Blooming Flower - Chapter Eight

Story by Sabi Kitsune on SoFurry

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#9 of Blooming Flower

Sorry for the delay in finishing this - lot of hectic points the last few months and a lot less free time than I used to have. Thanks for being patient though, and for taking the time to read this - I hope you enjoy!

Thumbnail was made by Jaki-Kun. :D

The warm water felt wonderful as it soaked my fur and flowed down over my skin. The warmth felt wonderful. My fur usually kept me nice and warm, but there were always times when a breeze (or an enthusiastic Espeon) would ruffle my fur and I would feel the lower temperatures around me; here in the shower, with hot water streaming over me and under my feet, there was nothing but warmth everywhere. It was the end of a long day of practicing with Apollo, and the shower was very soothing to my tired muscles. It wasn't long before I closed my eyes and sank to the floor to just relax and enjoy the feelings.

I started to drift off, but a strange hissing noise brought me back to reality. My ears swiveled in search of the sound... it was definitely coming from inside the shower. I opened my eyes to look behind me and soon discovered the source as I focused on the water falling against my back.

Steam was coming off of me, but it wasn't the simple steam that came from quickly falling warm water. That was there - it came from where the water fell against the floor and the tiled walls of the shower - but it was much thicker when the water fell on me. I turned my head and leaned back to get a closer look but it didn't help any. I got to my feet from concern and moved to the corner of the shower without any water falling. The hissing sound grew quieter, but it was still there... and the steam was still drifting upwards from my back.

I stared at it in concern and tried to think back to my other showers. I knew I was a fire type now, and that my body was much, much hotter than my old one, or Apollo's, but there hadn't been anything like this before... had there been? Apollo was helping me get stronger... was my body getting hotter as he did?

A depressing thought followed on the trails of that one. Fire types were weak to water attacks... the shower wasn't hurting me, but if I kept getting stronger would it start to?

I looked up at the shower head in thought. I would have to ask Apollo. I didn't want to give up showers.

After a few moments of contemplation I shook my head and slipped back underneath the water. The hissing sound grew again, but I stretched back out on the slippery floor and ignored it. If it was going to start hurting me then that was just all the more reason to enjoy it now.

I had almost drifted back off when I heard the door to the bathroom open. The soft patter of paws moving across the floor met my ears and I lifted my head in curiosity. Apollo still hated taking showers... but he loved taking something else...

"Apollo? Are you here to take a 'shower' with me?" I couldn't quite keep a light teasing tone from my voice. I looked back down over myself - my fur was damp and matted against my skin, and my tails looked scrawny without their normal fluff... but somehow I didn't think Apollo would mind that much.

The Espeon poked his head around the shower curtain and looked at me. His expression wasn't the playful one I expected. He looked serious, even annoyed, and my ears drooped as I suddenly grew worried. "Apollo? Is everything okay?"

Apollo just shook his head. "Phobetor's back."

I shook the water out of my fur and followed Apollo into the living room, where Phobetor was untying an old red blanket he had tied into a makeshift bag. I saw a bunch of blueish berries fall out of the bag and roll over the floor - Rawst berries. They cured burns, tasted bitter... and possibly made someone fire resistant.

Phobetor shook the bag and one last berry fell out of it. This one wasn't a rawst berry though - it was rounded and plump, a lime green color with yellowish bumps running along the surface. It took me a minute to recognize it, and before I could Phobetor noticed my interest in it.

"Hey, you found your present! Go on, take a bite." Phobetor had a smirk on his face as he lifted a paw and nudged the berry towards me.

I was sure he was trying something nasty - it was Phobetor after all - but I leaned down to give it a sniff. It didn't smell dangerous... mostly it just smelled like Phobetor, with a strong hint of all the rawst berries it had been carried with. It didn't have any obviously 'dangerous' smells that I could recognize.

Before I could lick it Apollo spoke up. "A hondew berry? Really?"

"Heh. I thought you would appreciate it. I've heard it makes Pokemon friendlier."

I looked away from the berry to see a scowl on Apollo's face. "There are a lot of berries out there that do that, but this one happens to fudge with special abilities - are you trying to make Lily a little less fiery?"

Phobetor rose a paw to his chest and gave Apollo a shocked look. "They do? I had no idea..."

I just rolled my eyes and backed away from the berry. Phobetor chuckled at me and picked the blanket back up in his mouth to drag it over to a corner. When he started spreading it out I felt a pang of sympathy for the leopard, and without thinking I spoke up. "We have nicer towels and blankets if you want something nicer; you don't have to keep that raggedy thing."

I felt stupid the moment I finished saying it - why was I trying to make Phobetor comfortable here? It would be much better if he hated staying with us and left. I had a feeling Apollo was thinking the same thing as he glanced at me in surprise... but Phobetor surprised both of us by growling a little under his breath.

"No. I like _this_blanket; I'm keeping it. And it's not raggedy. It's still very comfortable."

"Okay..." I certainly wasn't going to press the issue. If he wanted to sleep on it, he was more than welcome to. "Well... um... welcome back, I guess. Apollo and I were getting ready for bed, so... just... try and keep it down."

Phobetor glanced from me to Apollo with a snicker. "Heh - I will if you will."

Apollo shook his head as I blushed furiously. I wasn't that loud... and we weren't planning on doing that anyways, not tonight! I was too tired after all the exercising anyways...

Phobetor started laughing and I realized my expression had given me away. That only made me blush harder, and I felt like smoke must have been coming off my ears with how furiously they were burning. "J-jerk!"

"Come on, Lily, just ignore him. Let's get some sleep." Apollo gave me a gentle nudge, then leaned down to grab the hondew berry - probably just to spite the Liepard - before turning and heading to the bedroom. I made sure that my tails were properly tucked down to keep Phobetor from getting a view, then turned and followed after the Espeon.

It took a little longer to get to sleep that night - Apollo shut the bedroom door behind us, but I could still hear random thumps and thuds through the door as Phobetor moved around the living room. After a bit Apollo seemed to realize I was having trouble falling asleep and started licking at my ears and head. I thought that would feel weird, but it was oddly soothing, and added to the feel of his warmth surrounding me I was finally able to drift off to sleep.

I don't remember what exactly I dreamt - I was in the kitchen staring up at the counter for some reason, and I think I smelled hot dogs - but I remember the dream being interrupted by a sudden chill. It felt wrong, and was more than just a physical coldness; things began to darken as a creeping blanket of darkness approached me. Shadows deepened and reached out towards me, and I moved back from them, but they cornered me between cabinets and kept coming.

The darkness reached my paw and I lost feeling in it. Tendrils of black fog began to cover the brownish fur... and then the fur began to change. It shrunk, becoming shorter, coarser; the colors deepened, turning more of a purple color; even the paw beneath the fur seemed to change, becoming smaller and daintier.

I shivered, feeling colder, and pulled my paw as far back as I could. The darkness was changing me, shaping me into something else... I knew it was just a dream, but I didn't want it to happen. I liked being a Vulpix, I wanted to stay this way. As I thought that and scrambled to find more room to retreat in, a buried instinct I didn't even know I had suddenly kicked in. The instinct was simple: it was dark, and I needed to light the candles so I could go inside, just like all the times I had trained with Apollo. I took a breath, preparing to spit out a fiery ember at the encroaching shadows, not really sure what it would accomplish but doing it anyways...

A river of fire emerged with my exhale. It flowed into the darkness, and where it landed the darkness withered. Splotches of dark shadows hissed and writhed where the fire missed them, but the greater mass of darkness pulled back from me. My paw returned to normal - the purple fur faded back to brown, and I felt feeling return to it.

I took a step forward... then realized with chagrin that my kitchen was on fire. The cabinet doors were disintegrating before my eyes, and flames were licking their way up the counter. I gulped, hoping I could do something about it before Apollo noticed it... but the darkness suddenly caught my attention again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw it surge forward, lunging at me; without thinking I hopped backwards and unleashed more fire at it.

I felt an odd sense of distant pain - it was a numb feeling, like I had hit my funny bone, or sat on my leg too long and then bumped it after it had fallen asleep. I didn't feel like anything was hurt though; it was a very odd feeling. But before I could think on the feeling any more the blast of fire diminished and cleared from my view, revealing the darkness was completely gone... and that my living room was on fire now, too.

The sense of pain faded suddenly, as if whatever was hurt had simply vanished, and my attention turned entirely to the fire I had unleashed upon my house. I panicked and ran for the only thing I could think might help. I hopped up onto the counter and began to push at the knob by the sink's faucet. Cold water emerged, a depressingly small stream compared to the flames crackling over the counter.

I raised my paw to try and fling water at the fire, but it wouldn't twist right; after a few tries that I hoped nobody noticed, I stuck my head under the water and made 'tossing' motions with it. Fortunately that worked, at least a little, and droplets of water began to land in the vicinity of the flames. Hissing, sizzling noises filled my ears, both from the water landing on the fires and the water landing on my head, but I ignored it and kept 'shoveling' water at the fire.

It didn't do much.

The heat from the fire didn't bother me directly, but the walls couldn't say the same, and I became more desperate with my shoveling as the first flames began to curl up the wallpaper in its unceasing quest to devour anything flammable. I whimpered in helplessness, looking around to see if there was anything else I could do...

A high-pitched, feminine screech of surprise filled the air and startled me into jumping - jumping right up into the faucet above my head. A dull pain filled my head, and...

I opened my eyes, trying to understand what was going on. My head hurt. I was in my bedroom. The bedroom was not on fire, and from what I could tell the rest of the house didn't sound like it was burning down, either, though there was an odd smell I couldn't recognize in the air. I blinked a few times to try and clear the sleepiness before I looked around again.

I quickly realized why my head hurt - I had fallen off the bed and hit my head on the floor. I was still lying in a pile of blankets and sheets, and I drooped my ears in embarrassment. I hadn't done anything like that in a while; I was getting much more used to being in a Vulpix body than when I first started trying to jump up into the bed or onto chairs. Though... with Apollo curled around me, I shouldn't have fallen off the bed no matter how I tossed and turned in my sleep. Where had the Espeon gone?

I lifted my head out from the pile of sheets and looked around for Apollo. The room was empty aside from myself... though the door was open. It looked like it had been opened with a good bit of force, and not long ago - it was still swinging back. I turned back to the bed in case the Espeon was somewhere on the bed... but as I was turning I heard a shriek from the living room. "Phobetor!"

The shriek was from Apollo, but his voice sounded off - shaky, as if he was scared, and it was a high-pitched shriek instead of the normal-pitched shout I would expect from my mate. I started to untangle myself from the blankets and was almost halfway out before I realized what I had just thought. My mate... was... was that really what Apollo and I were? I had never stopped to think about it. We had done a lot of mating - a lot of very fun mating - but that wasn't the same. But Apollo had also taken good care of me since I had become a Vulpix, too. Even before then we had been close, but since... I thought back to the candlelit dinners, the walks in the afternoons, even the way he had taught me to use my fire abilities. He cared for me, and...

My thoughts were interrupted by another shriek. "PHOBETOR!"

I shook my head and leapt out of the blankets. I could think more about what label to use for Apollo later - right now I needed to figure out what was going on in the living room.

I had just gotten into the hallway when I heard Apollo shout again. "Where are you, you connard?!" I wasn't sure what 'connard' meant, but I was sure I hadn't heard Apollo use it before - it was probably French, and probably wasn't a polite word.

I ran the rest of the way and found Apollo in the kitchen. He whirled to face me, his eyes shining with anger. He was seething; his fur was on end, and I could almost make out a purple aura surrounding him. The gem on his forehead was sparkling even though it was still, and his tail whipped back and forth violently through the air behind him. I took a startled step back - his expression frightened me.

"Where is that cat? I'm going to kill him!" He whirled away from me again and lifted his head to sniff at the air in search of Phobetor. His forked tail whipped through the air again, passing just inches from my nose, and for a half second I was overwhelmed by a strange scent. It wasn't a bad smell, but it confused me, and for some reason I even felt a slight anger at the smell. I tried to focus on it, to understand why the smell made me feel that way... then my gaze settled on Apollo's rear and I felt a new surge of anger.

Something I _really_appreciated was missing from Apollo.

Where his balls and sheath should have been was instead a swath of smooth fur covering two puffy lips. I stared at his rear for another moment, trying to make sense of what I was seeing, before I looked at the rest of the Espeon. Apollo had changed in other ways as well - his body was a little smaller, with more curvature to it, and his ears were a little more rounded than I remembered. He had a little more fur around his neck, and his paws seemed a little daintier... though it was hard to tell for sure, since he stalked off in search of Phobetor before I could get a good look at them.

Apollo was a 'she' now.

I wrinkled my nose in distaste at the idea (and whatever that scent was). Apollo wasn't a she. He was the Espeon who had mounted me when I first turned into a Vulpix, and who had shown me so many fun things I could do with my new body - he wasn't a girl; the body in front of me wasn't right.

I felt a brief confusion as my mind reminded me that I used to be a guy, too, but that cleared when I remembered just how happy I had grown since becoming a Vulpix. I was happy this way, I prefered this to the person I used to be, but I knew Apollo wouldn't want to be a girl. And I definitely didn't want him to be, either. I turned the other way and shouted for the Liepard. "Phobetor! Where are you!"

I went into the living room and paused to sniff the air. I could make out my scent, and Apollo's - along with that subtle scent that made my nose itch - and Phobetor's. I tried to concentrate on Phobetor's scent, raising my nose in the air... but it was too confusing. The scent seemed to come from everywhere and didn't seem stronger in any particular direction. I tried to think of what else to do, while Apollo continued rampaging around the house. I hoped he didn't tear anything up too badly.

I thought a little longer before a thought occurred to me. As a trainer I had battled against Growlithes in the past, and I remembered that a few of them knew a move called 'Odor Sleuth'. With it they would put their nose to the ground and sniff around until they found their opponent, regardless of anything the opponent may have done to hide. I was pretty sure my nose and experience weren't good enough to pull off the move... but maybe I was using my nose wrong. Apollo and I had been sniffing the air; maybe trying to sniff the carpet would bring a better result.

I lowered my nose to the carpet and took a deep breath... and started sneezing almost immediately. I really, really needed to vacuum the carpet.

The idea turned out to have been worth it, though - while I was sneezing I caught the unmistakable sight of yellow fur underneath the couch. When my sneezing finally ended I slunk down to the carpet and crawled under the couch. "Phobetor! There you are!"

The blob of fur didn't move... so I poked at it. I heard a sleepy grumble of 'dun wanna baddle' before the fur shifted and rolled over; one of his feet kicked me in the side as he moved. My eyes were still adjusting to the low light underneath the couch, and the Liepard's dark fur made him hard to make out, but I had a good idea where he was at after the kick. I rolled over onto my side and crawled forward a little, making sure I was lined up right, then kicked out with my hind leg. I felt something soft and fleshy impact my paw and was immediately rewarded by a pained yowl of surprise.

I smiled to myself as Phobetor shot out from underneath the couch. A good kick right in his balls should help teach him not to mess around with my mate's.

I crawled out from under the couch just as Apollo ran into the living room. The Espeon's eyes were blazing as he glared at Phobetor. "There you are! You undo this, right now!"

Phobetor slowly rose to his feet, blinking away sleep. "You two are the worst roommates... undo what?"

Apollo took a menacing step towards the Liepard. "This! What you did to me!"

I stepped next to Apollo and glared at Phobetor; the Liepard looked confused as he stared at the Espeon, but comprehension slowly appeared in his expression. "Huh... you're a chick."

Apollo started to growl in reply but I stepped between them and spoke before Apollo could say more. "Drop the clueless and tired act, Phobetor - you're the only one who could have done this. Turn Apollo back, right now!"

The Liepard shifted his weight and sprang up onto the back of the couch. "It's possible I did it by mistake... it's been a long, long time since I had any fun. Sometimes my dreams can get a little out of hand." He stretched out along the back of the couch lazily, his scythed tail flicking idly back and forth behind him. "I'm terribly sorry if you got caught in one of them; of course I'll change you back."

Apollo and I stared at the cat, waiting for him to continue... but he said nothing else, and the only thing he did was to rest his head on the back of the couch. I was confused, but Apollo's patience ran out before mine. The couch glowed for half a second before it flipped over and dropped the Liepard onto the floor. "Fix this! Then maybe we'll let you go back to sleep, bitch!"

Phobetor climbed out from underneath the back of the couch and glared back at Apollo. "I'd be careful what you say, since right now you're the bitch - and a rather hot one at that. I already said I would turn you back, and I will! But my ability works through dreams; I can't do anything to you while you're awake. Moron."

Apollo's ears flattened as he hopped up onto the overturned couch. "Why you-"

"Apollo, stop; let's just go back to the bedroom. The sooner you go to sleep, the sooner this will all be over." I nudged his side and tried to turn him back towards the bedroom. He looked back at me with anger in his expression... but it slowly calmed.

The Espeon followed after me, but not before glancing back at Phobetor. "This isn't over, cat."

Phobetor rolled his eyes before yawning pointedly. "Yeah, yeah... go hide behind Lily; I'll be here when you grow a pair."

Apollo lept at the Liepard. I didn't blame him one bit, but I didn't want him to get hurt - Apollo's strength was in his psychic powers, but they were useless against the dark-type feline. I threw myself at Phobetor and hit him right as he was readying to slash at Apollo. I wasn't sure what Apollo had done, but between his attack and my tackle Phobetor lost his balance and fell over.

Apollo stood over the Liepard and made a satisfied 'hmph!' sound. I let him gloat for a moment - the Liepard definitely deserved it - but finally nudged him back towards the bedroom again. "Come on... go lay down and get to sleep; I'll make sure he changes you back."

The Espeon gave a pleased half-wag of his tail as we left the living room. He closed the door behind us and hopped up onto the bed; we found the warm spot from before and curled up beside each other.

I tried to focus on staying awake. It wasn't hard - my blood was pumping from the fight and I was outraged at seeing Apollo changed. Plus there was still that scent tickling my nose. I couldn't pin down what it was, but it seemed to have saturated the air. I still didn't understand why but the scent was making me... not exactly angry, but... frustrated. Annoyed, maybe. That smell meant something was wrong, that something was happening that shouldn't be. It didn't make any conscious sense or seem to be anything I could label or understand; it just hit a nerve on some primal, primitive level. I shouldn't be smelling that scent, and I needed to get rid of whatever was making it.

I gave up trying to figure out what the smell was after a while and instead just tried to ignore it. I occasionally heard Phobetor moving around in the living room, and at one point I heard a 'thud' that I assumed was him putting the couch back up, but I didn't really care about that too much, aside from the hope that maybe now I could see Apollo drop the couch on him again.

Apollo tossed and turned next to me. He just couldn't seem to get comfortable - he started off on his side, then rolled onto his back, then flipped onto his stomach, then shifted back onto his side. He kept moving his legs, too, like he was trying to stretch something but couldn't. I tried to be patient, but my temper was short from everything, and before long I sighed and lifted my head to look over at the Espeon. "Trouble sleeping?"

Apollo rolled over again and looked up at me with ears drooped. "I can't... this... it itches... It's impossible to sleep while it's... it... ugh, how can you stand this thing?"

I wasn't sure what Apollo meant, but before I could ask he made it clear to me by rolling over, spreading his legs, and bringing his paws down to rub at the slit buried beneath the fur there. I blushed as I realized that was what he meant, and as I watched him stroke it. It looked... puffier, pinker, than I remember it being at first. Even in the darkness of the bedroom it stood out clearly against his purple fur, fur which was fast becoming slick as his paw moved over the region. It was quite the view - Phobetor had done a good job.

The Espeon's mound had just the right curve to it, with the fur gradually becoming lighter and thinner as it led up to the puffy lips obscured by the purple paw. The lips were nicely shaped, too, and I found myself caught in the sight of them being pushed together by the paw, then being stretched by the paw, then being spread open and granting glimpses of the passage beyond as the paw rubbed one of the sides.

I noticed as I stared that I was appreciating the sight even without the accompanying rush of hormones. No growing warmth beneath my legs, or stiffness to my nipples, or any of the other little things I had noticed as signs of arousal since I had become female. It wasn't arousing to me... but it was still a captivating sight. I forgave Apollo for tricking me into walking with my own pussy on display. If it looked anything like the one before me, I probably would have enjoyed watching it parade around before me too - especially if I had feelings of arousal from the sight too.

I also noticed the smell grow much stronger the moment Apollo spread his legs. I leaned closer and sniffed just to be sure - the smell was definitely coming from Apollo's pussy.

I felt myself blush as my mind put everything together. Apollo's itching, the strong smell, my own annoyance at it... Phobetor hadn't just made Apollo a female Espeon, he had made Apollo a female Espeon in heat. That was why the smell bothered me - it was another female in my territory, trying to steal away the males that should be interested in me instead.

I shook my head to clear that thought. "Um... Apollo... I think you might be... um... w-well... I think you're in heat."

Apollo paused in his rubbing. "Heat... but... that doesn't make any sense..."

"It kind of does... remember, back when I first turned into a Vulpix, and you said I smelled... um... you know... I think when Phobetor changed you, it put you into heat."

Apollo whined and started rubbing again. "I am going to kill that cat... this is unbearable... is this what you felt? I don't know how you lived with it..."

I blushed again as I thought back to that first day. "Well... I didn't have to put up with it for long, actually... I had a nice Espeon come help me out with it before I even realized I was in heat."

I don't think Apollo really heard what I said; he seemed much more absorbed in pressing his paw against his flesh. "I can't reach it..."

I felt a pang of sympathy for the Espeon. He wasn't prepared or able to deal with what he was feeling, and he certainly wouldn't be able to get to sleep this way. He was my mate, even if a part of him that I really enjoyed was missing at the moment. I watched the paw move back and forth against the wet flesh, waiting until it moved far enough up... then I leaned in and dragged my tongue against him in a long, deliberate lick.

The Espeon let out a gasp that was half pleasure and half surprise. The paw wavered, bumping against my head as Apollo eyes focused down at me. "Lily... what are you doing?"

I blushed a little in embarrassment but lifted my head to meet his gaze. "Just trying to help..."

The Espeon's whiskers twitched in a kind of shaking excitement. "It felt good... do it again? Please?"

I felt my tails wag behind me as I lowered my head back between Apollo's legs. The pink lips were quivering with anticipation, simultaneously guarding the tunnel beyond and begging me to dive into it. I opened my muzzle and licked between the Espeon's legs again, and again Apollo gasped. He tilted his head back, stretching out on the bed, and his hind leg flexed and stretched upwards towards the ceiling. It was cute, and I couldn't help but keep licking.

Apollo's gasps began to run together and blend into heavy breathing, then pants. I licked again and again, enjoying the odd texture of his bare flesh. It was different from his cock - not as firm, but still smooth. Almost spongy in the way it yielded beneath my tongue, then pushed back into shape as I moved on. The scent was still causing twinges of jealousy that I had to push aside, especially being this close to the source, and it only seemed to grow stronger with each lick. There was a taste, too - a thin liquid was starting to coat the Espeon's pussy, a mixture of my saliva and his feminine arousal. It tasted... tangy, some, but it was faint.

But best of all was the sight. The Espeon was splayed out on the bed before me and writhing desperately. His tail thrashed back and forth, bumping against my side, and his ears quivered with barely contained pleasure. His chest rose and fell with his pants, obscuring his mouth, but when I caught a glimpse it was open wide to let out cute whines that grew steadily higher in pitch. Nipples peeked through fur, begging for attention, and I felt a little bad that I couldn't give them any. Instead I redoubled the efforts of my tongue, licking faster and pressing my tongue harder against the pliable flesh.

Apollo's pants and squirms grew more and more desperate, spurring me to lick faster, imagining the pleasure building in him. I was about to push him over the edge, to make him orgasm, to hear him cry out in a high pitched shout of pleasure. I squirmed a little myself but kept up the motion of my tongue, desperate to push Apollo over, trying harder and harder, and gradually beginning to wonder why it hadn't happened yet. Apollo's whines began to turn desperate, and he began begging for me to go harder, to do more; I tried, and tried, even though my jaw began to ache...

"Aahh! S-stop, stop!" Something pressed against my head, gentle at first, but then it became a forceful shove. I fell back and gasped for air, suddenly realizing I had been holding my breath a little to keep up the pace of my licking.

Apollo had fallen limp on the bed. The Espeon's chest heaved with every gulp of air. "Nng... it's n-not helping... it's just making it even worse. I need... need... nrg..." Apollo broke off with a groan.

I felt a sinking feeling as I remembered back to the times Apollo had played with my pussy. Being licked and teased could be a lot of fun, but after a point I just needed something more. I drooped my ears as I came to the conclusion. "You need something inside you."

Apollo just responded with another needy whimper. I felt a pang of sympathy for the Espeon and tried to think of some way to help him.

My heart was still beating fast but I took a deep breath while I tried to think. Apollo needed a good mounting to get over the heat, but... I didn't have what he needed. I could drive him crazy with my tongue and get him riled up with my paws, but that itch inside him, the one he had always helped me with... that I couldn't do anything about. Apollo couldn't either; his paws just wouldn't reach. In fact, the only one that could help...

My ears drooped further. The only one that could help was Phobetor.

"That bastard. He planned this." I didn't want to think about it, but everything led to that one conclusion. Phobetor had 'accidentally' turned Apollo into a female Espeon. A female Espeon in heat, one who couldn't get back to sleep without some help, help that only he could provide, in the form of him getting sex.

"What? Who did? Planned what?" Apollo started to roll over to look at me.

I just shook my head, not wanting to tell him what had occurred to me. There was no way I was going to let that happen. Phobetor might be trying to get under my mate's tail, but I wasn't going to let him.

I abruptly realised how Apollo felt when Phobetor demanded the chance at sex with me, and I felt sudden guilt at how I had reacted. My mate had just been trying to protect me, and keep another male from taking advantage of me, and...

I looked back at Apollo with another cringe. That was twice in as many seconds that I had thought of him as my mate. The second time today. I took in the sight of Apollo again, with his disconcerting but beautifully feminine body. My... mate.

I needed time to think that through... but now wasn't the time. Not when Apollo's pussy was screaming at her for release. As much as I hated the idea, I would have to go ask Phobetor... not that it would be hard. The Liepard was probably just waiting out there in the living room for us to come to him. I could just imagine him out there on the couch, daydreaming about the pussy he would get to plunge his cock into...

Well, those dreams weren't going to come true.

I hopped off the bed and went to the bathroom. I hadn't needed a towel for a while now, so one had just been waiting patiently for a need to arise... and now one had. The towel was thin - not worn out, but not brand new either; it would be perfect for what I had in mind. I grabbed one end with my mouth and pulled it down, then walked back into the bedroom, the blue towel dragging behind me.

I stretched the towel out on the floor while I looked for the second thing I needed. I knew I had dropped it somewhere... there! I grabbed the Hondew berry from where it had fallen on the floor, positioning it in the middle of the towel. It didn't look quite as large as it had before... but I hoped it would still be enough.

I moved so that I was lying over the towel, then looked back up to Apollo. The Espeon was still lying on the bed and panting, totally absorbed in his own feelings and frustrations. His paws had gone back to work, but he was facing the wall and wasn't paying any attention to me - yet. "Oh, A-paw-looo..."

My sing-song voice caused the Espeon's ears to perk, and his head rose to look at me. "S-sorry... what is it?"

"Do me a favor... tie this towel around me?" I tilted my head to indicate the two loose ends of the towel.

Apollo looked confused for a second before his head fell back down to the bed. "Lily, I kind of have a problem here..." In spite of his protests the towel glowed beneath me, and the ends rose up in the air to tie themselves together on my back. I tested it, but it was too loose for what I wanted - I could easily walk out of the towel's loop if I tried.

"No, make it tighter; this is too loose."

Apollo grumbled. "Ugh what are you doing... this isn't helping." I felt the towel tighten around me, though - the pressure of it grew until it was snugly held against my fur. I rose to my paws and smiled - perfect.

"Oh, I think it's going to be a great help... now, come down from that bed. And raise that tail for me... what's the position you always tell me to take? Head down, rump up?" I felt my tails wag smugly behind me as I pointed with a paw to the floor in front of me.

Apollo's face appeared above the bed with a confused expression again. "Wha..."

"Come on, Apollo... just get down here; this will help, I promise."

Apollo sighed... but the Espeon either was tired of fighting or was just willing to humor me. He nimbly hopped off the bed, tail swishing behind him... then leaned forward, pressing his head down on the ground and lifting his rear. He looked like he was getting ready to pounce on me. "Like this?"

I rolled my eyes. "Almost, silly." I walked around until I was behind the Espeon... then gave a quick lick to the now-damp slit. The Espeon's legs trembled a little as a gasp reached my ears.

"O-okay... that does feel better this way... but why did - ack!" Apollo's question broke off suddenly in surprise as I leapt onto him, my admittedly light weight settling on him and helping push him further into the carpet.

Apollo squirmed beneath me - I wasn't sure if it was an involuntary response or if I was hurting him, but either way I needed him to stop and hold still. It was hard enough to do what I was planning without him squirming, but with him moving it was impossible... even if it did feel a little good to feel him moving against the nipples on my belly. I leaned forward and took his ear in my muzzle, biting down lightly, and the Espeon instantly froze. "Hold still."

The Espeon started to nod, but broke off when his ear tugged at my teeth. I didn't pay much attention to his head though - my attention was on his rear, and on mine. I kept wiggling and moving my rear legs, but I couldn't feel anything, and I was having trouble lining up right...

A sudden gasp from the Espeon beneath me told me I had found what I was looking for. More specifically, the Hondew berry held firmly between my legs by the towel had found Apollo's pussy. I smiled around the ear still held in my mouth and began to press forward, another startled gasp from the Espeon rewarding my movements.

I released the ear and shifted above the Espeon, moving so that my forelegs were on either side of his shoulder. "How's that?"

"Nngh... m-more..."

I wagged my tails, pleased that my plan was working, at least so far. I pushed forward more to oblige the Espeon and was rewarded by a moan of pleasure. I continued forward, a slow pace that I knew from experience was stretching the Espeon and making him wonderfully aware of every pleasurable inch of the new passage... then stopped when I felt the towel bump against Apollo's rear. The berry couldn't have been very far inside, but I couldn't risk going any further without the berry slipping out of the towel entirely.

Apollo whined needfully as I shifted and pulled backwards, the berry reversing and dragging backwards against his walls. I felt a pang of sympathy, knowing how it felt to be suddenly empty after the wonderful feeling of something inside me. I also felt bad that I wasn't able to fill him as much as he filled me, but the berry was only so large. I continued backwards until I felt too bad for the Espeon to continue anymore, then reversed once again and pressed the berry back into him. Another moan came from Apollo, accompanied by a shiver; I pressed my forelegs tighter around him to keep myself balanced, realizing as I did why Apollo often did the same when he mounted me.

The makeshift 'strap on' was working so far, but I could tell it was going to have problems. The towel held the back of the berry fast against my belly, but the front of it bobbed - much like a real penis - but uncontrollably and without any feeling. I wouldn't know how deep inside of Apollo the berry was, or if it came out. The motion itself was completely unfamiliar as well. The only experience I had with this was as a bipedal male, and the motions and angles didn't translate right as a female quadruped - instead of a horizontal motion I needed a downward angle, and my hips didn't seem to want to move quite the way I felt they should. And there was one more danger that I hadn't expected - the berry was being coated with Apollo's arousal, and the juices were spreading along it with the motions. If it kept up too long then it would get too slippery for the towel to hold.

With all that in mind there was only one real option. When the berry reached its limit this time I drew back... then gave a more forceful thrust, burying it just as far as I had pulled it out. Apollo gave another startled gasp, but this time I was ready for the shiver and held him still. I moved my hips backwards, dragging the berry with it, then gave another sharp thrust... only this time I pushed back with my forelegs, causing Apollo to fall backwards onto the oncoming berry.

An awkward rhythm soon developed, but Apollo didn't seem to notice the problems. It was his first time experiencing this, after all; he was probably too overwhelmed with heat and the new sensations to be thinking clearly. The feel of Apollo beneath me was a little arousing, but otherwise I was concentrating too much on pleasuring Apollo and keeping the strap on together to really enjoy myself.

My efforts were paying off, though. Apollo was clearly enjoying himself, and the soft moans and gasps soon blended into cries of pleasure. His tail kept whipping through the air in spasms, and each time it hit me I responded with a nip to his ear. I don't think he figured out the trigger, but he clearly enjoyed it, his cries getting higher in pitch each time. He was shaking so hard that I was sure he would have fallen apart if I wasn't holding him still, and my own fur had become drenched from where his juices had soaked the berry.

After what seemed like only a few minutes I felt Apollo's spasms and shivers begin to change, and somehow I knew what was about to happen. It had come faster than I was expecting, but the Espeon was nearing an orgasm. I gave a few more awkward thrusts... then pressed forward as far as I could, feeling the berry finally slip the towel and vanish into the feminine depths it had been probing. I winced but hoped it would be enough, and with a sudden frantic thought I leaned a little further forward and bit down on Apollo's ear.

It worked - I _felt_a cry of pleasure wash over me as the Espeon's body was suddenly locked in a powerful orgasm. The warm fur rippled beneath me as the muscles clenched and relaxed in random spasms... and I felt a sudden splash of wetness against my belly. I wasn't sure what that was, but I put it out of my mind and instead focused on holding the shivering Espeon beneath me and prolonging the feelings washing over him.

Apollo's orgasm seemed to last almost as long as the sex had... but after what seemed like forever he collapsed beneath me, half-falling to one side. His eyes were barely open, but what I could see of them were hazy and unfocused. His breathing was still a series of short pants, but he managed to take enough of a breath to speak. "Mmm... th... thank you..."

I blushed and gave his ear a short lick, but winced when I tasted a bit of blood on my tongue. I must have drawn some blood with my last bite... hopefully it wouldn't bother him later. It certainly wasn't bothering him now. "You're welcome... now get some sleep."

The Espeon gave a half purr of agreement. I wasn't sure but I suspected he was already half asleep anyways.

I stepped away from him and squirmed out of the towel. It had been tied on tight, but the exertion and... lubrication... had loosened it enough that I could get free. I looked around the bedroom for where the Hondew berry had ended up... then gave a small gasp of surprise when I found it. Or rather, what remained of it.

Apollo had fallen on his side with his tail lying limply along the floor. It gave me a clear view of his rear, most noticeably at the swollen lips of his pussy. The results of my work caused me to blush a little, but it was the greenish stain on his fur that really drew my attention. The purple-greenish fur gleamed wetly even in the low light of the dark bedroom. I didn't understand what had caused it at first... but it came together when I saw the small chunks of yellow and green, along with the green 'handle' that had been buried beneath the towel.

Apollo's orgasm had caused him to squeeze down so hard on the Hondew berry that it had burst. The greenish juice must have splattered into the Espeon, then been forced outwards with the rest of her juices. I could only imagine what that had felt like - it must have been very similar to the feel of a male cumming and sending his seed deep inside.

My mind flashed back to the surprise wetness on my belly and I glanced down to confirm my suspicions. My own white belly fur had a green stain as well, from where the berry juice had hit me, too. I leaned in to sniff it - it was definitely Hondew juice, with strong hints of feminine arousal mixed in.

The Hondew berry hadn't felt particularly strong, but it hadn't felt that weak either - it couldn't have been easy for it to burst like that. In retrospect, maybe I _should_have gotten Phobetor - the leopard would probably have trouble walking for a week if he had been the victim of that forceful squeeze.

That thought made me smile. Time to go break the news to Phobetor, and get Apollo back to himself.

"Phobetor..." I peeked into the living room cautiously, trying to spot the Liepard in the darkness. My eyes were much better at seeing in the dark, but the dark-type's purple fur would be hard to pick out.

"Oh, hello Lily..." The voice came from behind me and I jumped in surprise. The Liepard was right behind me, somehow, and was wearing a proud smirk. "Did you need me for... something?"

I couldn't help but notice that the male was obviously aroused - beneath his yellow fur a red shaft stood out proudly in the darkness.

I smiled to myself - that grin wouldn't last much longer, and he definitely wouldn't be using that erection for what he was thinking.

"Oh... no, actually; I just came to let you know Apollo was asleep." I paused to let that sink in, and took some satisfaction from the look of surprise and disbelief in Phobetor's eyes. "You can go ahead and undo your 'accident' now." I put a subtle emphasis on the word accident, daring him to deny that the whole thing wasn't intentional.

Phobetor seemed taken aback and didn't reply right away, obviously searching for words. "But... "

"Hm? Something wrong?" I was having way too much fun rubbing this in, but the jerk deserved it.

Phobetor finally managed to pull himself together and shook his head. "No, no; just... nothing. So... change him back... okay."

Phobetor closed his eyes, and I felt my fur stand on end as something cold brushed over me. The feeling lingered... then stopped abruptly as Phobetor opened his eyes. "Actually... I think I have a better idea. I think you should change him back."

I stared back at the Liepard, still a little unnerved by that sensation I had felt. "What? I can't; I would have already if I could."

Phobetor chuckled again. "Okay, maybe not change him back... but I know you can mess with dreams. The 'dream eater' move, right? You might not be skilled enough with it to take strength, but you can alter somebody's dream, can't you?"

I tried to hide the blush as I remembered back to some of the dreams I had given Apollo. "Yes... but that's not the same..."

Phobetor interrupted me with a shake of his. "Just do that part of it, then. You change his dream so that he changes back, and I'll supply the energy his body needs to make the dream real."

I scrunched my nose up. "Why? You know what you're doing; just do it yourself."

The male was quiet for a moment before sighing. "Look, I know what you and Apollo are doing. You're trying to learn those hidden Vulpix abilities - messing around with illusions, so you can fool other people into thinking you're still human, and they don't need to chase you out of the house. It's a great plan, and one I'm all for you doing - I want to live here too, and I can't do that if you can't. But what Apollo is trying won't work. Not by itself. He'll make you stronger, sure, and he'll get your fire attacks to the point where you can chase off other Pokemon... but a hotter fire won't give you the fine control you need to make a passable illusion. There are billions of small details you'd have to get right, and being strong won't be enough."

The Liepard stalked past me into the living room and hopped back up onto the couch, hiding his dwindling erection. "So you should practice with me, too. That's what you're doing when you mess with a dream - you're creating an illusion inside somebody's sleeping mind. And it's much easier to fool somebody in their sleep than when they're awake. That's why you need to do it - so do it." The Liepard yawned pointedly. "Unless you want Apollo to _stay_this way..."

I glared back into the darkness at the leopard... but I had to admit he did have a point. I finally gave up and closed my eyes, reaching out for the sleeping presence I knew to belong to my mate...