Invasion of the Cockhuggers: Broken Quarantine

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And another chapter for the series, written fresh off the presses yesterday, for FA: Txeptirea 's little world. Things are going for bad to worse.

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Invasion of the Cockhuggers Chapter 5: Broken Quarantine For Txeptirea By Draconicon

"You better be telling the truth and not wasting our time, kid."

Toumak hoped for more than that, but he wasn't about to tell the military doctor behind him that. The gryphon had had enough trouble just getting the military to send a few people along with him as it was. Telling them what he feared...well, he'd lose what little credibility he had.

After all, they'd been dealing with the cockhuggers fairly well at the crash site, even if they had 'lost' one or two people before they figured out a small cure. Which, even though it involved cutting off someone's manhood, still got rid of the creature. They'd been fine; why should they be afraid? Why should he?

Because no one's been watching over the situation here, was his thought, and it was a good reason. Taren had been left alone with a nurse that owed him a favor, and if she'd gotten curious, this whole thing could blow up in his face.

But it wouldn't. She would...

Please, please, please have stayed out of the room, Jen...

At least the two panthers with him made it easy to get through the hospital lobby. Nobody wanted to bother the military men, not with the current curfew that had been leveled on the city. The uniforms served almost like a supernatural shield, keeping people at arms-length and letting them get through the crowd without trouble.

Still, when they reached the front desk, Toumak couldn't help but feel a twinge of nerves. The way that the female doberman looked at him was...unsettling, to say the least. Her eyes were glassy, but...maybe she was just tired.

"We're, uh, we're here to see the patient."

"Mmm? Which patient is that, hun?"

"The, uh...secret patient."

"Oh, the secret patient."

She gave an exaggerated wink, starting to stand before abruptly pulling herself back into her seat.

"Whoops, sorry. I'm just a bit dizzy, hee hee."

"Well...we...we can make our way there."

"No, no, I insist on an orderly."

She reached down to her desk, pressing a small button.

"Sexy, can you come down? Hee hee."

Toumak's eyebrows went up as his eye went wide. He'd never imagined that the cockhuggers might shift over to another gender, but if they had, what would it have been like? Sexualization was a major symptom with the male infestation, so it wouldn't have been dissimilar in the females. If it had -


He shouted at the military officers, waving at the front door even as the elevators dinged. All of them, all at once, dinged. Hundreds of naked males leaped out like feral animals, grabbing hold of anyone in sight. Men, women, it seemed that it didn't matter. They were thrown to the ground and stripped, and then filled.

The panther on his right was grabbed before anyone could say anything, knocked down and pounced on. Toumak gave the man credit; he at least struggled before he was subdued, held down and fucked. The other...

Well, the other panther stared in shock, and his pants were getting bulgy. Toumak grabbed him by the arm and started running, the pair of them weaving as fast as they could through the increasingly chaotic lobby. They ran into the spinning door at the front just in time, managing to keep the thick glass between them and their pursuers.

With four big-dicked, cockhugger-infested dragons slamming against the door, though, the gryphon doubted that they could hold it for long. He slammed his body up against it, trying to keep it closed, but it was already trying to give way.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I have to call this in."


The panther ignored him, pulling out a phone and dialing a number. Toumak grumbled, shoving himself up against the glass door as hard as he could. But even with all his strength, the door was slowly starting to turn, taking them past the safe glass barriers to the exterior of the hospital. If they got out there, then this was going to spread even further.

Panicking, the gryphon looked back into the lobby. There would be no help there. Those that were still unconverted were barely struggling anymore, and they were a big minority. Even the panther that had been left behind was now bouncing enthusiastically on his attacker's cock, his own shaft sticking up straight.

"Do you at least have a gun?!"


The panther held it out, and Toumak grabbed it. He pointed it at the dragons on the other side of the glass, but they showed no recognition of what it was. They didn't stop, didn't weaken their assault. The gryphon put his finger on the trigger...

And then put the gun down, shaking his head.

He might have been able to shoot if they were outside, but now, it would only serve to weaken their very limited protection. He put himself back to struggling against the glass, shaking his head.

"Please...ugh...please tell me...they're sending backup..."

"Afraid not. They're pulling back."

"WHAT?! Oof!"

The sudden shock took his attention from the door at a critical moment. The dragons slammed into it hard, and the rotating door kept rotating. He and the panther were shoved out onto the steps in front of the hospital, and the dragons were hot on their tail. Despite the bruises he knew he'd take, Toumak threw himself into a roll, grunting with every stair that slammed into his side, but hoping that it was putting enough distance between him and the infected to make him safe.

The panther wasn't so smart. When the gryphon came to a stop at the base of the steps, he looked up to see that the military doctor was already in the middle of a gang bang, with a dragon cock down his throat and up his ass. He was obviously struggling, but he wasn't going to get free. Not anytime soon.

He started to raise the gun -

One of the dragons looked at him. The feral look in the eye, the bestial throbbing of the creature's cock, told him that there was no intelligence left there. There was nothing to try and save, nothing that would give him any mercy...

But he couldn't fire.

Toumak pocketed the gun, and ran away instead. The gryphon shuddered as he did, but he pushed himself to run away, harder, faster. He didn't dare stay; if he did, he would be just another one of the infected.

He didn't know how long he ran. Probably at least half an hour. When he stopped, he was across a bridge, looking across the city river at the hospital. Nude, winged patients and staff flew from the top of it, and he watched several people were hit by aerial orgasms. They'd be infected before long.

He wasn't the only one running away. Most of the city had the same idea, but if the panther was right, and the military had pulled back -

A radio in front of a nearby store crackled, and he turned as it started giving an announcement.

"_Attention, citizens. Due to the current catastrophe, martial law is now in full effect. The army has decided to place this city under quarantine, with no citizen in or out until the current crisis is resolved. Anyone attempting to leave the city will be turned back, and shot if the order is resisted. I repeat, any citizen attempting to leave the city will be turned back, and shot if the order is resisted.

"All members of research and development are putting their skills towards curing this strange illness, and we will deliver it to you as soon as possible. For now, lock your doors, and try and stay off the streets. Avoid anyone that isn't wearing clothes. Avoid anyone that you don't know.

"Stay safe._ "

"Fat lotta good that'll do us."

Toumak shook his head, watching as the infected hospital continued to pour out changed people like ants from a nest. How the hell were they supposed to deal with that? He didn't know anyone with weapons, and if the army was going to just cordon off the city from the rest of the world, he doubted that they'd be coming in with anything to help out.

And he doubted that the research and development people would come up with a cure anytime soon. Not with the way that the army had handled their samples. They'd need more of it, but if they weren't coming in...

"We're on our own."

A sudden shriek from above reminded him of the threat of flying infected, and he ducked under an awning just in time to avoid being splattered by a thick cumshot. He looked down at it, shivering as he realized just how close he'd come to getting hit in a moment of idle thought. He would have to be more careful from now on.

Keeping to sheltered areas and avoiding alleys and the underground, Toumak slowly made his way across the city to his apartment. It was a long journey, and more than once he had to avoid a group of people clustered together. He was never sure if they were infected or not, but it was better not to take the chance.

Eventually he made it home, and he collapsed against his door as soon as he shut it behind him. Even with the sound of sexual thumps elsewhere in the building, at least here, he had a chance to feel safe. Here, he had some way of taking care of himself.

Making sure that the door was locked tight behind him, Toumak walked over to a sealed cupboard in his kitchen. He unlocked it and opened it, and gradually unpacked the contents. An old chemistry set, a few medical books that he hadn't gotten around to returning, the latest books on anti-parasite medication...

"Alright. Let's see what we got."

It wasn't much, but until he found someone with more medical knowledge than him, it'd have to do. It beat just sitting around, waiting for the world to end, and he sure as hell wasn't going to waste his time waiting for someone else to save them.

And maybe...just maybe...he could save his friend.

The End