.He'd pour half of the bottle into the glass, then offering it to Noah. "Here you go 'Big Boy'. You need to get some strenght" He joked. They'd both laughed a little and started their dinner.

 After awhile, Aiden would be watching a show on the TV. Noah would be doing the potty dance. "A-Aiden... C-Could you lead me to the b-bathroom?". Aiden would quickly look towards Noah and grab his paw, leading him out of the living room.He'd show him the bathroom door and leave afterwards. Noah would open the door and quickly use the potty. He almost jumped up as he heared glass break. He'd quickly pull up his pull-ups and pants and rush into the living room."Ah no..." Aiden said as he looks at a broken jar with something spread out on the floor. Noah placed his finger into hit and almost tasted it afterwards when he was suddenly interupted. "Don't eat it! It's peanit butter!" He quickly said as he wiped Noah's finger clean with a tissue."I don't want you to have a seizure!". He'd quickly start to clean up the spilled food and the glass pieces. Meanwhile Noah would have walked over to the closet. He'd slowly open the door, and notice a few PS3 games and some boardgames. He'd reach for one of them. "Let's pway this?"Aiden would walk over to Noah and look at the title. "Cluedo? I didn't play that for a long time... But I might be able to remember the rules" He said as he'd grab the box and place it on the Dinner Table. They would play the game for a few hours untill they are met by the sound of the alarm.

 "Ahh! What is that noice?" Noah shouted as he looked at Aiden running out of the living room. The alarm would stop shortly after. "Sorry Noah... That was the alarm... It's been tripping for no reason the last days-..." He'd stop as he sees Noah breathing very uncomfertably."Noah... Are you alright?". Noah shaked his head as he was trying to get his breath. Aiden quickly ran towards the coffee table and grabbed Noah's Inhaler, quickly running back afterwards. Noah would grab it out of Aiden's paw and make good use of it."You's alright now?" Aiden asked, still shocked. Noah eventually nodded. "Yeah... I'm awright..." Noah would then start to blush as he slowly stands up. Aiden would look at him, confused, he was then met by the smell of... "Did you have an.. "Accident" Noah.".Noah nodded. Aiden would sigh and grab his paw, leading him out of the living room to his own room upstairs. He'd then reach for a changing pad, laying it on his bed as he lifts Noah onto it, laying him down. He'd pull down his pants and the soaked Pull Ups, throwing it into his washing basket."Where did I... Wait here" Aiden Commanded as he left the room. Noah curiously looked around the room. It's alot bigger than he thought! He stood up and walked over to Aiden's desk. On it was standing an computer screen, a TV and a few school items. He'd slowly turn

around to get a 360 view.He stopped as he saw something stick out under Aiden's bed. Silent but fast, Noah would walk to Aiden's bed and pull out some megazine a bit. He'd look at the back of it. Cars? When he was around to turn around he felt two paws lifting him up. "What are you doing..." Aiden said as Noah dropped the megazine quickly."N-Nothing... I was just... Looking.. around.." Noah stuttered as he was placed down. Aiden would quickly kick the megazine under the bed as he'd sit down on his bed and sign Noah to come to him. Noah's hart sunk as he saw Aiden grab for the furbrush. "Come here..." Aiden Commanded.Noah would slowly approach Aiden with his head hanging down, Ready to deserve his punishment. Aiden would then place the furbrush back on it's place and lay Noah down on his bed again, changing him quickly. "You're lucky.. I do not like to give that kind of punishment.." He said.When leaving the room, Aiden would quickly peek towards his bed as he yet sees the megazine is missing. That Naughty kid...

 After watching TV for awhile, Aiden could notice that it was Noah's bedtime as his little cousing tried to keep awake. "Are you tired already?". Noah could only nod. Aiden would lift him up and take him upstairs. He'd open the door and place Noah onto his bed. "Got your nightwear in your backpack?" Aiden asked."I got a pyjama shirt" Noah said as he took a shirt with a logo on it out of his backpack, changing his current with the new, taking off his pants. "Hehe, You sleep in your pull-ups and shirt? You're copying me!" Aiden laughed as he succeeded to change his shirt and take off his pants, throwing it into a basket.Both would step into the bed and cuddle with each other untill they fall asleep.Noah would wake up from a shout: "Noah! Food's ready!". In less then a minute, Noah entered the kitchen in his pull-ups and pyjama shirt. "Wow! A new record" Aiden joked as he'd offer Noah his plate. "Oh! This looks pwetty nice!" Noah said as he starts to eat his eggs and bacon."So... Did you sleep well". Noah nodded. "I had a pwetty nice dweam! It was full of tweats! They were dewishious!". Aiden chuckles. "Those 'Tweats' are in the living room". He'd walk out of the kitchen, only to then come back and find Noah looking into a cabinet under the sink.Aiden would sigh, placing the bowl of candies on the counter as he'd tap his foot on the tiles. Noah would quickly look up. "Sowwy... I got bored... What is twis?" Noah asked as he showed Aiden an object. Aiden would quickly take it from Noah and put it back in the cabinet. "None of your business...""It wooked like fireworks.." Noah said in a 'big boy' voice. "We can go wight them up in the backyard?". Aiden shaked his head. "I don't want the.. 'Popo' to come here and take our Fireworks. It's left from a few days ago. Let's go change our clothes before your mother comes".

 After changing into their normal clothes,

they went down to play for a bit untill they heard knockings on the door. "I'll go". Aiden stood up and answered it. Noah could hear him speaking with a stranger: "No... I was going to give it tomorrow!... Get your stuff ordered at your own adress next time!".The door could be heard being closed roughly. "Who was that?" Noah curiously asked. "Some old friend of mine... Coming to pick up that Megazine you found earlyer." "The one with the car on it?" Noah asked. "Yeah... The one with the car on it... It was a secret book... Come on let's play some cops and criminals!".They both agreed to playing Cops and Crims. Aiden was the cop, Noah the Criminal. "Freeze little one! You just crossed the path with crime!". "Oh no! I'm getting awested for stealing tweats?" Noah said. "Yes you are!" Aiden laughed as he imaginary put cuffs on Noah's wrists, pulling him towards a corner."This is your cell. Have fun here for your entire life! Mwuhahaha!" Aiden said as he sat Noah down in the corner. "Oh no! My entire life?" Noah asked. "Not really Noah. Come on, You're the Cop now." Aiden said as he ran away. "Hey wait up!" Noah shouted as he rushed after Aiden.

 After awhile, they were interupted by the doorbell. As Aiden opened, he was met by His mom and Noah's mom. "Hey mom, Hey Miss Little. We had a fun time on our own! How as your night?". Aiden's mom mumbled something, Miss Little on the other hand told Aiden how it went."Oh.. That explains why she's so silent... Ah, I'll get her happy!" Aiden laughed as he shook Miss Little's hand. Noah would have walked outside with his backpack in the meantime. "Goodbye Noah.. Am I getting a big hug from my Little Cousin before he leaves?". Noah could not say no to that and rushed at Aiden.Miss Little Aww'd, before taking Noah's paw. "Here's a little 'Reward'" She whispered as she gave Aiden $20. "Thank's Miss Little! Have a nice day! Bye Noah!!". "Bye Aiden!!" Noah shouted.The end (?)