My AWF Career

Story by ShadowWuff2014 on SoFurry

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#1 of AWF

Will be updated AFTER I upload to Wattpad. Pretty much it.

A/N: This story is also on my wattpad account. @ShadowWolf_AWF


As I'm backstage, I look at the monitors watching the show intro, and then I watch the pyrotechnic fireworks go off. 'Hmm... New pyro I see.' I thought. "Welcome... To Friday Night AWF!!" I hear the commentator say over the monitor. I decided to walk to my locker room and get ready...

Dean & Josh

"Tonight we have a new superstar debuting in his first match of the night against Chris Fox." Chris, who was 5 ft 9 inches tall, and a red fox with an orange tail-tip, paws, and tips of his ears, was getting ready at that moment, along with our very own main character, Shadow. No one else (expect him) knows his real name. "You're right Josh, The Shadow going against Chris Red in his debut match here on Friday Night AWF." Dean, the other commentator said, as the match card appeared on the titantron. As soon as that happened, the arena roof must have well blown off. Practically every single fan in that arena was cheering for that match, which was the main event. "Dean, this match is gonna be awesome! An Extreme Rules Match?! This is not going to end well knowing Chris." Josh had to shout into his mic in order to be heard.

A replay appeared showing a match from 3 months ago. Chris was in a No Hold Barred Match, practically beating a husky to death with a steel chair. Then it showed later in that match, Chris ripping off the cover of the announce table and the monitors under it, and he took a silk cover off of what nobody expected.... Cinder blocks... And it was right next to the announce table. He shoved the husky face first onto the blocks, and hopped up onto the table. After that, the entire world, was in shock. As soon as the husky lifted his head up, Chris jumped onto the husky's head, foot first, and stomped his head down, crushing the cinder blocks, and causing the husky to bleed.


I saw the replay and was in shock. 'So that's what he can do in a match that allows weapons?! Jesus fucking christ...' (Speaking of, matches that are No Disqualification, weapons allowed, are Hell In A Cell, Steel Cage, No Holds Barred, Extreme Rules, aaaand T.L.C. - Tables. Ladders. Chairs.) 'Time to step up then...' For those of you that have been wondering, I'm 20, 5 ft 11 inches tall, a wolf, and have black fur and red eyes... Don't ask, I don't know why either... Anyway, my attire are jeans, and red gloves... What can I say? I like red and black, natural colors after all.

The process to get to here was grueling. I've had my right arm broken... Twice... And no, I'm not telling you my real name either... Anyway, I decided to walk around backstage while I wait for my match. I walked out of my locker room with a black shirt on saying "The Shadow" in red, with the style of dripping... Let's just say liquid... I walked to the parking lot and saw a husky getting things out of the trunk of his car. 'He looks awfully familiar...' I thought, and I called out to him. "Hey!" I shout. He whipped around holding his fists out and, realising it was just me, put his hands down. "Oh, hi." He said, clearly relieved. "Need help with your stuff, and how's your neck?" I asked, while walking up to him. He was a husky (duh) had sky blue eyes, blue fur, but his hand-paws, were white, along with his muzzle. "Of course I need help, and my neck is fine now... Can't wait to get my hands on Chris Fox..." He growled, paws clenching into fists. "Well... I have an Extreme Rules Match with him later tonight for my debut match... Maybe you can help me out." I told him. "Ya know you and I could become great friends. Oh by the way, my names Cyan... I assume you're Shadow?" "Yup. And now to the plan..."

D&J, Skip to Main match

"Well Josh... It's time for our Main Event here on Friday Night AWF!" Dean shouted. "Ooohhh yeah, this is gonna be good... By the way, we should probably switch to our wireless mics... With Chris out here... We should be ready." "Good thinking Josh..." The lights when from red and stationary, to moving and white, as the bell rang three times. "Ladies and Gentleman, it is now time for our Main Event!" The ring announcer, Justin, said into the handheld mic, that broadcasted to the arena. Fans cheered and booed, the arena fans' reactions split at the response.

Chris's music (Killswitch Engage - This Fire Burns) started throughout the arena, lights still moving, turned orange and white, and the titantron displayed the name 'Chris Fox' and the boos sounded.


I watch Chris walk out past the curtain. I laughed at the boos. "Hahaha! I feel so bad for him..... Not!" Cyan and I both laughed and high-pawed (high-fived... Potato patato). "Nice one." He said, still chuckling. "So I got the signal down... And by the way, I noticed a cover next to the announce table..." He trailed off, and drug the last word out. "Well great... Guess I'll have to use that to my own advantage." I said cracking my knuckles. And I hear Chris's music stop...

"Good luck out there." Cyan told me patting my back. I signaled to a tech worker to start my music. Then I heard my music hit (Seth Rollins FCW Theme) Then I walked out, seeing flashing lights from phones, and from my entrance lights. I screamed at the top of my lungs "We will fight!!!" And the fans said that along with me. 'Let's get this over with.' I thought, as I pulled my shirt over my head, and threw it into the crowd. I check my gloves, ran down the ramp, and slid into the ring under the bottom rope. I grabbed Chris's legs and made him fall onto his back, and I heard the bell ring 3 times to signal the start of the match. I stood up, stomped on his stomach, and rolled out of the ring under the bottom rope. I looked at Chris and made sure he was still in pain... and he was. I walked over to the Timekeeper area, next to the announce table. "Get up!" I shouted at the the ring announcer, took his chair (which is a foldable), and turned around only to be met with a boot to my gut. "Gah!" I hunched over and it forced me to drop me to drop the chair. He hit me on my back with his forearm, forcing me to fall to all fours. I saw him pick up the chair at the corner of my eye, and all I could feel at the next moment, was pain shooting down my back. "Aaahhh!!!" The crowd gasped, and I rolled onto my back in pain. I saw Chris bend over to take the cover off of something. 'Cinder blocks? Not today bitch!' I thought as I turned on my back, and used my legs to swipe his out from under him, causing him to face-plant onto the cinder blocks. The crowd cheered like crazy for me then, and a little louder when I did a kip-up. I grabbed the chair, and struck his back. Once. Twice. Three times. "My god, Shadow is destroying Chris with the chair!" I heard Josh shout from his place. I stopped at ten, and dropped the chair onto him. 'Time to amp this up...' I walked over to the ring apron and pulled it up. 'Let's see... Kendo stick, chairs, tables, ladders, 2 by 4 with barb wire on the end, a.... Wait... 2x4 with barb wire? Oh, Chris is so going to hell!' I grabbed the 2x4 and held it so the cameras and fans could see it, and the fans. Went. Crazy.

Last two times I was in a No Holds Barred match, were the last two times I got my right arm broken... I see Chris starting to get up, his back to me. I get in a baseball player stance, and right as Chris turned around... He ducked my swing, kicked me in my right knee turned me around and shoved me into the ring post... I tell you, I've never has THAT big of a headache in my life. "Oh my lord! Shadow sent face first into the ringpost!" Dean said, shocked. "Aw man! He's been opened up!" Josh said in reply. I had what felt like a 3 inch cut on my forehead, horizontally. Chris yanked the 2x4 from my hand and held it triumphantly above him, taunting the crowd. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of him, you hear me?!" He shouted at the fans. 'No you're not' I kicked him right where it counts, rolled to my feet, and superkicked his face. He fell to the floor stunned, dropping the 2x4 in the process. I leaned against the barricade, getting my bearing and breath back. I felt fans pat my shoulders and arms, saying things like "Come on Shadow!" "Make him bleed!" And this one made me laugh in my mind, after all, I'm trying to get my breath back. "Beat the hell outta that FireFox!" I stood up, getting my balance, and glanced over at Chris who was holding his forehead in pain. 'Well now I know what body part to target...' I wipe away the blood from my head and eyes, and swiped my head fur back. I grab the 2x4 and throw it into the ring. "Give me a mic!" I shout to a tech worker. He hands me one.

I tap it a few times, making sure it was on. "So..." I said, still trying to get my breath back. "What do you guys want?" I asked the fans. I heard them say 2x4, chairs, and tables. Then they started chanting "We want tables!" "You want tables?" I said, and they cheered. "Then you'll get tables!" I shouted and threw the mic onto Chris... Or so I thought at the time. I lifted the ring skirt up and found a table. 6 feet long 3 feet wide in case you're wondering. I pushed it into the ring under the bottom rope, and rolled into the ring. I grabbed the table and set it up in a corner making sure it was perfect, I turned around only to be met with a boot to my midsection. 'Well look who got up' I thought, as he punched my face with lefts and rights. He kicked my shins and I fell onto the table. He went to the corner opposite the table and charged toward me. 'Shit' was my last thought before I felt pain on my entire torso, and fell writhing on the floor. "Not so tough now are ya?!" Chris shouted at me. I got onto my hands and knees but was met with a boot to my back. He kept stomping until he was sure I was in pain, and boy was I ever... I saw him slide out of the ring, glancing at me before he turned his attention to the announce table. The referee was asking if I was okay and I nodded. I noticed Chris gesturing to the announcers, before he ripped the cover off the table. 'Here we go...' I thought, hoping Cyan was still watching the match...


'Come on Shadow you can do this...' I thought as I watched the match. I was watching the match on the monitors along with the rest of the roster, but I decided to watch it in my locker room instead. The camera switched to Chris, who was ripping the monitors out of the table. Then I noticed the cover, and could only think of one thing that was under that... Cinder blocks.


I used the ropes to get myself up, grabbed the 2x4 and rolled out of the ring under the bottom rope right behind Chris. He didn't realise I was there, until I tapped his shoulder, and did a baseball swing at his face. This time I hit him, and the barb wire was caught in his face. I took the end with the wire, held it above his midsection, and plunged it down. Hearing him howl in pain was the most comforting thing I've heard... I know, I'm crazy... Don't care.

I did a small wave to Josh and Dean, who switched to their wireless headsets. I looked at Chris, the table, then the ring apron and had a vicious idea... I stomped on his midsection, where the barb wire was still in him. I picked up the 2x4 and made sure the wire wasn't stuck to him, then tossed it to have it hit the barricade. I walked over to the ring skirt, lifted it up, and drug out a 15 ft tall ladder.

I set up the ladder in front of the announce table, and dragged Chris to his feet by his arms. He kneed me in the gut, and kicked the back of both my knees which forced me to fall. He dragged me up and Irish whipped me, back first into the barricade. (An Irish whip is where an opponent grabs someone's arm and moving the opponent in that direction). He got me up after I slammed back first into the barricade, and laid me down on the announce table having me stare up at the lights. He punched me in the face three times and climbed up the ladder.

He stood on the last rung to the top with both feet on both sides. I gave him the middle finger, my signal to Cyan. Right when Chris was about to jump, Cyans music blasted throughout the arena (Roman Reigns - The Truth Reigns). Everyone stood up and cheered like crazy, and Chris turned in shock, somehow not falling off the ladder. "Holy shit! Are you kidding me?!" Josh exclaimed, pure shock on his face. I stood up getting off the table and climbed the ladder, as Cyan walked down the ramp holding a kendo stick with pure hate practically stamped onto his face. Chris noticed me, and stood on the other side of the ladder, both of us trading right handers on the top of the ladder. Cyans music stopped, and he stood next to the announce table, while Josh and Dean moved out of the way fearing the worst. I grabbed Chris's headfur and slammed his face onto the top of the ladder, and he was stunned. I lifted his head up with my left paw, and pointed to the table with my right.

Chris swiped my paw off his chin, and I grabbed Chris's side of the ladder with my right paw and decided to swing to his side. I only got my right foot and paw onto his side before I was met with a forearm to the face. I just managed to hang on, but he wouldn't stop punching my face. Then he swiped my right paw away, and then punched my face. I swung back to my side, and punched Chris in the face. Then I realised there were two announce tables. 'Oh well' I shrugged, grabs Chris's head fur again and headbutted him, he returned it, I did, then he did. Then we both fell off the ladder, him crashing through the other announce table, and me through the one Josh and Dean used. The crowd stood up at seeing us fall, and crashing through the table.

"Shadow!!!" Cyan screamed. I felt nothing but pure pain, when I crashed through the table, and I forced myself to roll out of the wreckage, and ended up next to the ring. "I need help!" The referee shouted. He checked on Chris who was holding his right shoulder, and grimaced in pain. The crowd started chanting "This is awesome! Holy shit! This is awesome! Holy shit!" Cyan helped me to my feet and I used him for support to get my breath back.

"You alright?" I nodded in reply. "Good. Because I want you to do something for me..." He turned me around, and picked up the kendo stick, and swung right into my midsection. "Oh come on." I growled through my teeth holding my stomach, the fans boos filled the arena. "Never trust-" his sentence was cut short by someone else's theme (Edge - Metalingus ...think I spelled that right), who I could only assume that people liked him due to the cheers. I got up, saw a black and brown furred coyote slide into the ring, fire in his green eyes as he looked at Cyan, and ran right towards him. I ducked out of the way as the coyote did a Suicide Dive and attacking Cyan. I turned my attention back to Chris, and he was sitting up, referee still there. I shoved the ref to the side, still feeling effects from the 15 foot drop to the table, and kicked Chris on his injured shoulder. I got him up, and forced him under the bottom rope, noticing Cyan and the coyote still fighting, coyote with the upper hand at the moment.

I took my chance and got a chair from under the ring and pushing it into the ring under the ropes, and sliding in, keeping my eyes on Chris. I put his arm into the chair, closed it, and dragged him towards a corner. I climbed the turnbuckle looked at Chris, and jumped off the top rope, both feet landing on the chair, with his arm still inside it. He screamed in pain and I pinned him, shoulders to the mat. "One!" "Two!" The count was interrupted by Cyan who broke up the pin, attacking me.

I saw a flash of brown as the coyote attacked Cyan stomping on his back. I rolled to my feet, signaled to the coyote and said "Wait! I have an idea!" I drug Cyan to his feet and leaned him onto the ropes, and gave a quick nod to the coyote. We both turned for the opposite side of the ring, bounced off the ropes, and clotheslined Cyan over the top rope. "Get up Chris!" I shouted. "Meet your fate!" As soon as he got to his feet, I kicked him in the gut, hooked my arms under his, and did my finisher, The Nightguard. It was a Butterfly DDT, and I pinned him right away. "One!" "Two!" "Three!" *Ding Ding Ding* "Here is your winner! Shadow!" My music blasted throughout the arena, as fans stood up and cheered. The ref held my right arm up, as the coyote held my left arm up. I shook hands (er... Paws? =P) with him and hugged him. "Thank you so much dude! What's your name?" "Hunter" the green eyed coyote replied. "I'll see ya... I gotta get out of here, now." I rolled out under the bottom rope, and walked up the ramp, Hunter helping me walk as I waved to the fans .