Shane and Jack's snowy vacation pt.2

Story by fuzzedfur on SoFurry

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To all of you who are reading this, I am very happy that you are doing so. Although the first chapter was just a boring story builder, it would definitely help you understand what was going on in this chapter if you read it. To those of you who did read part one, I apologize for the boring start, hopefully this installment will keep your eyes open. I will also make this part much longer than chapter one, which only filled two pages on my writing doc.

If you don't enjoy m/m stories, or are too young to be reading erotic stories, you should probably leave, after telling me why you clicked on this story in the first place. If you stay, you are agreeing that you know what you want., and won't be punished for getting it.

Anyways, I am glad to give you Shane and Jack's snowy vacation pt.2

Jack quickly brought his snowboard to a halt at the bottom of the snowy run. Shane caught up about 7 seconds after jack, cursing under his breath, while not losing his cool and slamming his hat on the ground.(although the idea was still fresh in Shane's mind). "Crap. I would've won if that guy on the skis wouldn't have rammed into me," Shane complained, frustrated.

"But he barely even grazed you, he didn't even fall over,' replied Jack.

"He would have if he wasn't 100 pounds heavier than me," Shane mumbled. This wasn't even an exaggeration, as it wasn't uncommon for a lot of adults to be nearly twice the fox's weight. "Come on, one more time, I know I can beat you. If I don't, I'll pay for dinner tonight."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind a free meal," Jack confidently replied, smiling happily at the thought of food. It was 4:30, and they had gotten too pumped up to stop and eat lunch. He walked with Shane to the chairlift, helping the short fox jump onto the wooden bench. "So what happens if you do win?"

"If I win, you get to drive on the way home in four days," answered Shane. Although he was never one to brag, or rub loosing in someone's face, he did like to win a bet every now and then. They hopped off when they reached the top of the run, and slid over to the point they had started at the last two times.

"Okay, we'll leave once Mark wipes out on that kicker over there," announced Jack. They both waited for the scrawny feline to come crashing down after attempting a 720 melancholy off of the jump that was much too small for that kind of trick. They both began racing down the mountain as Mark became lost in a large explosion of white powdery snow.

Unlike the previous attempt at beating Jack, Shane made his way over to the left side of the slope, which was harder because there were more trees, but was a bit more of a sheer decline than the right, which contained most of the ramps and rails. Because Shane rode goofy footed(right foot in front), he had a hard time keeping track of Jack's progress, who was trying to use the jumps to gain momentum. Shane grinned widely as Jack disappeared from view. Not wanting to fall behind again, Shane crouched low and went in one straight fast line.

His plan quickly backfired as he had to swerve to avoid a rocky patch that was half hidden by a snow drift. Unfortunately, he just caught the edge of one of the rocks, making him turn sideways. He leaned far back, trying to turn and regain control, but failed miserably as the front end of his board collided with a large, stiff tree. He was whirled around once again, but this time he was flung onto his back, and continued rolling down the slope until it finally evened out at the bottom.

Seeing the nasty looking crash, Jack came to a screeching halt next to Shane's sprawled out body, saying "Damn, that looked like it hurt, are you all right?"

Shane slowly sat up, wiping the snow from his torso and legs. "Yeah, I think I'm alright." He was proved wrong as he tried to stand up, but then winced in pain, falling back clutching his right leg. "Damn! I think I might have sprained it a little."

Jack gently got the fox's paws out of the bindings, then lowered down and placed his left arm around his shoulders. He carefully hoisted him up off of the ground, thanking the fact that Shane was so light. "Come on, we should get you back to the cabin to lay down," he informed, grabbing both of their boards and carrying them under his free arm. They walked past the picnic bench that the other four were sitting at, sipping hot chocolate, "Hey, Shane took a bad fall and hurt his leg, we're gonna head back to the cabin."

"Oh, sad. The extra key is under the second largest rock next to the left window." replied Kelly, still clinging to Jason. "We'll be heading back too in a little while, we'll see you then.."

Thankfully, it was only a five minute walk from the slopes to the cabin. Jack gently leaned Shane against the side of the domicile, and went to find the key to the front door. He unlocked, replaced the key, and helped his hobbling friend in. He set both of their boards next to the closet near the door, and took off his wet jacket and gear and tossed it next to the toasty fire place to dry off.

"Lean against the couch, I'll help you get this stuff off," said Jack, untying Shane's wet boots. Shane pulled his jacket off by himself, just as Jack had started to unzip Shane's snow pants. Invisible to the coyote, Shane blushed and turned his head to the side as his friend gently pulled the snow covered pants down this slender legs. After all the wet stuff was off, Jack helped Shane back to their room to lay on the large, soft bed.

Shane yipped a little when he bumped his right leg against the bed's steel box spring. "Aww, poor little fox, is there anything I can do to help the pain?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, give me a footpaw massage," the small vulpine requested jokingly. He jumped a little in surprise as he felt the coyote's silky smooth paws begin caressing his sore toes and pads. He was surprised, but happy that Jack was doing this. He let out small moans from time to time from the feeling of Jack's digits and palms running over his weathered paws.

"Does that feel any better?" asked Jack.

"Mmmm, yeah, a lot better," Shane answered, grinning widely and stretching out his arms. He felt Jack slowly work his way up his shin, up to his knee, then slowly go back down. The massage felt very good, and Shane closed his eyes and laid back in bliss as the massage continued, but was jerked back to attention when he felt a new, warmer, wetter sensation against his paws.

Jack noticed his friends small recoil. "I'm sorry, do you want me to stop?"

Shane was about to say yes, but stopped himself as he remembered the soothing feeling that it gave him. After a couple of moments, he replied, "No, please keep going."

Jack smiled, and brought his warm pink tongue back to the foxes soft black paw pads. He first licked across the bottom, working his way from left to right. Then, he ran his tongue up the length of his dark silky toes. Once he had covered all of Shane's toes, he gently lapped at the top of his paws. Shane was now lying back down with his hands behind his head, in a state of pleasurable bliss at the warm tingly feeling. After the top of Shane's paw was sufficiently licked', Jack slowly made his way to the shin, lapping all around the slender limb. He licked up an down Shane's leg once, the back up to the knee. On the second pass, he snuck a quick lick under the fox's thigh, getting the bottom of Shane's cargo shorts slightly moist. Jack sat back with a grin and said "Does that feel all better now?"

"Yeah, that felt great, thanks," Shane replied happily. The grin was slightly dampened when he realized that Jack had technically won the race, and that he would not only be paying for dinner, but would have to drive again on the way back.

Jack saw the expression on his friends face change, understanding why it had. "Don't worry, I think that we can call the race a tie." Shane's grin returned, admiring how valiant his friend was. Just then, they heard the door swing open, and looked over to see Sam leaning against the frame.

"C'mon, the steaks are almost ready," Sam informed them. They were surprised, not hearing the rest of them come in. There surprise quickly turned to glee as they heard that Jason's parents had stocked the freezer with steaks. This also meant that they wouldn't have to decide who was buying dinner.

They had finished up most of the steaks, and were now soaking in the hot tub. Jack, Sam, Mark, Jason, and Kelly were all talking contentedly, warm and full of tender juicy steak. Shane had forgotten to bring a swimsuit, and Jason had brought two, so he let the fox wear his second one. Jack could hear Shane walk into the master bedroom the fetch said suit, and stop cold in his tracks as he saw the suit that Jason had laid out on the bed for him.

"Um, Jason? Is this the only extra suit that you have?" Shane asked nervously.

"Yeah, hurry and get it on, the water feels great."

The fox sighed and slipped into the suit. He caught a glance of himself in the mirror as he was walking towards the door. "There's no way I'm coming out in this!" he yelled out to the others.

Jason struggled to hold in his laughter, as he knew exactly what Shane's predicament was. "C'mon, I know you'll look good in it. Hurry up!"

The vulpine let out a sigh before slowly opening the door and walking out to join the others. As he walked towards the hot tub, he was greeted with uncontrollable laughter from Kelly and Jason, and high pitched whistles and claps from the rest. His tail swayed back and forth as he walked towards them in the blue, skintight Speedo. It nicely outlined the curves of lean yet soft rump, and the muscles that went down to his crotch. It also left a pretty noticeable bulge in the front, tightly hugging his package. He had to admit though, it was comfortable.

"Wow, you look great, hehehe," Kelly managed to giggle out.

"I told you that it'd look good on you," Jason said, grinning.

"Nice ass!" Mark exclaimed as Shane took a seat in the hot tub next to Jack.

"It does suit you pretty well," Jack said, once he and the others were done laughing. Shane blushed and hunched his shoulders, further submerging his torso under the water.

"Come on guy, stop being mean to him," Sam said, stifling back a giggle herself," you look good, Shane."

Shane managed to loosen up enough to lay back in the tub and enjoy himself. He thought that he actually did look pretty good in the skimpy garment, smiling to himself. The time flew by until it was eventually 11:00pm, and they were all so drained from snowboarding all day that Jack and Shane were the last to leave the tub.

"Man, I'm tired," Shane sleepily mumbled, hopping out of the warm water, "I'm gonna hit the sack. 'night."

"G'night", said Jack, admiring the fox's backside as he walked away. He noticed that as he watched Shane walk away, his sheath had begun to stir slightly. He now had a noticeable tent in his red swim trunks, but because he was already wet, the small amount of thick, white fluid that was beginning to seep out of the tip of his now erect member went unnoticed. Jack stared down at his member for a moment, deep in thought. Then he also got out of the tub and walked to their room.

As he walked in, he left the light off in fear of awaking the already sleeping Shane. He went over to his bed, and laid his trunks over the dresser to dry, and quickly slipped on a pair of boxers. He crawled under the thick, warm, comforter, and let out a low sigh. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw that the blue Speedo that Shane was wearing was on the floor next to his bed. When he looked up at his sleeping friend, he realized that except for the blanket that was covering his crotch and right leg, he had been to tired to change, and was completely naked. This made Jack's member start to ache with the stiffness it now possessed, and small amounts of pre were leaking onto the front of his boxers.

Jack looked down at his stiff cock, and then over at Shane's unclothed form. He whispered his name just to make sure he was fully asleep. He then slowly pulled his boxers down his crotch, all the way to his ankles. He gave his woody a few light strokes with two of his fingers, and then gave his glossy furred sheath a gentle squeeze. This made a low moan emit from Jack's mouth, and another drop of pre slip down his ever more glistening shaft. With his left hand, he gently cupped and began to stroke his velvety ball sack. He sighed and began to slowly pump his right hand up and down the length of his cock. He wasn't the type who furiously pumped it when he was pawing off, he instead slowly rubbed up and down, applying pressure and friction to all of the most sensitive spots. He grinned widely as he stared at Shane's lean thighs, and beautiful furry rump He picked up the pace only slightly, but applied more and more pressure on his sensitive shaft. He massaged away at himself, while admiring Shane's hot body, and moaning every now and then when he hit just the right nerve. His sac started to pull up to him tightly, and he felt his climax coming on. He held ears back against his head and licked his lips as he felt himself getting closer. He finally gave his shaft one more hard pump with his right hand, as he felt the great pleasure of his orgasm shooting through his body. He arched his back and moaned as he held out his left paw, catching the warm, wet splashes of cum that erupted from his throbbing member. As his pleasure peaked, his tongue lolled out to the side, and continued shooting his load into his drenched paw. He let out a long, satisfied, sigh as his climax ended, and laid back contently on the pillow. He raised his left paw up to his muzzle, and started licking it clean of his warm, salty spooge. He smiled at the taste and pulled his boxers back up to his waist. He rolled over onto his side and curled up under the blankets, and began to fall asleep.

It was the most fun he'd had on a vacation with Shane, and he really hoped it would get even better.

Well, I hope that part two was a bit less boring that part one. I'd be honored if you would leave your comments, and/or rate this. As I said before, I don't mind harsh criticism, it helps me weedle out the flaws in my stories. I know it was still pretty short, but if I'm lucky I can get the next part out sometime this week.