Ch. 3 The Devils Courtyard

Story by MUTT557 on SoFurry

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We ahd all started in trucks once again some made it some didn't. This time our truck actually made it to the battle.

We had all piled out and thrown ourselves into the trenches like last time and just as the truck started up again it blew up with the help of a well thrown hand grenade.

"You know it makes you wonder why we don't just come here in tanks"said Max as another one exploded nearby.

"You think tanks would do shit against that?" Said Alex.

Max thought for a moment and shook his head.

"When I get back I'm never riding in a truck again" Max said as the driver of the truck(on fire of course) ran out of the wreckage screaming.

I took a few shots at the enemies in the houses nearby and shot one out of a window however another one took his place.

"What we need is a frickin bazooka."

"Someone say bazooka?" Runt said as he crawled over from his spot.

"Yeah. You got one?"

"I got a portable mortar" Runt said his tail wagging almost getting shot off from the spray of lead above them.

"Well set the damned thing up"Alex said as he took a few shots of his own but missing.

In about two minutes they had set the mortar up and were about to test it when someone yelled"look out!" and a group of furs exploded nearby smattering them with blood.

Runt began to shake as he said" it!"

They dropped the explosive in and covered there ears as a large pop filled the air.

The top of a building nearby suddenly exploded and set the one next to it on fire.

With the momentary distraction the enemies stopped fireing. Max took the chance. He charged forward and kicked in a door yelling and spraying lead in all direction s killing to enemies while a third dived under a desk, fireing his own spray of lead but it missed. Max dived behind the couch, peeking around the corner he saw the enemy about to take a look and he shot his assault rifle at the furs head it hit causing the fur to fall backwards.

Alex and Runt ran in. Runt took one look and he started to shiver again. Alex looked around and saw one of the wounded furs reaching for a machine pistol. Alex took out his own pistol and shot his head off. Runt yelped but no one was paying attention to him. They were paying attention to the thumping coming from the next floor. Runt quickly said" I stay here and keep watch."

We walked up the stairs as quietly as possible with Alex in the lead. When we got to the top Alex peeked around the corner. Pulling back after looking at somthing for a few minutes,

"Theres two of them each at a mounted machine gun" he said quietly.

We walked quietly into the room and aimed our assault fifles at there heads. It was over for them before they could say "WTF".

I kicked aside one of the dead bodys and got on the machine gun mount. I looked out through the small hole inbetween the sandbags and saw furs fireing MG42s at our men from the building nextdoor. They had not noticed us breaking into the building. I took careful aim and fire six shots at the nearest one. The gun in the window stopped fireing. The one next to it continued however meaning they still didn't know. I fired a few more shots at the other gunner and it stopped fireing as well.

Furs began running out of the trenches and into the building next door. a few muffled shots rang out and the building wen't quiet. it eihter men't that our men had failed to gain access to the building or that they had taken it. A green flare shot out from one of the windows of the building meaning they had captured it. We shot off our own and then I kissed Alex. Alex grabbed my ass but we had to stop when we heard Runt running up the stairs.

"He guys don't celebrate yet we still have two more buildings to deal with and the courtyard itself!"

After re-stocking on ammo and supplies we looked out the back windows we could see another building and suddenly a machine gun opened fire from one of its windows. We all ducked but one of the bullets hit Runt in the leg.

He yelled out"get a fuckin medic up here!"

Alex ran downstairs and returned with a field medic.

"Can you move?" said the doberman that was the field medic.

"I think so" Runt said as he grunted in pain and hobbled out with the medic.

"That looked like it hurt. glad it wasn't you that got hit"Alex said with a smile on his face.

He pulled me into another kiss but I stopped him and said"now isn't really a good time."

"Yeah your right as the machine gun next door continued to fire.

A little later when the machine gun stopped I poked my head out a little and saw they were reloading. I shot the gunners down and turned to Alex. "stupid bastards wasted all there bullets."

He grinned at me and got up saying"three down one to go."

"Your forgetting the courtyard" I said.

"They will probably just give up when they see there surrounded on all sides."

"your probably right" I said as I pulled him into another kiss. He kissed back and he grabbed my ass again.

"Wait a second" I said and I turned and locked the door.

He grabbed me from behind and tackled me onto the bed.

"Do You wan't have some fun while wer'e here?" he said in his sexy voice.

"What the hell wev'e got all the time in the world" I said and started to squeeze his ass while he started to lick my chest every once in awhile biting my neck. I started to undo his pants while he ripped off my Army jacket.

I finally got his pants undone and started rubbing his sheath. He murred and started to undo my pants. I stopped rubbing his sheath and brought my muzzel down over it try to take in all of his large cock at once. He had now gotten my pants undone and was rubbing my sheath while I sucked on his. I let out a muffled moan of pleasure as my cock came out. I could feel his against the top of my mouth. I smelled his scent and melted in his arms instantly.

After a few minutes of me licking his cock and him bucking against my muzzle he moaned out"I'm gonna..."as jet after jet of steaming hot seed flew down my throat. I tried to take in every last drop but some of it leaked out the side of my mouth and onto the floor.

I finally pulled away from his cock and said"Alex would you-?"

"My pleasure" Alex said turning over.

I imediately thrust my cock into his ass making him growl and grit his teeth.

"Should I-"

"No keep going."

At that I continued thrusting into his ass even getting faster. He started moaning and slobbering all over the place.

Finally I growled out "Alex I'm gonna cum!"

"Keep fucking going" Alex growled.

After a few more thrusts my knot pushed itself inside alexs ass and I started to cum. Jet after jet of my own seed started to fil up his ass. Alex howled as he started cumming all over the bed.

Finally it ended. I had knotted Alex and my last stream of cum flew up his ass. Then we both fell into a deep sleep.....

Hours later I woke up to someone banging on the door and yelling"open up now!"