Winter Promise

Story by AlphaWulfKiba on SoFurry

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Winter Promises

Note: Contain GAY SEX furries...those who don't like M/M relationship DO NOT READ...but those who willingly wants to read then do as you please...but don't say I didn't warn ya...

It had all began on cold breezy day as the cold winds blowing slowly around the town keeping it cool for many others to appreciate it during the winter. At this town, there had been no snow there for a very long time. The last time it had ever snowed there was about 20 years ago when the global warming wasn't so important back then, but now since it is, everyone is so disappointed especially the children because they will never see a winter wonderland at their town. The only thing that they usually experienced is cold and not snowy winters, but this particular winter day, it was different from any other days since it was much colder than before, about 20 degrees, instead of the average temperature of about 30-40 degrees. On this particular day, really no human or fur was outside the town except two people as they were at the park watching the nature move around by the cold winds. One of them was a 16 year wolf named Raz. His fur was sky-bluish with white stripes on his arms and feet while his eyes were navy blue colored with a dark black pupil that almost shaped like a shuriken star, his hair was black and slicked down going to his back smooth and almost straighten perfectly, his ears were more droopy and not stayed up put like most wolves are, his tail was long and bushy like extending over 1 foot as it had 4 stripes all over it giving it a distinguishing look, he wasn't really all that big (maybe about 160 lbs), and not so muscular so he isn't more of the athletic type, and he's bi-sexual and really opened about it since he doesn't think hiding will make a difference of how his friends were communicating with him. With his black puffy jacket with a paw symbol on the middle of it, a pair of black jeans with a flame design on the bottom of the jeans as it was held on by a white belt with his name, and a pair of black sneakers, he thinks that he is the best wolf out of all wolfs in the city but he wasn't. He looked to his side smiling softly looking at his boyfriend who was a 16 year old white fox name Alpha. Alpha wasn't really the sociable type of his family but he knew how to be the gentleman that most women loved about him. He doesn't act that way cause he wanted to. Being nice and polite is natural for him since his parents taught him how to be a gentleman since he was a little puppy. His fur I s mostly white but there is a hint of black stripes on his back and right arm which is an usual marking pattern for a fox. His golden colored eyes were the main attraction for Raz and most other male and female furs around the town. His tail isn't really all that long, and his body isn't big at all either, but it is really athletic since he is a baseball player for a local baseball team, his ears were really pointy as one of them had a black paw print on his left ear and his geometrically short brown and white hair almost looking like a caramel with crème. The most outstanding thing about him was his fangs as they were really long and pointy extending out from his muzzle. Wearing, a black blazer with a white, short sleeve undershirt, a pair of white dressed pants with a black stripe on the side of it making it different from any other kinds, a pair of black and fingerless gloves, a pair of black sneakers with red tribal designs all over it. Raz doesn't really care about his long fangs since he thinks that he looks cute with them. As Raz looked at Alpha with his sky blue eyes, Alpha giggled a bit kissing him on the cheek softly while extending an arm over Raz's shoulder smiling back.

"I love you, Raz" Alpha said softly and calmly hugging his lover softly. "I would let no one take you from my heart. No one"

"And I love you too Alpha and I always will Alpha. You are the one and I will love you no matter what happens. Please stay with me forever" Raz said smiling softly hugging back softly while patting his back a few times. As they continued hugging, Raz suddenly felt something poke his bulge area as he then knew that it was his lover's bulge touching it making him blush a bit almost turning into a cherry and then giggled loudly pressing his bulge with Alpha's making a low, soft moan. Alpha's ears then twitched a few times hearing the moan as he slowly part from the hug looking at him into the eyes and then kissed him on the muzzle softly murring loudly while holding him closely and rubbing his back slowly and softly as Raz kissed back delicately making soft little moans loving the passion and love of the kiss. With Raz slowly parting from the kiss a minute later, he stared at him for a long time as each second was like a minute to him. Not wearing a jacket on, Alpha was beginning to shiver a lot feeling cold from the winds.

"'s getting really cold outside. I knew that I should have brought a jacket today" Alpha said shivering more hearing his teeth grind a few times until Raz took off his jacket wrapping all over Alpha smiling widely.

"Here you go, Alpha. You can wear this. I'm not that cold anyway" he said grabbing a hand with his love feeling warm with him by his side. With Alpha by him, he doesn't ever feel cold by the wind. As they stood there at the bench for a few more minutes until Raz's phone began to ring from his pocket a few times as he took it out looking at the number knowing who it was as he answered talking to the person for a few more minutes. Alpha kept on hold on him purring loving to be by his love all the time until he heard Raz made a loud exciting sound for something from the conversation as he said good-bye to the caller and then closed the phone.

"I got a surprise for you Alpha"

"What is it Raz?" He said getting a bit excited from the surprise. "What is it?!"

"We have to go to my house to found out my love" He said softly grabbing the others hand picking him up softly. "Let's go sweetie" Alpha responded with a nod holding with his hand softly following him to his house which is about a 20 minute walk there. As the walk progressed, Alpha's anxiety of knowing what the surprise is was getting higher and higher making him giggling and jumping like if he was hyper ready to know what it is. As they reached Raz's house about 20 minutes later, Alpha screeched lowly giggling and jumping holding onto Raz's arm roughly but not too rough. Raz took out his keys from his pocket opening the front door walking into the living room as it was really dark and silent. He walked to a dresser in the living room taking out a blindfold giving it to Alpha.

"Put this on and stand at where you are at now" Raz said smiling softly looking at him for a short moment before looking out for something else in the drawer but really was faking it waiting from him to put on the blindfold. At first, Alpha was extremely confused on what did he wanted him to do but he just did what he wanted him to do as he putted on the blindfold not moving one step waiting for the surprise still giggling a bit ready for it. Raz then quickly tip toed to his room as he then saw a male wolf on his bed smiling softly back at him.

"Hey, little bro" The wolf said holding onto a pillow as he was half-naked only wearing a pair of blue boxers. The wolf was really Raz's bigger bro (actually his identical twin and is 7 minutes older) named Raze. Raze is mostly like the opposite of what Raz is even though they look alike. Raze is about an inch taller, his body looks a bit more muscular, his tail isn't really as long as his bro's tail but it is much puffier and more silk smooth, his eyes are almost the same color but his pupil is circle shaped, his fur is a little bit brighter but has more stripes on his arms, and like his bro, he is bi-sexual also but he is more private on then being opened about it. Holding onto the pillow rougher, he give his bro a mean kind of look but that is his natural look anyway. "So is he blinded now?"

"Yep, I want you to be front of him while I get behind him" Raz said taking off his clothes only wearing a pair of black boxers then looking at his bro getting a bit hard seeing his bro's athletic body. He knew that he had little feelings for his bro but he never told him about it but one day, he would tell him. With the both of them walking to the living room silently so Alpha won't hear two different types of steps from the ground. As the both of them went to their positions, Raz winked at Raze telling him to life up the blindfolds from Alpha as he did so trying to make a fake happy face for him which is one of the hardest he can do so he doesn't like to show his happy side. Alpha looked at Raze thinking that it was Raz smiling softly and blushing seeing his body and the bulge from his boxers as Raze was staring at Alpha making a low purr liking his appearance since this was his first time seeing Alpha before. He was really excited to see him like that as Alpha hugged him softly purring loudly.

"This is a really nice surprise. Thank you so much, Raz" Alpha said laying a hand down at Raze's butt rubbing it making Raze blush and purr like crazy which got him a sudden reaction to hug him back. "Hehe...This is a nice gift especially since I ever saw you half naked, but now I want you to fully naked" He whispered to Raze's ear giggling loudly as Raze blushed like a cherry making a soft little nod as he was about to lower down his boxers until he got a wiggled finger from Raz telling him to stop as he did so as Raz went in touching Alpha's shoulder making him turn around as Alpha made a loud shriek that was loud enough to be heard outside as he kept turning his head over and over again seeing Raz and Raze noticing that they looked just about the same as he was so confused and in shocked as he passed out holding onto his head as Raze grabbed him before he hit the ground. He laughed a bit at Alpha seeing him knocked out from the shock.

"I guess that we shocked him a little too much. Do you think that brother?" Raze said holding him like a baby making a calm look at Raz.

"I guess so, bro. Let him rest and we'll talk until he gets up" Raz said kissing Alpha on his forehead softly as Raze laid him on the couch softly letting him sleep with Raz sitting beside him and Raze sitting at the arm of the couch as the both of them talked to each other about what they have been doing during their time away from each other (which was about 6 months since they last met each other)

(45 minutes later)

Alpha suddenly opened his eyes slowly seeing two blurs beside as his vision cleaned up a bit seeing the both of them giving him a calm face as he shrieked again making them both cover their ears a bit until he stopped. He stopped screaming a few seconds later still confused on who is Raz (Raz was on the left of Alpha while Raze is at the other side). Raz patted his cheek softly purring loudly.

"Had a good sleep, my love?" He said smiling widely "You just got knocked out that quick from that surprise"

"Are you Raz for real?" He questioned pointing at Raz with him nodding back at the question as he kissed Alpha on the lips deeply and passionately slowly pushing him with Alpha kissing him back softly as they unexpectedly know that Raze was under the both of them laying a hand behind Raz's back while the other was behind his head getting hard from the action of the other two wishing that he could be into the action. Alpha now feeling something or someone soft under him as he part from the kiss looking down seeing Raze as he got up smiling a bit sweating a little with Raz giggling at Raze.

"Sorry about that, Raz' I guess"

"Yes, I am his older identical twin brother, and my name is Raze by the way" Raze said in his low but normal tone laying back on the arm of the couch letting his humongous bulge from his tight boxers blushing a bit. Raz looked down seeing his brother's bulge blushing and gasping loudly not knowing what to say. As the gasp caught Alpha's attention, he looked at the direction Raz was looking at and then saw the bulge too giggling loudly. "Heh, ya'll both like this?" He said sensually touching the tip of it murring loudly which kept getting Raze's attention. One of the things he would like to see from Raz was bit evilness or a bad side from him (which Raz don't have) but he did saw that in Raze which caught onto his attention.

"Um...I...uhh" Alpha really didn't knew what to say as his urges wanting to grab the bulge badly and he did a few seconds later making loud purrs grabbing it rougher each second making Raze moan a bit louder each time. Hearing those loud moans got Raz a bit crazed from the inside for some unreasonable reason. Raze grabbed Alpha's wrist softly making him stop grabbing his bulge as he then looked forward at his bro hoping that Raz won't get mad at his boyfriend but he wasn't really at all. Raz just stood there smiling widely holding onto his bulge softly blushing really red. Alpha, now seeing that all the three of them hard and horny, had the craziest idea ever. "I about a threesome?" Raze stood there a bit shocked hearing him said that but he nodded slowly desperately wanting it since he didn't have any fun for a long time especially with a boy. Alpha cheered a bit glad that Raze wanted to do it but he was a bit worried that Raz didn't want to do it. "Do you want to do it my love?" He questioned holding onto Raz's waist softly pressing their bulges together making them both moan at the same time. Raz thought about it for about a whole minute until he nodded quickly with his hair flowing around in the wind.

"Sure, why not....but only if I can play with my older brother" Raz smiled widely kissing Alpha on the lips deeply, passionately and lovingly for 30 seconds till they parted with Alpha nodding slowly and reassuringly. "Thank you so much" Raze is a bit confused on why his little bro wanted to have fun with him but he just accepted it smiling widely as Raz slowly slips beside Alpha now in the middle of the pile facing his bro eye to eye and Alpha was in the back quickly undressing himself now naked. "Are ya'll ready?" Raze and Alpha nodded as Alpha slowly lowered down Raz's boxers revealing his bare tush to him as he stood up a bit holding onto his fully erected 7 by 4 inch cock slowly entering inside his tailhole making Raz gasped softly moaning holding onto his bro's waist with one hand while the other hand lowers down his boxers revealing his 8 by 4 inch as he lowered down his head engulfing his muzzle inside his bro's large cock now sucking it hard and fast moaning making it vibrate a bit using his free hand to grab Raze's balls roughly making Raze moan and gasp loudly closing his eyes a bit and sweating like it was summer again and laying his head back on the arm of the couch never receiving any kind of pleasure or fun from his brother before. Raze kept moaning and panting while holding onto his brother's shoulders and wrapping his legs around Raz's waist grinding his teeth a bit. Raz loving the taste of his brother's cock deep throating it while feeling his tailhole being pounded by Alpha's large cock as Alpha held onto his waist grinning widely going faster, rougher and further in moaning loudly but softly pounding his prostate. His pumping got more pleasurable but painful as each second kept passing through starting to leak a little pre making it easier for him to pump in and out from his tailhole with their balls hitting each other. Feeling the pain but the pleasure of sucking his bro's large cock, he started to release some of his cum onto the couch which rose up his instincts sucking Raze's cock faster and further in moaning loudly holding in his release for a bit longer, but he really couldn't as he then moans the loudest he can cumming all over the couch which almost made a chain reaction as Raze suddenly cum after Raz did. All the hot seed went inside Raz's muzzle as he gulping some of it letting the rest of it drip out of his mouth and some got onto Raze's cock. Raz released his mouth from his bro's cock trying to relieve himself but that did not even happen at all cause he then felt a large amount of seed flowing all over his tight virgin tailhole and a loud moan could be heard. The hotness from it got him wiggling around since it was his first time feeling it all goes inside him and some of it dripping out of his tailhole going down his leg. He released a huge gasp then releasing a bit more cum from his cock hitting the carpet making a huge mess. Alpha released himself from Raz lying back onto the arm panting loudly now happy that he could finally did time to his lover since they were going out for a long time and they never even did it yet till now. Raze, now passed out from the release was sleeping lowly and quietly almost not able to be heard. Raz turned around looking at Alpha and then lays his head on his cheek purring loudly feeling comfortable now.

"I love you Alpha" Raz said softly closing his eyes slowly falling asleep a few seconds later.

"I love you too Raz" Alpha said rubbing his head softly for about a minutes before falling asleep.

(3 hours later)

Alpha slowly opened his eyes slowly feeling Raz still on him feeling happy but something was a bit different. The room was much colder than it usually is. Shivering a bit, he turned his head a bit looking out the window suddenly seeing a huge miracle from outside. Nature came as snow was pouring down the town almost if it was a gift. Never seeing the snow before, he shook Raz softly waking him up. Raz shook his head a few times a bit confused on why he was woken up.

"What...why did you woke me up?" Raz questioned rubbing his head a bit still tired.

"Look! Look! Its snow" Alpha pointed out the window as Raz saw it gasping loudly immediately getting off Alpha putting his clothes from his room while Alpha did the same. Raze saw them both getting ready as he smiled softly not wanting to distract them so he went back to sleep on the couch feeling happy. They both ran outside awing feeling the soft snow going down hitting their furs liking the feeling of it. They kept looking at the snow like it badly and then they played a bit on the snow until after 10 minutes they stop and looked up at the sky together watching the snow fall. Raz looked down at Alpha smiling softly as Alpha did the same kissing each other softly feeling the snow as this was their best day of their life and they will never forget it.