In Space No One Can Hear You Moan

Story by SourIstas on SoFurry

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#1 of Demon Chronicles

In Space No One Can Hear You Moan...


Story written for the lovely Radin Nightfire after purchasing me at the Mordheim Meat Market for only 1000 L$, I'm disappointed in you guys... could have gotten your own story but noooo... *snickers*

Well the only two characters in this story are Radin as herself, seen here

And my Demoness

Story includes Tentacles, Cum Inflation, Rape, some Transformation, and Lots of Cummy goodness. If I missed anything, it's because I decided to include it but forgot to add it up here! <3


Radin's small space craft lightly collided with the side of the floating wreckage resting seemingly aimlessly around Titan, and didn't seem to want to crash either. A soft "FUCK" could almost be heard from within the small craft, the girl behind the controls wrapped in a thin plated black space suit, hir helmet resting to the side of hir. "So this hunk of junk has been resting here for a year... But money is money." Sighing as shi peers out the window to see the slight dent in hir poor baby, shi slowly took hir craft around to the open docking bay, and gently set it down.

Fitting hir helmet on snuggly, shi pushed a button to hir side and the top of hir sleek craft opened up, and as the air was sucked out into the open vacuum of space so to was Radin pulled with it, floating around like the wreck around hir. Shi reached down to press a small button on the belt around hir waist, a little gush of air pushing hir towards the door to the inside of the large vessel.

A low whoosh marked the door opening, Radin pushed back a little at the escaping air only to have it settle within another moment. Blinking, shi tilted hir head a little, "Air? This place shouldn't have any left at this point." Another gush of air blasts from hir small pack as shi enters the compound, the door shutting tight behind hir. Dim emergency lights kept the dark insides lit, slowly flashing and making Radin shiver in hir suit, though actually excited. Pulling hir wrist up, shi taps on a button and a holographic screen appears, and examines the readings thoroughly. "This can't be right..." Glancing up into the hallway before hir, shi just shakes hir head, and pushes forward off the floor, slowly floating down the next door, looking side to side as shi passed empty rooms, looking back at the screen on hir wrist, "There can't possibly be anything alive here but me. "Stupid piece of junk." Turning it off, shi reaches down and presses the button to open the door, ready to make hir way further inside.


             The wolfess dropped hir jaw as the door pulled itself open, staring face to face with... a creature before hir. The head was almost dragon like, with twisting horns jutting from it's head, large ears flickering, but it had a soft layer of fur covering all over... large spines jutting out from it's back and up from the thick tail, green hair floating around it's head. A glowing purple eye stared right at Radin, a drooling grin spread across it's face, green drool oozing down and dripping down over those large breasts. What else caught Radin's attention was a gigantic throbbing cock bouncing between the thing's legs, pulsing grotesquely with purple slime spilling out, littering the air around it like spider webs. And it walked upon bovine hooves somehow able to stand perfectly on the ground without any hinder... And while the readings did show air was being produced... it wasn't enough for something to survive!


             Gulping hard, Radin pushed back as what shi saw past the door turned the heart racing excitement shi had a few moments ago, hir heart sinking in pure dread as skeletons lined the walls further back behind the creature, twisting around and tried to thrust herself as fast as shi could, to get away! "Where do you think you're going?" The soft seductive voice range within Radin's ears, making hir pause in surprise, then felt something wrapping around hir ankle, "Fuck, get off me!" shi twisted around and saw a purple tendril snaking up hir leg, bending over to grab at it, to get it off, hir eyes glancing back to see the thing walking closer, it's forked tongue flickering out like a snakes, that eye just kept looking right at hir.


             "Just relax my dear... I just want to play..." The voice followed with a sickening laugh as more tentacles slithered through the air towards Radin as shi was desperately trying to get out of the first, hir heart racing faster and faster before finally reaching up, "No!" shi pushed on the button at hir waist hard, a thick gush of air bursting from the pack on hir back, managing to get enough force that shi slips away from the tentacle's grasp, hir foot coated in thick slime. Unfortunately, the move came at a risk as shi was sent flying back, slamming right into the door hard, a loud THUD reverberated all around hir as shi was dazed. All shi could hear was the beast just laughing in hir mind, seeing that eye staring right into hir soul. With a shake of hir head, shi opens hir eyes to see the thing not 10 feet away and slowly gaining ground. Pushing hir hand down on the ground, shi twists herself around and reaches for the door pad, hir finger almost reaching the button when a loud beeping rang in hir ears...


             -Emergency, Suit compromised! - Gasping, the wolfess glanced down to see hir foot freed from the boot... since hir boot was no longer there! Hir eyes opened wider as shi could only watch as the armor was slowly dissolving upwards towards hir crotch, gulping harder as shi twists hir head back... Only to get slammed up against the door as those large paws grasped at hir wrists, pushing hir up against the cold metal... Hundreds of tentacles writhed behind the demonic creature, some sliding around to start wrapping around the wolfess as shi was held so hard against the wall, fear plastered on hir face as that huge cock pushed up against hir belly, "I told you to relax, but now it looks like I'll just have to play rough with you." That sickening laugh rang through hir ears louder then before, the voice wasn't coming from this creature's mouth, that tongue just flickered forward, then it let out a thick plum of smoke over hir helmet, bucking as it started to dissolve away, quickly taking in what shi was sure would be hir last breath.


             Radin's entire body shook as shi was quickly left unarmored, and regret that shi enjoyed wearing nothing under that suit... but it just always felt so nice, hir chest puffed out as shi tried to hold in that last breath as long as shi could. If this was it, shi had to try to take this thing with hir, the door! Slowly, shi slumped a bit as shi felt all those tentacles wrapping around hir arms and legs, some tickling over hir breasts while the demon leaned in to lick over hir muzzle, "Such a beautiful creature... Will you be the suitable mate I've been waiting for?" Licking at its lips shi pushed forward, forcing Radin into a disgusting kiss as shi could taste that grin sludge being pushed into hir lips, unable to hold that breathe as shi started to swallow, trying to bite down on the invading tongue. A growl rumbled through the beast as it tore its tongue from the wolf's lips, huffing more smoke over the trapped girl in its grasp, "Do you even understand the position you're in my little morsel?" The wolfess took the distraction as shi felt the hold of a tentacle loosen just enough, "No, now go to hell!" shi screamed out as hir paw got just close enough to hit that button, and the door flew open. Closing hir eyes, shi expected to be tugged out into nothingness, to have hir life ended within that moment, accepting this fate.


             But hir eyes opened once again as shi didn't feel any movement, still able to breath, he fingers wriggling still as shi actually felt heat against hir back, staring forward into the demon's gaze, "When will you mortals ever understand just how pathetic you are. But you do have your purpose in life..." Grinning as more tentacles launched around, encasing the wolfess with more of the slimy things, tickling at hir sheath, and along hir anus and vaginal holes, smearing that disgusting purple slime all over hir fur, feeling it dripping all over, "Then what... is my purpose then?" Growling, trying to put on the facade of strength, when shi felt herself getting lighter, actually... getting horny, though shi tried hir best to ignore it, determined not to give into it as shi stared into the abyss of that glowing eye.


             "Why my dear... If you are the one I seek... then you will be the gateway from which the demons of the abyss may pour out from, and cause the start of a new era for this plane of existence." shi helped twist the wolfess around, showing hir what was behind that opened door. A loud scream emanated from hir as shi stared into the pit of hell itself, fires washing over hir body, calling to hir, wanting hir. A loud laugh brought hir out of the insanity as shi twisted hir head back, only to let out a deep moan as that thick shaft pushed against hir drooling twat, those tentacles pulling hir down upon that massive cock. An impressive bulge worked it's way up hir belly towards hir tits, feeling hir body stretch around it as if shi was made of rubber, "Mmm, good so far my little slut... Moan more for your mistress, I want you to beg to be impregnated by me!"


             "Never!" shi squeaked out as shi felt the first knot press against hir outer folds, hir words of determination only responded with a hard thrust and tug by the tendrils, making hir scream out as the knot lodged itself inside, hir muscles squeezing down hard along that meat, "Mmm, no matter, you'll break my dear... oh how wonderful that moment will be. You can feel it can't you? Oozing into your womb... And that's just my pre..." The demoness took it's capture down the hall deeper inside, wearing the poor wolfess like a cock sleeve as shi was forced up and down, taking that first knot repeatedly, able to feel that thick slime building up within hir, screaming out each time shi was taken so roughly.


             Stepping into what looked to be the old captain's quarters, Radin glanced about with hir sex driven body, starting to pant as hir mind was slowly etched away with each thrust, starting to LOVE the tentacles rubbing across hir body, "Pl...Pleaaaase... s...s.stop..." Groaning out loud as hir body gets so hot, on the verge of climax. The room on the inside was filled wall to wall with tentacles, writhing across all the walls, the floor, the ceiling, spurting little surges of purple slime all over, the same slime that coated hir like a second skin at this point, hir body was on fire, "I have something better for that mouth of yours to do..." More laughter worked at hir brain as shi was about to protest before two thick tentacles shoved down hir throat, wiggling all the way down and started to thrust, forced to just take it as shi was silenced, hir body tensing, the demoness pushing Radin up against the wall, "Ohhh fuck... Mmm, Oh sweetie... Mnngg... I'm gonna... Oh Yes!"


             Shi felt that shaft ram forward hard, hir mind shattering as that second knot finally made it's way into hir body, the outline of the pulsing shaft making an even larger bulge as it's gigantic load surged up from that demon's sack, gallons upon gallons of sickening seed pushed up into that womb, an orgasm pulsing through every fiber of hir body, feeling so hot... and GOOD! So good, hir cock spasming, wrapped around and around by those tentacles, hir load gushing out and feeding the tentacles... muffled moans of pleasure as hir belly got filled more and more, the load never ending, loving every moment as shi couldn't feel an ounce of pain, only pleasure, pushed higher as shi was spun around to face the demoness, the tentacles pulling from hir stomach to allow the demoness to kiss hir... and shi responded by kissing back harder.


             Hir arms and legs were pulled back into the writhing wall, held perfectly there while tentacles worked up into hir tailhole, writhing so deep, pumping something gooey and slimy inside of hir, some purple sludge gushing out around them and only getting absorbed back into the tentacle wall. When the demoness released the trapped Wolfess, shi only grinned as shi watched horns push out from in front of Radin's ears, obsidian rock with red veins pulsing of hell fire, sprouting back... running it's paws over Radin's massive belly, the demon yanked it's cock from hir belly, rumbling in delight, "I knew you were perfect the moment I saw you. Mmm, I'll be back tomorrow to fill you more my lovely pet." A coo escaped from Radin's lips as shi felt the demon's cum oozing back out from hir gaping cunt, hir shaft pulsing hard... letting a giggle out when shi felt a tentacle wrap around hir cock, suckling on it, while other tentacles wiggled around to latch onto hir breasts, suckling just as hard, "Y...Yes Mistress... I... I'm yours!"


             "Good." Twisting its back to hir, the demoness left the room, leaving Radin a moaning panting decoration on the wall, cum and slime oozing all over hir body...