Remember summer? (part 6)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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Today, I woke up when Keven jumped-up and ran to the toilet than puked. "How can you even throw-up that much?" I shouted out to him.He barely even whispered back "Greyson... I don't know" the toilet flushed and Keven slowly stumbled back to bed."why don't you take a vitamin pill, you might not throw that up and you need some nourishment" I suggested as I got out of bed.Keven sighed and whispered "sure... that isn't a bad idea"I went into the kitchen and dug-out a relatively old pill bottle, the label said "multi vitamins" I took these back in the summer, they started to make me sick so I went to the doctor and he said I simply don't need that much vitamins in my diet so I just stashed them away, up in a cupboard.I brought a vitamin and glass of water to Keven, he swallowed the rather large pill and drank the water. I said "tell me how you feel in a few minuets" Keven nodded and said "I'm going to try to get some more sleep"I walked out of the room and looked at the calendar, if I'm right, the truck with Keven's medicine should be here tomorrow. I let out a sigh of relief, it really hurts me to see him like this. I went to the kitchen and made cereal for breakfast.About half a hour later, I had the TV on, but wasn't watching anything in particular. Keven slowly walked out of the room, normally he would be hopping around and wagging his tail, but today he was slow and his tail hardly even twitched. He said "well, I didn't throw-up the vitamin... Made me feel a little better" he sat down."thats good" I said. I pulled-up the TV guide and started looking at channels that I normally watch."I'm kind of tense" Keven said "a shower would probably help with that" he got up and went to get in the shower.I said "don't be in too long... I'll be taking a shower after you and I want some hot water!""yep" he said and the water turned on.About five minuets later, it started to snow, a very light and soft snow. I pulled out my I pod and went on the weather network, 30-40 centimeters of snow tomorrow... I sure as heck hope it gets bad after Keven's medicine gets here.Keven soon got out of the shower, he said "that feels pretty nice, I'm not so tense now" he went in the room to get dressed.I jumped up and went into the bathroom, I got undressed. Judging by the pile of clothes here, we'll have to do the laundry soon. I turned on the water and set it a little warmer than I would like, but it's not like you can ever get a shower at a perfect temperature. I step into the shower and pull across the shower curtain, it takes a few seconds for the water to soak through my thick, long fur.I always end-up taking longer showers than baths, a bath for me is 15 minuets or so. A shower for me is 20-25 minuets. But none the less, I eventually get out and dry off. Keven ended-up taking another two vitamins, you know your doing bad when

your three meals for a day is three vitamin pills.