The 27th Venangian Tames -Part 2-

Story by Zato on SoFurry

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#2 of 27th Venangian Tames

((Once again, 18+ readers only. Craze © myself, Melon Honeydew © Roke Tanuki.

===WARNING!!!!=== There IS blood play later on, so if you do not like it, PLEASE do not read. You have been warned.))

Melon awoke with a quiet murmur and shifted in bed, swinging her arm around to put around Craze. It never came though, it just hit the bed and caused her eyes to drift open with a frown appearing on her maw. Seems she left for battle once again, was she really that valuable of a weapon? She was mostly used for assassinations, nothing else. She was not armed like many other demons she had seen, three simple samurai like blades. Her body was too nimble, agile, flexible for all the harder and more combat needed missions. They had tried it once and that had resulted in Craze losing her arms, tail, and wings. She did complete the mission though by snapping the soldiers neck with her thighs, but at the cost of most of her body and since then they have been giving her progressively harder and harder assassination missions. The last one she went against a who squad, armed to the teeth, and highly trained.

She rose up out of bed and shook her head to clear her thoughts and thats when she heard it. A soft, gentle, clicking. She looked over to the laptop and seen that Craze was busy typing away on the computer and she couldn't help but giggle. How did she know how to use that thing? Slowly and gently, she eased out of bed and stretched, her breasts standing proud as she arced her back and murmured. It was quite nice to sleep naked, she'd have to do it more often. However, that'd have to wait, now she was concentrating on sneaking upon the seemingly oblivious demoness. She took each step gently, quietly, and slowly before she was right behind the typing Craze, and thats when she felt the blunt end of Crazes tail rubbing along her inner thighs, forcing a murr out of her and a defeated slump.

" can not sneak up on an assassin, at very least, not me. I can hear much like a bat, you know. Good try though. Next time don't stretch and murmur before coming, heard your bones bone and crack."

"Tease...what'cha looking up?"

Melon eased down as Crazes tail fell off to the side and she rested her head upon her own, hugging around her from behind and resting her hands on her demoness' breasts, gently fondling them which earned a cute little mewl out of Craze.

"Piercing's...I seen a Hunter class Vixen demon with them the other day and talked to her about it, said I can get them pretty anywhere on my body. They look nice and she said it adds to pleasure."

Melons eyes gazed up from Crazes breasts and looked upon the site Craze was browsing. Like the demoness had said, it showed picture after picture of various of types of piercing. She seen that a few windows were tabbed, so Melon moved her hand up to the mouse-pad and Craze moved hers away, allowing her to look. One was of a piercing in the clit, another had a "cross" piercing of the nipples, seems Craze wanted both nipples pierced. And the last was of her tongue.

"I don't see why not love. I'll go talk to the Commander about getting one of the professionals over here. There is no way I'd risk doing it to you myself."

Craze gave her love a nod and in one fluid motion was up and hugging her, with their lips locked together, kissing each other in gentle passion. However, Melon broke it off early and moved back.

"Got to get to him early Hun. Be back in a few minutes."

Melon felt bad for that but Craze allowed her to go into the closet and throw on some jeans and a shirt before making her way out of the room, to which Craze hopped up onto the bed and sat cross-legged. It was about last night, her thoughts had slowly be returning there throughout the morning. She would have to apologize once Melon got back, no more hiding it. Though, now that her mind was on it, Melon didn't seem to mind what had happened. She woke up fine, acted normal, and even then had teased her and caused her blue toned nipples to stand hard. The sensitive little buds standing proud in the warm room.

"I guess it wont hurt to ease my own tension...."

Craze wiggled back a bit and laid back against the wall, rumbling to herself as she began to rub one hand over her left breast. Squeezing it, tweaking the nipple, pinching, tugging, groping. All the while her right hand drifted down her belly and quickly began to rub along the moistening lips of her sex, rubbing directly over her clit as it throbbed into life, and she eased a finger into herself, feeling around the gripping, moist walls of her sex with her inner heat rising. A heavy moan escaped her, never one to be subtle when it came to her noises, and she set to work. Rubbing that finger around inside of her, adding another and pressing both to every sweet spot inside of her with her other hand lowering down and pinching her clit. It never did take much for her to hit her climax since, as Melon so joyfully proclaimed, she was as sensitive as a virgin dragoness in her first heat. During her fun she did not notice Melon slip into the room and just stand there, watching, enjoying the show

Her eyes were clenched shut and she began to thrust her hips against her fingers, grunting, wanting to her her climax then and there. With a flick of her wrist, she slammed her fingers tips into her G-spot and pinched her nipple, arced up off the wall, and cried in sweet bliss as a orgasmic high washed over. It was nothing like what Melon could work her up to, but it was still good to sate her need for awhile.

"Good girl..."

The voice did not startle her, it actually made her happier and slightly more needy.

"Clean yourself Hun, we are getting company. One of the soldiers here ran a Shop back before the war, he has everything needed and will be here shortly."


Craze barely finished cleaning herself and the blanket off right before a knock came to the door and Melon opened it, allowing a bald, heavily pierced human with a box into the room with them. The first thing he looked upon was the sprawled out demon before him, but he did not react physically, though Craze seen the flash of disgust in his eyes. She didn't mind it, she was use to it.

"Alright....what do I need to do?"

Melon gave a small little point over to the laptop and watched as the human went to look while she took her place next to Craze, who locked her into a kiss at the first instant she got close enough.

"So...A clit ring with a small chain and cross. Crossed barbells for both nipples and a tongue piercing...alright Shouldn't take too long."

He moved over to them, keeping his eyes on business to get through this fast, and kneeled down onto the floor and placed his box upon the floor, cracking it open and fiddling with random things inside while Craze just looked on in silence, Melon rubbing a hand along her side as she did.

"Alright now...we don't have most of the stuff I like to use only get a plain, heated, needle. Though, I don't think it'd matter much...these little holes will heal up quickly on you."

The human picked up a long, six inch, needle and lighter and went to work heating it up. Craze knew right away where he planned to do first and her legs gave a twitch and she moved back on the bed a bit. Melon, stopping her, leaned down to her ear and whispered softly to her lover.

"You stay still and go through with it and I will reward you greatly after it's all healed up, I promise. But you must not move for all of them."

Neither knew why he was heating the needle up, but neither really cared at this moment in time. She nodded to Melon, who smiled in returned, and both watched as the human pulled a weird clamp out of his case with a hole in it.

"Don't don't want me to do this twice."

The human before them moved the clamp up and gently gripped Crazes clit and the second it did a shiver ran up her spine from how cold the item was and the odd feeling, then without warning he dove the needle through her clit. Craze tensed, but nothing more other then tears running down her cheeks and a whine, and Melon help onto her tightly, cooing sweet nothings to her. Slowly, Craze looked down to see blood trickling down her vent and onto the bed, but ignored it as bed she could before the man took it out and replaced it with the ring piercing and small chain with the cross on it.

"One demons are actually fun to pierce...have to do so much before I can with my own kind."

Craze let her eyes slit up but Melon held onto her to calm her down. While they were both more focused with each other, the man moved up and continued on with his work.


"Alright....done. I am outta here."

Melon gave a soft wave to him as he left with a mutter and then focused her attention upon Craze once the door had closed. It was rather odd seeing her now. She was resting on the bed with her legs spread wide, back resting on the wall, and tongue hanging out. Her choice of piercing were nice on her. The crossed barbells on her nipples, the barbell on her tongue, and of course the ring in her clit with the dangling cross right over her vent. One day she would have to find out why she had chosen a cross, but...certainly that wasn't the strangest of piercing out there.

"Melon...I am sorry about last night....I really needed the tension gone.....I know you always ask for me to explain my emotions before hand, so I shall right now as you wish..."

Melon did her best attempt to hide the giggling Crazes speech caused, she sounded so funny right now! Even the way her maw moved with the piercing in there! Of course, Melon tried to ignore this and nodded to her lover.

"Of course....just-"

A soft beeping sounded from the computer and she moved over to the desk and took a sit. Craze stuck watching from the side lines on the bed as her expression changed to shock, then scared, then a faked relaxed before she hurriedly got out of the chair and jumped into the shower without even a word to Craze as she did.


Slowly and carefully, Craze wiggled out of bed and walked much like a person doing a comical attempt at how the cowboys walked in days long past to the desk, plopping into the chair and looking about the screen. Nothing. She knew at least that the beeping meant a message, so she clicked on the mailbox on the screen and opened it. Nothing new. However, there was a small "(1)" next to old. So, she clicked it and opened the mail, finding it to be a letter and set to reading it. As she did, her emotions ran wild, and that was never a good thing with someone as unstable as Craze....

"OK...I needed that, sorry about that...Cra..."

Melon froze at the bathroom door, clutching the tail to her breasts, and staring in silent horror at Craze on the laptop and her eyes were completely blank, the first sign she was not herself.

"Did I do something wrong? Did we not promise long ago that we would only be for each other? I've bled for you...."

Once again, Melon could only watch in silent horror as Craze rose from the chair. It was...eerie how she did so, so a snake rearing it's head up to strike, and settled into a standing posture that looked as if one leg was shorter then the other and she was leaning the opposite way, arms hung as if they were lifeless and tail thumping the ground behind her.

"I lost my MIND! for you...yet you went and found yourself a MALE! Of course you did....Craze is a beast...a cold hearted, ugly, beast that only the Devil himself could possibly love. Yes Craze....that is it....Melon has just been playing with your fragile mind....treating you like a puppet....that is why she never cries when you leave...never when you get hurt.....why she searches for others....why her scent constantly changes...."

Craze continued to mumble on to herself about this and that and Melon knew, if there was anytime to run, was now. And like a dog running from a flame, she bolted for the door, but not even two strides and one of Crazes blades sunk into the wall in front of her, not even an inch from her nose.

"'re getting rusty....that should have hit her head....foolish foolish foolish....time to try again...maybe then you will be a good girl again...."

Melon ducked under the blade and once again sprinted for the door, yet this time Craze slammed her tail into her stomach full force and the impact sent her clear across the room and into the wall over the bed. Craze stood there as the one she once called lover hunched over in bed, gasping for breath and eyes glazed over with tears.

"Oh....the Melon is crying....what I am doing been....I've been a tainted beast....TAINTED! DO YOU HEAR ME! TAINTED!"

Craze had now fallen down to roaring her words, a sign her mind was breaking even more but not at its "Lost" point. When it reached Lost, Melon was as good as dead, but the pain from the hit was too great to get a clear thought through her mind. However, she did not need to think of one, because the sound of a pistol firing round after round entered her ears and she screamed, knowing what it was.

" weapon...FUN FUN FUN! Come, let us dance!"

Craze dashed forward towards the soldier that was firing at her and before he could reload his gun, a blade was sunk deep into his stomach and he clutched to the demon that had done it. As he did, Craze began to dance just like she was in a ball, a bright smile on her face as her eyes were now shut. Letting the shoulder squirm, cry, and cough up blood before her and cover him in his essence.

" are a problem...momma Craze will teach you how...come...follow..."

One did not have to look to know the soldier was now dead and the thump only told Melon that, without a doubt, he was.

"Melons turn to dance..."

Melon raised her head slowly, looking to the Crazed demon and then to the blade clutched tightly into her cybernetic hand. The wiring underneath the fake, leather, skin shown to the world with how hard she was gripping the razor sharp blade. Then, as if time slowed, Melon watched as the demon collapsed onto the floor, the blade falling from her hand and her breathing slowing considerably from its sprinter pace before.

"Men...take her to the holding room...get a doctor to look over Ms. Honeydew...and someone get this man out of her..."

Melon raised her head a bit more to look upon the commander through blurry eyes, pushing her back against the wall as two soldiers moved up to her, screaming before her world fell black as well.


"Ms. Honeydew, I am sorry about having to use a sedative on you, but you were borderline insane when we got to you."

Melon rubbed over her neck where the needle had been jabbed, a small bandage there along with the area being extremely sensitive to her touch, and smiled to the Commander. He had to do what he had to and as the situation needed. She was actually surprised Craze and herself were alive, but sadly the man Craze had attacked did not live. That was something she had expected though, not many came back from having a blade stabbed through your stomach and then treated as a puppet.

"Commander, it is fine. However, I still wish to see Craze, I know I can bring her back."

She listened as the commander gave a heavy sigh and could only nod. He was not sure when, but some time within the last three hours of him giving her his last no, she had contacted PEMA and other officials to allow her. In the end, Craze was to valuable of an assassin to just exterminate.

"Fine...come...this way..."


Melon and the Commander approached a door with no handle, no window, and heavily secured to the wall or more so inside the wall. Melon had wondered how to open the first time she had seen this door, and it was rather fun to watch. The commander moved forward and simply said two words that she could not hear before a panel on the door slid open. From there, he placed his hand upon a small, laptop like, screen and it scanned his hand. Then, another panel opened right in front of his head and a scanner took in his head measurements, retina scan, and voice recognition once again, yet this time he stated his name. Then, finally, the door slide open into the wall and allowed Melon with a perfect view into the small, maybe ten by ten, room.

"By the Goddess above..."

The commander gave a chuckle as Melon looked over the wall at the far, if you could say that, end of the wall and there was Craze. She was strapped, pinned, secured to the wall three feet off the floor in a crucifix position. You could not she her body, she was in a pure white latex suit with a heavy metal muzzle on her. Yet, her brilliant blue eyes were looking right into Melons with a burning anger and she could tell that Craze did not even want to look at her.

"Be happy now Craze, you have a have Thirty minutes."

Melon moved into the room with the sound of it closing behind her and continued to move into the small room before standing right before Craze, who looked upon her in disgust. She knew Craze was holding onto some sanity if her eyes were not constantly shut and...well, she couldn't tell if flames were coming from her maw. Regardless, she felt Craze was holding onto some sanity if she kept those sky blue eyes open.

"Craze...I am sorry...I entered a heat that became painful...I needed to be sated..."

Craze began to thrash against the straps and a heavy growl emitted from her, actually making her back away with those sky blue, once loving, eyes burning with rage and if looks could kill, Melon would be dead.

"...That is no excuse...I was weak...I could not bare the wait...I knew of our promise and I broke became unbearable....but I am trying to fix it love...I am."

The growl and glare held strong, the truth didn't even work...

"Craze...I am sorry...truly I am...I looked into it...there is a way I can make up to you...I believe you call it a Blood Offering...You do your best to hide them but I know you have two fangs that look like a snakes, I see them under your gums from time to time..I will let you go...we will go back to the room...I will give you my blood..."

Melon looked back into those eyes and seen they once again bore the same love, but a deep sorrow, so she felt it safe to move forward. No growl. She continued on, undoing the buckles and straps, peeling off the latex, and forcing the muzzle off of her. When the last few straps came off, Craze fell to the floor and landed with a rather graceful landing upon a knee. Now, Melon could see her hands had been taken off, they were now just the stubs with the small holes in the metal to hide her stumps. One small plume of flame left Crazes maw, which made Melon give a deep and relaxed sigh.

"A Blood Offering can be done in anyway the demon chooses and I have chosen. It is a dangerous thing, not for me, but you. Your blood flows quicker then mine, I will do the work...once we are done I will tell a doctor to come and help you. If you do this, you will forever be bonded to me...mate with another and my blood will kill him, or her."

She had not known of that last bit, but regardless, she wasn't planning to make that mistake again. She nodded to her words and as she did, she heard the door open behind her and she turned, looking at a squad armed with assault rifles and shotguns with the commander in front.

"I take it you brought her back under control?"

"Yes, General. We would like to return our room."

The men around the Commander stood down and left, knowing once a PEMA member gave the OK, they were not needed.

"Come, I will escort demons still amaze me....four rounds to both lungs and you came through without a hitch."

"A demon can only be killed by capturing and destroying their soul or a strong banishment rite...a bullet to the heart or head just kills the body and forces us to be reincarnated back into the world..."

"Yes yes, I know...come."


Melon sat upon the bed with Craze pacing around the room, the cybernetic hands once again on her with repaired leather, and she was thinking how to exactly do this. Melon had upset her, that fact was well in Crazes mind, but was she able to actually bite Melons neck? The neck was one of the, for lack of a better term, mortals most vulnerable places. She'd have to do enough to get blood flowing, but not enough to make it gushing...harder then a mating bite, but not as hard a killing bite.

"Craze...I am ready."

Craze looked up to see Melon once again in the nude, having shed that shirt and skirt, and was currently awaiting upon the bed with her eyes focused in upon her own.

"Alright...remember, in every sense of the word after are mine."

Melon could only nod as she approached and wiggled onto the bed. She did not beat around the bush, and wanted to get right into it.

"Bite my neck Melon, now."

Craze watched her eyes open in horror, but regardless, she moved her head to the side and exposed the majority of her neck to Melon. She sat there, looking to her neck, unsure if she should. It was clearly not going to be one of those mating bites, she wanted it harder...


Melon tensed and gave a quite whine before moving forward and taking her lovers neck into her maw and then, bit down. Not as hard as she could, not by a long shot, but a bite strong enough to sink into scale and flesh with blood readily flowing now. As she did, she felt the pain of Craze biting into her own, with the addition of two, large, fangs sinking into her neck and the odd but enjoyable feeling the piercing upon her tongue gave as she licked at her neck.

They both held position for a minute before both pulled back and off, red streaks going down their bodies and their lips and fangs coated in the others essence, neither spoke, but moved together and hugged as tight as they could and kissed, Melon giving soft squirms as the piercing upon Crazes nipples teased and rubbed at her own. A deep, almost painful, kiss with their tongues lapping the blood of the others fangs. While they did, Craze moved a hand to Melons neck and coated it in her blood before doing the same with the other. Then, with the kiss still held, began rub her mate with her own essence, making her once green scales red with blood. Melon seen and felt this and copied her, playing with and tugging at Crazes clit piercing and chain as she did. It was cute as her mate squirmed and tensed with each, gentle, tug.

Silence was still held between the two as Craze lowered down and took Melons nipple into her maw, both of their bodies covered in blood as Melon rubbed over her mates head, rumbling from the now sweet aspect of the mating. She thought it would hurt more, but it was clear Craze was keeping her pleasure up so she wouldn't feel much pain. Yet, that did not last long as she felt herself suddenly plop onto her back with Craze doing the same. She couldn't even voice herself before their legs were intertwined and their mounds pushed flush against the other, where Craze had taken notice to put the most blood, and Melon let a strong shudder run up her spine. Those piercing were a grand thing now, the clit ring and chain rubbed against her clit with each movement and increased the pleasure of this position two fold. Both of their hips began to grind against each others, rubbing hard and fast, this was not a slow and loving mating. It was a hard and rough mating, it was needed to keep their blood flowing, a Blood Offering was always a messy show.

Melon felt something slither under her but ignored it with a long moan and arc as Craze added her hand into the mix and rubbed over her clit with vigor, then without warning, she felt herself lifted up and she was now on top of Craze. With out words, save for the various moans and cries of passion and pain from their neck wounds, they began to rub against each. Sliding their bodies over each other, rubbing their mixed blood into the others scales, as they continued to grind their clits together. Melon had thought this would be something she hated, but it was...wonderful. The blood added an unusual warmth to the mating and Craze was doing it with abandon, simply concerned with getting off, though right now that was the last thing on Melons mind as she arced her back and cried in sweet bliss as her muscles tensed and she came. Blood and juice running down her thighs and onto craze and the bed below, as Craze sank her teeth back into Melons neck. The feeling of those teeth piercing her scales once again caused another, stronger, climax to rush through her body with Crazes fingers now working her G-spot and clit, unsure of when those wonderful digits had entered her.

When Crazes work slowed, Melons climax had finally ended and she noticed the world had taken on a blur and began to spin. Yet, her mind was not on that, it was oddly on the grinding sensation and the warmth and wetness grinding over her thigh. Slowly, and with her body nearly tumbling over, Melon lowered her hand down and began to pinch and grind her hand over Crazes mound, with her demoness taking on hard thrusts against her fingers and a blissful cry as her climax approached. It never came though, Melon collapsed upon Craze who could only give a strained giggle.

"Short...but the Blood Offering is done..."

Craze did her best to ignore her need to get off and simply wiggled out from underneath Melon and pressed the button upon an intercom system that had been installed after the events of a few days ago. It went directly to the Commander and no one else.

"We need a doctor here...and new sheets, pillows, and blanket..."

Craze let go of the button and turned to look upon her mate, watching Melons chest to make sure it was still rising and fall, while taking in just how much blood was on on her and the bed. She hadn't bitten too hard, had she? No...she did a softer bite then Melon, why she had her go first, but Melon had never gotten a bite like that before and her body was far different then her own. Goddess above don't let something bad happen because of this.

In her hazed mind, she failed to notice the door open and two medics come rush in to look over herself with the glance out of the corner of their eyes before looking upon Melon, who they instantly began to work on. Only then did she acknowledge that they were there and simply watched as they worked. It did not seem too bad because they weren't panicking to help her, just placing a thick gauze bandage around her neck with weird strap like bandages and then left. No blood lose? Nothing else? A few seconds after the medics had left, the door opened again and pile of new bed stuff feel into the room and once again closed.

"And they say I am weird..."


Melon awoke to the oddest of feelings. Some warm, wet, was running over her chest and belly and occasionally over her head. At first she had thought Craze was having fun with her asleep, but when she slowly opened her eyes, she seen that it was actually Craze rubbing a wet towel over her body, clearly cleaning off the rest of the blood from their earlier play. It was nice to say the least, so she did not stop her, but allowed her to continue, now giving a rather happy purr from her chest being rubbed with that towel.

"Morning my love...I hope you are OK?"

Melon gave a nod and tensed as she did, her neck was extremely sensitive right now, which was really no shock to her.

"Don't move...until your neck heals you are not get some sleep...."

"But I want to stay's cute watching you wash me...and it's sweet"

One of the rarest things happened there, a blush settled upon Crazes cheeks and she acted like a shy little girl, fiddling with the towel before returning to work. Regardless of what anyone said, Craze was a sweet individual and with enough work and love from her, she felt Crazes mind could become stable again and they could happily live together on the outside, where she could easily be taken as just a normal Dragoness. That was a day Melon happily waited for and would do anything to get it.

To be Continued...